Francisco Neira Brito

Université de Sherbrooke
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Sophie Calmé
Ismael Vaccaro
Start: 2014-04-11
End: 2021-03-31
Personal page


Biodiversity values expressed through socio-ecological interactions between settler and indigenous Shuar communities in the southern Amazon region of Ecuador.
The tropical Andean zone is a biodiversity hotspot that includes the Andean foothills and the plains of the Amazon. The instrumental (economic) and intrinsic (ecological) values of this biodiversity have been studied by the theory of ecosystem services and nature's contributions to people. However, the study of the relational values of biodiversity for subsistence has received little attention. These relational values of biodiversity emerge from the understanding of the socioecological interactions between biodiversity and local human populations. These interactions are structured by subsistence practices, traditional ecological knowledge and local community institutions. The objective of my research is to understand the interaction between biodiversity and the settler and indigenous Shuar communities of the southern Amazon region of Ecuador in order to 1) adequately value the region's biodiversity and 2) analyze the resilience of this interaction.


Biodiversité, résilience, services écosystémiques


1- Usos sostenibles de la biodiversidad en un área protegida de la Amazonía ecuatoriana (2006-2011)
Neira, Francisco, Mónica Suza, Katherine Robles
2013 Letras Verdes, Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioambientales

2- Yasuní en el siglo XXI. El Estado ecuatoriano y la conservación de la Amazonía
Neira, Francisco
2013 Íconos - Revista de Ciencias Sociales

3- Representaciones de la naturaleza en la Amazonía ecuatoriana: ¿subsistencia local o conservación global?
Neira Brito, Francisco
2013 Íconos - Revista de Ciencias Sociales

4- Nociones de persona, lo político y las relacionalidades: paradigmas de la antropología de la naturaleza
Vallejo, Ivette, Javier Vásconez, Diana Soto, María Elena Ramírez, Francisco Neira, Geviller Marín
2019 Íconos - Revista de Ciencias Sociales

5- La gestion des ressources renouvelables : vers une gestion patrimoniale des écosystèmes*
Neira Brito, Francisco
2004 Bulletin de l’Institut français d’études andines

6- Appropriation des ressources naturelles dans une forêt andine équatorienne : vers la gestion patrimoniale des ressources
Neira B., Francisco
2004 VertigO