The QCBS, based at McGill University, is co-directed by Andrew Gonzalez and Fanie Pelletier, with support from the executive committee. The executive committee is a decision-making body that makes decisions on QCBS operations. The scientific directors guide the QCBS research program, and promote research and training within each axis, while the external advisory committee provides advice to the QCBS.

Executive committee
The role of the executive committee, a decision-making body, is to support the director, for example by adopting the program developed by the scientific council; validating the annual budget; following up on resolutions adopted at the general assembly; participating in the hiring process of staff and endorsing the decisions of the funding review scientific committees. It is currently (2021) composed of the following representatives:
- The QCBS co-directors, Fanie Pelletier and Andrew Gonzalez
- Dominique Gravel, director Biodiversité Québec
- Representatives of each QCBS geopoles. Currently (2024), these are:
- Étienne Léveillé-Bourret (UdeM)
- Steve Kembel (UQAM)
- France Dufresne (UQAR)
- Monique Poulin (Laval)
- Dany Garant (Sherbrooke)
- Jochen Jaeger (Concordia)
- Brian Leung (McGill).
- The research axis Scientific Directors (see below)
- Global representatives of students and postdoctoral fellow
Scientific Directors
The scientific programming is structured around four research axes. A scientific director who sits on the executive committee coordinates each of these axes. Currently (2024), the science directors are:
- Axis 1: Steve Kembel and Melania Cristescu
- Axis 2: Laura Pollock and Guillaume Blanchet
- Axis 3: Timothée Poisot and Eric Pedersen
- Axis 4: Katja Neves
Dominique Gravel is also on the executive committee as the representative of Biodiversité Québec.
Advisory board
The advisory committee provides advice and guidance to the QCBS. The advisory committee consists of at least five individuals with extensive experience and an international reputation in the field of biodiversity science. They agree to provide advice on a voluntary basis. It is currently (2024) composed of five members:
- Madhur Anand (University of Guelph)
- Sarah Otto (UBC Vancouver)
- Marie-Josée Fortin (University of Toronto)
- Kevin McCann (University of Guelph)
- Jeremy Kerr (University of Ottawa)
- Kyle Bobiwash (University of Manitoba)