Improving the societal relevance of biodiversity forecasts




Axis 4 Themes

Improve the societal relevance of biodiversity forecasts to support policy and decision making


Theme 4.1: Perceptions and public opinion

Axis 4 is positioned both at the beginning and at the end of the loop forming the iterative data-to-action workflow. Effective biodiversity management implies making monitoring and forecasting more relevant to users, which requires integrating socio-economic and cultural dimensions. This implies reflection on the prerequisites for the inclusion of the diversity of perceptions and opinions at all stages of the process in order to support management decisions and environmental policy formulation.

Theme 4.2: Co-construction of monitoring systems

By involving stakeholders from the beginning in a co-construction of the different stages of data production (Axe 1), indicator definitions (Axe 2), scenario development (Axe 3) and on the identification of product needs such as summaries on the state of biodiversity, it will be possible to strengthen the societal relevance of the process and thus improve environmental governance .

Theme 4.3: Indicators for decisions

A better interpretation of the biodiversity change identifiers produced by the other axes will make it possible to use them as tools to achieve economic, social and cultural objectives.

Theme 4.4: Politics and actions

The integration of multi-stakeholder qualitative scenarios of alternative visions of the future will constitute an innovative cross-sectoral perspective of the knowledge production needed to advance public policies for effective biodiversity management.