Joël Bêty

Université du Québec à Rimouski

Département de Biologie, Chimie et Géographie
Institution page


  • Postdoc, Simon Fraser University, 2004
  • Postdoc, University of New Brunswick, 2003
  • PhD, Memorial Université Laval, 2001
  • BSc, Université de Sherbrooke, 1995


  • Ecology of terrestrial animal communities and animal reproduction strategy
  • Impact of climate change on the avian fauna and the trophic dynamic of the arctic tundra
  • Migration and reproduction of arctic birds
Particularly interested in ecology of terrestrial animal communities and animal reproduction strategies. Is conducting studies on the impact of climate change on avian fauna and the trophic dynamics of the arctic tundra, and studying the migration and reproduction of arctic birds (geese, ducks and shorebirds)

Prizes and honours

Radio-Canada's 2010 Scientist of the Year (2010)

QCBS students

Cassandra Ducharme-Martin

Other (co-)supervisor: Raphaël Lavoie
(Start: 2025, End: 2026)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Kyle Elliott
Influence des stratégies alimentaires sur la contamination au mercure et aux PFAS chez le macareux moine et le Petit pingouin à l’archipel de Mingan

Previous students (since 2009)

Mikaël Jaffré

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2017, End: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Berteaux
Agriculture et biodiversité au Québec. Évolution à long-terme des pratiques agricoles et des populations d’oiseaux champêtres. (demande en attente de réponse)
Link to thesis (pdf)

Andreanne Beardsell

(Start: 2017, End: 2022)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Gravel
Predator-mediated effects of herbivores on tundra nesting insectivorous birds
Link to thesis (pdf)

Sandra Lai

Other (co-)supervisor: Joël Bêty
(Start: 2008, End: 2016)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Berteaux
Écologie spatiale du renard arctique dans le Haut Arctique Canadien

Arnaud Tarroux

Other (co-)supervisor: Joël Bêty
(Start: 2005, End: 2011)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Berteaux
Utilisation de l’espace et des ressources chez un carnivore terrestre de l’Arctique : le renard polaire

Ning An

(Start: 2011, End: 2013)
Climate Change and Farm Financial Viability: Representative Farms in Quebec and Eastern Ontario

Marylou Beaudoin

(Start: 2022, End: 2024)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Berteaux
Effects of physical characteristics of islets on the risk of nest predation by Arctic foxes on Bylot Island (Nunavut)
Personal page

Elise Bolduc

Other (co-)supervisor: Joël Bêty
(Start: 2007, End: 2013)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Christopher Buddle
Arthropod biomass in Arctic food-webs

Mylène Dufour

Other (co-)supervisor: Philippe Archambault
(Start: 2015, End: 2017)
Répartiton spatiale des proies d'eiders à duvet à East Bay (Île Southampton, Nunavut)

Maya Longpre-Croteau

Other (co-)supervisor: Marc-André Villard, UQAR
(Start: 2016, End: 2018)
The influence of landscape structure on the selection of a breeding territory by forest songbirds

Louis Moisan

(Start: 2020, End: 2025)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Gravel
Caractériser la connectivité des réseaux trophiques arctiques avec le reste du globe via les migrations animales, le cas de l'île Bylot

Marie-Jeanne Rioux

Other (co-)supervisor: Joël Bêty
(Start: 2012, End: 2014)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Berteaux
Spatial winter dynamics in arctic fox pairs at Bylot Island

Examples of species studied

Microtus pennsylvanicus
Charadrius semipalmatus
Calidris pusilla
Falco peregrinus
Bubo scandiacus
Somateria mollisima
Somateria mollissima


161- Status assessment and conservation priorities for a circumpolar raptor: The Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus
Journal Article
McCabe R A , Aarvak T , Aebischer A , Bates K , Bety J , Bollache L , Brinker D , Driscoll C , Elliot K H , Fitzgerald G , Fuller M , Gauthier G , Gilg O , Gousy-Leblanc M , Holt D , Jacobsen K O , Johnson D , Kulikova O , Lang J , Lecomte N , McClure C , McDonald T , Menyushina I , Miller E , Morozov V V , Øien I J , Robillard A , Rolek B , Sittler B , Smith N , Sokolov A , Sokolova N , Solheim R , Soloviev M , Stoffel M , Weidensaul S , Wiebe K L , Zazelenchuck D , Therrien J F ,
2024 Bird Conservation International (Date Added: 2024-12-28)

160- Mitigating Risk: Predicting H5N1 Avian Influenza Spread with an Empirical Model of Bird Movement
Journal Article
McDuie F , T Overton C , A Lorenz A , L Matchett E , L Mott A , A Mackell D , T Ackerman J , De La Cruz S E W , Patil V P , Prosser D J , Takekawa J Y , Orthmeyer D L , Pitesky M E , Díaz-Muñoz S L , Riggs B M , Gendreau J , Reed E T , Petrie M J , Williams C K , Buler J J , Hardy M J , Ladman B S , Legagneux P , Bêty J , Thomas P J , Rodrigue J , Lefebvre J , Casazza M L ,
2024 Transboundary and Emerging Diseases (Date Added: 2024-09-21)

159- Why do avian responses to change in Arctic green-up vary?
Journal Article
Tavera E A , Lank D B , Douglas D C , Sandercock B K , Lanctot R B , Schmidt N M , Reneerkens J , Ward D H , Bêty J , Kwon E , Lecomte N , Gratto‐Trevor C , Smith P A , English W B , Saalfeld S T , Brown S C , Gates H R , Nol E , Liebezeit J R , McGuire R L , McKinnon L , Kendall S , Robards M , Boldenow M , Payer D C , Rausch J , Solovyeva D V , Stalwick J A , Gurney K E B ,
2024 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2024-05-28)

