Clément Chion

Assistant Professor,
Université du Québec en Outaouais


QCBS students

Irene Roca

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2022)
Assessment of underwater ship noise impact on the St. Lawrence beluga whale
Personal page

Camille Kowalski

(Start: 2020, End: 2024)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Jérôme Dupras
Multi-agent modeling of recreational boating in the summer habitat of the St. Lawrence beluga.
Personal page

Samuel Collin-Latour

(Start: 2019)
Plan d’aménagement forestier socialement accepté rendant les forêts du parc linéaire Le P’tit Train du Nord résilientes aux changements globaux

Previous students (since 2009)

Vinca Buttin

(Start: 2018, End: 2020)
Do mental models influence stakeholder decisions in climate change contexte


27- Estimating spatial mixing within the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population by comparing local individual diversity and abundance
Journal Article
Bonnell T R , Michaud R , Dupuch A , Lesage V , Chion C ,
2024 Marine Mammal Science (Date Added: 2024-08-04)

26- Boating with whales: Exploring values, knowledge and behaviors of recreational boaters in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Saguenay Fjord using Q-methodology
Journal Article
Kowalski C , Lévesque A , Sénécal J , Dupras J , Chion C ,
2024 Ocean and Coastal Management (Date Added: 2024-05-17)

25- Membership inference attack for beluga whales discrimination
Journal Article
Araújo V M , Gambs S , Michaud R , Lautraite H , Schneider L , Chion C ,
2024 Ecological Informatics (Date Added: 2024-01-01)

23- Low-to-Mid-Frequency Monopole Source Levels of Underwater Noise from Small Recreational Vessels in the St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga Critical Habitat
Journal Article
Lagrois D , Kowalski C , Sénécal J , Martins C C A , Chion C ,
2023 Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (Date Added: 2023-02-23)

22- Avoiding sharp accelerations can mitigate the impacts of a Ferry’s radiated noise on the St. Lawrence whales
Journal Article
Lagrois D , Chion C , Sénécal J , Kowalski C , Michaud R , Vergara V ,
2022 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2022-07-23)

21- The Gradient-Boosting Method for Tackling High Computing Demand in Underwater Acoustic Propagation Modeling
Journal Article
Lagrois D , Bonnell T R , Shukla A , Chion C ,
2022 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (Date Added: 2022-07-18)

20- Machine-Learning Approach for Automatic Detection of Wild Beluga Whales from Hand-Held Camera Pictures
Journal Article
Araújo V M , Shukla A , Chion C , Gambs S , Michaud R ,
2022 Sensors (Date Added: 2022-07-12)

19- Extracting spatial networks from capture–recapture data reveals individual site fidelity patterns within a marine mammal’s spatial range
Journal Article
Bonnell T R , Michaud R , Dupuch A , Lesage V , Chion C ,
2022 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-03-01)

18- Agent-based modelling reveals a disproportionate exposure of females and calves to a local increase in shipping and associated noise in an endangered beluga population
Journal Article
Chion C , Bonnell T R , Lagrois D , Michaud R , Lesage V , Dupuch A , McQuinn I H , Turgeon S ,
2021 Marine Pollution Bulletin (Date Added: 2021-10-04)

17- Characterizing Exposure to and Sharing Knowledge of Drivers of Environmental Change in the St. Lawrence System in Canada
Journal Article
Beauchesne D , Daigle R M , Vissault S , Gravel D , Bastien A , Bélanger S , Bernatchez P , Blais M , Bourdages H , Chion C , Galbraith P S , Halpern B S , Lavoie C , McKindsey C W , Mucci A , Pineault S , Starr M , Ste-Marie A , Archambault P ,
2020 Frontiers in Marine Science (Date Added: 2020-07-18)

16- A Meta-Analysis to Understand the Variability in Reported Source Levels of Noise Radiated by Ships From Opportunistic Studies
Journal Article
Chion C , Lagrois D , Dupras J ,
2019 Frontiers in Marine Science (Date Added: 2020-01-01)

