Denis Réale

Professeur titulaire,
Université du Québec à Montréal

Département de sciences biologiques
Page web de l'institution
Page personnelle


  • Doctorat Université de Rennes I, Écologie 1996
  • Maîtrise Université de Paris XIII, Biologie du comportement 1990
  • Baccalauréat Université de Grenoble I- Joseph Fournier, Biologie des Organismes 1988

  • Recherche

    Je m’intéresse à l’écologie et l’évolution des différences individuelles dans les populations. Plus particulièrement, j’étudie les causes et les conséquences sociales et écologiques des différences individuelles ainsi que les réponses plastiques et évolutives des comportements et des traits d’histoire de vie dans des populations animales naturelles, à la suite de changements de l’environnement.

    Étudiants CSBQ

    Hélène Dion-Phenix

    (Début: 2020)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Steven Kembel
    Étude des déterminants de la variation du microbiote des mésanges

    Arlette Fauteux

    (Début: 2023)
    Impact du comportement des mésanges bleues (Cyanistes caeruleus ogliastrae) sur la diète et l’aptitude de leurs oisillons ainsi que sur la démographie de leurs proies.

    Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

    Melanie Dammhahn

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2013, Fin: 2014)
    The pace-of-life syndrome in Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)

    Philippe Girard

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2013)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Frederic Guichard
    Modélisation des conséquences biodémographiques de la fluctuation des ressources dans une métapopulation

    Emmanuel Millot

    Postdoctoral fellow
    Autre (co-)superviseur: Mayer, Francine M, UQAM
    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2012)
    Génétique et évolution contemporaine chez les humains / Écologie et génétique des couleuvres brunes

    Laurence Puillet

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2013, Fin: 2014)
    Modélisation de l'acquisition et de l'allocation d'énergie dans une population d'ongulés

    Jiapeng Qu

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2015, Fin: 2016)
    Personality and life history of palteau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) populations

    Victor Diaz

    (Début: 2005, Fin: 2010)
    Reponse évolutive de Chironomus riparius à une contamination à l'uranium

    Gabrielle Dubuc Messier

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Anne Charmantier; Centre d'Étude Fonctionnelle et Évolutive; CNRS (France)
    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2017)
    Hétérogénéité environnementale et évolution des différences de traits de personnalité chez la mésange bleue (Cyaniste caeruleus).

    Morgan Dutilleul

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Simon Galas, Université de Montpellier
    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2013)
    Réponses microévolutives et coûts adaptatifs de populations de Caenorhabditis elegans soumises à des stress environnementaux

    caterina ferrari

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Achaz von Hardenberg
    (Début: 2013, Fin: 2014)
    Personality and social role in a cooperative breeder species, the Alpine marmot, Marmota marmota;

    Elouana Gharnit

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Fanie Pelletier, Université de Sherbrooke
    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2018)
    Personnalité animale et spécialisation de niche individuelle chez le tamia rayé

    Tristan Juette

    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2020)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dany Garant
    Rôle de la personnalité dans les dynamiques de métapopulations de souris sylvestre et de campagnols à dos roux de Gapper au sein d'un milieu insulaire.
    Page personnelle

    Pierre-Olivier Montiglio

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2012)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dany Garant
    Relations entre le patron d'exploration, le niveau de cortisol, et le succès reproducteur chez le tamia rayé (Tamias striatus)

    Jimmy Allain

    (Début: 2020, Fin: 2020)
    Effet de l'âge à maturité sexuelle sur la sénescence de la reproduction

    Catherine Babin

    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2012)
    Effets de la personnalité sur la dispersion des tamias rayés

    Catherine Čapkun-Huot

    (Début: 2020, Fin: 2022)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dany Garant
    Habituation en contexte écologique : une exploration des différences interindividuelles d'habituation chez le tamia rayé (Tamias striatus)

    Lisa Chamberlin

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Superviseur principal : Jean-François Giroux
    (Début: 2019, Fin: 2021)

    Jeanne Clermont

    (Début: 2016, Fin: 2018)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Jean-François Giroux
    Liens entre la personnalité et le succès reproducteur chez la bernache du Canada

    Gabrielle Dubuc Messier

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Anne Charmantier, CEFE, CNRS, France
    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2012)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dany Garant

    François Dumont

    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2010)
    Le rôle individuel dans les interactions sociales chez la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota)

    Yann Gauthier

    (Début: 2013, Fin: 2014)
    La personnalité et la spécialisation de niche du tamia rayé (Tamias striatus).

    Sophie Godde

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Steeve Côté, U. Laval
    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2011)
    Etude des facteurs influençant la structure sociale des femelles d’une population naturelle de chèvres de montagne (Oreamnos americanus)

    Caroline Grou

    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2012)
    Effet de l'augmentation de la densité de la population et de la diminution de l'habitat sur la structure social chez le girafes du Niger (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta)

    Jérôme Guay

    (Début: 2006, Fin: 2009)
    Personnalité et captivité chez les macaques à queue de lion

    Philippe Lamarre

    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2015)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Bernard Angers
    Des îles, des serpents et des hommes; impact de la fragmentation du paysage sur l’organisation génétique de deux couleuvres.

