Dominique Berteaux

Professeur titulaire,
Université du Québec à Rimouski

Campus de Rimouski
Page web de l'institution
Page personnelle


Ph.D. (1996) Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)
M.Sc. (1989) Éco-éthologie, Université de Tours (France)
B.Sc. (1988) Biologie des organismes et des populations, Université de Rennes (France)


  • Effets des changements climatiques sur la biodiversité du Québec.
  • Écologie alimentaire des carnivores terrestres arctiques.
  • Relations trophiques dans la communauté de mammifères terrestres à l'île Bylot, Nunavut.
  • Relations entre les porcs-épics et l'écosystème forestier nordique.
  • Effets de la diminution de la banquise sur la biogéographie insulaire.

  • Prix et honneurs

  • Admis au Cercle d'excellence de l'Université du Québec, 2010.

  • Étudiants CSBQ

    Émilie Desjardins

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Andrew Tam, Department of National Defence
    (Début: 2021, Fin: 2024)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: François Vézina
    Conservation de la biodiversité au site habité le plus nordique de la planète dans un contexte de réchauffement climatique
    Page personnelle

    Ludovic Landry-Ducharme

    (Début: 2022)
    Écologie de mouvement d'un mammifère herbivore du désert polaire

    Jacob Caron Carrier

    (Début: 2019)
    Écologie spatiale du lièvre arctique (Lepus arcticus) à Alert, au Nunavut.

    Richard Gravel

    (Début: 2019)
    Dispersion juvénile et adulte chez le renard arctique

    Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

    Quinn Fletcher

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2014)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: François Vézina
    The effect of energetics on species interactions
    Page personnelle

    Daniel Gallant

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2014)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Nicolas Lecomte
    Étude de la guilde des prédateurs de la forêt boréale canadienne par l’analyse d’archives historiques
    Page personnelle

    Mikaël Jaffré

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2018)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Joël Bêty
    Agriculture et biodiversité au Québec. Évolution à long-terme des pratiques agricoles et des populations d’oiseaux champêtres. (demande en attente de réponse)
    Lien vers mémoire (pdf)

    Aude Lalis

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2013)
    Génétique de population du renard arctique dans un contexte de changement climatique

    Pascale Ropars

    Postdoctoral fellow
    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gilles Gauthier, Université Laval
    (Début: 2015, Fin: 2017)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Dominique Gravel
    Modélisation de la vulnérabilité des écosystèmes terrestres nordiques face aux changements climatiques

    Frédéric Bilodeau

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gilles Gauthier
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2013)
    Effet du couvert nival, de la nourriture et de la prédation hivernale sur la dynamique de population des lemmings.

    Clément Chevallier

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gilles Gauthier, Université Laval
    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2016)
    Démographie et dynamique de la population de renards arctiques de l'Ile Bylot, Nunavut

    Jeanne Clermont

    (Début: 2018, Fin: 2023)
    Effets des mouvements, des comportements alimentaires et de la témérité d'un prédateur territorial sur une communauté de proies

    Dominique Fauteux

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gilles Gauthier, Université Laval
    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2016)
    Effets directs et indirects de la prédation sur les lemmings dans le haut Arctique

    Daniel Gallant

    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2013)
    Étude de la relation entre le renard arctique et le renard roux à l'échelle continentale

    Sandra Lai

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Joël Bêty
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2016)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Joël Bêty
    Écologie spatiale du renard arctique dans le Haut Arctique Canadien

    Arnaud Tarroux

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Joël Bêty
    (Début: 2005, Fin: 2011)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Joël Bêty
    Utilisation de l’espace et des ressources chez un carnivore terrestre de l’Arctique : le renard polaire

    Gendreau Yanick

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Patrick Nantel, Parcs Canada
    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2015)
    Effets des changements climatiques sur les espèces à statut précaire au Québec

    Marylou Beaudoin

    (Début: 2022, Fin: 2024)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Joël Bêty
    Effets des caractéristiques physiques des îlots-refuges sur le risque de prédation des nids par le renard arctique à l’île Bylot (Nunavut)
    Page personnelle