158- Scientific contributions and lessons learned from 30 years of ecological monitoring of the Bylot Island tundra ecosystem
Journal Article
Gauthier G , Berteaux D , Bêty J , Legagneux P , Fauteux D , Gravel D , Cadieux M ,
2024 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2024-04-05)

157- Long-term study of the tundra food web at a hotspot of Arctic biodiversity, the Bylot Island Field Station
Journal Article
Gauthier G , Cadieux M , Berteaux D , Bêty J , Fauteux D , Legagneux P , Lévesque E , Gagnon C A ,
2024 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2024-04-03)

156- Local food availability and nonbreeding carry-over effects affect breeding propensity and success of a tundra-nesting predator, the Long-tailed Jaeger
Journal Article
Seyer Y , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Therrien J , Legagneux P , Lecomte N ,
2023 Ornithology (Date Added: 2024-05-07)

155- Factors influencing mercury exposure in Arctic-breeding shorebirds
Journal Article
Perkins M , Stenhouse I J , Lanctot R B , Brown S , Bêty J , Boldenow M , Cunningham J , English W , Gates R , Gilchrist H G , Giroux M , Grond K , Hill B , Kwon E , Lamarre J , Lank D B , Lecomte N , Pavlik D , Rausch J , Regan K , Robards M , Saalfeld S T , Smith F , Smith P A , Wilkinson B , Woodard P , Basu N ,
2023 Ecotoxicology (Date Added: 2023-10-30)

154- Predator home range size mediates indirect interactions between prey species in an arctic vertebrate community
Journal Article
Dulude‐de Broin F , Clermont J , Beardsell A , Ouellet L , Legagneux P , Bêty J , Berteaux D ,
2023 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2023-10-19)

153- Additional data confirms the impact of the COVID19 lockdown on the behavior and fattening of migratory snow geese
Journal Article
LeTourneux F , Dulude-de Broin F , Grandmont T , Martin M , Bêty J , Gauthier G , Legagneux P ,
2023 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2023-09-28)

152- Predator-mediated interactions through changes in predator home range size can lead to local prey exclusion
Journal Article
Beardsell A , Berteaux D , Dulude-De Broin F , Gauthier G , Clermont J , Gravel D , Bêty J ,
2023 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2023-08-17)

151- Testimonials to reconstruct past abundances of wildlife populations
Journal Article
Bolduc D , Fauteux D , Gagnon C A , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Legagneux P ,
2023 Basic and Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2023-03-24)

150- Scaling migrations to communities: An empirical case of migration network in the Arctic
Journal Article
Moisan L , Gravel D , Legagneux P , Gauthier G , Léandri-Breton D , Somveille M , Therrien J , Lamarre J , Bêty J ,
2023 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2023-02-05)

149- Should I breed or should I go? Manipulating individual state during migration influences breeding decisions in a long-lived bird species
Journal Article
Grandmont T , Fast P , Grentzmann I , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Legagneux P ,
2023 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2023-01-26)

148- Developing common protocols to measure tundra herbivory across spatial scales
Journal Article
2022 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2022-10-30)

147- A mechanistic model of functional response provides new insights into indirect interactions among arctic tundra prey
Journal Article
Beardsell A , Gravel D , Clermont J , Berteaux D , Gauthier G , Bêty J ,
2022 Ecology (Date Added: 2022-06-16)

143- Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment
Journal Article
2021 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2021-12-07)

142- Fine-scale spatial segregation in a pelagic seabird driven by differential use of tidewater glacier fronts
Journal Article
Bertrand P , Bêty J , Yoccoz N G , Fortin M , Strøm H , Steen H , Kohler J , Harris S M , Patrick S C , Chastel O , Blévin P , Hop H , Moholdt G , Maton J , Descamps S ,
2021 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2021-11-19)

141- Timing of Breeding Site Availability Across the North-American Arctic Partly Determines Spring Migration Schedule in a Long-Distance Neotropical Migrant
Journal Article
Lamarre J , Gauthier G , Lanctot R B , Saalfeld S T , Love O P , Reed E , Johnson O W , Liebezeit J , McGuire R , Russell M , Nol E , Koloski L , Sanders F , McKinnon L , Smith P A , Flemming S A , Lecomte N , Giroux M , Bauer S , Emmenegger T , Bêty J ,
2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-11-19)

140- Seasonal variations in migration strategy of a long-distance Arctic-breeding seabird
Journal Article
Seyer Y , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Therrien J , Lecomte N ,
2021 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2021-11-12)

139- Feeding at the front line: Interannual variation in the use of glacier fronts by foraging black-legged kittiwakes
Journal Article
Bertrand P , Strøm H , Bêty J , Steen H , Kohler J , Vihtakari M , van Pelt W , Yoccoz N , Hop H , Harris S , Patrick S , Assmy P , Wold A , Duarte P , Moholdt G , Descamps S ,
2021 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2021-11-12)

138- Derivation of Predator Functional Responses Using a Mechanistic Approach in a Natural System
Journal Article
Beardsell A , Gravel D , Berteaux D , Gauthier G , Clermont J , Careau V , Lecomte N , Juhasz C , Royer-Boutin P , Bêty J ,
2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-03-29)

137- COVID19-induced reduction in human disturbance enhances fattening of an overabundant goose species
Journal Article
LeTourneux F , Grandmont T , Dulude-de Broin F , Martin M , Lefebvre J , Kato A , Bêty J , Gauthier G , Legagneux P ,
2021 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2021-02-15)

136- Behavioural responses of breeding arctic sandpipers to ground-surface temperature and primary productivity
Journal Article
2021 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2021-02-05)

135- Long-term consequences of goose exclusion on nutrient cycles and plant communities in the High-Arctic
Journal Article
Nishizawa K , Deschamps L , Maire V , Bêty J , Lévesque E , Kitagawa R , Masumoto S , Gosselin I , Morneault A , Rochefort L , Gauthier G , Tanabe Y , Uchida M , Mori A S ,
2021 Polar Science (Date Added: 2021-01-24)

134- Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic
Journal Article
2020 Science (New York, N.Y.) (Date Added: 2020-11-17)

133- Linking winter habitat use, diet and reproduction in snowy owls using satellite tracking and stable isotope analyses
Journal Article
Robillard A , Gauthier G , Therrien J , Bêty J ,
2020 Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (Date Added: 2020-11-07)

132- Annual adult survival drives trends in Arctic-breeding shorebirds but knowledge gaps in other vital rates remain
Journal Article
Weiser E L , Lanctot R B , Brown S C , Gates H R , Bêty J , Boldenow M L , Brook R W , Brown G S , English W B , Flemming S A , Franks S E , Gilchrist H G , Giroux M , Johnson A , Kendall S , Kennedy L V , Koloski L , Kwon E , Lamarre J , Lank D B , Latty C J , Lecomte N , Liebezeit J R , McGuire R L , McKinnon L , Nol E , Payer D , Perz J , Rausch J , Robards M , Saalfeld S T , Senner N R , Smith P A , Soloviev M , Solovyeva D , Ward D H , Woodard P F , Sandercock B K ,
2020 Condor (Date Added: 2020-10-21)

131- Parasitoids indicate major climate-induced shifts in arctic communities
Journal Article
2020 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2020-09-22)

130- Seasonal food webs with migrations: multi-season models reveal indirect species interactions in the Canadian Arctic tundra
Journal Article
Hutchison C , Guichard F , Legagneux P , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Berteaux D , Fauteux D , Gravel D ,
2020 Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (Date Added: 2020-09-10)

129- Nest attentiveness drives nest predation in arctic sandpipers
Journal Article
Meyer N , Bollache L , Dechaume‐Moncharmont F , Moreau J , Afonso E , Angerbjörn A , Bêty J , Ehrich D , Gilg V , Giroux M , Hansen J , Lanctot R B , Lang J , Lecomte N , McKinnon L , Reneerkens J , Saalfeld S T , Sabard B , Schmidt N M , Sittler B , Smith P , Sokolov A , Sokolov V , Sokolova N , van Bemmelen R , Gilg O ,
2020 Oikos (Date Added: 2020-07-19)

128- Vulnerability to predation may affect species distribution: plovers with broader arctic breeding range nest in safer habitat
Journal Article
Léandri-Breton D , Bêty J ,
2020 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2020-04-01)

127- Multi-scale selection models predict breeding habitat for two arctic-breeding raptor species
Journal Article
Galipeau P , Franke A , Leblond M , Bêty J ,
2020 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2020-03-21)

126- Long-term trends and drivers of larval phenology and abundance of dominant brachyuran crabs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)
Journal Article
Émond K , Sainte‐Marie B , Bêty J ,
2020 Fisheries Oceanography (Date Added: 2020-02-16)

125- Winter extratropical cyclone influence on seabird survival: Variation between and within common eider Somateria mollissima populations
Journal Article
Guéry L , Descamps S , Hodges K , Pradel R , Moe B , Hanssen S , Erikstad K , Gabrielsen G , Gilchrist H , Jenouvrier S , Bêty J ,
2019 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2019-10-10)

124- Seasonal variation in migration strategies used to cross ecological barriers in a nearctic migrant wintering in Africa
Journal Article
Léandri‐Breton D , Lamarre J , Bêty J ,
2019 Journal of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2019-07-14)

123- Comment on “Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds”
Journal Note
Bulla M , Reneerkens J , Weiser E L , Sokolov A , Taylor A R , Sittler B , McCaffery B J , Ruthrauff D R , Catlin D H , Payer D C , Ward D H , Solovyeva D V , Santos E S A , Rakhimberdiev E , Nol E , Kwon E , Brown G S , Hevia G D , Gates H R , Johnson J A , van Gils J A , Hansen J , Lamarre J , Rausch J , Conklin J R , Liebezeit J , Bêty J , Lang J , Alves J A , Fernández-Elipe J , Exo K , Bollache L , Bertellotti M , Giroux M , van de Pol M , Johnson M , Boldenow M L , Valcu M , Soloviev M , Sokolova N , Senner N R , Lecomte N , Meyer N , Schmidt N M , Gilg O , Smith P A , Machín P , McGuire R L , Cerboncini R A S , Ottvall R , van Bemmelen R S A , Swift R J , Saalfeld S T , Jamieson S E , Brown S , Piersma T , Albrecht T , D’Amico V , Lanctot R B , Kempenaers B ,
2019 Science (Date Added: 2019-06-29)

122- Plasma mammalian leptin analogue predicts reproductive phenology, but not reproductive output in a capital-income breeding seaduck
Journal Article
Hennin H L , Legagneux P , Gilchrist H G , Bêty J , McMurtry J P , Love O P ,
2019 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-02-21)

121- Covariate and multinomial: Accounting for distance in movement in capture–recapture analyses
Journal Article
Guéry L , Rouan L , Descamps S , Bêty J , Fernández‐Chacón A , Gilchrist G , Pradel R ,
2019 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-02-16)

120- Flower-visitor communities of an arcto-alpine plant—Global patterns in species richness, phylogenetic diversity and ecological functioning
Journal Article
Tiusanen M , Huotari T , Hebert P D N , Andersson T , Asmus A , Bêty J , Davis E , Gale J , Hardwick B , Hik D , Körner C , Lanctot R B , Loonen M J J E , Partanen R , Reischke K , Saalfeld S T , Senez‐Gagnon F , Smith P A , Šulavík J , Syvänperä I , Urbanowicz C , Williams S , Woodard P , Zaika Y , Roslin T ,
2018 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2018-12-18)

119- Precipitation and ectoparasitism reduce reproductive success in an arctic-nesting top-predator
Journal Article
Lamarre, V, Legagneux, P, Franke, A, Casajus, N, Currie, DC, Berteaux, D, Bêty, J
2018 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2018-06-14)