    Vincent Lefebvre-Auger

    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2012)
    Distance de fuite et occupation de l'espace en fonction de la présence des humains dans la population de girafes de l'Est, au Niger

    Raphaëlle Mercier Gauthier

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Claire Doutreland (CEFE, CNRS, Montpellier, FRANCE)
    (Début: 2015, Fin: 2017)
    Liens entre personnalité, coloration et traits morphologiques chez la mésange bleue (Cyanistes caeruleus) dans un environnement hétérogène

    Leila Turki

    (Début: 2006, Fin: 2009)
    Consanguinité et stéréotypie chez des souris sylvestres captives

    Exemples d'espèces étudiées

    Caenorhabditis elegans
    Tamias striatus
    Cuterebra emasculator
    Peromyscus maniculatus
    Ovis musimon
    Brachionus plicatilis
    Marmota marmota
    Tamias sibiricus
    Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
    Gryllus firmus
    Campylomma verbasci
    Oreamnos americanus
    Ochotona curzoniae


    169- Host defense alteration in Caenorhabditis elegans after evolution under ionizing radiation
    Journal Article
    Quevarec L , Morran L T , Dufourcq-Sekatcheff E , Armant O , Adam-Guillermin C , Bonzom J , Réale D ,
    2024 BMC Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2024-07-16)

    168- Evolutionary approach for pollution study: The case of ionizing radiation
    Journal Article
    Car C , Quevarec L , Gilles A , Réale D , Bonzom J ,
    2024 Environmental Pollution (Date Added: 2024-04-21)

    167- Offspring sex ratio increases with paternal reproductive success in a colony of southern elephant seals
    Journal Article
    Allegue H , Guinet C , Patrick S C , Ribout C , Bichet C , Lepais O , Réale D ,
    2024 Marine Mammal Science (Date Added: 2024-02-13)

    166- Exploration and social environment affect inbreeding avoidance in a small mammal
    Journal Article
    Vandal K , Garant D , Bergeron P , Réale D ,
    2024 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2024-01-31)

    165- Sex-dependent integration of ornamentation, personality, morphology, and life history
    Journal Article
    López-Idiáquez D , Teplitsky C , Fargevieille A , Del Rey-Granado M , Mercier Gauthier R , de Franceschi C , Charmantier A , Doutrelant C , Réale D ,
    2024 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2024-01-25)

    164- Toward a unified framework for studying behavioural tolerance
    Journal Article
    Čapkun-Huot C , Blumstein D T , Garant D , Sol D , Réale D ,
    2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2024-01-14)

    163- Age at first reproduction and senescence in a short-lived wild mammal
    Journal Article
    Allain J , Tissier M , Bergeron P , Garant D , Réale D ,
    2023 Oikos (Date Added: 2023-11-12)

    162- Effect of rearing density on the expression of fitness-related traits in male sand field crickets (Gryllus firmus)
    Journal Article
    Kelly C D , L’Heureux V , Wey T W , Réale D ,
    2023 Evolutionary Ecology (Date Added: 2023-08-16)

    161- Environmental and individual determinants of burrow-site microhabitat selection, occupancy, and fidelity in eastern chipmunks living in a pulsed-resource ecosystem
    Journal Article
    Gaudreau-Rousseau C , Bergeron P , Réale D , Garant D ,
    2023 PeerJ (Date Added: 2023-04-23)

    160- Track and dive-based movement metrics do not predict the number of prey encountered by a marine predator
    Journal Article
    Allegue H , Réale D , Picard B , Guinet C ,
    2023 Movement Ecology (Date Added: 2023-02-06)

    159- Ionizing radiation affects the demography and the evolution of Caenorhabditis elegans populations
    Journal Article
    Quevarec L , Réale D , Dufourcq-Sekatcheff E , Armant O , Adam-Guillermin C , Bonzom J ,
    2023 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (Date Added: 2023-01-01)

    158- A global meta-analysis reveals higher variation in breeding phenology in urban birds than in their non-urban neighbours
    Journal Article
    Capilla‐Lasheras P , Thompson M J , Sánchez‐Tójar A , Haddou Y , Branston C J , Réale D , Charmantier A , Dominoni D M ,
    2022 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2022-10-06)

    157- Evolutionary behavioural ecology perspectives on personality in non-human animals
    Book Book Chapter
    Dingemanse N J , Réale D ,
    2022 The Routledge International Handbook of Comparative Psychology (Date Added: 2022-09-30)

    156- Male frequency in Caenorhabditis elegans increases in response to chronic irradiation
    Journal Article
    Quevarec L , Réale D , Dufourcq‐Sekatcheff E , Car C , Armant O , Dubourg N , Adam‐Guillermin C , Bonzom J ,
    2022 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2022-09-13)

    155- The Feast and the Famine: Spring Body Mass Variations and Life History Traits in a Pulse Resource Ecosystem
    Journal Article
    Nathoo R , Garant D , Réale D , Bergeron P ,
    2022 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2022-08-30)

    154- Telomere length positively correlates with pace-of-life in a sex- and cohort-specific way and elongates with age in a wild mammal
    Journal Article
    Tissier M L , Bergeron P , Garant D , Zahn S , Criscuolo F , Réale D ,
    2022 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2022-07-08)

    153- Resource Availability, Sex, and Individual Differences in Exploration Drive Individual Diet Specialization
    Journal Article
    Gharnit E , Dammhahn M , Garant D , Réale D ,
    2022 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2022-05-22)

    152- Differences in the temporal scale of reproductive investment across the slow-fast continuum in a passerine
    Journal Article
    Patrick S C , Réale D , Potts J R , Wilson A J , Doutrelant C , Teplitsky C , Charmantier A ,
    2022 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2022-03-20)

    151- Quantifying heritability and estimating evolutionary potential in the wild when individuals that share genes also share environments
    Journal Article
    Gervais L , Morellet N , David I , Hewison M , Réale D , Goulard M , Chaval Y , Lourtet B , Cargnelutti B , Merlet J , Quéméré E , Pujol B ,
    2022 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2022-03-08)

    150- Sex, body size, and boldness shape the seasonal foraging habitat selection in southern elephant seals
    Journal Article
    Allegue H , Guinet C , Patrick S C , Hindell M A , McMahon C R , Réale D ,
    2022 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-02-07)

    149- Linking genetic, morphological, and behavioural divergence between inland island and mainland deer mice
    Journal Article
    Miller J M , Garant D , Perrier C , Juette T , Jameson J W , Normandeau E , Bernatchez L , Réale D ,
    2021 Heredity (Date Added: 2022-01-04)

