Elena Bennett
Professeure adjointe,McGill University
Department of Natural Resource Sciences
Courriel: elena.bennett@mcgill.ca
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ÉducationUniversity of Wisconsin (1999-2002) Ph.D., Limnology and Marine Sciences University of Wisconsin (1996-1999) M.Sc., Land Resources Oberlin College (1990-1994) B.A. Cum Laude, Biology and Environmental Studies, Minor in Chemistry RechercheLa recherche dans le laboratoire Bennett est centrée au tour des questions de services d’écosystème. L’humanité a toujours été dépendante des services fournit par les écosystèmes, incluant les produits comme de la nourriture, de l’eau fraîche, la fibre (services d’écosystème d’approvisionnement), bienfaits non-matériaux comme les lieux de récréation et d’inspiration (services culturels d’écosystème) et les avantages obtenus par la régulation des processus écosystémiques, comme le contrôle des inondations et la régulation du climat.Étudiants CSBQKarina BenessaiahPostdoctoral fellow Barbara FreiPostdoctoral fellow Elson Ian Nyl GalangPh.D. Jackie HamiltonPh.D. Jesse RiebPh.D. David FergusonM.Sc. Peter MorrisonM.Sc. Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)Amaia AlbizuaPostdoctoral fellow Marie DadePostdoctoral fellow Sylvestre DelmottePostdoctoral fellow Luz Aida Martinez-MelendezPostdoctoral fellow Delphine RenardPostdoctoral fellow Meagan SchipanskiPostdoctoral fellow Amy VillamagnaPostdoctoral fellow Erin CrockettPh.D. Marianne FalardeauPh.D. Dalal HannaPh.D. Mi LinPh.D. Dorothy MaguirePh.D. Geneviève MetsonPh.D. Matthew MitchellPh.D. Ciara Raudsepp-HearnePh.D. Julie Botzas-ColuniM.Sc. Isabella BousheyM.Sc. Catherine DestrempesM.Sc. Juno GarrahM.Sc. Daniel HabermanM.Sc. Anna KusmerM.Sc. Kate LissM.Sc. Josee MethotM.Sc. Stephanie ShumskyM.Sc. Olivia St-LaurentM.Sc. Ira SutherlandM.Sc. Jillian TreadwellM.Sc. Carly ZiterM.Sc. Noémie RoyB.Sc. Implication au sein du CSBQ
Thèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinentsPublications189- Correction to: Landscapes—a lens for assessing sustainability (Landscape Ecology, (2025), 40, 2, (28), 10.1007/s10980-024-02007-7) Journal Erratum Dade M C , Bonn A , Eigenbrod F , Felipe-Lucia M R , Fisher B , Goldstein B , Holland R A , Hopping K A , Lavorel S , le Polain de Waroux Y , MacDonald G K , Mandle L , Metzger J P , Pascual U , Rieb J T , Vallet A , Wells G J , Ziter C D , Bennett E M , Robinson B E , 2025 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2025-03-19) 188- Landscapes—a lens for assessing sustainability Journal Article Dade M C , Bonn A , Eigenbrod F , Felipe-Lucia M R , Fisher B , Goldstein B , Holland R A , Hopping K A , Lavorel S , lede Polain Waroux Y , MacDonald G K , Mandle L , Metzger J P , Pascual U , Rieb J T , Vallet A , Wells G J , Ziter C D , Bennett E M , Robinson B E , 2025 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2025-03-03) 187- Co-imagining future scenarios can enhance environmental actors’ empathy toward future generations and non-human life-forms Journal Article Galang E I N E , Bennett E M , Hickey G , Baird J , Dale G , Sherren K , 2025 Sustainability Science (Date Added: 2025-02-14) 186- A mixed method evaluation of ecosystem services and services-to-ecosystems illuminates culturally important trees in a settled landscape Journal Article Hamilton J , Humphries M M , Bennett E M , 2025 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2025-02-10) 185- Participatory scenario planning: A social learning approach to build systems thinking and trust for sustainable environmental governance Journal Article Galang E I N E , Bennett E M , Hickey G M , Baird J , Harvey B , Sherren K , 2025 Environmental Science and Policy (Date Added: 2025-01-25) 184- Whose conservation, revisited: how a focus on people-nature relationships spotlights new directions for conservation science Journal Article Reyers B , Bennett E M , 2025 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2025-01-17) 183- Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments Journal Article , 2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2025-03-16) 182- Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments Journal Article , 2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2025-03-16) 181- Relational place-based solutions for environmental policy misalignments Journal Article , 2024 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2025-03-16) 180- From marginal croplands to natural habitats: A methodological framework for assessing the restoration potential to enhance wild-bee pollination in agricultural landscapes Journal Article Torchio, GM, Cimon-Morin, J, Mendes, P, Goyette, J-O, Schwantes, AM, Arias-Patino, M, Bennett, EM, Destrempes, C, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M 2024 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2024-11-27) 179- Managing environmental knowledge networks to navigate complexity Journal Article Holzer J , Awada T , Baird J , Bennett E , Borer E , Calderon-Contreras R , Groffman P , Grove J M , Harvey B , Hickey G , Hobbs I , Humphries M , Metzger M , Orenstein D , Robinson B , Watt A , Winkler K , Asif F , 2024 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2024-11-03) 178- A cautious approach to subsidies for environmental sustainability Journal Article Segerson K , Polasky S , Scheffer M , Sumaila U R , Cárdenas J C , Nyborg K , Fenichel E P , Anderies J M , Barrett S , Bennett E M , Carpenter S R , Crona B , Daily G , de Zeeuw A , Fischer J , Folke C , Kautsky N , Kremen C , Levin S A , Lindahl T , Pinsky M L , Tavoni A , Walker B , Weber E U , 2024 Science (New York, N.Y.) (Date Added: 2024-10-10) 177- Testing a rapid assessment approach for estimating ecosystem service capacity in urban green alleys Journal Article Dade M C , Richmond I C , Rieb J T , Crockett E T , Hutt-Taylor K , Sinno S , Benessaiah K , Destrempes C , Hamilton J , Izadi F , Kroft L E , Li L , Paulauskas M A , Winkler K J , Bennett E M , Ziter C D , 2024 Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (Date Added: 2024-08-10) 176- People working with nature: a theoretical perspective on the co-production of Nature’s Contributions to People Journal Article Locatelli B , Bennett E M , Colloff M J , Felipe-Lucia M R , Gorddard R , Palomo I , Lavorel S , 2024 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2024-06-16) 175- Disentangling the complexity of human–nature interactions Journal Article Bennett E M , Reyers B , 2024 People and Nature (Date Added: 2024-02-18) 174- Substitutability of natural and human capitals: lessons from a simple exploratory model Journal Article Rieb J T , Robinson B E , Bennett E M , 2023 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2023-12-04) 173- Exploring Alternative Futures in the Anthropocene Book Review Cork S , Alexandra C , Alvarez-Romero J G , Bennett E M , Berbés-Blázquez M , Bohensky E , Bok B , Costanza R , Hashimoto S , Hill R , Inayatullah S , Kok K , Kuiper J J , Moglia M , Pereira L , Peterson G , Weeks R , Wyborn C , 2023 Annual Review of Environment and Resources (Date Added: 2023-11-28) 172- Managing mineral phosphorus application with soil residual phosphorus reuse in Canada Journal Article Wang J , Qi Z , Bennett E M , 2023 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2023-11-19) 171- Agriculture: reform the global food