    Cassandra Cameron

    (Début: 2006, Fin: 2009)
    Étude génétique de la structure sociale chez le renard arctique

    Sylvain Christin

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Martin-Hugues St-Laurent
    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2014)
    Optimisation de l´utilisation des données de suivi satellitaire récoltées sur des renards arctiques en milieu polaire

    David Duchesne

    (Début: 2006, Fin: 2009)
    Effets des conditions climatiques sur la dynamique d'une population de lemmings à l'île Bylot, Nunavut

    Xavier Francoeur

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2012)
    Effets des changements climatiques sur la phénologie et la répartition des oiseaux du Québec

    Alexis Grenier-Potvin

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gilles Gauthier
    (Début: 2018, Fin: 2020)
    Mouvements et sélection d'habitat à fine échelle du renard arctique (Vulpes lagopus)
    Page personnelle

    Ludovic Landry-Ducharme

    (Début: 2020, Fin: 2022)
    Sélection d'habitat à l'échelle régionale du lièvre arctique sur l'île d'Ellesmere (Nunavut)

    Rémy Morisset

    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2011)
    Vulnérabilité des aires protégées du Québec aux changements climatiques

    Marylène Ricard

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Martin-Hughes St-Laurent, UQAR
    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2014)
    Vulnérabilité de la biodiversité des aires protégées du Québec aux changements climatiques

    Marie-Jeanne Rioux

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Joël Bêty
    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2014)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Joël Bêty
    Dynamique spatiale hivernale chez les couples de renard arctique

    Élisabeth Tremblay

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2013)
    Évaluation d'une méthode utilisant des appareils photos à déclenchement automatique pour le suivi d'une population de renards arctiques sur l'Île Bylot, Nunavut

    Sara Wing

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Véronique Lesage, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne
    (Début: 2016, Fin: 2018)
    Développement d'une méthode de correction pour dénombrer les bélugas du Saint-Laurent lors des relevés aériens

    Lauriane Nault

    (Début: 2019, Fin: 2019)
    Suivi de migration des rapaces du parc du Bic

    Exemples d'espèces étudiées

    Alopex lagopus
    Erethizon dorsatum
    Microtus pennsylvanicus
    Bos taurus
    Vulpes lagopus
    Corvus corax
    Vulpes vulpes
    Castor canadensis
    Lemmus trimucronatus
    Salix arctica
    Latrodectus variolus
    Papilio cresphontes


    174- Phenotypic constraints at the top of the world: an Arctic songbird faces the cumulative cost of maintaining a winter-like phenotype during breeding
    Journal Article
    Le Pogam A , O’Connor R S , Love O P , Young K G , Drolet J , Régimbald L , Roy G , Robitaille F , Berteaux D , Tam A , Vézina F ,
    2024 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2024-04-21)

    173- Scientific contributions and lessons learned from 30 years of ecological monitoring of the Bylot Island tundra ecosystem
    Journal Article
    Gauthier G , Berteaux D , Bêty J , Legagneux P , Fauteux D , Gravel D , Cadieux M ,
    2024 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2024-04-05)

    172- Vegetation biomass and topography are associated with seasonal habitat selection and fall translocation behavior in Arctic hares
    Journal Article
    Landry-Ducharme L , Lai S , Vézina F , Tam A , Berteaux D ,
    2024 Oecologia (Date Added: 2024-04-04)

    171- Long-term study of the tundra food web at a hotspot of Arctic biodiversity, the Bylot Island Field Station
    Journal Article
    Gauthier G , Cadieux M , Berteaux D , Bêty J , Fauteux D , Legagneux P , Lévesque E , Gagnon C A ,
    2024 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2024-04-03)

    170- Environmental, behavioral, and design-related factors affect accuracy and precision of beluga abundance estimates from aerial surveys
    Journal Article
    Lesage V , Wing S , Zuur A F , Gosselin J , Tinker M T , Mosnier A , St-Pierre A P , Michaud R , Berteaux D ,
    2024 Frontiers in Marine Science (Date Added: 2024-04-02)