    148- Phenotypic variation in urban environments: mechanisms and implications
    Journal Article
    Thompson M , Capilla-Lasheras P , Dominoni D , Réale D , Charmantier A ,
    2021 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-11-05)

    147- Indirect genetic and environmental effects on behaviors, morphology, and life-history traits in a wild Eastern chipmunk population
    Journal Article
    Santostefano F , Allegue H , Garant D , Bergeron P , Réale D ,
    2021 Evolution (Date Added: 2021-05-18)

    146- Bacterial microbiota similarity between predators and prey in a blue tit trophic network
    Journal Article
    Dion-Phénix H , Charmantier A , de Franceschi C , Bourret G , Kembel S W , Réale D ,
    2021 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-03-05)

    145- Connecting the data landscape of long-term ecological studies: The SPI-Birds data hub
    Journal Article
    Culina A , Adriaensen F , Bailey L D , Burgess M D , Charmantier A , Cole E F , Eeva T , Matthysen E , Nater C R , Sheldon B C , Sæther B , Vriend S J G , Zajkova Z , Adamík P , Aplin L M , Angulo E , Artemyev A , Barba E , Barišić S , Belda E , Bilgin C C , Bleu J , Both C , Bouwhuis S , Branston C J , Broggi J , Burke T , Bushuev A , Camacho C , Campobello D , Canal D , Cantarero A , Caro S P , Cauchoix M , Chaine A , Cichoń M , Ćiković D , Cusimano C A , Deimel C , Dhondt A A , Dingemanse N J , Doligez B , Dominoni D M , Doutrelant C , Drobniak S M , Dubiec A , Eens M , Einar Erikstad K , Espín S , Farine D R , Figuerola J , Kavak Gülbeyaz P , Grégoire A , Hartley I R , Hau M , Hegyi G , Hille S , Hinde C A , Holtmann B , Ilyina T , Isaksson C , Iserbyt A , Ivankina E , Kania W , Kempenaers B , Kerimov A , Komdeur J , Korsten P , Král M , Krist M , Lambrechts M , Lara C E , Leivits A , Liker A , Lodjak J , Mägi M , Mainwaring M C , Mänd R , Massa B , Massemin S , Martínez‐Padilla J , Mazgajski T D , Mennerat A , Moreno J , Mouchet A , Nakagawa S , Nilsson J , Nilsson J F , Cláudia Norte A , Oers K , Orell M , Potti J , Quinn J L , Réale D , Kristin Reiertsen T , Rosivall B , Russell A F , Rytkönen S , Sánchez‐Virosta P , Santos E S A , Schroeder J , Senar J C , Seress G , Slagsvold T , Szulkin M , Teplitsky C , Tilgar V , Tolstoguzov A , Török J , Valcu M , Vatka E , Verhulst S , Watson H , Yuta T , Zamora‐Marín J M , Visser M E ,
    2020 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2020-12-10)

    144- Collision between biological process and statistical analysis revealed by mean centring
    Journal Article
    Westneat D F , Araya‐Ajoy Y G , Allegue H , Class B , Dingemanse N , Dochtermann N A , Garamszegi L Z , Martin J G A , Nakagawa S , Réale D , Schielzeth H ,
    2020 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2020-12-04)

    143- Age-dependent phenological plasticity in a wild bird
    Journal Article
    Bonamour S , Chevin L , Réale D , Teplitsky C , Charmantier A ,
    2020 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2020-10-14)

    142- Exploration profiles drive activity patterns and temporal niche specialization in a wild rodent
    Journal Article
    Gharnit E , Bergeron P , Garant D , Réale D ,
    2020 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2020-10-14)

    141- Coordination in parental effort decreases with age in a long-lived seabird
    Journal Article
    Patrick S C , Corbeau A , Réale D , Weimerskirch H ,
    2020 Oikos (Date Added: 2020-09-28)

    140- The island syndrome hypothesis is only partially validated in two rodent species in an inland–island system
    Journal Article
    Juette T , Garant D , Jameson J W , Réale D ,
    2020 Oikos (Date Added: 2020-09-12)

    139- Robustness of linear mixed-effects models to violations of distributional assumptions
    Journal Article
    Schielzeth H , Dingemanse N J , Nakagawa S , Westneat D F , Allegue H , Teplitsky C , Réale D , Dochtermann N A , Garamszegi L Z , Araya‐Ajoy Y G ,
    2020 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2020-07-28)

    138- Development and characterization of 14 microsatellites for the eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus
    Journal Article
    Vandal K , Houle C , Archambault A , Réale D , Garant D ,
    2020 Molecular Biology Reports (Date Added: 2020-07-05)

    137- Individual and environmental determinants of Cuterebra bot fly parasitism in the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
    Journal Article
    Paquette C , Garant D , Savage J , Réale D , Bergeron P ,
    2020 Oecologia (Date Added: 2020-07-01)

    136- Consumption of red maple in anticipation of beech mast-seeding drives reproduction in eastern chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Tissier M L , Réale D , Garant D , Bergeron P ,
    2020 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2020-03-09)

    135- Mapping the dynamics of research networks in ecology and evolution using co-citation analysis (1975–2014)
    Journal Article
    Réale D , Khelfaoui M , Montiglio P , Gingras Y ,
    2020 Scientometrics (Date Added: 2020-02-01)

    134- Social selection acts on behavior and body mass but does not contribute to the total selection differential in eastern chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Santostefano F , Garant D , Bergeron P , Montiglio P , Réale D ,
    2019 Evolution (Date Added: 2019-12-02)

    133- Spatio-temporal variation in oxidative status regulation in a small mammal
    Journal Article
    Lemieux V , Garant D , Reale D , Bergeron P ,
    2019 PeerJ (Date Added: 2019-11-04)

    132- Can isogroup selection of highly zoophagous lines of a zoophytophagous bug improve biocontrol of spider mites in apple orchards?
    Journal Article
    Dumont F , Réale D , Lucas ,
    2019 Insects (Date Added: 2019-10-26)

