Jade Legros

McGill University
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Kyle Elliott
Anouk Simard
Liam McGuire, University of Waterloo
Start: 2021-01-11
End: 2022-12-22


Bats roosts selection and movement : a full annual cycle approach
Considering changes in behaviour occurring at different times of the annual cycle is crucial to fully understand the ecology of a species. For my project, we aimed to study endangered bats roosts selection and movement at two different period of their annual cycle. We predicted that bats' behaviour would change through the annual cycle. We first radiotracked bats at a summer roost and at a hibernaculum in fall to monitor changes in movement behaviour. We then used citizen science to locate summer roosts and hibernacula in Quebec to evaluate landscape features driving their selection. Our results could encourage conservation plans more adapted to seasonal changes in behaviour