Sophie Calmé

Associate Professor,
Université de Sherbrooke

Département de Biologie
Institution page


M.Sc., Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (1989)
M.Sc., Université Laval (1991)
Ph.D., Université Laval (1998)


  • Conservation ecology in tropical areas
  • influence of human activity on ecological responses of wildlife.

  • Tropical landscapes are extremely dynamic in time and space and under strong influence of rural populations that practice burn agriculture of and the extraction of forest resources to assure their subsidy. The Yucatán peninsula, particularly the Calakmul region, is characterized by the absence of superficial hydrological networks where water becomes a limited critical factor during the long dry season. Wildlife species must compose with seasonal variations of the availability of many resources, as well as continuously changing coverage, whether because of natural processes like hurricanes or human caused processes such as agriculture conversion. Important mechanisms for maintaining populations like dispersal are henceforth threatened and so can the access to certain natural key resources such as water points and feeding or nesting sites. The understanding of these relationships of animal species with landscape characteristics that shelter them is necessary to predict their vulnerability to the changes within these landscapes. My research is situated between the ecological and social research (historical, cultural, political) that motivates the study of changing ecosystems, all while using landscape ecology as a theoretical framework

    QCBS students

    Previous students (since 2009)


    Other (co-)supervisor: Alejandra Martínez Salinas, CAITE Costa Rica
    (Start: 2018, End: 2021)
    The Role of Cacao Agroecosystems in Maintaining Bird Diversity and Ecosystem Services.

    Marie-Lou Lecuyer

    Other (co-)supervisor: Rehema White, University of St Andrews
    (Start: 2014, End: 2017)
    Social aspects of biodiversity conflicts: the case study of human-jaguar co-existence in Calakmul, Mexico

    Francisco Neira Brito

    (Start: 2014, End: 2021)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Ismael Vaccaro
    Biodiversity values expressed through socio-ecological interactions between settler and indigenous Shuar communities in the southern Amazon region of Ecuador.
    Personal page

    Aymeric Oliveira-Xavier

    (Start: 2018, End: 2024)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Dominique Gravel
    Landscape influence on community composition and structure in cocoa agroforests

    Louis-Philippe Chrétien

    (Start: 2011, End: 2011)
    King Vulture's use of water at roosting sites

    Céline Emberger

    (Start: 2008, End: 2009)
    Ecological and social significance of Manilkara zapota

    Paola Gomez Garcia

    (Start: 2013, End: 2013)
    Evaluation of the impacts of community arrangements to control hunting in the rural community Nuevo Becal, Campeche, Mexico
    Personal page

    María Manzón Che

    (Start: 2006, End: 2010)
    Relationship between hunting patterns and productive activities in rural communities of the Southern Yucatan

    Miguel Xijún Kantun

    (Start: 2006, End: 2009)
    Wildlife extraction by Mayan communities and mixed communities in the Mesoamerican Corridor

    Halia Euridice Zúniga Fuentes

    (Start: 2008, End: 2009)
    Distribution and local ecological knowledge of the Centroamerican tapir in the state of Campeche

    Marie-Eve André

    (Start: 2009, End: 2013)
    Direct and indirect effects of landscape structure on the foraging behavior of the King Vulture

    Mélanie Brisson Léveillé

    Other (co-)supervisor: François Rousseu
    (Start: 2017, End: 2019)
    Caracterisation of the Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP) bacterial infection to a sympatric populations of guanacos (Lama guanicoe) and sheep in the Magallanes region, Chili.

    Natalia Carrillo Reyna

    Other (co-)supervisor: Rafael Reyna Hurtado
    (Start: 2011, End: 2013)
    Abundance, habitat selection and potential distribution of the Baird's tapir in the Yucatan Peninsula: a study at local and regional scales

    María de la Luz Hernández Díaz

    (Start: 2008, End: 2010)
    Habitat use by carnivores in a gradient of perturbation to the tropical forest after hurricane Dean

    Michael Deetjens

    (Start: 2009, End: 2011)
    Ethnophytological knowledge of Mayan migrants in Calakmul