118- Higher rates of prebreeding condition gain positively impacts clutch size: A mechanistic test of the condition-dependent individual optimization model
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Dey, CJ, Bêty, J, Gilchrist, HG, Legagneux, P, Williams, TD, Love, OP
2018 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2018-06-04)

117-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot Island, Nunavut in 2017: a progress report
Gauthier, G
2018 Arctic Goose Joint Venture, Environment Canada, and Parks Canada ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

116- Wintering space use and site fidelity in a nomadic species, the snowy owl
Journal Article
Robillard, A, Gauthier, G, Therrien, J-F, Bêty, J
2018 Journal of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2018-05-07)

115- Nesting habitat selection and distribution of an avian top predator in the Canadian Arctic
Journal Article
Peck, K, Franke, A, Lecomte, N, Bêty, J
2018 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2018-05-07)

114- A rare dark morph in the Canadian Arctic raises questions about molting and polymorphism in Long-tailed Jaeger (_Stercorarius longicaudus_)
Journal Article
Léandri-Breton, D-J, Jaffré, M, Bêty, J
2018 The Wilson Journal of Ornithology (Date Added: 2018-05-07)

113- Phenology of hatching and food in low Arctic passerines and shorebirds: is there a mismatch?
Journal Article
Leung, MC-Y, Bolduc, E, Doyle, FI, Reid, DG, Gilbert, BS, Kenney, A, Krebs, C, Bêty, J
2018 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2018-05-07)

112- Evaluation of invasive and non-invasive methods to monitor rodent abundance in the Arctic:
Journal Article
Fauteux D , Gauthier G , Mazerolle M J , Coallier N , Bêty J , Berteaux D ,
2018 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

111- Life-history tradeoffs revealed by seasonal declines in reproductive traits of Arctic-breeding shorebirds
Journal Article
Weiser E L , Brown S C , Lanctot R B , Gates H R , Abraham K F , Bentzen R L , Bêty J , Boldenow M L , Brook R W , Donnelly T F , English W B , Flemming S A , Franks S E , Gilchrist H G , Giroux M , Johnson A , Kennedy L V , Koloski L , Kwon E , Lamarre J , Lank D B , Lecomte N , Liebezeit J R , McKinnon L , Nol E , Perz J , Rausch J , Robards M , Saalfeld S T , Senner N R , Smith P A , Soloviev M , Solovyeva D , Ward D H , Woodard P F , Sandercock B K ,
2018 Journal of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2018-03-07)

110- Our house is burning: Discrepancy in climate change vs. biodiversity coverage in the media as compared to scientific literature
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Casajus, N, Cazelles, K, Chevallier, C, Chevrinais, M, Guéry, L, Jacquet, C, Jaffré, M, Naud, M-J, Noisette, F, Ropars, P, Vissault, S, Archambault, P, Bêty, J, Berteaux, D, Gravel, D
2018 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2018-02-13)

109- Effects of environmental conditions on reproductive effort and nest success of Arctic-breeding shorebirds
Journal Article
Weiser E L , Brown S C , Lanctot R B , Gates H R , Abraham K F , Bentzen R L , Bêty J , Boldenow M L , Brook R W , Donnelly T F , English W B , Flemming S A , Franks S E , Gilchrist H G , Giroux M , Johnson A , Kendall S , Kennedy L V , Koloski L , Kwon E , Lamarre J , Lank D B , Latty C J , Lecomte N , Liebezeit J R , McKinnon L , Nol E , Perz J , Rausch J , Robards M , Saalfeld S T , Senner N R , Smith P A , Soloviev M , Solovyeva D , Ward D H , Woodard P F , Sandercock B K ,
2018 Ibis (Date Added: 2018-02-04)

108- Environmental and ecological conditions at Arctic breeding sites have limited effects on true survival rates of adult shorebirds
Journal Article
Weiser E L , Lanctot R B , Brown S C , Gates H R , Bentzen R L , Bêty J , Boldenow M L , English W B , Franks S E , Koloski L , Kwon E , Lamarre J , Lank D B , Liebezeit J R , McKinnon L , Nol E , Rausch J , Saalfeld S T , Senner N R , Ward D H , Woodard P F , Sandercock B K ,
2018 Auk (Date Added: 2018-01-04)

107- The impact of sea ice conditions on breeding decisions is modulated by body condition in an arctic partial capital breeder
Journal Article
Jean-Gagnon, F, Legagneux, P, Gilchrist, G, Bélanger, S, Love, OP, Bêty, J
2018 Oecologia (Date Added: 2017-12-09)

106-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot Island, Nunavut in 2016: a progress report
Gauthier, G
2017 Arctic Goose Joint Venture, Environment Canada, and Parks Canada ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

105-Effects of Climate Shifts on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife Report on the 2017-2018 activities
Berteaux D, BJ
2017 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

104-Effects of Climate Shifts on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife. Report on the 2016-2017 activities
Berteaux D, BJ
2017 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

103- Vulnerability to geomorphological hazards of an Arctic cliff-nesting raptor, the rough-legged hawk
Journal Article
Beardsell, A, Gauthier, G, Fortier, D, Therrien, J-F, Bêty, J
2017 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2018-05-07)

102-Winter extra-tropical cyclones influence seabird survival: variation between and within common eider populations
Guéry L , Descamps, S, Hodges, KE, Pradel R, Bêty J, Borge Moe,
2017 Marine Ecology Progress Series ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

101- Winter home range fidelity and extraterritorial movements of Arctic fox pairs in the Canadian High Arctic
Journal Article
Rioux M , Lai S , Casajus N , Bêty J , Berteaux D ,
2017 Polar Research (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