    169- Predator home range size mediates indirect interactions between prey species in an arctic vertebrate community
    Journal Article
    Dulude‐de Broin F , Clermont J , Beardsell A , Ouellet L , Legagneux P , Bêty J , Berteaux D ,
    2023 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2023-10-19)

    168- Predator-mediated interactions through changes in predator home range size can lead to local prey exclusion
    Journal Article
    Beardsell A , Berteaux D , Dulude-De Broin F , Gauthier G , Clermont J , Gravel D , Bêty J ,
    2023 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2023-08-17)

    167- Born in the cold: contrasted thermal exchanges and maintenance costs in juvenile and adult snow buntings on their breeding and wintering grounds
    Journal Article
    Demers R , O’Connor R S , Le Pogam A , Young K G , Berteaux D , Tam A , Vézina F ,
    2023 Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2023-07-16)

    166- Prey availability influences the effect of boldness on reproductive success in a mammalian predator
    Journal Article
    Clermont J , Couchoux C , Lai S , Berteaux D ,
    2023 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2023-06-27)

    165- Climate, caribou and human needs linked by analysis of Indigenous and scientific knowledge
    Journal Article
    Gagnon C A , Hamel S , Russell D E , Andre J , Buckle A , Haogak D , Pascal J , Schafer E , Powell T , Svoboda M Y , Berteaux D ,
    2023 Nature Sustainability (Date Added: 2023-03-18)

    164- Long-term satellite tracking reveals patterns of long-distance dispersal in juvenile and adult Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus)
    Journal Article
    Gravel R , Lai S , Berteaux D ,
    2023 Royal Society Open Science (Date Added: 2023-02-16)

    163- Rabies transmission in the Arctic: An agent-based model reveals the effects of broad-scale movement strategies on contact risk between Arctic foxes
    Journal Article
    Tardy O , Lenglos C , Lai S , Berteaux D , Leighton P A ,
    2023 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2023-01-06)

    162- Red foxes at their northern edge: competition with the Arctic fox and winter movements
    Journal Article
    Lai S , Warret Rodrigues C , Gallant D , Roth J D , Berteaux D ,
    2022 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2022-07-06)

    161- A mechanistic model of functional response provides new insights into indirect interactions among arctic tundra prey
    Journal Article
    Beardsell A , Gravel D , Clermont J , Berteaux D , Gauthier G , Bêty J ,
    2022 Ecology (Date Added: 2022-06-16)

    160- Long-distance, synchronized and directional fall movements suggest migration in Arctic hares on Ellesmere Island (Canada)
    Journal Article
    Caron-Carrier J , Lai S , Vézina F , Tam A , Berteaux D ,
    2022 Scientific reports (Date Added: 2022-04-05)

    157- Walking on water: Terrestrial mammal migrations in the warming Arctic
    Journal Article
    Berteaux D , Lai S ,
    2021 Animal Migration (Date Added: 2022-01-26)

    155- Digging into the behaviour of an active hunting predator: arctic fox prey caching events revealed by accelerometry
    Journal Article
    Clermont J , Woodward-Gagné S , Berteaux D ,
    2021 Movement Ecology (Date Added: 2021-12-05)

    154- Low vulnerability of arctic fox dens to climate change-related geohazards on bylot island, nunavut, canada
    Journal Article
    Lapierre Poulin F , Fortier D , Berteaux D ,
    2021 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2021-11-30)

    153- Snow Buntings Maintain Winter-Level Cold Endurance While Migrating to the High Arctic
    Journal Article
    Le Pogam A , O’Connor R S , Love O P , Drolet J , Régimbald L , Roy G , Laplante M , Berteaux D , Tam A , Vézina F ,
    2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-10-17)

    152- Prey and habitat distribution are not enough to explain predator habitat selection: addressing intraspecific interactions, behavioural state and time
    Journal Article
    Grenier-Potvin A , Clermont J , Gauthier G , Berteaux D ,
    2021 Movement Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-08)

    151- Derivation of Predator Functional Responses Using a Mechanistic Approach in a Natural System
    Journal Article
    Beardsell A , Gravel D , Berteaux D , Gauthier G , Clermont J , Careau V , Lecomte N , Juhasz C , Royer-Boutin P , Bêty J ,
    2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-03-29)