    Laura Dénommée Patry

    (Start: 2009, End: 2011)
    Coastal fisheries and climate change

    Kattia Escobar

    (Start: 2008, End: 2012)
    Current spread of subsistence hunting in the world

    Mathieu Léger-Dalcourt

    (Start: 2013, End: 2016)
    Impact of logging on the feeding ecology of howler and spider monkeys

    Cédric Lemarchand

    (Start: 2009, End: 2010)
    Impact of cattle ranching on prey availability for king vulture

    Karla Nájera

    (Start: 2008, End: 2010)
    Trade-offs in the response to heterospecific calls related to reproductive and social status in the coatimundi

    Sabrina Plante

    (Start: 2008, End: 2012)
    La stratégie spatiale et temporelle de recherche alimentaire des singes hurleurs du Guatemala (Alouatta pigra)

    Sébastien Rémillard

    (Start: 2009, End: 2011)
    Local perceptions and conflicts with carnivores in Argentina

    Blanca Roldán Clarà

    (Start: 2007, End: 2009)
    Abundance and reproductive success of Menaloptila glabrirostris as related to anthropogenic influence in Sian Ka

    Laurent Samson

    (Start: 2008, End: 2011)
    Birds as indicators of forest health in Guatemala highlands

    Maxime Saunier

    (Start: 2009, End: 2012)
    Potential of REDD+ for indigenous forest management

    Maëlle Tripon

    Other (co-)supervisor: Dorothée Boccanfuso, Université de Sherbrooke
    (Start: 2018, End: 2020)
    Evaluation of ecological and economic resilience of agroforestry cocoa production

    Examples of species studied

    Melanoptila glabrirostris
    Tayassu pecari
    Coragyps atratus
    Turdus grayi
    Crocodylus acutus
    Crocodylus moreletii
    Manilkara zapota
    Brachypelma vagans
    Bartramia longicauda
    Ateles geoffroyi
    Tapirus bairdii


    62- Uncertainty and perceived cause-effect help explain differences in adaptation responses between Swidden agriculture and agroforestry smallholders
    Journal Article
    Moure M , Smith-Hall C , Schmook B , Calmé S , Jacobsen J B ,
    2024 Environmental Science and Policy (Date Added: 2024-06-29)

    61- Public Policies Shaping Mexican Small Farmer Practices and Environmental Conservation: The Impacts of 28 Years of PROCAMPO (1994–2022) in the Yucatán Peninsula
    Journal Article
    Ramírez L , Schmook B , Mier y Terán Giménez Cacho M , Calmé S , Mendez-Medina C ,
    2023 Land (Date Added: 2024-01-05)

    60- Traditional knowledge for climate change adaptation in Mesoamerica: A systematic review
    Journal Article
    Mardero S , Schmook B , Calmé S , White R M , Joo Chang J C , Casanova G , Castelar J ,
    2023 Social Sciences and Humanities Open (Date Added: 2023-04-19)

    59- Remote participatory research has logistical benefits, but presents scientific and ethical challenges
    Journal Note
    Fouqueray T , Lévesque A , Turgeon K , Bissonnette J , Calmé S , Dupras J ,
    2023 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2023-02-10)

    58- Facilitating biodiversity conservation through partnerships to achieve transformative outcomes
    Journal Article
    White R M , Schmook B , Calmé S , Giordano A J , Hausser Y , Kimmel L , Lecuyer L , Lucherini M , Méndez‐Medina C , Peña‐Mondragón J L ,
    2022 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2023-03-26)

    57- Conservation conflict hotspots: Mapping impacts, risk perception and tolerance for sustainable conservation management
    Journal Article
    Lecuyer L , Calmé S , Schmook B , White R M ,
    2022 Frontiers in Conservation Science (Date Added: 2023-03-26)

    56- Jaguar’s Predation and Human Shield, a Tapir Story
    Journal Article
    Pérez-Flores J , Hénaut Y , Sanvicente M , Pablo-Rodríguez N , Calmé S ,
    2022 Diversity (Date Added: 2023-01-03)

    55- Intervention levers for increasing social acceptance of conservation measures on private land: A systematic literature review and comprehensive typology
    Journal Article
    Tanguay L , Bissonnette J , Turgeon K , Calmé S ,
    2021 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2021-07-31)

