Marion Chevrinais

Université du Québec à Rimouski
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Richard Cloutier
Jean-Yves Sire, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Start: 2012-09-01
End: 2016-09-01
Personal page


Phylo-evo-devo perspective on the diversification of basal gnathostomes
My research project consists on the description of the developmental sequences of several vertebrate species from the Upper Devonian Miguasha Fossil-Fish Lagerstätte (Gaspesie Peninsula, Qc, Canada). New data on development will help to understand the early vertebrate phylogeny and especially concerning the early gnathostomes (the phylogenetic position of acanthodians remains unclear).


Paleozoic, Acanthodians, Dermal skeleton, Gnathostomes, development