100- Annual and seasonal variation in shorebird abundance in the st. lawrence river estuary during fall migration
Journal Article
Turcotte Y , Lamarre J , Bety J ,
2017 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2018-03-17)

99- Long-term phenological shifts in migration and breeding-area residency in eastern North American raptors
Journal Article
Therrien J , Lecomte N , Zgirski T , Jaffré M , Beardsell A , Goodrich L J , Bêty J , Franke A , Zlonis E , Bildstein K L ,
2017 Auk (Date Added: 2017-10-03)

98- Predator-mediated negative effects of overabundant snow geese on arctic-nesting shorebirds
Journal Article
Lamarre, J-F, Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Reed, ET, Bêty, J
2017 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2017-06-14)

97- Variability in stable isotopes of snowy owl feathers and contribution of marine resources to their winter diet
Journal Article
Robillard A , Gauthier G , Therrien J , Fitzgerald G , Provencher J F , Bêty J ,
2017 Journal of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2017-06-03)

96- Hidden survival heterogeneity of three Common eider populations in response to climate fluctuations
Journal Article
Guery, L, Descamps, S, Pradel, R, Hanssen, SA, Erikstad, KE, Gabrielsen, GW, Gilchrist, HG, Bety, J
2017 The Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2017-02-05)

95- Linking pre-laying energy allocation and timing of breeding in a migratory arctic raptor
Journal Article
Lamarre, V, Franke, A, Love, OP, Legagneux, P, Bêty, J
2017 Oecologia (Date Added: 2017-02-05)

94-Effects of Climate Shifts on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife. Report on the 2015-2016
Berteaux D, BJ
2016 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

93-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot island, Nunavut in 2015: A progress report
Gauthier G, Cadieux M-C, Lefebvre J, Bêty J, Berteaux D,
2016 Centre d'Études Nordiques ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

92-Reproductive and migratory ecology of insectivores (shorebirds and songbirds) and the effect of climate change on insectivore-insect interactions on Bylot Island: Investigator Annual Report
Bety J ,
2016 Sirmilik National Park ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

91-Reproductive and migratory ecology of insectivores (shorebirds and songbirds) and the effect of climate change on insectivore-insect interactions on Bylot Island: Summary report
Doucet C, Léandri-Breton DJ, Bolduc E, Bêty J, Gauthier G ,
2016 Sirmilik National Park ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

90- Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds
Journal Article
Bulla, M, Valcu, M, Dokter, AM, Dondua, AG, Kosztolanyi, A, Rutten, AL, Helm, B, Sandercock, BK, Casler, B, Ens, BJ, Spiegel, CS, Hassell, CJ, Kupper, C, Minton, C, Burgas, D, Lank, DB, Payer, DC, Loktionov, EY, Nol, E, Kwon, E, Smith, F, Gates, HR, Vitnerova, H, Pruter, H, Johnson, JA, St Clair, JJH, Lamarre, J-F, Rausch, J, Reneerkens, J, Conklin, JR, Burger, J, Liebezeit, J, Bety, J, Coleman, JT, Figuerola, J, Hooijmeijer, JCEW, Alves, JA, Smith, JAM, Weidinger, K, Koivula, K, Gosbell, K, Exo, K-M, Niles, L, Koloski, L, McKinnon, L, Praus, L, Klaassen, M, Giroux, M-A, Sladecek, M, Boldenow, ML, Goldstein, MI, Salek, M, Senner, N, Ronka, N, Lecomte, N, Gilg, O, Vincze, O, Johnson, OW, Smith, PA, Woodard, PF, Tomkovich, PS, Battley, PF, Bentzen, R, Lanctot, RB, Porter, R, Saalfeld, ST, Freeman, S, Brown, SC, Yezerinac, S, Szekely, T, Montalvo, T, Piersma, T, Loverti, V, Pakanen, V-M, Tijsen, W, Kempenaers, B
2016 Nature (Date Added: 2016-12-20)

89- Movement tactics of a mobile predator in a meta-ecosystem with fluctuating resources: the arctic fox in the High Arctic
Journal Article
Lai, S, Bêty, J, Berteaux, D
2016 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

88- Effects of geolocators on hatching success, return rates, breeding movements, and change in body mass in 16 species of Arctic-breeding shorebirds
Journal Article
Weiser, EL, Lanctot, RB, Brown, SC, Alves, JA, Battley, PF, Bentzen, R, Bêty, J, Bishop, MA, Boldenow, M, Bollache, L, Casler, B, Christie, M, Coleman, JT, Conklin, JR, English, WB, Gates, HR, Gilg, O, Giroux, M-A, Gosbell, K, Hassell, C, Helmericks, J, Johnson, A, Katrinardottir, B, Koivula, K, Kwon, E, Lamarre, J-F, Lang, J, Lank, DB, Lecomte, N, Liebezeit, J, Loverti, V, McKinnon, L, Minton, C, Mizrahi, D, Nol, E, Pakanen, V-M, Perz, J, Porter, R, Rausch, J, Reneerkens, J, Ronka, N, Saalfeld, S, Senner, N, Sittler, B, Smith, PA, Sowl, K, Taylor, A, Ward, DH, Yezerinac, S, Sandercock, BK
2016 Movement Ecology (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

87- Is it safe to nest near conspicuous neighbours? Spatial patterns in predation risk associated with the density of American Golden-Plover nests
Journal Article
Giroux, M-A, Trottier-Paquet, M, Bêty, J, Lamarre, V, Lecomte, N
2016 PeerJ (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

86- Nest site characteristics, patterns of nest reuse, and reproductive output in an Arctic-nesting raptor, the Rough-legged Hawk
Journal Article
Beardsell, A, Gauthier, G, Therrien, J-F, Bêty, J
2016 The Auk (Date Added: 2016-10-04)

85- Pulsed resources at tundra breeding sites affect winter irruptions at temperate latitudes of a top predator, the snowy owl
Journal Article
Robillard, A, Therrien, JF, Gauthier, G, Clark, KM, Bêty, J
2016 Oecologia (Date Added: 2016-10-04)