    54- Assessment of the American Flamingo distribution, trends, and important breeding areas
    Journal Article
    Torres-Cristiani L , Machkour-M’Rabet S , Calmé S , Weissenberger H , Escalona-Segura G ,
    2020 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-01-14)

    53- Using local actors’ perceptions to evaluate a conservation tool: the case of the Mexican compensation scheme for predation in Calakmul
    Journal Article
    Marshall H , Lecuyer L , Calmé S ,
    2020 Human Dimensions of Wildlife (Date Added: 2020-12-22)

    52- Environmental Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Unhealthy Tapirs in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula
    Journal Article
    Pérez Flores J , Weissenberger H , López-Cen A , Calmé S ,
    2020 EcoHealth (Date Added: 2020-11-07)

    51- The future for ATBC conservation declarations
    Journal Note
    Turton S M , Lynam A , Hughes A C , Parolin P , Calmé S , Fragoso J M V , Sheherazade S , Linkie M ,
    2020 Biotropica (Date Added: 2020-09-01)

    50- Ecological and social determinants of association and proximity patterns in the fission–fusion society of spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi)
    Journal Article
    Aguilar‐Melo A R , Calmé S , Pinacho‐Guendulain B , Smith‐Aguilar S E , Ramos‐Fernández G ,
    2019 American Journal of Primatology (Date Added: 2019-12-22)

    49- Tapir population patterns under the disappearance of freestanding water
    Journal Article
    Reyna-Hurtado R , Sima-Pantí D , Andrade M , Padilla A , Retana-Guiascon O , Sanchez-Pinzón K ,
    2019 Therya (Date Added: 2019-11-07)

    48- Factors affecting feelings of justice in biodiversity conflicts: Toward fairer jaguar management in Calakmul, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Lecuyer, L, Calmé, S, Blanchet, FG, Schmook, B, White, RM
    2019 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2019-07-15)

    47- Fission-fusion dynamics as a temporally and spatially flexible behavioral strategy in spider monkeys
    Journal Article
    Aguilar-Melo A R , Calmé S , Smith-Aguilar S E , Ramos-Fernandez G ,
    2018 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2018-09-02)

    46- Building on common ground to address biodiversity conflicts and foster collaboration in environmental management
    Journal Article
    Lecuyer L , White R M , Schmook B , Calmé S ,
    2018 Journal of Environmental Management (Date Added: 2018-05-25)

    45- The construction of feelings of justice in environmental management: An empirical study of multiple biodiversity conflicts in Calakmul, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Lou Lecuyer, RMW
    2018 Journal of Environmental Management (Date Added: 2018-03-13)

    44- Scoring Body Condition in Wild Bairds Tapir (Tapirus bairdii) Using Camera Traps and Opportunistic Photographic Material
    Journal Article
    Perez-Flores, J, Calme, S, Reyna-Hurtado, R
    2016 Tropical Conservation Science (Date Added: 2016-12-20)

    43- Insights into the multiannual home range of a Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii) in the Maya Forest
    Journal Article
    Reyna-Hurtado, R, Sanvicente-López, M, Pérez-Flores, J, Carrillo-Reyna, N, Calmé, S
    2016 Therya (Date Added: 2016-08-05)

    41- Subsistence Hunting and Conservation
    Book Chapter
    Ramirez-Barajas, PJ, Calmé, S
    2015 Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula (Date Added: 2016-02-23)

    40- Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula
    Book Whole
    Islebe, GA, Calmé, S, León-Cortés, JL, Schmook, B
    2015 (Date Added: 2016-02-23)

    39- Introduction: Biodiversity and conservation of the yucatán peninsula, Mexico
    Book Chapter
    Islebe, GA, Schmook, B, Calmé, S, León-Cortés, JL
    2015 Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula (Date Added: 2016-02-23)

    38- Birds
    Book Chapter
    Calmé, S, Mackinnon-H , B, Leyequién, E, Escalona-Segura, F
    2015 Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula (Date Added: 2016-02-23)

    37- Sleeping Sites of Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) in Logged and Unlogged Tropical Forests
    Journal Article
    Velázquez-Vázquez, G, Reyna-Hurtado, R, Arroyo-Rodríguez, V, Calmé, S, Léger-Dalcourt, M, Navarrete, DA
    2015 International Journal of Primatology (Date Added: 2016-01-18)