system Journal Note Fischer J , Bennett E , Pe’er G , 2023 Nature (Date Added: 2023-10-26) 170- Un-yielding: Evidence for the agriculture transformation we need Book Review Chaplin‐Kramer R , Chappell M J , Bennett E M , 2023 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Date Added: 2023-07-20) 169- Response diversity as a sustainability strategy Journal Article Walker B , Crépin A , Nyström M , Anderies J M , Andersson E , Elmqvist T , Queiroz C , Barrett S , Bennett E , Cardenas J C , Carpenter S R , Chapin F S , de Zeeuw A , Fischer J , Folke C , Levin S , Nyborg K , Polasky S , Segerson K , Seto K C , Scheffer M , Shogren J F , Tavoni A , van den Bergh J , Weber E U , Vincent J R , 2023 Nature Sustainability (Date Added: 2023-07-20) 168- Safe and just Earth system boundaries Journal Article Rockstrom, J, Gupta, J, Qin, D, Lade, SJ, Abrams, JF, Andersen, LS, Armstrong McKay, DI, Bai, X, Bala, G, Bunn, SE, Ciobanu, D, DeClerck, F, Ebi, K, Gifford, L, Gordon, C, Hasan, S, Kanie, N, Lenton, TM, Loriani, S, Liverman, DM, Mohamed, A, Nakicenovic, N, Obura, D, Ospina, D, Prodani, K, Rammelt, C, Sakschewski, B, Scholtens, J, Stewart-Koster, B, Tharammal, T, van Vuuren, D, Verburg, PH, Winkelmann, R, Zimm, C, Bennett, EM, Bringezu, S, Broadgate, W, Green, PA, Huang, L, Jacobson, L, Ndehedehe, C, Pedde, S, Rocha, J, Scheffer, M, Schulte-Uebbing, L, de Vries, W, Xiao, C, Xu, C, Xu, X, Zafra-Calvo, N, Zhang, X 2023 Nature (Date Added: 2023-06-01) 167- The programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS)–a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus Journal Article Norström A V , Agarwal B , Balvanera P , Baptiste B , Bennett E M , Brondízio E , Biggs R , Campbell B , Carpenter S R , Castilla J C , Castro A J , Cramer W , Cumming G S , Felipe-Lucia M , Fischer J , Folke C , DeFries R , Gelcich S , Groth J , Ifejika Speranza C , Jacobs S , Hofmann J , Hughes T P , Lam D P , Loos J , Manyani A , Martín-López B , Meacham M , Moersberger H , Nagendra H , Pereira L , Polasky S , Schoon M , Schultz L , Selomane O , Spierenburg M , 2022 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2023-01-11) 166- Quantifying Earth system interactions for sustainable food production via expert elicitation Journal Article Chrysafi A , Virkki V , Jalava M , Sandström V , Piipponen J , Porkka M , Lade S J , La Mere K , Wang-Erlandsson L , Scherer L , Andersen L S , Bennett E , Brauman K A , Cooper G S , De Palma A , Döll P , Downing A S , DuBois T C , Fetzer I , Fulton E A , Gerten D , Jaafar H , Jägermeyr J , Jaramillo F , Jung M , Kahiluoto H , Lassaletta L , Mackay A W , Mason-D’Croz D , Mekonnen M M , Nash K L , Pastor A V , Ramankutty N , Ridoutt B , Siebert S , Simmons B I , Staal A , Sun Z , Tobian A , Usubiaga-Liaño A , van der Ent R J , van Soesbergen A , Verburg P H , Wada Y , Zipper S , Kummu M , 2022 Nature Sustainability (Date Added: 2022-08-31) 165- Implications of Panarchy for ecosystem service research: the role of system dynamics in service delivery Journal Article Winkler K J , Benessaiah K , Botzas-Coluni J , Crockett E T H , Crowley M A , Dade M , Hanna D E L , Garrah J , Rieb J T , Bennett E M , 2022 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2022-08-02) 164- Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development Journal Article Twardek W M , Cowx I G , Lapointe N W , Paukert C , Beard T D , Bennett E M , Browne D , Carlson A K , Clarke K D , Hogan Z , Lorenzen K , Lynch A J , McIntyre P B , Pompeu P , Rogers M , Sakas A , Taylor W W , Ward T D , Basher Z , Cooke S J , 2022 Water Biology and Security (Date Added: 2022-08-02) 163- Resilience in the times of COVID: what the response to the COVID pandemic teaches us about resilience principles Journal Article Berbés-Blázquez M , Schoon M , Benessaiah K , Bennett E M , Peterson G D , Ghimire R , 2022 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2022-07-16) 162- Tree biodiversity in northern forests shows temporal stability over 35 years at different scales, levels and dimensions Journal Article Crockett E T H , Vellend M , Bennett E M , 2022 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2022-07-14) 161- Learning from the future: mainstreaming disruptive solutions for the transition to sustainable food systems Journal Article Valencia V , Bennett E M , Altieri M , Nicholls C , Pas Schrijver A , Schulte R P O , 2022 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2022-06-18) 160- Earth stewardship: Shaping a sustainable future through interacting policy and norm shifts Journal Article Chapin F S , Weber E U , Bennett E M , Biggs R , van den Bergh J , Adger W N , Crépin A , Polasky S , Folke C , Scheffer M , Segerson K , Anderies J M , Barrett S , Cardenas J , Carpenter S R , Fischer J , Kautsky N , Levin S A , Shogren J F , Walker B , Wilen J , de Zeeuw A , 2022 Ambio (Date Added: 2022-04-16) 159- Biophysical indicators and Indigenous and Local Knowledge reveal climatic and ecological shifts with implications for Arctic Char fisheries Journal Article Falardeau M , Bennett E M , Else B , Fisk A , Mundy C , Choy E S , Ahmed M M , Harris L N , Moore J , 2022 Global Environmental Change (Date Added: 2022-04-10) 158- Property rights play a pivotal role in the distribution of ecosystem services among beneficiaries Journal Article Dade M C , Bennett E M , Robinson B E , 2022 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2022-03-12) 157- Advancing research on ecosystem service bundles for comparative assessments and synthesis Journal Article Meacham M , Norström A V , Peterson G D , Andersson E , Bennett E M , Biggs R ( , Crouzat E , Cord A F , Enfors E , Felipe-Lucia M R , Fischer J , Hamann M , Hanspach J , Hicks C , Jacobs S , Lavorel S , Locatelli B , Martín-López B , Plieninger T , Queiroz C , 2022 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2022-03-12) 156- Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations Journal Article Chambers J M , Wyborn C , Klenk N L , Ryan M , Serban A , Bennett N J , Brennan R , Charli-Joseph L , Fernández-Giménez M E , Galvin K A , Goldstein B E , Haller T , Hill R , Munera C , Nel J L , Österblom H , Reid R S , Riechers M , Spierenburg M , Tengö M , Bennett E , Brandeis A , Chatterton P , Cockburn J J , Cvitanovic C , Dumrongrojwatthana P , Paz Durán A , Gerber J , Green J M , Gruby R , Guerrero A M , Horcea-Milcu A , Montana J , Steyaert P , Zaehringer J G , Bednarek A T , Curran K , Fada S J , Hutton J , Leimona B , Pickering T , Rondeau R , 2022 Global Environmental Change (Date Added: 2022-01-02) 155- Contrasting responses of soybean aphids, primary parasitoids, and hyperparasitoids to forest fragments and agricultural landscape structure Journal Article Mitchell M G , Hartley E , Tsuruda M , Gonzalez A , Bennett E M , 2022 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Date Added: 2022-01-02) 154- The Phosphorus Cycle Book Book Chapter Schipanski M E , Bennett E M , 2021 Fundamentals of Ecosystem Science, Second Edition (Date Added: 2022-04-10) 153- Managing Canada’s land- And seascapes for multiple ecosystem services in the Anthropocene: introduction to the Food, Fiber, Fuel, and Function collection Journal Article Bennett E M , Fraser E D G , Winkler K J , 2021 Facets (Date Added: 2022-01-13) 152- Facing the challenges of using place-based social-ecological research to