The Computational Biodiversity Science and Services training program

Biodiversity science progressed in the last fifteen years due to remarkable technical advances in computing power and data acquisition, resulting in large biodiversity databases. Increasing societal demands for assessment of the status of biodiversity under global changes is pushing ecology and environmental sciences towards a predictive science. Biodiversity monitoring programs implemented to track the impacts of major industrial projects (e.g. hydro-electricity dams, mines) generate massive amounts of information that can be used to predict future impacts of human actions on biodiversity. Other fields of life sciences, such as genomics and medicine, have met increasing data availability by developing computational infrastructure, data pipelines and analytic frameworks, while ecology is comparatively lagging behind. The Computational Biodiversity Science and Services training program (BIOS2) was developed to address this need.
BIOS2 is a community of early career researchers who are exploring and applying modern-day computational and quantitative techniques to address the challenges of biodiversity sciences. Through technical and cross-curricular training, working groups, internships, and collaborative and networking activities, the program aims to broaden the opportunities and skills of students and postdoctoral fellows, and prepare them for high-impact careers in biodiversity science.
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Funding source: NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program.
Erin Bayne, Joël Bêty, Anne Bruneau, Andrew Gonzalez, Steven Kembel, Sarah Otto, Pedro Peres-Neto, Timothée Poisot, Andrew MacDonald, Philippe Archambault,Pierre-Étienne Jacques,Kim Gauthier Schampaert (Program Coordinator)
Added by: Guillaume 2022-02-02