84- Energetic physiology mediates individual optimization of breeding phenology in a migratory Arctic Seabird
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Bêty, J, Legagneux, P, Gilchrist, HG, Williams, TD, Love, OP
2016 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2016-10-04)

83- Unpredictable perturbation reduces breeding propensity regardless of pre-laying reproductive readiness in a partial capital breeder
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Hennin, HL, Gilchrist, HG, Williams, TD, Love, OP, Bêty, J
2016 Journal of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2016-07-22)

82- Spatio-temporal hotspots of satellite-tracked arctic foxes reveal a large detection range in a mammalian predator
Journal Article
Lai, S, Bety, J, Berteaux, D
2015 Movement Ecology (Date Added: 2016-07-22)

81-Physiological mechanisms mediating energetics in diving seaducks
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Berlin, AM, Bety, J, Gilchrist, HG, Forbes, MR, Love, OP
2015 Integrative And Comparative Biology ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

80-Preparatory energetic management in a pre-breeding seaduck
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Legagneux, P, Bety, J, Williams, TD, Gilchrist, HG, Baker, TM, Love, OP
2015 Integrative And Comparative Biology ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

79- Is pre-breeding prospecting behaviour affected by snow cover in the irruptive snowy owl? A test using state-space modelling and environmental data annotated via Movebank
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Pinaud, D, Gauthier, G, Lecomte, N, Bildstein, KL, Bety, J
2015 Movement ecology (Date Added: 2016-04-05)

78- Sources of diel variation in energetic physiology in an Arctic-breeding, diving seaduck
Journal Article
Steenweg, RJ, Hennin, HL, Bety, J, Gilchrist, HG, Williams, TD, Crossin, GT, Love, OP
2015 General And Comparative Endocrinology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

77- Top-down vs. bottom-up drivers of recruitment in a key marine invertebrate: investigating early life stages of snow crab
Journal Article
Emond, K, Sainte-Marie, B, Galbraith, PS, Bety, J
2015 Ices Journal Of Marine Science (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

76- Pre-breeding energetic management in a mixed-strategy breeder
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Legagneux, P, Bêty, J, Williams, TD, Grant Gilchrist, H, Baker, TM, Love, OP
2015 Oecologia (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

75- Feather corticosterone reveals effect of moulting conditions in the autumn on subsequent reproductive output and survival in an Arctic migratory bird
Journal Article
Harms, NJ, Legagneux, P, Gilchrist, HG, Bêty, J, Love, OP, Forbes, MR, Bortolotti, GR, Soos, C
2014 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2016-07-22)

74-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot island, Nunavut in 2013
Gauthier, G
2014 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

73-Toward an understanding of the mechanisms explaining breeding propensity in the common eider (Somateria mollissima) and the greater snow goose (Chan caerulescens atlantica)
Bêty, J
2014 Environnement Canada ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

72- Écologie de la reproduction du harfang des neiges dans l’Arctique canadien
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F
2014 Naturaliste Canadien (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

71- Écologie de la reproduction du faucon pèlerin au Nunavut
Journal Article
Jaffré, M
2014 Naturaliste Canadien (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

70- Erratum to: Contribution of allochthonous resources to breeding in a high-arctic avian predator [Polar Biol, 37, 2014 (193-203), 10.1007/s00300-013-1423-4]
Journal Article
Julien, J-R, Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Guy Morrison, RI, Therrien, J-F, Bêty, J
2014 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

68- Contribution of allochthonous resources to breeding in a high-arctic avian predator
Journal Article
Julien, J-R, Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Morrison, RIG, Therrien, J-F, Bêty, J
2014 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

67- No selection on immunological markers in response to a highly virulent pathogen in an Arctic breeding bird
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Berzins, LL, Forbes, M, Harms, NJ, Hennin, HL, Bourgeon, S, Gilchrist, HG, Bêty, J, Soos, C, Love, OP, Foster, JT, Descamps, S, Burness, G
2014 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

66- First evidence of bryophyte diaspores in the plumage of transequatorial migrant birds
Journal Article
Lewis, LR, Behling, E, Gousse, H, Qian, E, Elphick, CS, Lamarre, J-F, Bety, J, Liebezeit, J, Rozzi, R, Goffinet, B
2014 Peerj (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

65- Irruptive movements and breeding dispersal of snowy owls: a specialized predator exploiting a pulsed resource
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Gauthier, G, Pinaud, D, Bety, J
2014 Journal Of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

64- Predation pressure by avian predators suggests summer limitation of small-mammal populations in the Canadian Arctic
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Gauthier, G, Korpimaki, E, Bety, J
2014 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

63- Fading indirect effects in a warming arctic tundra
Journal Article
Bêty, J, Graham-Sauvé, M, Legagneux, P, Cadieux, M-C, Gauthier, G
2014 Current Zoology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

62- High risk of lead contamination for scavengers in an area with high moose hunting success
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Suffice, P, Messier, J-S, Lelievre, F, Tremblay, JA, Maisonneuve, C, Saint-Louis, R, Bêty, J
2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2016-02-29)

61- Predator-mediated interactions between lemmings and shorebirds: A test of the alternative prey hypothesis
Journal Article
McKinnon, L, Berteaux, D, Bety, J
2014 Auk (Date Added: 2014-11-17)

60- Arctic ecosystem structure and functioning shaped by climate and herbivore body size
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Lecomte, N, Schmidt, NM, Reid, D, Cadieux, M-C, Berteaux, D, Bêty, J, Krebs, CJ, Ims, RA, Yoccoz, NG, Morrison, RIG, Leroux, SJ, Loreau, M, Gravel, D
2014 Nature Climate Change (Date Added: 2014-05-21)