support ecosystem service governance at multiple scales Journal Article Bennett E M , Morrison P , Holzer J M , Winkler K J , Fraser E D G , Green S J , Robinson B E , Sherren K , Botzas-Coluni J , Palen W , 2021 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2021-12-10) 151- Mapping social structures for sustainability transformation at McGill University, Canada Journal Article Winkler K J , Bennett E , Chestnutt H R , 2021 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Date Added: 2021-11-28) 150- A framework for assessing coupling and de-coupling trajectories in river social-ecological systems Journal Article Quintas-Soriano C , Brandt J , Baxter C V , Bennett E M , Requena-Mullor J M , Castro A J , 2021 Sustainability Science (Date Added: 2021-10-21) 149- Bright spots of carbon storage in temperate forests Journal Article Crockett E T H , Vennin S , Botzas‐Coluni J , Larocque G , Bennett E M , 2021 Journal of Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2021-10-21) 148- Farmland heterogeneity is associated with gains in some ecosystem services but also potential trade-offs Journal Article Botzas-Coluni J , Crockett E T , Rieb J T , Bennett E M , 2021 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Date Added: 2021-10-03) 147- Governance in the Face of Extreme Events: Lessons from Evolutionary Processes for Structuring Interventions, and the Need to Go Beyond Journal Article Levin S A , Anderies J M , Adger N , Barrett S , Bennett E M , Cardenas J C , Carpenter S R , Crépin A , Ehrlich P , Fischer J , Folke C , Kautsky N , Kling C , Nyborg K , Polasky S , Scheffer M , Segerson K , Shogren J , van den Bergh J , Walker B , Weber E U , Wilen J , 2021 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2021-09-15) 146- The six dimensions of collective leadership that advance sustainability objectives: Rethinking what it means to be an academic leader Journal Article Caviglia-Harris J , Hodges K E , Helmuth B , Bennett E M , Galvin K , Krebs M , Lips K , Lowman M , Schulte L A , Schuur E A G , 2021 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2021-09-09) 145- Six modes of co-production for sustainability Journal Article Chambers J M , Wyborn C , Ryan M E , Reid R S , Riechers M , Serban A , Bennett N J , Cvitanovic C , Fernández-Giménez M E , Galvin K A , Goldstein B E , Klenk N L , Tengö M , Brennan R , Cockburn J J , Hill R , Munera C , Nel J L , Österblom H , Bednarek A T , Bennett E M , Brandeis A , Charli-Joseph L , Chatterton P , Curran K , Dumrongrojwatthana P , Durán A P , Fada S J , Gerber J , Green J M H , Guerrero A M , Haller T , Horcea-Milcu A , Leimona B , Montana J , Rondeau R , Spierenburg M , Steyaert P , Zaehringer J G , Gruby R , Hutton J , Pickering T , 2021 Nature Sustainability (Date Added: 2021-08-15) 144- Adaptive management of ecosystem services for multisystemic resilience: Iterative feedback between application and theory Book Book Chapter Hogan K F E , Nash K L , Bennett E , 2021 Multisystemic Resilience: Adaptation and Transformation in Contexts of Change (Date Added: 2021-08-15) 143- Determining freshwater lake communities’ vulnerability to snowstorms in the northwest territories Journal Article , 2021 Water (Switzerland) (Date Added: 2021-07-28) 142- Correction to: Temperate forest fragments maintain aboveground carbon stocks out to the forest edge despite changes in community composition (Oecologia, (2014), 176, 3, (893-902), 10.1007/s00442-014-3061-0) Journal Erratum Ziter C , Bennett E M , Gonzalez A , 2021 Oecologia (Date Added: 2021-06-18) 141- Land-use intensity mediates ecosystem service tradeoffs across regional social-ecological systems Journal Article Qiu J , Queiroz C , Bennett E M , Cord A F , Crouzat E , Lavorel S , Maes J , Meacham M , Norström A V , Peterson G D , Seppelt R , Turner M G , 2021 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2021-06-16) 140- The relationship between watershed protection and water quality: The case of Québec, Canada Journal Article Hanna D E L , Lehner B , Taranu Z E , Solomon C T , Bennett E M , 2021 Freshwater Science (Date Added: 2021-05-16) 139- Advancing a toolkit of diverse futures approaches for global environmental assessments Journal Article Pereira L , Kuiper J J , Selomane O , Aguiar A P D , Asrar G R , Bennett E M , Biggs R , Calvin K , Hedden S , Hsu A , Jabbour J , King N , Köberle A C , Lucas P , Nel J , Norström A V , Peterson G , Sitas N , Trisos C , van Vuuren D P , Vervoort J , Ward J , 2021 Ecosystems and People (Date Added: 2021-05-05) 138- Key information needs to move from knowledge to action for biodiversity conservation in Canada Journal Article Buxton R T , Bennett J R , Reid A J , Shulman C , Cooke S J , Francis C M , Nyboer E A , Pritchard G , Binley A D , Avery-Gomm S , Ban N C , Beazley K F , Bennett E , Blight L K , Bortolotti L E , Camfield A F , Gadallah F , Jacob A L , Naujokaitis-Lewis I , Raudsepp-Hearne C , Roche D G , Soulard F , Stralberg D , Sadler K D , Solarik K A , Ziter C D , Brandt J , McKindsey C W , Greenwood D A , Boxall P C , Ngolah C F , Chan K M , Lapen D , Poser S , Girard J , DiBacco C , Hayne S , Orihel D , Lewis D , Littlechild D , Marshall S J , McDermott L , Whitlow R , Browne D , Sunday J , Smith P A , 2021 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2021-04-23) 137- Patchwork Earth: navigating pathways to just, thriving, and sustainable futures Journal Article Bennett E M , Biggs R , Peterson G D , Gordon L J , 2021 One Earth (Date Added: 2021-03-03) 136- Ecosystem services and the resilience of agricultural landscapes Book Chapter Bennett E M , Baird J , Baulch H , Chaplin-Kramer R , Fraser E , Loring P , Morrison P , Parrott L , Sherren K , Winkler K J , Cimon-Morin J , Fortin M , Kurylyk B L , Lundholm J , Poulin M , Rieb J T , Gonzalez A , Hickey G M , Humphries M , Krishna K , Lapen D , 2021 Advances in Ecological Research (Date Added: 2021-02-25) 135- Social networks influence farming practices and agrarian sustainability Journal Article Albizua A , Bennett E M , Larocque G , Krause R W , Pascual U , 2021 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-01-28) 134- Identifying key ecosystem service providing areas to inform national-scale conservation planning Journal Article Mitchell M G E , Schuster R , Jacob A L , Hanna D E L , Dallaire C O , Raudsepp-Hearne C , Bennett E M , Lehner B , Chan K M A , 2021 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2021-01-22) 133- Adapting to climate change in small-scale fisheries: Insights from indigenous communities in the global north and south Journal Article Galappaththi E K , Ford J D , Bennett E M , Berkes F , 2021 Environmental Science and Policy (Date Added: 2021-01-05) 132- Urbanization, Migration, and Adaptation to Climate Change Journal Article Adger W N , Crépin A , Folke C , Ospina D , Chapin F S , Segerson K , Seto K C , Anderies J M , Barrett S , Bennett E M , Daily G , Elmqvist T , Fischer J , Kautsky N , Levin S A , Shogren J F , van den Bergh J , Walker B , Wilen J , 2020 One Earth (Date Added: 2021-06-04) 131- On “success” in applied environmental research — what is it, how can it be achieved, and how does one know when it has been achieved? Journal Article Cooke S J , Rytwinski T , Taylor J J , Nyboer E A , Nguyen V M , Bennett J R , Young N , Aitken S , Auld G , Lane J , Prior K A , Smokorowski K E , Smith P A , Jacob A L , Browne D R , Blais J M , Kerr J T , Ormeci B , Alexander S M , Burn C R , Buxton R T , Orihel D M , Vermaire J C , Murray D L , Simon P , Edwards K A , Clarke J , Xenopoulos M A , Gregory-Eaves I , Bennett E M , Smol J P , 2020 Environmental Reviews (Date Added: 2020-12-05) 130- Correction to: The role of the social network structure on the spread of intensive agriculture: an example from Navarre, Spain (Regional Environmental Change, (2020), 20, 3, (99), 10.1007/s10113-020-01676-9) Journal Erratum Albizua A , Bennett E , Pascual U , Larocque G , 2020 Regional Environmental Change (Date Added: 2020-11-04) 129- Landscape structure as a mediator of ecosystem service interactions Journal Article Rieb J T , Bennett E M , 2020 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2020-10-18) 128- A brighter future: Complementary goals of diversity and multifunctionality to build resilient agricultural landscapes Journal Article Frei B , Queiroz C , Chaplin-Kramer B , Andersson E , Renard D , Rhemtulla J M , Bennett E M , 2020 Global Food Security (Date Added: 2020-10-18) 127- The role of the social network structure on the spread of intensive agriculture: an example from Navarre, Spain Journal Article Albizua A , Bennett E , Pascual U , Larocque G , 2020 Regional Environmental Change (Date Added: 2020-08-17) 126- Identifying pathways to reduce discrepancies between desired and provided ecosystem services Journal Article Hanna D E , Roux D J , Currie B , Bennett E M , 2020 Ecosystem Services (Date Added: 2020-07-03) 125- Socio-ecological determinants on spatio-temporal changes of groundwater in the Yellow River Basin, China Journal Article Lin M , Biswas A , Bennett E M , 2020 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2020-07-03) 124- Climate change and adaptation to social-ecological change: the case of indigenous people and culture-based fisheries in Sri Lanka Journal Article Galappaththi E K , Ford J D , Bennett E M , 2020 Climatic Change (Date Added: 2020-07-03) 123- Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts Journal Article Weise H , Auge H , Baessler C , Bärlund I , Bennett E M , Berger U , Bohn F , Bonn A , Borchardt D , Brand F , Chatzinotas A , Corstanje R , De Laender F , Dietrich P , Dunker S , Durka W , Fazey I , Groeneveld J , Guilbaud C S E , Harms H , Harpole S , Harris J , Jax K , Jeltsch F , Johst K , Joshi J , Klotz S , Kühn I , Kuhlicke C , Müller B , Radchuk V , Reuter H , Rinke K , Schmitt‐Jansen M , Seppelt R , Singer A , Standish R J , Thulke H , Tietjen B , Weitere M , Wirth C , Wolf C , Grimm V , 2020 Oikos (Date Added: 2020-07-03) 122- Towards integrated knowledge of climate change in arctic marine systems: A systematic literature review of multidisciplinary research Journal Article Falardeau M , Bennett E M , 2020 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2020-04-10) 121- Effects of land use, cover, and protection on stream and riparian ecosystem services and biodiversity Journal Article Hanna D E , Raudsepp‐Hearne C , Bennett E M , 2020 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2020-03-07) 120- Benthic-based contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation Journal Article Solan M , Bennett E M , Mumby P J , Leyland J , Godbold J A , 2020 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2020-03-07) 119- Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research Journal Note Norström A V , Cvitanovic C , Löf M F , West S , Wyborn C , Balvanera P , Bednarek A T , Bennett E M , Biggs R , de Bremond A , Campbell B M , Canadell J G , Carpenter S R , Folke C , Fulton E A , Gaffney O , Gelcich S , Jouffray J , Leach M , Le Tissier M , Martín-López B , Louder E , Loutre M , Meadow A M , Nagendra H , Payne D , Peterson G D , Reyers B , Scholes R , Speranza C I , Spierenburg M , Stafford-Smith M , Tengö M , van der Hel S , van Putten I , Österblom H , 2020 Nature Sustainability (Date Added: 2020-03-07) 118- Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals Journal Article Mastrángelo M E , Pérez-Harguindeguy N , Enrico L , Bennett E , Lavorel S , Cumming G S , Abeygunawardane D , Amarilla L D , Burkhard B , Egoh B N , Frishkoff L , Galetto L , Huber S , Karp D S , Ke A , Kowaljow E , Kronenburg-García A , Locatelli B , Martín-López B , Meyfroidt P , Mwampamba T H , Nel J , Nicholas K A , Nicholson C , Oteros-Rozas E , Rahlao S J , Raudsepp-Hearne C , Ricketts T , Shrestha U B , Torres C , Winkler K J , Zoeller K , 2019 Nature Sustainability (Date Added: 2019-11-16) 117- Bright spots among lakes in the rideau valley watershed, Ontario Journal Article Garrah J , Frei B , Bennett E M , 2019 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2019-10-24) 116- Global modeling of nature's contributions to people Journal Article Chaplin-Kramer, R, Sharp, RP, Weil, C, Bennett, EM, Pascual, U, Arkema, KK, Brauman, KA, Bryant, BP, Guerry, AD, Haddad, NM, Hamann, M, Hamel, P, Johnson, JA, Mandle, L, Pereira, HM, Polasky, S, Ruckelshaus, M, Shaw, MR, Silver, JM, Vogl, AL, Daily, GC 2019 Science (New York, N.Y.) (Date Added: 2019-10-15) 115- Ecosystem service bundles in global hinterlands Journal Article Haberman D , Bennett E M , 2019 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2019-10-13) 114- Climate change and community fisheries in the arctic: A case study from Pangnirtung, Canada Journal Article Galappaththi E K , Ford J D , Bennett E M , Berkes F , 2019 Journal of Environmental Management (Date Added: 2019-09-22) 113- Researcher engagement in policy deemed societally beneficial yet unrewarded Journal Article Singh G G , Farjalla V F , Chen B , Pelling A E , Ceyhan E , Dominik M , Alisic E , Kerr J , Selin N E , Bassioni G , Bennett E , Kemp A H , Chan K M , 2019 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Date Added: 2019-08-20) 112- Seeds of good anthropocenes: developing sustainability scenarios for Northern Europe Journal Article Raudsepp-Hearne C , Peterson G D , Bennett E M , Biggs R , Norström A V , Pereira L , Vervoort J , Iwaniec D M , McPhearson T , Olsson P , Hichert T , 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Galappaththi E K , Ford J D , Bennett E M , 2019 Environmental Science and Policy (Date Added: 2019-02-25) 107- Differential influence of landscape features and climate on nitrogen and phosphorus transport throughout the watershed Journal Article Goyette, J-O, Bennett, EM, Maranger, R 2018 Biogeochemistry (Date Added: 2018-12-05) 106- Bright spots in agricultural landscapes: Identifying areas exceeding expectations for multifunctionality and biodiversity Journal Article Frei B , Renard D , Mitchell M G E , Seufert V , Chaplin-Kramer R , Rhemtulla J M , Bennett E M , 2018 Journal of Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2018-10-23) 105- Low buffering capacity and slow recovery of anthropogenic phosphorus pollution in watersheds Journal Article Goyette, J-O, Bennett, EM, Maranger, R 2018 Nature Geoscience (Date Added: 2018-10-17) 104- Cropland patchiness strongest agricultural predictor of bird diversity for multiple guilds in landscapes of Ontario, Canada Journal Article Frei B , Bennett E M , Kerr J T , 2018 Regional Environmental Change (Date Added: 2018-10-02) 103- A novel approach for co-producing positive scenarios that explore agency: case study from the Canadian