    131- Among-population divergence in personality is linked to altitude in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae)
    Journal Article
    Qu J , Réale D , Fletcher Q E , Zhang Y ,
    2019 Frontiers in Zoology (Date Added: 2019-07-25)

    130- Similarity in nest defense intensity in Canada goose pairs
    Journal Article
    Clermont J , Réale D , Giroux J ,
    2019 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2019-07-19)

    129- Plasticity, state-dependency, and individual consistency in Canada goose nest defense behavior
    Journal Article
    Clermont J , Réale D , Lindsay M , Giroux J ,
    2019 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2019-05-14)

    128- Developmental and genetic effects on behavioral and life-history traits in a field cricket
    Journal Article
    Wey T W , Réale D , Kelly C D ,
    2019 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-04-05)

    127- Independence between coping style and stress reactivity in plateau pika
    Journal Article
    Qu J , Fletcher Q E , Réale D , Li W , Zhang Y ,
    2018 Physiology and Behavior (Date Added: 2018-10-03)

    126- Gene flow does not prevent personality and morphological differentiation between two blue tit populations
    Journal Article
    Dubuc-Messier G , Caro S P , Perrier C , van Oers K , Réale D , Charmantier A ,
    2018 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2018-08-17)

    125- Personalities influence spatial responses to environmental fluctuations in wild fish
    Journal Article
    Villegas-Ríos D , Réale D , Freitas C , Moland E , Olsen E M ,
    2018 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2018-08-06)

    124- The pace-of-life syndrome revisited: the role of ecological conditions and natural history on the slow-fast continuum
    Journal Article
    Montiglio P , Dammhahn M , Dubuc Messier G , Réale D ,
    2018 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2018-07-08)

    123- Into the wild-WAMBAM goes to Canada
    Journal Article
    Morrissey M B , Janeiro M J , Sparks A M , White S , Pigeon G , Teplitsky C , Réale D , Milot E ,
    2018 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2018-04-07)

    122- Pace-of-life syndromes: a framework for the adaptive integration of behaviour, physiology and life history
    Journal Article
    Dammhahn M , Dingemanse N J , Niemelä P T , Réale D ,
    2018 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2018-04-02)

    121- Signaler and receiver boldness influence response to alarm calls in eastern chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Couchoux C , Clermont J , Garant D , Réale D ,
    2018 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2018-01-29)

    120- Plasticity in laying dates of Canada Geese in response to spring phenology
    Journal Article
    Clermont, J, Réale, D, Giroux, J-F
    2017 Ibis (Date Added: 2018-05-14)

    119- Adaptation costs to constant and alternating polluted environments
    Journal Article
    Dutilleul M , Réale D , Goussen B , Lecomte C , Galas S , Bonzom J ,
    2017 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2017-11-23)

    118- Isogroup selection to optimize biocontrol increases cannibalism in omnivorous (Zoophytophagous) bugs
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Lucas E , Dumont F ,
    2017 Insects (Date Added: 2017-08-11)

    117- Eco-evolutionary dynamics in a contemporary human population
    Journal Article
    Pelletier, F, Pigeon, G, Bergeron, P, Mayer, FM, Boisvert, M, Reale, D, Milot, E
    2017 Nature Communications (Date Added: 2017-07-12)

    116- Environmental heterogeneity and population differences in blue tits personality traits
    Journal Article
    Dubuc-Messier G , Réale D , Perret P , Charmantier A ,
    2017 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2017-06-24)

    115- Determinants, selection and heritability of docility in wild eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
    Journal Article
    St-Hilaire É , Réale D , Garant D ,
    2017 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2017-05-28)

    114- Coexistence of zoophytophagous and phytozoophagous strategies linked to genotypic diet specialization in plant bug
    Journal Article
    Dumont F , Lucas E , Réale D ,
    2017 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2017-05-18)

    113- Assessing anti-predator decisions of foraging eastern chipmunks under varying perceived risks: The effects of physical and social environments on vigilance
    Journal Article
    Clermont, J, Couchoux, C, Garant, D, Réale, D
    2017 Behaviour (Date Added: 2017-02-17)

    112- Individual level consistency and correlations of fish spatial behaviour assessed from aquatic animal telemetry
    Journal Article
    Villegas-Ríos, D, Réale, D, Freitas, C, Moland, E, Olsen, EM
    2017 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2017-01-16)

    111- Individual variation in energy-saving heterothermy affects survival and reproductive success
    Journal Article
    Dammhahn M , Landry-Cuerrier M , Réale D , Garant D , Humphries M M ,
    2016 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2017-02-10)

    110- Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences (SQuID): an educational and statistical tool for understanding multilevel phenotypic data in linear mixed models
    Journal Article
    Allegue, H, Araya-Ajoy, YG, Dingemanse, NJ, Dochtermann, NA, Garamszegi, LZ, Nakagawa, S, Réale, D, Schielzeth, H, Westneat, DF, Hadfield, J
    2016 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

    109- Disentangling the relative roles of resource acquisition and allocation on animal feed efficiency: insights from a dairy cow model
    Journal Article
    Puillet, L, Réale, D, Friggens, NC
    2016 Genetics, Selection, Evolution : GSE (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

    108-Animal personality, the study of individual behavioral differences
    Book Chapter
    Réale D & Montiglio, PO
    2016 The Behavior of Animals: Mechanisms, Function and Evolution ( Date Added: 2016-06-30)

