Dalal Hanna

McGill University
Candidat Ph.D.

superviseur(e): Elena Bennett
Début: 2015-09-01
Fin: 2020-04-01
Page personnelle


Les interactions parmi les services écosystémiques des rivières et leurs implications pour la conservation


ecosystem services, Aquatic Ecosystems, ecology, Rivers


1- Anthropogenic noise affects song structure in red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Hanna, D., G. Blouin-Demers, D. R. Wilson, D. J. Mennill
2011 Journal of Experimental Biology

2- Spring peepers Pseudacris crucifer modify their call structure in response to noise
Hanna, D.E.L., D.R. Wilson, G. Blouin-Demers, D.J. Mennill
2014 Current Zoology

3- A review of mercury concentrations in freshwater fishes of Africa: Patterns and predictors
Hanna, Dalal E.L., Christopher T. Solomon, Amanda E. Poste, David G. Buck, Lauren J. Chapman
2015 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

4- Effects of habitat on mercury concentrations in fish: a case study of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
Hanna, D. E. L., D. G. Buck, L. J. Chapman
2015 Ecotoxicology