Arctic Journal Article Falardeau M , Raudsepp-Hearne C , Bennett E M , 2018 Sustainability Science (Date Added: 2018-09-10) 102- Reconsidering non-traditional export agriculture and household food security: A case study in rural Guatemala Journal Article Méthot J , Bennett E M , 2018 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2018-06-02) 101- The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services Journal Article Talbot C J , Bennett E M , Cassell K , Hanes D M , Minor E C , Paerl H , Raymond P A , Vargas R , Vidon P G , Wollheim W , Xenopoulos M A , 2018 Biogeochemistry (Date Added: 2018-05-22) 100- Watershed Buffering of Legacy Phosphorus Pressure at a Regional Scale: A Comparison Across Space and Time Journal Article Kusmer, AS, Goyette, J-O, MacDonald, GK, Bennett, EM, Maranger, R, Withers, PJA 2018 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2018-05-07) 99- Welcoming different perspectives in IPBES: “nature’s contributions to people” and “ecosystem services” Journal Article T Nesme, GSM 2018 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2018-04-16) 98- Global phosphorus flows through agricultural trade Journal Article Thomas Nesme, GSM 2018 Global Environmental Change (Date Added: 2018-04-16) 97- Phosphorus flows and legacy accumulation in an animal-dominated agricultural region from 1925 to 2012 Journal Article Wironen M B , Bennett E M , Erickson J D , 2018 Global Environmental Change (Date Added: 2018-03-31) 96- Response to Kabisch and Colleagues Journal Article Rieb J T , Chaplin-Kramer R , Daily G C , Armsworth P R , Böhning-Gaese K , Bonn A , Cumming G S , Eigenbrod F , Grimm V , Jackson B M , Marques A , Pattanayak S K , Pereira H M , Peterson G D , Ricketts T H , Robinson B E , Schröter M , Schulte L A , Seppelt R , Turner M G , Bennett E M , 2018 BioScience (Date Added: 2018-03-15) 95- Land-use intensity indirectly affects 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greater attention toward regulating ecosystem services Journal Article Sutherland I J , Villamagna A M , Dallaire C O , Bennett E M , Chin A T , Yeung A C , Lamothe K A , Tomscha S A , Cormier R , 2017 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2017-07-19) 87- Key features for more successful place-based sustainability research on social-ecological systems: A programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS) perspective Journal Article Balvanera P , Daw T M , Gardner T A , Martín-López B , Norström A V , Ifejika Speranza C , Spierenburg M , Bennett E M , Farfan M , Hamann M , Kittinger J N , Luthe T , Maass M , Peterson G D , Perez-Verdin G , 2017 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2017-04-16) 86- Changing the agriculture and environment conversation Journal Article Bennett, EM 2017 Nature Ecology & Evolution (Date Added: 2017-01-10) 85- Landscape structure affects the provision of multiple ecosystem services Journal Article Lamy, T, Liss, KN, Gonzalez, A, Bennett, EM 2016 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2017-01-16) 84- Agro-biodiversity has increased over a 95 year period at sub-regional and regional scales in southern Quebec, Canada Journal Article Renard, D, Bennett, EM, Rhemtulla, JM 2016 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2017-01-16) 83- Seeing the forest for its multiple ecosystem services: Indicators for cultural services in heterogeneous forests Journal Article Sutherland, IJ, Gergel, SE, Bennett, EM 2016 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2016-11-24) 82- Research Frontiers in Ecosystem Service Science Journal Article Bennett, EM 2016 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2016-11-24) 81- Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene Journal Article Bennett, EM, Solan, M, Biggs, R, McPhearson, T, Norström, AV, Olsson, P, Pereira, L, Peterson, GD, Raudsepp-Hearne, C, Biermann, F, Carpenter, SR, Ellis, EC, Hichert, T, Galaz, V, Lahsen, M, Milkoreit, M, Martin López, B, Nicholas, KA, Preiser, R, Vince, G, Vervoort, JM, Xu, J 2016 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Date Added: 2016-11-24) 80- Realizing Resilient Food Systems Journal Article Schipanski, ME, MacDonald, GK, Rosenzweig, S, Chappell, MJ, Bennett, EM, Kerr, RB, Blesh, J, Crews, T, Drinkwater, L, Lundgren, JG, Schnarr, C 2016 BioScience (Date Added: 2016-11-18) 79- Sugar maple tree canopies as reservoirs for arthropod functional diversity in forest patches across a fragmented agricultural landscape in southern Quebec, Canada Journal Article Maguire, DY, Bennett, EM, Buddle, CM 2016 Écoscience (Date Added: 2016-11-18) 78- A Guide to Historical Data Sets for Reconstructing Ecosystem Service Change over Time Journal Article Tomscha, SA, Sutherland, IJ, Renard, D, Gergel, SE, Rhemtulla, JM, Bennett, EM, Daniels, LD, Eddy, IMS, Clark, EE 2016 BioScience (Date Added: 2016-09-23) 77- Changes in anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to the St. Lawrence sub-basin over 110 years and impacts on riverine export: N and P fluxes over 110 years Journal Article Goyette, J-O, Bennett, EM, Howarth, RW, Maranger, R 2016 Global Biogeochemical Cycles (Date Added: 2016-08-04) 76- Trade in the US and Mexico helps reduce environmental costs of agriculture Journal Article Martinez-Melendez, LA, Bennett, EM 2016 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2016-08-02) 75- Recovery trends for multiple ecosystem services reveal non-linear responses and long-term tradeoffs from temperate forest harvesting Journal Article Sutherland, IJ, Bennett, EM, Gergel, SE 2016 Forest Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2016-07-22) 74-Changes in anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to the St. Lawrence Basin over 100 years: impacts on riverine export Journal Article Goyette, J-O 2016 Global Biogeochemical Cycles ( Date Added: 2016-07-13) 73- Disentagling the pathways and effects of ecosystem service co-production Journal Article Palomo, I 2016 Advances in Ecological Research (Date Added: 2016-07-13) 72- Within and Among Patch Variability in Patterns of Insect Herbivory Across a Fragmented Forest Landscape Journal Article Maguire, DY, Buddle, CM, Bennett, EM 2016 PloS one (Date Added: 2016-04-20) 71- The surprisingly small but increasing role of international agricultural trade on the European Union’s dependence on mineral phosphorus fertiliser Journal Article Nesme, T, Roques, S, Metson, GS, Bennett, EM 2016 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2016-03-14) 70- Feeding the Corn Belt: Opportunities for phosphorus recycling in U.S. agriculture Journal Article Metson, GS, MacDonald, GK, Haberman, D, Nesme, T, Bennett, EM 2016 The Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2015-12-17) 69- The montérégie connection: Linking landscapes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services to improve decision making Journal Article Mitchell, MGE, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A, Lechowicz, MJ, Rhemtulla, JM, Cardille, JA, Vanderheyden, K, Poirier-Ghys, G, Renard, D, Delmotte, S, Albert, CH, Rayfield, B, Dumitru, M, Huang, H-H, Larouche, M, Liss, KN, Maguire, DY, Martins, KT, 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factors into phosphorus flow analysis Journal Article Metson, GS, Iwaniec, DM, Baker, LA, Bennett, EM, Childers, DL, Cordell, D, Grimm, NB, Grove, JM, Nidzgorski, DA, White, S 