    150- Climate Change and Local Host Availability Drive the Northern Range Boundary in the Rapid Expansion of a Specialist Insect Herbivore, Papilio cresphontes
    Journal Article
    Wilson J K , Casajus N , Hutchinson R A , McFarland K P , Kerr J T , Berteaux D , Larrivée M , Prudic K L ,
    2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-03-27)

    147- Extensive daily movement rates measured in territorial arctic foxes
    Journal Article
    Poulin M , Clermont J , Berteaux D ,
    2021 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2021-02-04)

    146- Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic
    Journal Article
    2020 Science (New York, N.Y.) (Date Added: 2020-11-17)

    145- Seasonal food webs with migrations: multi-season models reveal indirect species interactions in the Canadian Arctic tundra
    Journal Article
    Hutchison C , Guichard F , Legagneux P , Gauthier G , Bêty J , Berteaux D , Fauteux D , Gravel D ,
    2020 Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences (Date Added: 2020-09-10)

    144- Pulsed food resources affect reproduction but not adult apparent survival in arctic foxes
    Journal Article
    Chevallier C , Gauthier G , Lai S , Berteaux D ,
    2020 Oecologia (Date Added: 2020-07-05)

    143- Merging indigenous and scientific knowledge links climate with the growth of a large migratory caribou population
    Journal Article
    Gagnon C A , Hamel S , Russell D E , Powell T , Andre J , Svoboda M Y , Berteaux D ,
    2020 Journal of Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2020-02-09)

    142- Direct and indirect effects of regional and local climatic factors on trophic interactions in the Arctic tundra
    Journal Article
    2019 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2019-11-14)

    141- Consequences of past climate change and recent human persecution on mitogenomic diversity in the arctic fox
    Journal Article
    Larsson P , von Seth J , Hagen I J , Götherström A , Androsov S , Germonpré M , Bergfeldt N , Fedorov S , Eide N E , Sokolova N , Berteaux D , Angerbjörn A , Flagstad ,
    2019 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2019-11-11)

    140- Disentangling the relative influences of global drivers of change in biodiversity: A study of the twentieth-century red fox expansion into the Canadian Arctic
    Journal Article
    Gallant D , Lecomte N , Berteaux D ,
    2019 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2019-09-18)

    139- Conservation planning for boreal birds in a changing climate: A framework for action
    Journal Article
    Stralberg D , Berteaux D , Drever C R , Drever M , Naujokaitis-Lewis I , Schmiegelow F K A , Tremblay J A ,
    2019 Avian Conservation and Ecology (Date Added: 2019-08-26)

    137- Identifying key needs for the integration of social–ecological outcomes in arctic wildlife monitoring
    Journal Article
    Wheeler H C , Berteaux D , Furgal C , Cazelles K , Yoccoz N G , Grémillet D ,
    2019 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2019-02-04)

    136- Discrimination factors of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from diet to hair in captive large Arctic carnivores of conservation concern
    Journal Article
    2018 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (Date Added: 2019-10-12)

    135- Northern protected areas will become important refuges for biodiversity tracking suitable climates
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Ricard, M, St-Laurent, M-H, Casajus, N, Perie, C, Beauregard, F, de Blois, S
    2018 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2018-10-02)

    133- Precipitation and ectoparasitism reduce reproductive success in an arctic-nesting top-predator
    Journal Article
    Lamarre, V, Legagneux, P, Franke, A, Casajus, N, Currie, DC, Berteaux, D, Bêty, J
    2018 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2018-06-14)

    132-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot Island, Nunavut in 2017: a progress report
    Gauthier, G
    2018 Arctic Goose Joint Venture, Environment Canada, and Parks Canada ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    131- Life in the fast lane: learning from the rare multi-year recaptures of brown lemmings in the High Arctic
    Journal Article
    Fauteux, D, Gauthier, G, Slevan-Tremblay, G, Berteaux, D
    2018 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2018-05-03)