59-Étude des mouvements et de la nidification du Harfang des neiges au Nunavik
Robillard, A
2013 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

58-The survival cost of reproductive investment: higher fattening rates lead to increased risk of mortality to a novel disease
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Descamps, S, Forbes, MR, Gilchrist, HG, Bety, J, Soos, C, Love, OP
2013 Integrative And Comparative Biology ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

57- Long-term monitoring at multiple trophic levels suggests heterogeneity in responses to climate change in the Canadian Arctic tundra
Journal Article
Gauthier, G, Bêty, J, Cadieux, M-C, Legagneux, P, Doiron, M, Chevallier, C, Lai, S, Tarroux, A, Berteaux, D
2013 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2016-04-05)

55- Does feather corticosterone reflect individual quality or external stress in arctic-nesting migratory birds?
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Harms, NJ, Gauthier, G, Chastel, O, Gilchrist, HG, Bortolotti, G, Bêty, J, Soos, C
2013 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

54- Survival Rate Of The Long-Tailed Jaeger At Alert, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Journal Article
Julien, JR, Gauthier, G, Morrison, RIG, Bety, J
2013 Condor (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

53- Effect of neck collars on the body condition of migrating Greater Snow Geese
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Simard, A-A, Gauthier, G, Bêty, J
2013 Journal of Field Ornithology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

52- Landscape heterogeneity drives intra-population niche variation and reproduction in an arctic top predator
Journal Article
L'Herault, V, Franke, A, Lecomte, N, Alogut, A, Bety, J
2013 Ecology And Evolution (Date Added: 2013-11-18)

51- Predator-mediated interactions between preferred, alternative and incidental prey in the arctic tundra
Journal Article
McKinnon, L, Berteaux, D, Gauthier, G, Bety, J
2013 Oikos (Date Added: 2013-07-04)

50- Terrestrial arthropod abundance and phenology in the Canadian Arctic: Modelling resource availability for Arctic-nesting insectivorous birds
Journal Article
Bolduc, E, Casajus, N, Legagneux, P, McKinnon, L, Gilchrist, HG, Leung, M, Morrison, RIG, Reid, D, Smith, PA, Buddle, CM, Bêty, J
2013 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2013-04-04)

49-Reproductive and migratory ecology of insectivores (shorebirds and songbirds) and the effect of climate change on insectivore-insect interactions on Bylot island
Lamarre, J-F
2012 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

48-Improving greater snow goose continental population estimates and new habitat use patterns on wintering grounds: a final report
Johansen, MH
2012 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

47-Effects of Climate Change on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife
Berteaux, D
2012 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

46-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot Island, Nunavut in 2011: a progress report
Gauthier, G
2012 Arctic Goose Joint Venture ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

45-Do state-mediated hormones predict reproductive decisions in Arctic-nesting common eiders?
Journal Article
Hennin, HL, Bety, J, Gilchrist, HG, Love, OP
2012 Integrative And Comparative Biology ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

44-Timing of breeding, peak food availability, and effects of mismatch on chick growth in birds nesting in the High Arctic
Journal Article
McKinnon, L, Picotin, M, Bolduc, E, Juillet, C, Bety, J
2012 Canadian Journal Of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

43- Survival and reproduction of adult snowy owls tracked by satellite
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Gauthier, G, Bety, J
2012 Journal Of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

42- Manipulating individual state during migration provides evidence for carry-over effects modulated by environmental conditions
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Fast, PLF, Gauthier, G, Bêty, J
2012 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

41- Disentangling trophic relationships in a High Arctic tundra ecosystem through food web modeling
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D, Bêty, J, Cadieux, M-C, Bilodeau, F, Bolduc, E, Mckinnon, L, Tarroux, A, Therrien, J-F, Morissette, L, Krebs, CJ
2012 Ecology (Date Added: 2012-08-28)

40- The Marine Side of a Terrestrial Carnivore: Intra-Population Variation in Use of Allochthonous Resources by Arctic Foxes
Journal Article
Tarroux, A, Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
2012 Plos One (Date Added: 2012-08-17)

39- Benefiting from a migratory prey: spatio-temporal patterns in allochthonous subsidization of an arctic predator
Journal Article
Giroux, M-A, Berteaux, D, Lecomte, N, Gauthier, G, Szor, G, Bety, J
2012 Journal Of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2012-06-12)

38-Diet-tissue discrimination factors of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in blood of Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Fitzgerald, G, Gauthier, G, Bety, J
2011 Canadian Journal Of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

37- Diet-tissue discrimination factors of carbon and nitrogen Stable isotopes in blood of Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Fitzgerald, G, Gauthier, G, Bêty, J
2011 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

36- Climatic conditions during outward migration affect apparent survival of an arctic top predator, the peregrine falcon Falco peregrinus
Journal Article
Franke, A, Therrien, J-F, Descamps, S, Bety, J
2011 Journal Of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

35- Do glucocorticoids in droppings reflect baseline level in birds captured in the wild? A case study in snow geese
Journal Article
Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Chastel, O, Picard, G, Bêty, J
2011 General and Comparative Endocrinology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

34- An avian terrestrial predator of the Arctic relies on the marine ecosystem during winter
Journal Article
Therrien, J-F, Gauthier, G, Bety, J
2011 Journal Of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

33- Individual optimization of reproduction in a long-lived migratory bird: a test of the condition-dependent model of laying date and clutch size
Journal Article
Descamps, S, Bety, J, Love, OP, Gilchrist, HG
2011 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

32- Avian cholera, post-hatching survival and selection on hatch characteristics in a long-lived bird, the common eider Somateria mollisima
Journal Article
Descamps, S, Forbes, MR, Gilchrist, HG, Love, OP, Bety, J
2011 Journal Of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

31- Do purely capital layers exist among flying birds? Evidence of exogenous contribution to arctic-nesting common eider eggs
Journal Article
Senechal, E, Bety, J, Gilchrist, HG, Hobson, KA, Jamieson, SE
2011 Oecologia (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

