Anouk Simard

Adjunct Professor,
Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP)



  • Ph.D. Université Laval, Animal Ecology, Population ecology 2010
  • M.Sc. Université Laval, Animal ecology, Fast-tracking to Ph.D. 2004
  • B.Sc. McGill University, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Biology 2001


Particularly interested in aspects arising from wildlife population ecology, individual life history traits, and trophic relationships between species.

Main areas of interest:
  • Issues and research associated with alien invasive species
  • Research on bat ecology
  • Biodiversity conservation and monitoring
  • Impacts and adaptations to climate change
  • Preservation of species at risk

QCBS students

Fabrice Dion-Ferrara

Other (co-)supervisor: Jonathan Verreault, Université du Québec à Montréal
(Start: 2024, End: 2026)
Exposition aux pesticides chez la grande et petite chauve-souris brune de colonies en milieu agricole du Sud du Québec

Previous students (since 2009)

Julie Faure-Lacroix

Other (co-)supervisor: André Desrochers, Louis Imbeau
(Start: 2012, End: 2017)
Détectabilité et déterminants du comportement d'approvisionnement des chauves-souris forestières en forêt boréale aménagée.
Personal page

Amélie Fontaine

Other (co-)supervisor: Craig Willis & Quinn Fletcher, University of Winnipeg
(Start: 2017, End: 2022)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Kyle Elliott
Optimizing the conservation of Myotis bats of Quebec through the monitoring of maternity colonies

Anne-Marie Gosselin

Other (co-)supervisor: Pierre Blier
(Start: 2010, End: 2011)
La dynamique de population de l’espèce exotique Corbicula fluminea

Jade Legros

Other (co-)supervisor: Liam McGuire, University of Waterloo
(Start: 2021, End: 2022)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Kyle Elliott
Bats roosts selection and movement : a full annual cycle approach

Victor Renaud

(Start: 2018, End: 2020)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Jean-Philippe Lessard
L'impact des changements climatiques sur la composition des communautés d'arthropode en tourbières et en forêts selon un gradient nord-sud au Québec.

Catriona Daley

(Start: 2021, End: 2022)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Kyle Elliott
The Impacts of Agricultural Landscape on the Habitat Selection of Bats in Quebec

Examples of species studied



13- Reproductive plasticity of female white-tailed deer at high density and under harsh climatic conditions
Journal Article
Ayotte P , Simard M A , Côté S D ,
2019 Oecologia (Date Added: 2019-02-19)

12- Exploring Regional Variation in Roost Selection by Bats: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis
Journal Article
Fabianek, F, Simard, MA, Desrochers, A
2015 PloS one (Date Added: 2015-12-07)

11- Selection of roosting habitat by male_Myotis_bats in a boreal forest
Journal Article
Fabianek, F, Simard, MA, Racine, EB, Desrochers, A
2015 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2015-07-24)

10- Can Wide Consultation Help with Setting Priorities for Large-Scale Biodiversity Monitoring Programs?
Journal Article
Boivin, F, Simard, A, Peres-Neto, P
2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2015-01-06)

9- Effect of neck collars on the body condition of migrating Greater Snow Geese
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Simard, A-A, Gauthier, G, Bêty, J
2013 Journal of Field Ornithology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

8- Forage-mediated density and climate effects on body mass in a temperate herbivore: a mechanistic approach
Journal Article
Giroux, M-A, Tremblay, J-P, Simard, MA, Yoccoz, NG, Côté, SD
2013 Ecology (Date Added: 2013-10-29)

7- Is hunting an effective tool to control overabundant deer? A test using an experimental approach
Journal Article
Simard, MA, Dussault, C, Huot, J, Côté, SD
2013 The Journal of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2013-02-25)

6- Tests of density dependence using indices of relative abundance in a deer population
Journal Article
Simard, MA, Côté, SD, Gingras, A, Coulson, T
2012 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-03-14)

5- North American range extension of the invasive Asian clam in a St. Lawrence River power station thermal plume
Journal Article
Simard, A, Paquet, A, Jutras, C, Robitaille, Y, Blier, P, Courtois, R, Martel, A
2012 Aquatic Invasions (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

4- La petite corbeille d’Asie au Québec: une première mention pour cette espèce aquatique envahissante à la limite nord de son aire de répartition
Journal Article
Simard, MA, Paquet, A, Jutras, C, Robitaille, Y, Blier, PU, Courtois, R, Martel, AL
2011 Naturaliste Canadien (Date Added: 2012-03-13)

3- Influence of density and climate on population dynamics of a large herbivore under harsh environmental conditions
Journal Article
Simard, MA, Coulson, T, Gingras, A, C?t, SD
2010 Journal of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

2- Feedback effects of chronic browsing on life-history traits of a large herbivore
Journal Article
Anouk Simard, M, Côté, SD, Weladji, RB, Huot, J
2008 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14)

1- Un siècle de broutement intensif sur l’île d’Anticosti
Journal Article
Simard, A, Côté, SD, Weladji, RB, de Bellefeuille, S, Huot, J
2007 Naturaliste Canadien (Date Added: 2012-03-13)

In the media

Quebec bats being decimated by killer fungus
CBC News 2013-12-31

Chauves-souris en danger
Agence Science-Presse (Jean, Mélanie) 2013-10-23

Chauves-souris en danger – Parce que tout le monde s'intéresse à la science
Agence Science-Presse (Jean, Mélanie) 2013-10-08

Chauves-souris en danger - Ma planète bleue
Ma Planète Bleue (, Mélanie) 2013-08-07

Les chauves-souris survivent à la caverne Laflèche
Le Droit (Duquette, Patrick) 2013-08-02

Disease decimating North American bat populations
Quebec AM 2013-07-25

Le déclin des chauves-souris s’aggrave au Québec
Le Devoir 2013-07-24

AMVPQ 2013-07-24

Les chauves-souris en péril
AMVPQ 2013-07-24

Déclin alarmant de certaines chauves-souris au Québec. 98,5 fm Montréal
Louis Lacroix 2013-07-24

Le déclin des chauves-souris au Québec inquiète
Métro (St-Arnaud, Pierre) 2013-07-23

Le déclin des chauves-souris s'aggrave au Québec et inquiète le MDDEFP
Metro (Saint-Arnaud, Pierre) 2013-07-23

La survie des chauves-souris est menacée
Info-réveil (, Zone radio-) 2013-07-17

Chauves-souris en danger
Le Soleil (Samson, Claudette) 2013-07-16