2015 Environmental Science & Policy (Date Added: 2015-12-16) 65- Landscape and local factors influence water purification in the Monteregian agroecosystem in Québec, Canada Journal Article Terrado, M, Tauler, R, Bennett, EM 2015 Regional Environmental Change (Date Added: 2015-11-24) 64- Strong and nonlinear effects of fragmentation on ecosystem service provision at multiple scales Journal Article Mitchell, MGE, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A 2015 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2015-11-10) 63- Historical dynamics in ecosystem service bundles Journal Article Renard, D, Rhemtulla, JM, Bennett, EM 2015 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2015-11-10) 62- Landscape connectivity and insect herbivory: A framework for understanding tradeoffs among ecosystem services Journal Article Maguire, DY, James, PMA, Buddle, CM, Bennett, EM 2015 Global Ecology and Conservation (Date Added: 2015-08-26) 61- Advancing sustainability through mainstreaming a social–ecological systems perspective Journal Article Fischer, J, Gardner, TA, Bennett, EM, Balvanera, P, Biggs, R, Carpenter, S, Daw, T, Folke, C, Hill, R, Hughes, TP, Luthe, T, Maass, M, Meacham, M, Norström, AV, Peterson, G, Queiroz, C, Seppelt, R, Spierenburg, M, Tenhunen, J 2015 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (Date Added: 2015-07-17) 60- Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet Journal Article Steffen, W, Richardson, K, Rockstrom, J, Cornell, SE, Fetzer, I, Bennett, EM, Biggs, R, Carpenter, SR, de Vries, W, de Wit, CA, Folke, C, Gerten, D, Heinke, J, Mace, GM, Persson, LM, Ramanathan, V, Reyers, B, Sorlin, S 2015 Science (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 59- Phosphorus Cycling in Montreal’s Food and Urban Agriculture Systems Journal Article Metson, GS, Bennett, EM 2015 PLOS ONE (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 58- Linking biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human well-being: three challenges for designing research for sustainability Journal Article Bennett, EM, Cramer, W, Begossi, A, Cundill, G, Díaz, S, Egoh, BN, Geijzendorffer, IR, Krug, CB, Lavorel, S, Lazos, E, Lebel, L, Martín-López, B, Meyfroidt, P, Mooney, HA, Nel, JL, Pascual, U, Payet, K, Harguindeguy, NP, Peterson, GD, Prieur-Richard, A-H, Reyers, B, Roebeling, P, Seppelt, R, Solan, M, Tschakert, P, Tscharntke, T, Turner, B, Verburg, PH, Viglizzo, EF, White, PC, Woodward, G 2015 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (Date Added: 2015-05-04) 57- Effect of fragmentation on predation pressure of insect herbivores in a north temperate deciduous forest ecosystem: Fragmentation and top-down effects on herbivores Journal Article Maguire, DY, Nicole, T, Buddle, CM, Bennett, EM 2015 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2015-03-20) 56- Effect of woody-plant encroachment on livestock production in North and South America Journal Article Anadon, JD, Sala, OE, Turner, BL, Bennett, EM 2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2016-07-13) 55- Toward a more resilient agriculture Journal Article E M Bennett, SRC 2014 Solutions (Date Added: 2016-07-13) 54- Functional organization analysis for the design of sustainable engineering systems Journal Article Halbe, J, Adamowski, J, M Bennett, E, Pahl-Wostl, C, Farahbakhsh, K 2014 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2016-07-13) 53- Interactions among ecosystem services across land uses in a floodplain agroecosystem Journal Article Felipe-Lucia, MR, Comín, FA, Bennett, EM 2014 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 52- Phosphorus is a key component of the resource demands for meat, eggs, and dairy production in the United States Journal Article Metson, GS, Smith, VH, Cordell, DJ, Vaccari, DA, Elser, JJ, Bennett, EM 2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2014-12-04) 51- Temperate forest fragments maintain aboveground carbon stocks out to the forest edge despite changes in community composition Journal Article Ziter, C, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A 2014 Oecologia (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 50- Forest fragments modulate the provision of multiple ecosystem services Journal Article Mitchell, MGE, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A 2014 Journal of Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2014-08-05) 49- Agricultural landscape structure affects arthropod diversity and arthropod-derived ecosystem services Journal Article Mitchell, MGE, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A 2014 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (Date Added: 2014-05-30) 48- Water and agriculture in Canada: Toward sustainable management of resources Report Howard Wheater, EB 2013 Council of Canadian Academies (Date Added: 2016-08-02) 47- Variability in ecosystem service measurement: A pollination service case study Journal Article Liss, KN, Mitchell, MGE, Macdonald, GK, Mahajan, SL, Méthot, J, Jacob, AL, Maguire, DY, Metson, GS, Ziter, C, Dancose, K, Martins, K, Terrado, M, Bennett, EM 2013 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Date Added: 2013-10-16) 46- Capacity, pressure, demand, and flow: A conceptual framework for analyzing ecosystem service provision and delivery Journal Article Villamagna, AM, Angermeier, PL, Bennett, EM 2013 Ecological Complexity (Date Added: 2013-09-03) 45- Functional diversity and management mediate aboveground carbon stocks in small forest fragments Journal Article Ziter, C, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A 2013 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2013-08-01) 44- Linking Landscape Connectivity and Ecosystem Service Provision: Current Knowledge and Research Gaps Journal Article Mitchell, MGE, Bennett, EM, Gonzalez, A 2013 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2013-07-23) 43- Regional Differences in Phosphorus Budgets in Intensive Soybean Agriculture Journal Article Ryskin, SH, Porder, S, Shipanski, M, Bennett, EM, Neill, C 2013 BioScience (Date Added: 2013-02-06) 42- The Influence of Agricultural Trade and Livestock Production on the Global Phosphorus Cycle Journal Article Schipanski, ME, Bennett, EM 2012 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2016-07-13) 41-The effect of diet on P demand. Environmental Research Letters Journal Article G Metson, EMB 2012 Environmental Research Letters ( Date Added: 2016-07-13) 40-The Phosphorus Cycle Journal Article Bennett, EMaMS 2012 Fundamentals of Ecosystem Science ( Date Added: 2016-07-13) 39- The role of diet in phosphorus demand Journal Article Metson, GS, Bennett, EM, Elser, JJ 2012 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 38- Embodied phosphorus and the global connections of United States agriculture Journal Article MacDonald, GK, Bennett, EM, Carpenter, SR 2012 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2013-01-10) 37- The influence of time, soil characteristics, and land-use history on soil phosphorus legacies: a global meta-analysis Journal Article MacDonald, GK, Bennett, EM, Taranu, ZE 2012 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-22) 36- Phosphorus cycle: A broken biogeochemical cycle Journal Article Elser, J, Bennett, E 2011 Nature (Date Added: 2012-09-10) 35- The Paradox