30- Interactions between lay date, clutch size, and postlaying energetic needs in a capital breeder
Journal Article
Senechal, E, Bety, J, Gilchrist, HG
2011 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

29- The tundra food web of Bylot Island in a changing climate and the role of exchanges between ecosystems
Journal Article
Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D, Bty, J, Tarroux, A, Therrien, J-F, McKinnon, L, Legagneux, P, Cadieux, M-C
2011 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2012-02-06)

28-Suitability of Artificial Nests Response
Journal Article
Mckinnon, L, Smith, PA, Nol, E, Martin, JL, Doyle, FI, Abraham, KF, Gilchrist, HG, Morrison, RIG, Bety, J
2010 Science ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

27- Detecting population heterogeneity in effects of North Atlantic Oscillations on seabird body condition: get into the rhythm
Journal Article
Descamps, S, Yoccoz, NG, Gaillard, J-M, Gilchrist, HG, Erikstad, KE, Hanssen, SA, Cazelles, B, Forbes, MR, Bety, J
2010 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

26- Pre-laying climatic cues can time reproduction to optimally match offspring hatching and ice conditions in an Arctic marine bird
Journal Article
Love, OP, Gilchrist, HG, Descamps, S, Semeniuk, CAD, Bety, J
2010 Oecologia (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

25- Climate, trophic interactions, density dependence and carry-over effects on the population productivity of a migratory Arctic herbivorous bird
Journal Article
Morrissette, M, Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Reed, A, Lefebvre, J
2010 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

24- Response
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McKlnnon, L, Smith, PA, Nol, E, Martin, JL, Doyle, FI, Abraham, KF, Gilchrist, HG, Morrison, RIG, Bêty, J
2010 Science (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

23- Lower Predation Risk for Migratory Birds at High Latitudes
Journal Article
McKinnon, L, Smith, PA, Nol, E, Martin, JL, Doyle, FI, Abraham, KF, Gilchrist, HG, Morrison, RIG, Bety, J
2010 Science (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

22- Sensitivity of stable isotope mixing models to variation in isotopic ratios: evaluating consequences of lipid extraction
Journal Article
Tarroux, A, Ehrich, D, Lecomte, N, Jardine, TD, Bety, J, Berteaux, D
2010 Methods In Ecology And Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-20)

21- Correlation between Sequential Variables: A Reply to Schroeder et al
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Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Descamps, S, Giroux, J-F
2010 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

20- Northern nomads: ability for extensive movements in adult arctic foxes
Journal Article
Tarroux, A, Berteaux, D, Bety, J
2010 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

19- Effect of camera monitoring on survival rates of High-Arctic shorebird nests
Journal Article
McKinnon, L, Bety, J
2009 Journal Of Field Ornithology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

18- Using life-histories to predict and interpret variability in yolk hormones
Journal Article
Love, OP, Gilchrist, HG, Bety, J, Wynne-Edwards, KE, Berzins, L, Williams, TD
2009 General And Comparative Endocrinology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

17- Costs of reproduction in a long-lived bird: large clutch size is associated with low survival in the presence of a highly virulent disease
Journal Article
Descamps, S, Gilchrist, HG, Bety, J, Buttler, EI, Forbes, MR
2009 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

16- Hoarding of pulsed resources: Temporal variations in egg-caching by arctic fox
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Careau, V, Lecomte, N, Bety, J, Giroux, J-F, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
2008 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

15- Uneven rates of landscape change as a source of bias in roadside wildlife surveys
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Betts, MG, Mitchell, D, Dlamond, AW, Bety, J
2007 Journal Of Wildlife Management (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

14-Diet change inferred from stable-isotopes in springstaging Greater Snow Geese
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Gauthier, G, Hobson, K, Bety, J
2006 Journal Of Ornithology ( Date Added: 2016-04-05)

13- Gosling growth and survival in relation to brood movements in Greater Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica)
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Mainguy, J, Gauthier, G, Giroux, J-F, Bety, J
2006 Auk (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

12- Are abdominal profiles useful to assess body condition of spring staging Greater Snow Geese?
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Feret, M, Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Giroux, JF, Picard, G
2005 Condor (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

11- Individual variation in timing of migration: causes and reproductive consequences in greater snow geese (Anser caerulescens atlanticus)
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Bety, J, Giroux, JF, Gauthier, G
2004 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

10- Are greater snow geese capital breeders? New evidence from a stable-isotope model
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Gauthier, G, Bety, J, Hobson, KA
2003 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

9- Effects of collar-attached transmitters on behaviour, pair bond and breeding success of snow geese Anser caerulescens atlanticus
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Demers, F, Giroux, JF, Gauthier, G, Bety, J
2003 Wildlife Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

8- Body condition, migration, and timing of reproduction in snow geese: A test of the condition-dependent model of optimal clutch size
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Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Giroux, JF
2003 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

7- Molt migration in relation to breeding success in greater snow geese
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Reed, ET, Bety, J, Mainguy, J, Gauthier, G, Giroux, JF
2003 Arctic (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

6- Trophic interactions in a high Arctic snow goose colony
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Gauthier, G, Giroux, JF, Bety, J, Rochefort, L
2002 Integrative And Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

5- Shared predators and indirect trophic interactions: lemming cycles and arctic-nesting geese
Journal Article
Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Korpimaki, E, Giroux, JF
2002 Journal Of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

4- Are body condition and reproductive effort of laying Greater Snow Geese affected by the spring hunt?
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2002 Condor (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

3- Effects of nest visits on predator activity and predation rate in a Greater Snow Goose colony
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2001 Journal Of Field Ornithology (Date Added: 2016-03-17)

2- Are goose nesting success and lemming cycles linked? Interplay between nest density and predators
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2001 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

1- Multiple paternity in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus): investigating the role of the female
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1999 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)