    106- Solutions for Archiving Data in Long-Term Studies: A Reply to Whitlock et al
    Journal Article
    Mills, JA, Teplitsky, C, Arroyo, B, Charmantier, A, Becker, PH, Birkhead, TR, Bize, P, Blumstein, DT, Bonenfant, C, Boutin, S, Bushuev, A, Cam, E, Cockburn, A, Cote, SD, Coulson, JC, Daunt, F, Dingemanse, NJ, Doligez, B, Drummond, H, Espie, RHM, Festa-Bianchet, M, Frentiu, FD, Fitzpatrick, JW, Furness, RW, Gauthier, G, Grant, PR, Griesser, M, Gustafsson, L, Hansson, B, Harris, MP, Jiguet, F, Kjellander, P, Korpimaki, E, Krebs, CJ, Lens, L, Linnell, JDC, Low, M, McAdam, A, Margalida, A, Merila, J, Moller, AP, Nakagawa, S, Nilsson, J-A, Nisbet, ICT, van Noordwijk, AJ, Oro, D, Part, T, Pelletier, F, Potti, J, Pujol, B, Réale, D, Rockwell, RF, Ropert-Coudert, Y, Roulin, A, Thebaud, C, Sedinger, JS, Swenson, JE, Visser, ME, Wanless, S, Westneat, DF, Wilson, AJ, Zedrosser, A
    2016 Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Date Added: 2016-02-23)

    105- Female mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus, associate according to kinship and reproductive status
    Journal Article
    Godde, S, Côté, SD, Réale, D
    2015 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2016-06-30)

    104- Pollution breaks down the genetic architecture of life history traits in Caenorhabditis elegans
    Journal Article
    Dutilleul M , Goussen B , Bonzom J M , Galas S , Réale, D
    2015 Plos One (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

    103- Among-individual correlations between energy expenditure and personality in wild chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Montiglio, PO, Garant, G, Pelletier F , Speakman, JR, Humphries M M , Réale, D
    2015 Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

    102- Helpers influence on territory use and maintenance in Alpine marmot groups
    Journal Article
    Bogliani, G, von Hardenberg, A, Pasquaretta, C, Ferrari, C, Busia, L, Reale, D
    2015 Behaviour (Date Added: 2015-10-22)

    101- Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies
    Journal Article
    Mills, JA, Teplitsky, C, Arroyo, B, Charmantier, A, Becker, PH, Birkhead, TR, Bize, P, Blumstein, DT, Bonenfant, C, Boutin, S, Bushuev, A, Cam, E, Cockburn, A, Cote, SD, Coulson, JC, Daunt, F, Dingemanse, NJ, Doligez, B, Drummond, H, Espie, RHM, Festa-Bianchet, M, Frentiu, F, Fitzpatrick, JW, Furness, RW, Garant, D, Gauthier, G, Grant, PR, Griesser, M, Gustafsson, L, Hansson, B, Harris, MP, Jiguet, F, Kjellander, P, Korpimaki, E, Krebs, CJ, Lens, L, Linnell, JDC, Low, M, McAdam, A, Margalida, A, Merila, J, Moller, AP, Nakagawa, S, Nilsson, J-A, Nisbet, ICT, van Noordwijk, AJ, Oro, D, Part, T, Pelletier, F, Potti, J, Pujol, B, Réale, D, Rockwell, RF, Ropert-Coudert, Y, Roulin, A, Sedinger, JS, Swenson, JE, Thebaud, C, Visser, ME, Wanless, S, Westneat, DF, Wilson, AJ, Zedrosser, A
    2015 Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Date Added: 2015-10-22)

    100- Sex-based differences in the adaptive value of social behavior contrasted against morphology and environment
    Journal Article
    Vander Wal, E, Festa-Bianchet, M, Réale, D, Coltman, DW, Pelletier, F
    2015 Ecology (Date Added: 2015-06-04)

    99- Spying on small wildlife sounds using affordable collar-mounted miniature microphones: an innovative method to record individual daylong vocalisations in chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Couchoux, C, Aubert, M, Garant, D, Reale, D
    2015 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2015-05-26)

    98- Energy expenditure and personality in wild chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Montiglio, P-O, Garant, D, Pelletier, F, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM, Réale, D
    2015 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2015-02-18)

    97- Evolution of personality differences
    Journal Article
    Réale, D&AW
    2014 Oxford Bibliographies (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

    96- Rapid evolutionary responses of life history traits to different experimentally-induced pollution in Caenorhabditis elegans
    Journal Article
    Dutilleul M , BJM
    2014 BMC Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

    95- Pulsed resources and the coupling between life-history strategies and exploration patterns in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
    Journal Article
    Montiglio, P-O, Garant, D, Bergeron, P, Messier, GD, Réale, D
    2014 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    94- Solar Irradiance, Survival and Longevity in a Pre-industrial Human Population
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Milot, E, Mayer, FM, Boisvert, M, Réale, D, Pelletier, F
    2014 Human Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-25)

    93- Intra-individual variability in fecal cortisol metabolites varies with lifetime exploration and reproductive life history in eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
    Journal Article
    Montiglio, P-O, Garant, D, Pelletier, F, Réale, D
    2014 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2014-10-20)

    92- Early growth trajectories affect sexual responsiveness
    Journal Article
    Lee, W-S, Metcalfe, NB, Reale, D, Peres-Neto, PR
    2014 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2014-01-27)

    91- Disruptive viability selection on adult exploratory behaviour in eastern chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Montiglio, P-O, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Gimenez, O, Garant, D
    2013 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    90- The energetic and survival costs of growth in free-ranging chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Bergeron, P, Garant, D, Reale, D, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM
    2013 Oecologia (Date Added: 2015-09-25)

    89- A quantitative trait locus analysis of personality in wild bighorn sheep
    Journal Article
    Poissant, J, Réale, D, Martin, JGA, Festa-Bianchet, M, Coltman, DW
    2013 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2013-11-08)

    88- Context-dependent correlation between resting metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure in wild chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Réale, D, Garant, D, Pelletier, F, Speakman, JR, Humphries, MM
    2013 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2013-10-15)

    87- Rapid phenotypic changes in Caenorhabditis elegans under uranium exposure
    Journal Article
    Dutilleul, M, Lemaire, L, Réale, D, Lecomte, C, Galas, S, Bonzom, J-M
    2013 Ecotoxicology (Date Added: 2013-07-29)

