The ResNet Network
Providing the cross-sectoral, cross-landscape knowledge and information needed to manage working landscapes.

In working landscapes, the focus has been on the cheap, reliable, and efficient production of individual ecosystem services such as food, energy, or timber, ignoring most effects on other services or other places. We make decisions this way even though have good evidence that there are interactions between resource sectors, across locations, and among ecosystem services. Which means we are making critically important decisions about the future of an isolated, piecemeal fashion with a limited picture of the ecological, economic, and social risks associated with those decisions. ResNet (2019 – 2024) is designed to provide the cross-sectoral, cross-landscape knowledge and information needed to manage working landscapes for the provision of multiple ecosystem services for multiple beneficiaries, now and into the future. To do this, Resnet focuses its work on three key themes in which research is lacking across six landscapes in Canada. In each of the six landscapes, ResNet has launched a series of co-
designed investigations into the provision, modeling, and governance of multiple ecosystem services, with academics working alongside industry, government, NGO, and Indigenous partners and other stakeholders. ResNet is an interdisciplinary group (100+ researchers, 11 universities, 17 partner organizations) of researchers with expertise in ecology, economics, natural resource management, social-ecological governance, system resilience, statistics, and modelling. Ultimately, ResNet will develop new tools for estimating ecosystem services outcomes of land use and management decisions for multiple ecosystem services in Canada’s
working landscapes. These tools can improve stewardship of Canada’s working landscapes and all the ecosystem services they provide, while fundamentally advancing scientific knowledge
about ecosystem services. Click here for more info.
Funding source: NSERC
Elena Bennett, Jérôme Dupras, Andrew Gonzalez, Dominique Gravel, Gordon Hickey, Murray Humphries, Etienne Laliberté, Stéphanie Pellerin, Monique Poulin
Added by: Guillaume 2021-10-13