Persists: How to Resolve It Journal Article Raudsepp-Hearne, C, Peterson, GD, Tengö, M, Bennett, EM 2011 BioScience (Date Added: 2012-09-10) 34- Environmental and social predictors of phosphorus in urban streams on the Island of Montréal, Québec Journal Article Pfeifer, L, Bennett, E 2011 Urban Ecosystems (Date Added: 2012-06-18) 33- Conservation of a transboundary lake: Historical watershed and paleolimnological analyses can inform management strategies Journal Article Shaw Chraïbi, VL, Bennett, EM, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 Lake and Reservoir Management (Date Added: 2012-02-20) 32- Solutions for a cultivated planet Journal Article Foley, JA, Ramankutty, N, Brauman, KA, Cassidy, ES, Gerber, JS, Johnston, M, Mueller, ND, O’Connell, C, Ray, DK, West, PC, Balzer, C, Bennett, EM, Carpenter, SR, Hill, J, Monfreda, C, Polasky, S, Rockström, J, Sheehan, J, Siebert, S, Tilman, D, Zaks, DPM 2011 Nature (Date Added: 2011-10-24) 31- Agronomic phosphorus imbalances across the world's croplands Journal Article MacDonald, GK, Bennett, EM, Potter, PA, Ramankutty, N 2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2011-08-10) 30- Reconsideration of the planetary boundary for phosphorus Journal Article Carpenter, SR, Bennett, EM 2011 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2011-08-10) 29- Land-use legacies are important determinants of lake eutrophication in the anthropocene Journal Article Keatley, BE, Bennett, EM, MacDonald, GK, Taranu, ZE, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 28- Phosphorus and land-use changes are significant drivers of cladoceran community composition and diversity: an analysis over spatial and temporal scales Journal Article Richard Albert, M, Chen, G, MacDonald, GK, Vermaire, JC, Bennett, EM, Gregory-Eaves, I 2010 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 27- Ecology: Tropical teleconnections Journal Article Cardille, JA, Bennett, EM 2010 Nature Geoscience (Date Added: 2012-09-10) 26- Ecosystem service bundles for analyzing tradeoffs in diverse landscapes Journal Article Raudsepp-Hearne, C, Peterson, GD, Bennett, EM 2010 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2012-09-10) 25- Communicating with the public: Opportunities and rewards for individual ecologists Journal Article Pace, ML, Hampton, SE, Limburg, KE, Bennett, EM, Cook, EM, Davis, AE, Grove, JM, Kaneshiro, KY, LaDeau, SL, Likens, GE, McKnight, DM, Richardson, DC, Strayer, DL 2010 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 24- Untangling the environmentalist's paradox: Why is human well-being increasing as ecosystem services degrade? Journal Article Raudsepp-Hearne, C, Peterson, GD, Teng, M, Bennett, EM, Holland, T, Benessaiah, K, MacDonald, GK, Pfeifer, L 2010 BioScience (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 23- Characterizing the spatial patterns of global fertilizer application and manure production Journal Article Potter, P, Ramankutty, N, Bennett, EM, Donner, SD 2010 Earth Interactions (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 22- Phosphorus accumulation in saint lawrence river watershed soils: A century-long perspective Journal Article MacDonald, GK, Bennett, EM 2009 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 21- Understanding relationships among multiple ecosystem services Journal Article Bennett, EM, Peterson, GD, Gordon, LJ 2009 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 20- Ecosystem Services: A Guide for Decision Makers Report Raudsepp-Hearne, C, Ranganathan, J, Ash, N, Bennett, E, Burke, L, Cooper, E, Hanson, C, Iceland, C 2008 (Date Added: 2012-09-10) 19- Estimating the risk of exceeding thresholds in environmental systems Journal Article Bennett, EM, Carpenter, SR, Cardille, JA 2008 Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 18- Agricultural modifications of hydrological flows create ecological surprises Journal Article Gordon, LJ, Peterson, GD, Bennett, EM 2008 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 17- The future of production systems in a globalized world Journal Article Bennett, EM, Balvanera, P 2007 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 16- Trade-offs across space, time, and ecosystem services Journal Article Rodríguez, JP, Beard Jr , TD, Bennett, EM, Cumming, GS, Cork, SJ, Agard, J, Dobson, AP, Peterson, GD 2006 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 15- Synthesis of the storylines Journal Article Cork, SJ, Peterson, GD, Bennett, EM, Petschel-Held, G, Zurek, M 2006 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 14- Scenarios for ecosystem services: An overview Journal Article Carpenter, SR, Bennett, EM, Peterson, GD 2006 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 13- Anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem change: An overview Journal Article Nelson, GC, Bennett, E, Berhe, AA, Cassman, K, DeFries, R, Dietz, T, Dobermann, A, Dobson, A, Janetos, A, Levy, M, Marco, D, Nakicenovic, N, O'Neill, B, Norgaard, R, Petschel-Held, G, Ojima, D, Pingali, P, Watson, R, Zurek, M 2006 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 12- Soil phosphorus variability: Scale-dependence in an urbanizing agricultural landscape Journal Article Bennett, EM, Carpenter, SR, Clayton, MK 2005 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 11- Looking to the future of ecosystem services Journal Article Bennett, EM, Peterson, GD, Levitt, EA 2005 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 10- Are existing global scenarios consistent with ecological feedbacks? Journal Article Cumming, GS, Alcamo, J, Sala, O, Swart, R, Bennett, EM, Zurek, M 2005 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 9- A systems model approach to determining resilience surrogates for case studies Journal Article Bennett, EM, Cumming, GS, Peterson, GD 2005 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 8- A test of the environmental kuznets curve using long-term watershed inputs Journal Article Gergel, SE, Bennett, EM, Greenfield, BK, King, S, Overdevest, CA, Stumborg, B 2004 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 7- Soil Phosphorus Concentrations in Dane County, Wisconsin, USA: An Evaluation of the Urban-Rural Gradient Paradigm Journal Article Bennett, EM 2003 Environmental Management (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 6- Assessing future ecosystem services: A case study of the Northern Highlands Lake District, Wisconsin Journal Article Peterson, GD, Beard Jr , TD, Beisner, BE, Bennett, EM, Carpenter, SR, Cumming, GS, Dent, CL, Havlicek, TD 2003 Conservation Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 5- The Future for Fisheries Journal Article Pauly, D, Alder, J, Bennett, E, Christensen, V, Tyedmers, P, Watson, R 2003 Science (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 4- P soup: Humanity's impact on the phosphorus cycle Journal Article Bennett, E, Carpenter, SR 2002 World Watch (Date Added: 2015-05-14) 3- Human impact on erodable phosphorus and eutrophication: A global perspective Journal Article Bennett, EM, Carpenter, SR, Caraco, NF 2001 BioScience (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 2- Distribution of recreational boating across lakes: Do landscape variables affect recreational use? Journal Article Reed-Andersen, T, Bennett, EM, Jorgensen, BS, Lauster, G, Lewis, DB, Nowacek, D, Riera, JL, Sanderson, BL, Stedman, R 