    86- Testing for the presence of coping styles in a wild mammal
    Journal Article
    Ferrari, C, Pasquaretta, C, Carere, C, Cavallone, E, von Hardenberg, A, Réale, D
    2013 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2013-07-02)

    85- Social niche specialization under constraints: personality, social interactions and environmental heterogeneity
    Journal Article
    Montiglio, PO, Ferrari, C, Réale, D
    2013 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2013-04-18)

    84- Correcting for the impact of gregariousness in social network analyses
    Journal Article
    Godde, S, Humbert, L, Côté, SD, Réale, D, Whitehead, H
    2013 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2013-01-21)

    83- What is the evidence for natural selection maintaining “animal” personality variation ?
    Book Chapter
    Dingemanse, NJ, Réale, D
    2013 Animal personalities : behavior, physiology, and evolution (Date Added: 2012-09-19)

    82-Human contemporary evolution
    Journal Article
    Réale D ,
    2012 Project Syndicate ( Date Added: 2016-06-28)

    81- Low heritabilities of personality traits, but strong maternal effects on red 
squirrel behavioural syndromes
    Journal Article
    Taylor R W , BAK
    2012 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

    80- Environmental conditions affect spatial genetic structures and dispersal patterns in a solitary rodent
    Journal Article
    Messier, GD, Garant, D, Bergeron, P, Reale, D
    2012 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    79- Bateman gradients in a promiscuous mating system
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Montiglio, P-O, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Garant, D
    2012 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2015-09-25)

    78- Flight Initiation Distance and Starting Distance: Biological Effect or Mathematical Artefact?
    Journal Article
    Dumont, F, Pasquaretta, C, Réale, D, Bogliani, G, von Hardenberg, A
    2012 Ethology (Date Added: 2012-10-12)

    77- Animal Personality
    Book Chapter
    Réale, D, Dingemanse, NJ
    2012 Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (Date Added: 2012-09-19)

    76- Noninvasive monitoring of fecal cortisol metabolites in the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus): Validation and comparison of two Enzyme Immunoassays
    Journal Article
    Montiglio, P-O, Pelletier, F, Palme, R, Garant, D, Réale, D, Boonstra, R
    2012 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2012-09-19)

    75- Free-ranging eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) infected with bot fly (Cuterebra emasculator) larvae have higher resting but lower maximum metabolism
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Garant, D, Humphries, MM
    2012 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-09-15)

    74- Stress-induced rise in body temperature is repeatable in free-ranging Eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus)
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Réale, D, Garant, D, Speakman, J, Humphries, M
    2012 Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2012-09-15)

    73- Personality differences are related to long-term stress reactivity in a population of wild eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus
    Journal Article
    Montiglio, P-O, Garant, D, Pelletier, F, Réale, D
    2012 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-09-10)

    72- Estimation and comparison of heritability and parent–offspring resemblance in dispersal probability from capture–recapture data using different methods: the Collared Flycatcher as a case study
    Journal Article
    Doligez, B, Daniel, G, Warin, P, Pärt, T, Gustafsson, L, Réale, D
    2012 Journal of Ornithology (Date Added: 2012-06-18)

    71- Frequency-dependent payoffs and sequential decision-making favour consistent tactic use
    Journal Article
    Dubois, F, Giraldeau, L-A, Reale, D
    2012 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-04-16)

    70- Interplay between plasma oxidative status, cortisol and coping styles in wild alpine marmots, Marmota marmota
    Journal Article
    Costantini, D, Ferrari, C, Pasquaretta, C, Cavallone, E, Carere, C, von Hardenberg, A, Réale, D
    2012 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-14)

    69- Anticipation and tracking of pulsed resources drive population dynamics in eastern chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Garant, D
    2011 Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    68- The energetic and oxidative costs of reproduction in a free-ranging rodent: Physiological costs of chipmunk reproduction
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Careau, V, Humphries, MM, Réale, D, Speakman, JR, Garant, D
    2011 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    67- Evidence of multiple paternity and mate selection for inbreeding avoidance in wild eastern chipmunks
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Reale, D, Humphries, MM, Garant, D
    2011 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    66- Individual quality: tautology or biological reality?
    Journal Article
    Bergeron, P, Baeta, R, Pelletier, F, Reale, D, Garant, D
    2011 The Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    65- Disentangling the roles of frequency-vs. state-dependence in generating individual differences in behavioural plasticity
    Journal Article
    Mathot, KJ, van den Hout, PJ, Piersma, T, Kempenaers, B, Réale, D, Dingemanse, NJ
    2011 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2012-09-19)

    64- Selection and evolutionary explanation for the maintenance of personality differences
    Book Chapter
    Réale, D, Dingemanse, NJ
    2011 The evolution of personality and individual differences (Date Added: 2012-09-19)

    63-Measuring individual differences in reaction norms in field and experimental studies: a power analysis of random regression models
    Journal Article
    Martin, JGA, Nussey, DH, Wilson, AJ, Réale, D
    2011 Methods in Ecology and Evolution ( Date Added: 2012-03-14)

    62- Evidence for evolution in response to natural selection in a contemporary human population
    Journal Article
    Milot, E, Mayer, FM, Nussey, DH, Boisvert, M, Pelletier, F, Reale, D
    2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2011-11-11)

    61- Genetic correlation between resting metabolic rate and exploratory behaviour in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus)
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Thomas, D, Pelletier, F, Turki, L, Landry, F, Garant, D, Réale, D
    2011 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2011-07-18)

    60- Personality and the emergence of the pace-of-life syndrome concept at the population level
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Garant, D, Humphries, MM, Bergeron, P, Careau, V, Montiglio, P-O
    2010 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2015-09-29)