    36- Competing pressures on populations: long-term dynamics of food availability, food quality, disease, stress and animal abundance
    Journal Article
    Chapman, CA, Schoof, VAM, Bonnell, TR, Gogarten, JF, Calme, S
    2015 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2015-05-04)

    35- Preferenciasde hábitat y abundancia relativa de Tayassu pecari en un área con cacería en la región de Calakmul, Campeche, México
    Journal Article
    Briceño-Méndez, M, Reyna-Hurtado, R, Calmé, S, García-Gil, G
    2014 Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad (Date Added: 2016-07-19)

    34- The potential connectivity of waterhole networks and the effectiveness of a protected area under various drought scenarios
    Journal Article
    O'Farrill, G, Schampaert, KG, Rayfield, B, Bodin, , Calmé, S, Sengupta, R, Gonzalez, A
    2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2016-04-26)

    33- A cultural consensus regarding the king vulture?: Preliminary findings and their application to Mexican conservation
    Journal Article
    Haenn, N, Schmook, B, Reyes, YM, Calmé, S
    2014 Ethnobiology and Conservation (Date Added: 2015-11-03)

    32- Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management
    Journal Article
    Vander Wal, E, Garant, D, Calmé, S, Chapman, CA, Festa-Bianchet, M, Millien, V, Rioux-Paquette, S, Pelletier, F
    2014 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2014-09-11)

    31- Improving Conservation Outcomes with Insights from Local Experts and Bureaucracies: Use of Hybrid Knowledge
    Journal Article
    Haenn, N, Schmook, B, Reyes, Y, Calmé, S
    2014 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2014-03-24)

    30- Foraging strategy of a neotropical primate: how intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence destination and residence time
    Journal Article
    Plante, S, Colchero, F, Calmé, S
    2014 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2014-01-06)

    29-Zopilotes: Los limpiadores del ambiente
    Book Whole
    Enriquez, P
    2012 ECOSUR ( Date Added: 2016-07-19)

    28-Impacts des changements climatiques sur la biodiversité du Québec : résumé de la revue de littérature
    Auzel, P
    2012 CSBQ ( Date Added: 2016-07-05)

    27- Effective dispersal of large seeds by Baird's tapir: A large-scale field experiment
    Journal Article
    O'Farrill, G, Calmé, S, Sengupta, R, Gonzalez, A
    2012 Journal of Tropical Ecology (Date Added: 2016-04-26)

    26- Nest survival in the Neotropical Black Catbird (Melanoptila glabrirostris)
    Journal Article
    Roldán-Clarà, B, LaPergola, JB, Chapa-Vargas, L, Calmé, S
    2012 Journal of Ornithology (Date Added: 2013-03-25)

    25- Presencia y abundancia relativa de carnívoros en una selva dañada por el huracán Dean (2007)
    Journal Article
    Hernández-Díaz, M, Ramírez-Barajas, PJ, Chávez, C, Schmook, B, Calmé, S
    2012 Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad (Date Added: 2013-02-25)

    24- Impact of Hurricane Dean (2007) on Game Species of the Selva Maya, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Ramírez-Barajas, PJ, Islebe, GA, Calmé, S
    2012 Biotropica (Date Added: 2012-05-15)

    23- Searching in heterogeneous and limiting environments: Foraging strategies of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari)
    Journal Article
    Reyna-Hurtado, R, Chapman, CA, Calme, S, Pedersen, EJ
    2012 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2012-03-08)

    22- When landscape modification is advantageous for protected species. The case of a synanthropic tarantula, Brachypelma vagans
    Journal Article
    Machkour-M’Rabet, S, Hénaut, Y, Calmé, S, Legal, L
    2011 Journal of Insect Conservation (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    21- Observation of Nocturnal Feeding in Black Vultures (Coragyps atratus)
    Journal Article
    Charette, MR, Calmé, S, Pelletier, F
    2011 Journal of Raptor Research (Date Added: 2011-09-26)

    20- Predatory interactions between Centruroides scorpions and the tarantula Brachypelma vagans
    Journal Article
    Dor, A, Calmé, S, Hénaut, Y
    2011 Journal of Arachnology (Date Added: 2011-07-18)