    130- Changements climatiques : défis et perspectives pour les plantes vasculaires en situation précaire au Québec
    Journal Article
    Gendreau, Y, Lachance, A, Ricard, M, Gilbert, H, Casajus, N, Berteaux, D
    2018 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2018-05-03)

    129- High Arctic lemmings remain reproductively active under predator-induced elevated stress
    Journal Article
    Fauteux D , Gauthier G , Berteaux D , Palme R , Boonstra R ,
    2018 Oecologia (Date Added: 2018-04-22)

    128- Evaluation of invasive and non-invasive methods to monitor rodent abundance in the Arctic:
    Journal Article
    Fauteux D , Gauthier G , Mazerolle M J , Coallier N , Bêty J , Berteaux D ,
    2018 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

    127- Our house is burning: Discrepancy in climate change vs. biodiversity coverage in the media as compared to scientific literature
    Journal Article
    Legagneux, P, Casajus, N, Cazelles, K, Chevallier, C, Chevrinais, M, Guéry, L, Jacquet, C, Jaffré, M, Naud, M-J, Noisette, F, Ropars, P, Vissault, S, Archambault, P, Bêty, J, Berteaux, D, Gravel, D
    2018 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2018-02-13)

    126-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot Island, Nunavut in 2016: a progress report
    Gauthier, G
    2017 Arctic Goose Joint Venture, Environment Canada, and Parks Canada ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    125-Climate change impacts on managed wildlife, dans IRIS 1: From Science to Policy in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
    Franke A, BD
    2017 ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    124-Effects of Climate Shifts on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife Report on the 2017-2018 activities
    Berteaux D, BJ
    2017 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    123-Effects of Climate Shifts on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife. Report on the 2016-2017 activities
    Berteaux D, BJ
    2017 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    122-L’aménagement écosystémique des forêts dans le contexte des changements climatiques
    Comité d'experts,
    2017 Rapport du comité d’experts ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    121- Foreword to Supplement 1: research on a polar species—the Arctic fox
    Journal Article
    Berteaux D , Casajus N , Angerbjörn A , Fuglei E ,
    2017 Polar Research (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

    120- Winter home range fidelity and extraterritorial movements of Arctic fox pairs in the Canadian High Arctic
    Journal Article
    Rioux M , Lai S , Casajus N , Bêty J , Berteaux D ,
    2017 Polar Research (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

    119- Evolution, ecology and conservation—revisiting three decades of Arctic fox population genetic research
    Journal Article
    Norén K , Dalén L , Flagstad ,
    2017 Polar Research (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

    118- Harmonizing circumpolar monitoring of Arctic fox: benefits, opportunities, challenges and recommendations
    Journal Article
    Berteaux D , Thierry A , Alisauskas R , Angerbjörn A , Buchel E , Doronina L , Ehrich D , Eide N E , Erlandsson R , Flagstad ,
    2017 Polar Research (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

    117- Homage to Hersteinsson and Macdonald: climate warming and resource subsidies cause red fox range expansion and Arctic fox decline
    Journal Article
    Elmhagen B , Berteaux D , Burgess R M , Ehrich D , Gallant D , Henttonen H , Ims R A , Killengreen S T , Niemimaa J , Norén K , Ollila T , Rodnikova A , Sokolov A A , Sokolova N A , Stickney A A , Angerbjörn A ,
    2017 Polar Research (Date Added: 2018-03-22)

    116- Fine-scale population genetic structure of arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) in the High Arctic
    Journal Article
    Lai S , Quiles A , Lambourdière J , Berteaux D , Lalis A ,
    2017 BMC Research Notes (Date Added: 2017-12-19)

    115- Age Estimation of Live Arctic Foxes Vulpes lagopus Based on Teeth Condition
    Journal Article
    Chevallier C , Gauthier G , Berteaux D ,
    2017 Wildlife Biology (Date Added: 2017-10-18)

    114- Feeding preference of brown lemmings (Lemmus trimucronatus) for plant parts of Arctic willow (Salix arctica)
    Journal Article
    Fauteux D , Slevan-Tremblay G , Gauthier G , Berteaux D ,
    2017 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