    59- Personality and individual social specialisation
    Book Chapter
    Réale, D, Dingemanse, NJ
    2010 Social behaviour : genes, ecology and evolution (Date Added: 2012-09-26)

    58- Personality, space use and tick load in an introduced population of Siberian chipmunks Tamias sibiricus
    Journal Article
    Boyer, N, Réale, D, Marmet, J, Pisanu, B, Chapuis, J-L
    2010 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    57- Behavioural reaction norms: animal personality meets individual plasticity
    Journal Article
    Dingemanse, NJ, Kazem, AJN, Réale, D, Wright, J
    2010 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    56- Individual variation in temporal activity patterns in open-field tests
    Journal Article
    Montiglio, P-O, Garant, D, Thomas, D, Réale, D
    2010 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    55- Introduced Siberian chipmunks are more heavily infested by ixodid ticks than are native bank voles in a suburban forest in France
    Journal Article
    Pisanu, B, Marsot, M, Marmet, J, Chapuis, J-L, Réale, D, Vourc'h, G
    2010 International Journal for Parasitology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    54- Evolutionary and ecological approaches to the study of personality
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Dingemanse, NJ, Kazem, AJN, Wright, J
    2010 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    53- An ecologist's guide to the animal model
    Journal Article
    Wilson, AJ, Réale, D, Clements, MN, Morrissey, MM, Postma, E, Walling, CA, Kruuk, LEB, Nussey, DH
    2010 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    52- The pace of life under artificial selection: personality, energy expenditure, and longevity are correlated in domestic dogs
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Réale, D, Humphries, MM, Thomas, DW
    2010 The American Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-11-22)

    51- Value of captive populations for quantitative genetics research
    Journal Article
    Pelletier, F, Réale, D, Watters, J, Boakes, EH, Garant, D
    2009 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    50- Indirect genetic effects and the evolution of aggression in a vertebrate system
    Journal Article
    Wilson, AJ, Gelin, U, Perron, M-C, Réale, D
    2009 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    49- Exploration strategies map along fast-slow metabolic and life-history continua in muroid rodents
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Bininda-Emonds, ORP, Thomas, DW, Réale, D, Humphries, MM
    2009 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    48- Individual experience and evolutionary history of predation affect expression of heritable variation in fish personality and morphology
    Journal Article
    Dingemanse, NJ, Van Der Plas, F, Wright, J, Réale, D, Schrama, M, Roff, DA, Van Der Zee, E, Barber, I
    2009 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    47- Male personality, life-history strategies and reproductive success in a promiscuous mammal
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Martin, J, Coltman, DW, Poissant, J, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2009 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    46- Animal temperament and human disturbance: Implications for the response of wildlife to tourism
    Journal Article
    Martin, JGA, Re?ale, D
    2008 Behavioural Processes (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    45- Personality, habitat use, and their consequences for survival in North American red squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
    Journal Article
    Boon, AK, Re?ale, D, Boutin, S
    2008 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    44- Energy metabolism and animal personality
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Thomas, D, Humphries, MM, Re?ale, D
    2008 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    43- Local effects of inbreeding on embryo number and consequences for genetic diversity in Kerguelen mouflon
    Journal Article
    Kaeuffer, R, Réale, D, Pontier, D, Chapuis, J-L, Coltman, DW
    2008 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    42- Temperament, risk assessment and habituation to novelty in eastern chipmunks, Tamias striatus
    Journal Article
    Martin, JGA, Re?ale, D
    2008 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    41- Integrating animal temperament within ecology and evolution
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Reader, SM, Sol, D, McDougall, PT, Dingemanse, NJ
    2007 Biological Reviews (Date Added: 2014-01-29)

    40- The interaction between personality, offspring fitness and food abundance in North American red squirrels
    Journal Article
    Boon, AK, Re?ale, D, Boutin, S
    2007 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    39- Unexpected heterozygosity in an island mouflon population founded by a single pair of individuals.
    Journal Article
    Kaeuffer, R, Coltman, DW, Chapuis, JL, Pontier, D, Réale, D
    2007 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    38- The effects of cyclic dynamics and mating system on the effective size of an island mouflon population
    Journal Article
    Kaeuffer, R, Coltman, DW, Chapuis, J-L, Réale, D, Pontier, D
    2007 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    37- What do we really know about selection on personality?
    Journal Article
    Re?ale, D
    2007 European Journal of Personality (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    36- Detecting population structure using STRUCTURE software: Effect of background linkage disequilibrium
    Journal Article
    Kaeuffer, R, Réale, D, Coltman, DW, Pontier, D
    2007 Heredity (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    35- Selection on heritable seasonal phenotypic plasticity of body mass
    Journal Article
    Pelletier, F, Réale, D, Garant, D, Coltman, DW, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2007 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    34- Wildlife conservation and animal temperament: Causes and consequences of evolutionary change for captive, reintroduced, and wild populations
    Journal Article
    McDougall, PT, Réale, D, Sol, D, Reader, SM
    2006 Animal Conservation (Date Added: 2014-01-29)

    33- Ontogeny of additive and maternal genetic effects: Lessons from domestic mammals
    Journal Article
    Wilson, AJ, Réale, D
    2006 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    32- Constraints to projecting the effects of climate change on mammals
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Humphries, MM, Krebs, CJ, Lima, M, McAdam, AG, Pettorelli, N, Réale, D, Saitoh, T, Tkadlec, E, Weladji, RB, Stenseth, NC
    2006 Climate Research (Date Added: 2011-04-14)