14- Studying Resource-Dependent Communities Through a Social-Ecological Lens? Examining Complementarity with Existing Research Traditions in Canada
Journal Article
Teitelbaum, S, Montpetit, A, Bissonnette, J-F, Chion, C, Chiasson, G, Doyon, F, Dupras, J, Fortin, M-J, Leclerc, , St-Amour, C, Tardif, J
2018 Society and Natural Resources (Date Added: 2018-12-06)

13- Special issue: Ecological modelling global conference 2016: 20th biennial ISEM conference, 8–12 May 2016, Towson, Maryland, USA
Journal Article
Wang, H-H, Taffi, M, Chion, C, Rashleigh, B, Klanjšček, T, Harris, L, Goethals, P, Fath, BD
2018 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

12- A voluntary conservation agreement reduces the risks of lethal collisions between ships and whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada): From co-construction to monitoring compliance and assessing effectiveness
Journal Article
Chion, C, Turgeon, S, Cantin, G, Michaud, R, Ménard, N, Lesage, V, Parrott, L, Beaufils, P, Clermont, Y, Gravel, C
2018 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

11- Comparing polycentric configuration for adaptive governance within community forests: Case studies in Eastern North America
Journal Article
Bissonnette, J-F, Blouin, D, Dupras, J, Chion, C, Bouthillier, L
2018 International Journal of the Commons (Date Added: 2018-05-02)

10- Underwater acoustic impacts of shipping management measures: Results from a social-ecological model of boat and whale movements in the St. Lawrence River Estuary (Canada)
Journal Article
Chion, C, Lagrois, D, Dupras, J, Turgeon, S, McQuinn, IH, Michaud, R, Ménard, N, Parrott, L
2017 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2017-05-17)

8- Modeling implications of food resource aggregation on animal migration phenology
Journal Article
Bailleul, F, Grimm, V, Chion, C, Hammill, M
2013 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

7- Spatiotemporal modelling for policy analysis: Application to sustainable management of whale-watching activities
Journal Article
Chion, C, Cantin, G, Dionne, S, Dubeau, B, Lamontagne, P, Landry, J-A, Marceau, D, Martins, CCA, Ménard, N, Michaud, R, Parrott, L, Turgeon, S
2013 Marine Policy (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

6- Agents, individuals, and networks: Modeling methods to inform natural resource management in regional landscapes
Journal Article
Parrott, L, Chion, C, Gonzalès, R, Latombe, G
2012 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

5- Insights from agent-based modelling to simulate whale-watching tours: Influence of captains’ strategy on whale exposure and excursion content
Book Chapter
Chion, C, Landry, J-A, Parrott, L, Marceau, D, Lamontagne, P, Turgeon, S, Michaud, R, Martins, CCA, Ménard, N, Cantin, G, Dionne, S
2012 Cambridge University Press (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

4- Eliciting cognitive processes underlying patterns of human-wildlife interactions for agent-based modelling
Journal Article
Chion, C, Lamontagne, P, Turgeon, S, Parrott, L, Landry, J-A, Marceau, DJ, Martins, CCA, Michaud, R, Ménard, N, Cantin, G, Dionne, S
2011 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

3- A decision support system to assist the sustainable management of navigation activities in the St. Lawrence River Estuary, Canada
Journal Article
Parrott, L, Chion, C, Martins, CCA, Lamontagne, P, Turgeon, S, Landry, JA, Zhens, B, Marceau, DJ, Michaud, R, Cantin, G, Ménard, N, Dionne, S
2011 Environmental Modelling and Software (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

2- A genetic-programming-based method for hyperspectral data information extraction: Agricultural applications
Journal Article
Chion, C, Landry, J-A, Da Costa, L
2008 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2018-10-10)

1- Genetic programming for agricultural purposes
Conference Article
Chion, C, Da Costa, LE, Landry, J-A
2006 GECCO 2006 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Date Added: 2018-10-10)