    113- Assessing stress in arctic lemmings: Fecal metabolite levels reflect plasma free corticosterone levels
    Journal Article
    Fauteux D , Gauthier G , Berteaux D , Bosson C , Palme R , Boonstra R ,
    2017 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2017-04-22)

    112- Pines and porcupines: A tree-ring analysis of browsing and dynamics of an overmature pine forest
    Journal Article
    Rivet A , Payette S , Berteaux D , Girard F ,
    2017 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2017-02-21)

    111-Effects of Climate Shifts on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife. Report on the 2015-2016
    Berteaux D, BJ
    2016 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    110-Population study of arctic and red fox on Bylot Island (Nunavut): A summary report
    Berteaux D, Lapierre-Poulin F, Chevallier C,
    2016 Sirmilik National Park ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    109-Analyse des effets des changements climatiques sur les plantes vasculaires menacées ou vulnérables du Québec
    Gendreau Y, Berteaux D, Casajus N, Lachance A, Gilbert H,
    2016 Ministère Développement durable, Environnement et Lutte contre les changements climatiques ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    108-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot island, Nunavut in 2015: A progress report
    Gauthier G, Cadieux M-C, Lefebvre J, Bêty J, Berteaux D,
    2016 Centre d'Études Nordiques ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    107-Arctic fox spatial ecology related to harvest management. Final Report
    Fuglei E, Berteaux D, Pedersen AO, Tarroux A,
    2016 Norwegian Polar Institute ( Date Added: 2018-05-07)

    106- Effects of changing permafrost and snow conditions on tundra wildlife: critical places and times
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Gauthier, G, Domine, F, Ims, RA, Lamoureux, S, Levesque, E, Yoccoz, N
    2016 Arctic Science (Date Added: 2017-02-05)

    105- The importance of data mining for conservation science: a case study on the wolverine
    Journal Article
    Gallant, D, Gauvin, LY, Berteaux, D, Lecomte, N
    2016 Biodiversity and Conservation (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

    104- Linking time budgets to habitat quality suggests that beavers (_Castor__canadensis_) are energy maximizers
    Journal Article
    Gallant, D, Léger, L, Tremblay, , Berteaux, D, Lecomte, N, Vasseur, L
    2016 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

    103- Top-down limitation of lemmings revealed by experimental reduction of predators
    Journal Article
    Fauteux, D, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

    102- Movement tactics of a mobile predator in a meta-ecosystem with fluctuating resources: the arctic fox in the High Arctic
    Journal Article
    Lai, S, Bêty, J, Berteaux, D
    2016 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

    101- An Objective Approach to Select Climate Scenarios when Projecting Species Distribution under Climate Change
    Journal Article
    Casajus, N, Perie, C, Logan, T, Lambert, M-C, de Blois, S, Berteaux, D
    2016 PloS one (Date Added: 2016-04-29)

    100- Cross-scale integration of knowledge for predicting species ranges: a metamodelling framework: Integrated models of species ranges
    Journal Article
    Talluto, MV, Boulangeat, I, Ameztegui, A, Aubin, I, Berteaux, D, Butler, A, Doyon, F, Drever, CR, Fortin, M-J, Franceschini, T, Liénard, J, McKenney, D, Solarik, KA, Strigul, N, Thuiller, W, Gravel, D
    2016 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2016-01-15)

    99- Spatio-temporal hotspots of satellite-tracked arctic foxes reveal a large detection range in a mammalian predator
    Journal Article
    Lai, S, Bety, J, Berteaux, D
    2015 Movement Ecology (Date Added: 2016-07-22)

    98- Predation of arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) pups by common ravens (Corvus corax)
    Journal Article
    Chevallier, C, Lai, S, Berteaux, D
    2015 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2016-01-15)

    97- Red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) at their expanding front in the Canadian Arctic have indigenous maternal ancestry
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Gallant, D, Sacks, BN, Statham, MJ
    2015 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2016-01-15)

    96- Evaluation of Argos Telemetry Accuracy in the High-Arctic and Implications for the Estimation of Home-Range Size
    Journal Article
    Christin, S, St-Laurent, M-H, Berteaux, D
    2015 PloS one (Date Added: 2016-01-15)