    31- Natural selection and animal personality
    Journal Article
    Dingemanse, NJ, Réale, D
    2005 Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    30- How do misassigned paternities affect the estimation of heritability in the wild?
    Journal Article
    Charmantier, A, Réale, D
    2005 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    29- Keeping pace with fast climate change: Can Arctic life count on evolution?
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Re?ale, D, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S
    2004 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    28- The quantitative genetics of fluctuating asymmetry: A comparison of two models
    Journal Article
    Roff, D, Re?ale, D
    2004 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    27- Lifetime selection on heritable life-history traits in a natural population of red squirrels
    Journal Article
    Re?ale, D, Berteaux, D, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S
    2003 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    26- Predator-induced natural selection on temperament in bighorn ewes
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2003 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    25- Inbreeding, developmental stability, and canalization in the sand cricket Gryllus firmus
    Journal Article
    Re?ale, D, Roff, DA
    2003 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    24- Genetic and plastic responses of a northern mammal to climate change
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S, Berteaux, D
    2003 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    23- Maternal effects and the potential for evolution in a natural population of animals
    Journal Article
    Mcadam, AG, Boutin, S, Re?ale, D, Berteaux, D
    2002 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    22- Quantitative genetics of oviposition behaviour and interactions among oviposition traits in the sand cricket
    Journal Article
    Re?ale, D, Roff, DA
    2002 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    21- Selection, structure and the heritability of behaviour
    Journal Article
    Stirling, DG, Réale, D, Roff, DA
    2002 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    20- Comparative rumen and fecal diet microhistological determinations of European mouflon
    Journal Article
    Chapuis, J-L, Bousse?s, P, Pisanu, B, Re?ale, D
    2001 Journal of Range Management (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    18- Does mass change of primiparous bighorn ewes reflect reproductive effort?
    Journal Article
    Gallant, BY, Réale, D, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2001 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    17- Early development, adult mass, and reproductive success in bighorn sheep
    Journal Article
    Festa-Bianchet, M, Jorgenson, JT, Réale, D
    2000 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    16- Biannual reproductive cycle in the Kerguelen feral sheep population
    Journal Article
    Re?ale, D, Bousse?s, P, Pisanu, B, Chapuis, J-L
    2000 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    15- Consistency of temperament in bighorn ewes and correlates with behaviour and life history
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Gallant, BY, Leblanc, M, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2000 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    14- Mass-dependent reproductive strategies in wild bighorn ewes: A quantitative genetic approach
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2000 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    13- Quantitative genetics of life-history traits in a long-lived wild mammal
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Festa-Bianchet, M
    2000 Heredity (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    12- Effects of summer and winter birth on growth of lambs in a population of feral sheep
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Boussès, P
    1999 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    11- Heritability of body mass varies with age and season in wild bighorn sheep
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Festa-Bianchet, M, Jorgenson, JT
    1999 Heredity (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    10- Nursing behaviour and mother-lamb relationships in mouflon under fluctuating population densities
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Boussès, P, Chapuis, J-L
    1999 Behavioural Processes (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    9- Biology of twinning and origin of an unusually high twinning rate in an insular mouflon population
    Journal Article
    Boussès, P, Réale, D
    1998 Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    8- Diurnal time budget of the mouflon (Ovis musimon) on the Kerguelen archipelago: Influence of food resources, age, and sex
    Journal Article
    Moncorps, S, Bousses, P, Reale, D, Chapuis, J-L
    1997 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    7- Trophic resources and reproduction in mammals and birds
    Journal Article
    Réale, D
    1997 Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    6- Insularity syndrome in a recent population of mouflons (Ovis musimon) in the Kerguelen Islands
    Journal Article
    Bousse?s, R, Reale, D
    1996 Vie et Milieu (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    5- Female-biased mortality induced by male sexual harassment in a feral sheep population
    Journal Article
    Reale, D, Bousses, P, Chapuis, J-L
    1996 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    4- Agonistic interactions in an insular population of Corsican mouflon (Ovis musimon) in relation to density and structure
    Journal Article
    Reale, D, Bousses, P
    1995 Revue d'Ecologie (La Terre et la Vie) (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    3- Effect of ewe age and high population density on the early nursing behaviour of mouflon
    Journal Article
    Reale, D, Bousses, P
    1995 Ethology Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    2- Mortalite hivernale massive dans la population de mouflons de Corse (Ovis musimon)) de l'archipel subantarctique de Kerguelen
    Journal Article
    Bousses, P, Reale, D, Chapuis, JL
    1994 Mammalia (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    1- Influence of the concentration of oxygen on the swimming path of Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera)
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, Clément, P, Esparcia-Collado, A
    1993 Hydrobiologia (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

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    L'Avantage 2012-02-27

    People still evolving
    Planet Earth (Marshall, Tom) 2011-10-25

    L'espèce humaine, toujours en évolution
    UQAM Entrevues (Bourdon, Marie-CLaude) 2011-10-20

    Evolução biológica do ser humano permanece rápida, diz estudo
    Jornal do Brasil 2011-10-08

    L'évolution humaine est toujours rapide, selon des chercheurs canadiens 2011-10-07

    L'évolution humaine toujours rapide
    Canoë Infos (AFP) 2011-10-07

    Evolução biológica do ser humano permanece rápida, afirmam cientistas
    Pernambuco (DIARIODEPERNAMBUCO.COM.BR) 2011-10-07

    Deux chercheurs de l'UQAM démontrent que l'espèce humaine serait toujours en évolution
    Actualités Universités du Québec 2011-10-06

    Natural selection leaves fresh footprint on Canadian island
    The Indian Express 2011-09-09

    Natural Selection Leaves Fresh Footprints on Canadian Island
    The New York Times (Wade, Nicolas) 2011-09-03

    La evolución humana sigue siendo rápida, según investigadores canadienses
    El Comercio 2011-09-00

    Wilder and Helen Penfield Nature Conservancy
    Research at the Conservancy 2011-05-00

    Going to the dogs: What can shy dogs teach us about longevity?
    EurekAlert (Steacey, Kevin) 2010-05-13

    Des bêtes à personnalité
    Agence Science-Presse (Burgun, Isabelle) 2010-04-14

    Collectif scientifique sur la question du gaz de schiste

    Des mouflons pour comprendre les différences de personnalité !
    Techno-Science (, Michel) 2009-09-17