
What is biodiversity?

Research Showcase


Help save the bats!

Funding source: the MFFP, the QCBS and the University of Winnipeg

Anouk Simard , Murray Humphries 



The Computational Biodiversity Science and Services training program

Funding source: NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program.

Erin Bayne , Joël Bêty , Anne Bruneau , Andrew Gonzalez , Steven Kembel , Sarah Otto , Pedro Peres-Neto , Timothée Poisot , Andrew MacDonald 


Economic valuation of ecological services for businesses in Quebec

Preliminary studies to improve our knowledge

Funding source: Ministère de l'économie de la science et de l'innovation

Jérôme Dupras , Andrew Gonzalez , Monique Poulin 


Analysis of the connectivity needed to ensure the survival of the Western Chorus Frog.

Funding source: Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).

Andrew Gonzalez 


A green network for biodiversity

Design of an ecological network for Montreal's green belt

Funding source: OURANOS-NSEARC-Max Bell Foundation

Andrew Gonzalez , Elena Bennett , Martin Lechowicz 


Habitat enhancements to support pollinators in apple production

Increasing biodiversity and winter survival of bumblebees for better yields

Funding source: MAPAQ

Valérie Fournier , Amélie Gervais 


Québec Ecosystem Observatory

Towards an automated, open and transparent tracking system

Funding source: NSERC, QCBS

Dominique Gravel , Timothée Poisot , Steve Vissault 


Indirect effects of hunting regulation on female brown bear behaviour

Incredible media attention worldwide

Funding source: FRQNT, NSERC, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management, Austrian Science Fund, Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management.

Fanie Pelletier , Joanie Van de Walle 


Research Chair on Social Issues in Conservation

Funding source: Ministry of Education of forests, wildlife and parks, Quebec center for Biodiversity Science

Jean-François Bissonnette , Sophie Calmé , Konstantia Koutouki , Katrine Turgeon , Louis Tanguay 


The Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory

Funding source: NSERC Discovery Frontiers award

Anne Bruneau , Etienne Laliberté , Mark Vellend 


Restoring contaminated soils

Bio and phytoremédiation

Funding source: Génome Québec et Génome Canada

Mohamed Hijri , Simon Joly 


Birds at home!

Citizen science project in the Rimouski region

Funding source: QCBS seed grant and collaborating organizations

Dominique Berteaux , François Vézina 


Inuit traditional activities and climate change

How climate change is impacting Inuit life

Alain Cuerrier 


Games Institutions Play

Addressing the challenges of socio-ecological systems' multi-level governance

Funding source: QCBS

Gordon Hickey , Murray Humphries , Ismael Vaccaro 


Conflicts on biodiversity

How do stockbreeders from southern Mexico perceive wildlife predation on their livestock and what conservation tools are available to address such conflicts?

Sophie Calmé 


Aural Soilscapes

Creating ecological consciousness to climate change

François-Joseph Lapointe , Ruth Schmidt 


A Plan for Southern Quebec

Protecting our natural heritage and adapting to global changes

Jérôme Dupras , Andrew Gonzalez 


Public trees of Montreal

An interactive platform


Northern citizens monitor local biodiversity

Through adapted online platform

Funding source: QCBS, CEN

François Vézina , Pierre Legagneux 


The ResNet Network

Providing the cross-sectoral, cross-landscape knowledge and information needed to manage working landscapes.

Funding source: NSERC

Elena Bennett , Jérôme Dupras , Andrew Gonzalez , Dominique Gravel , Gordon Hickey , Murray Humphries , Etienne Laliberté , Stéphanie Pellerin , Monique Poulin 


Emergence of lyme disease in Quebec

Combined impact of habitat fragmentation and climate change on the emergence of Lyme disease in Quebec

Funding source: OURANOS

Virginie Millien , François-Joseph Lapointe , Andrew Gonzalez 


A Review of Ecological Connectivity Science in Eastern Canada and New England

Assessment of the Science and Projects Describing the Ecologically Connected Landscape Region

Funding source: Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs

Andrew Gonzalez , Alexandre Arkilanian , Valentin Lucet 


Possibilities and limits of legal supervision of shore, coastline and floodplain protection in Quebec

Funding source: Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada, CSBQ, MELCC

Sophie Lavallée 


Traditional Animal Foods of Indigenous Peoples of Northern North America

A great free online resource

Funding source: CINE, Grid Arendal

Murray Humphries 


Vertebrate biodiversity- a glimmer of hope

Extreme losses in a few populations drive apparent global vertebrate decline

Funding source: Mcgill

Anna Hargreaves , Brian Leung 


Eastern chipmunks of the Sutton Mountains region

A long-term study to better understand factors influencing the maintenance of phenotypic diversity

Funding source: NSERC, FRQNT

Patrick Bergeron , Dany Garant , Fanie Pelletier , Denis Réale 


The LEAP project

A state-of-the-art infrastructure for experiments on freshwater ecosystems

Funding source: Canada Foundation for Innovation, Liber Ero Chair in Conservation Biology, NSERC and McGill University.

Andrew Gonzalez 


Sugar maple and climate change

When the sugar maple climbs up mountains...

Mark Vellend 


Green and blue infrastructures in urban areas

Funding source: National Capital Commission, the David Suzuki Foundation, OURANOS and the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science

Danielle Dagenais , Andrew Gonzalez , Jochen Jaeger , Martin Lechowicz 


The role of private land conservation in maintaining ecosystems and biodiversity

Funding source: QCBS, Réseau de milieux naturels protégés (RMN), Canadensys

Anne Bruneau , Claude Lavoie , Stéphanie Pellerin , Carole Sinou 


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