    19- Variation in plasma cholinesterase activity in the clay-colored robin (Turdus grayi) in relation to time of day, season, and diazinon exposure
    Journal Article
    Cobos, VM, Mora, MA, Escalona, G, Calme, S, Jiménez, J
    2010 Ecotoxicology (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    18- Indication of a species in an extinction vortex: The ocellated turkey on the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Kampichler, C, Calmé, S, Weissenberger, H, Arriaga-Weiss, SL
    2010 Acta Oecologica (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    17- Classification in conservation biology: A comparison of five machine-learning methods
    Journal Article
    Kampichler, C, Wieland, R, Calmé, S, Weissenberger, H, Arriaga-Weiss, S
    2010 Ecological Informatics (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    16- Bird communities in rainforest fragments: Guild responses to habitat variables in Tabasco, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Arriaga-Weiss, SL, Calmé, S, Kampichler, C
    2008 Biodiversity and Conservation (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    15- Hybridization between Crocodylus acutus and Crocodylus moreletii in the Yucatan Peninsula: I. Evidence from mitochondrial DNA and morphology
    Journal Article
    Cedeño-Vázquez, JR, Rodriguez, D, Calmé, S, Ross, JP, Densmore III, LD, Thorbjarnarson, AJB
    2008 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    14- Senescence of Manilkara zapota trees and implications for large frugivorous birds in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Weterings, MJA, Weterings-Schonck, SM, Vester, HFM, Calmé, S
    2008 Forest Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    13- Land change in the southern Yucatán and Calakmul biosphere reserve: Effects on habitat and biodiversity
    Journal Article
    Vester, HFM, Lawrence, D, Eastman, JR, Turner II, BL, Calmé, S, Dickson, R, Pozo, C, Sangermano, F
    2007 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    12- Soil preference and burrow structure of an endangered tarantula, Brachypelma vagans (Mygalomorphae: Theraphosidae)
    Journal Article
    M'Rabet, SM, Hénaut, Y, Sepúlveda, A, Rojo, R, Calmé, S, Geissen, V
    2007 Journal of Natural History (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    11- Spatio-temporal distribution of forest extractive activities in Caoba ejido, Quintana Roo
    Journal Article
    Abraham, AG, Schmook, B, Calmé, S
    2007 Investigaciones Geograficas (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    10- Manilkara zapota: A new record of a species dispersed by tapirs
    Journal Article
    O’Farrill, G, Calmé, S, Gonzalez, A
    2006 Tapir Conservation (Date Added: 2011-08-04)

    9- A not so natural history of the tarantula Brachypelma vagans: Interaction with human activity
    Journal Article
    M'Rabet, SM, Hénaut, Y, Rojo, R, Calmé, S
    2005 Journal of Natural History (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    8- Status and conservation of the American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Banco Chinchorro Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico
    Journal Article
    Charruau, P, Cedeño-Vazquez, JR, Calme, S
    2005 Herpetological Review (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    7- Regional significance of peatlands for avifaunal diversity in southern Québec
    Journal Article
    Calmé, S, Desrochers, A, Savard, J-PL
    2002 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    6- Biogeographic aspects of the distribution of bird species breeding in Québec's peatlands
    Journal Article
    Calmé, S, Desrochers, A
    2000 Journal of Biogeography (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    5- Nested bird and micro-habitat assemblages in a peatland archipelago
    Journal Article
    Calmé, S, Desrochers, A
    1999 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    4- Peatlands: A new habitat for the Upland Sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda in Eastern Canada
    Journal Article
    Calmé, S, Haddad, S
    1996 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    3- The relationship between water content and frost tolerance in shoots of hardwood seedlings
    Journal Article
    Calme, S, Margolis, HA, Bigras, FJ, Mailly, D
    1995 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    2- Viability tests for estimating root cold tolerance of black spruce seedlings
    Journal Article
    Bigras, FJ, Calme, S
    1994 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    1- Frost tolerance and bud dormancy of container-grown yellow birch, red oak and sugar maple seedlings
    Journal Article
    Calme, S, Bigras, FJ, Margolis, HA, Hebert, C
    1994 Tree Physiology (Date Added: 2011-05-17)

    In the media