2000 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 1- A phosphorus budget for the Lake Mendota watershed Journal Article Bennett, EM, Reed-Andersen, T, Houser, JN, Gabriel, JR, Carpenter, SR 1999 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2011-04-08) Dans les média Five professors honoured as Montreal ambassadors (Stephanie Wereley) 2024-04-11 Restoring Quebec’s landscapes for sustainability and resilience (Elson Ian Nyl Galan) 2024-03-04 Co-imagining futures of Canada’s landscapes in the Anthropocene 2023-11-15 Spotlight on best graduate supervision practices (MOHAMED BERRADA, DANIEL HALTON) 2023-09-13 https://reporter.mcgill.ca/nineteen-mcgill-researchers-honoured-by-the-royal-society-of-canada/ (Meaghan Thursto, Amanda Testani) 2023-09-05 Response diversity as a sustainability strategy (Brian Walker et al.) 2023-01-30 Cities are becoming the fulcrum for how we manage biodiversity (Allyson Rowley) 2022-12-01 McGill celebrates its Highly Cited Researchers (Meaghan Thurston) 2022-11-22 Food production impacting Earth and its natural processes (Australian National University) 2022-08-18 Elena Bennett elected to the National Academy of Sciences (Neale McDevitt) 2022-05-05 Elena Bennett elected to the National Academy of Sciences (Neale McDevitt, Editor, McGill Reporter) 2022-05-02 Elena Bennett awarded prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship (Neale McDevitt) 2022-04-12 Dr. Elena Bennett to Deliver Annual Hopke Distinguished Lecture at Clarkson University on March 23 on Understanding Relationships Between People and Nature 2022-03-21 Heuermann Lecture addresses balancing agriculture and ecosystem resiliency 2020-01-15 Heuermann Lecture to feature ecosystem ecologist, Jan. 14 2020-01-09 Heuermann Lecture to feature ecosystem ecologist, Jan. 14 (Kinsey Senkel) 2020-01-09 La peur de l’avion (et de ses répercussions sur l’environnement) (Francois Shalom) 2019-11-20 Making sustainability sustainable (Maeve Haldane) 2019-11-01 Opinion: Instead of flight shaming, let’s be thoughtful and selective about all travel (Lior Silberman, Navin Ramankutty, Elena Bennett) 2019-09-18 $5.5M support for new Canadian ecosystem service network (Meaghan Thurston) 2019-09-04 $5.5M support for new Canadian ecosystem service network 2019-09-04 NSERC announces funding for two new strategic networks 2019-08-29 Imagining a Climate-Change Future, Without the Dystopia 2019-03-08 The recipe for a good Anthropocene (TEDx Talks) 2018-12-17 Elena Bennett - Managing Working Landscapes for Multiple Ecosystem Services (National Academy of Sciences) 2018-11-21 Félicitations à Jacques Brodeur 2018-09-13 Women’s role in sustainability science & the environment @McGill 2018-05-02 Professors inducted into Royal Society of Canada 2017-12-11 Researcher spotlight: Elena Bennett 2017-12-11 “Seeds” project offers glimpse of brighter futures (Strain, Daniel) 2017-03-20 Davos 2017: Elena Bennett on hope and sustainability 2017-01-19 L'environnement en 2017: semer les graines d'optimisme (Burgun, Isabelle) 2017-01-04 Environnement: la science au secours de l'optimisme (Coté, Charles) 2016-12-27 The bright spots: Global examples of a thriving social-ecological future 2016-11-16 Cent projets inspirants pour la planète (Harvey, Réginal) 2016-11-06 Combatting dystopian visions of the future with Seeds of Good Anthropocene project (Siemann, Izze) 2016-10-18 Our future doesn’t have to be dismal (Gombay, Katherine) 2016-10-05 Conservation award goes to McGill-led project 2016-08-31 The lack of women in science: 'A wicked problem,' McGill's Elena Bennett says (Crowe, Patricia) 2016-02-16 Price nature or make nature priceless? (the breakthrough) 2015-07-14 Inside the deep rift between 'new' and traditional conservation The Globe and Mail 2015-04-17 Why nature should always come first for the conversation cause - 24News.ca 2015-04-17 Green plan : McGill Reporter 2015-04-16 Ecosystem services project welcomes internaltional recognition University of Edinburgh 2015-04-02 Low-carbon Canadian economy attainable, but requires ‘massive change’: academics Yahoo News Canada 2015-03-16 Overuse of phosphorus requires more conservative global limits University Affairs (Toomey, Gerry) 2015-02-18 Nearly half the systems crucial to stability of planet comprised McGill Reporter (Gombay, Katherine) 2015-01-16 50 Canadian Climate Experts Support People’s Climate March The Canadian Progressive 2014-09-21 50 Canadian Climate Change Experts Support People's Climate March RecentInside 2014-09-20 Sometimes cattle don't displace trees - the trees displace cattle Manitoba Co-operator 2014-09-02 Trees, shrubs invading grasslands, diminish cattle production Feedstuffs 2014-08-19 Trees and shrubs invading critical grasslands, diminish cattle production BrightSurf 2014-08-19 Change in critical grasslands diminishing cattle production Arizona State University 2014-08-18 Trees and shrubs invading critical grasslands, diminish cattle production USANews 2014-08-18 McGill Net Positive: strength, and synergy, in numbers McGill Reporter (McDevitt, Neale) 2014-01-21 The McGill Daily » Who’s hungry? McGill Daily (Vansintjian, Aaron) 2013-11-25 Un laboratoire dans la cour arrière : explorer Montréal à travers ses initiatives en développement durable McGill Reporter (Isabel, mariève) 2013-07-02 Understanding the trade-offs among ecosystem services along disturbance gradients 2013-02-12 Farm soil determines environmental fate of phosphorus ScienceDaily 2012-12-17 Farm soil determines environmental fate of phosphorus ScienceDaily 2012-12-17 Prévisions d'Ouranos Les années-lumière 2012-11-25 Réserve Gault: au service de la collectivité : McGill Reporter McGill Reporter (Maneli, David) 2012-11-13 What is Vision 2020? - Sustainability McGill 2012-02-20 With Prof. Elena Bennett, McGill School of the Environment McGill Reporter (McDevitt, Neale) 2012-01-12 Lo sviluppo sostenibile, dopo 20 anni torna a Rio QualEnergia (Bologna, Gianfranco) 2011-12-19 A conversation with Elena Bennett, professor of Natural Resource Science The Atlantic (Resnick, Brian) 2011-12-14 Phosphor lässt Pflanzen sprießen - aber der Stoff wird knapp Der Tagesspiegel Online (Knauer, Roland) 2011-10-27 Phosphate : il pollue trop... mais on craint la pénurie ! Futura-Sciences (Scala, Bruno) 2011-10-18 Five ways to feed billions without trashing the planet MongaBay (Hance, Jeremy) 2011-09-13 La scienza suona l'allarme: cambiare i modelli di sviluppo (ce lo chiedono gli oceani) Green Report (Bologna, Gianfranco) 2011-07-01 Fertilized to death The Columbus Dispatch (Hunt, Spencer) 2011-03-06 Bennett takes Leopold McGill Reporter 2011-03-03 Seeing the hidden services of nature McGill Newsroom 2011-03-02 Overuse leading to decline in world's phosphorus stock Sify News 2011-02-15 World phosphorous use crosses critical threshold WisBusiness 2011-02-14 Prof Perspectives: Elena Bennett (Environment) 2010-10-27 Un nouvel outil de gestion en écologie voit le jour Agence Science-Presse (ASPQuebec) 2010-04-16 Seeing the hidden services of nature Science Centric 2010-03-15 Seeing the hidden services of nature Phys.org 2010-03-02 Mettre au jour les services cachés de la nature McGill Salle de Presse 2010-03-01 Elena Bennett; CCA; Conseil des académies canadiennes Conseil des académies canadiennes (CAC) 2010-00-00 |