    95- Seasonal demography of a cyclic lemming population in the Canadian Arctic
    Journal Article
    Fauteux, D, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2015 The Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2016-01-15)

    94- Hide or die: use of cover decreases predation risk in juvenile North American Procupines
    Journal Article
    Mabille, G
    2014 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2016-06-23)

    93- Predator-mediated interactions between lemmings and shorebirds: A test of the alternative prey hypothesis
    Journal Article
    McKinnon, L, Berteaux, D, Bety, J
    2014 Auk (Date Added: 2014-11-17)

    92- Sources of variation in small rodent trophic niche: new insights from DNA metabarcoding and stable isotope analysis
    Journal Article
    Soininen, EM, Ehrich, D, Lecomte, N, Yoccoz, NG, Tarroux, A, Berteaux, D, Gauthier, G, Gielly, L, Brochmann, C, Gussarova, G, Ims, RA
    2014 Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (Date Added: 2014-05-30)

    91- Arctic ecosystem structure and functioning shaped by climate and herbivore body size
    Journal Article
    Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Lecomte, N, Schmidt, NM, Reid, D, Cadieux, M-C, Berteaux, D, Bêty, J, Krebs, CJ, Ims, RA, Yoccoz, NG, Morrison, RIG, Leroux, SJ, Loreau, M, Gravel, D
    2014 Nature Climate Change (Date Added: 2014-05-21)

    90- Does lemming winter grazing impact vegetation in the Canadian Arctic?
    Journal Article
    Bilodeau, F, Gauthier, G, Fauteux, D, Berteaux, D
    2014 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2014-04-03)

    89-Effects of Climate Change on the Canadian Arctic Wildlife
    Berteaux, D
    2013 Network of Centers of Excellence of Canada ArcticNet ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    88-Population study of arctic and red fox on Bylot island (Nunavut)
    Berteaux, D
    2013 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    87-Arctic Biodiversity Assessment: Status and Trends in Arctic Biodiversity
    Meltofte, A
    2013 Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAAF) ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    86- Long-term monitoring at multiple trophic levels suggests heterogeneity in responses to climate change in the Canadian Arctic tundra
    Journal Article
    Gauthier, G, Bêty, J, Cadieux, M-C, Legagneux, P, Doiron, M, Chevallier, C, Lai, S, Tarroux, A, Berteaux, D
    2013 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2016-04-05)

    85- Natal den selection by sympatric arctic and red foxes on Herschel Island, Yukon, Canada
    Journal Article
    Gallant, D, Reid, DG, Slough, BG, Berteaux, D
    2013 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2013-12-18)

    84- Effect of snow cover on the vulnerability of lemmings to mammalian predators in the Canadian Arctic
    Journal Article
    Bilodeau, F, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2013 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2013-09-03)

    83- Demographic response of tundra small mammals to a snow fencing experiment
    Journal Article
    Bilodeau, F, Reid, DG, Gauthier, G, Krebs, CJ, Berteaux, D, Kenney, AJ
    2013 Oikos (Date Added: 2013-07-31)

    82- Predator-mediated interactions between preferred, alternative and incidental prey in the arctic tundra
    Journal Article
    McKinnon, L, Berteaux, D, Gauthier, G, Bety, J
    2013 Oikos (Date Added: 2013-07-04)

    81- Evaluation of a technique to trap lemmings under the snow
    Journal Article
    Bilodeau, F, Kenney, AJ, Gilbert, BS, Hofer, E, Gauthier, G, Reid, DG, Berteaux, D, Krebs, CJ
    2013 Arctic (Date Added: 2013-04-04)

    80- Québec's Large-Scale Plan Nord
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D
    2013 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2013-03-28)

    79-Ces espèces qui colonisent le Grand Nord
    Yoccoz, NGaDB
    2012 ( Date Added: 2016-06-28)

    78- Icebound investigations
    Berteaux, D
    2012 International Innovations (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

    77-Cogestion adaptative des parcs du Nunavik dans un contexte de changements climatiques
    Journal Article
    Gendreau, Y
    2012 Téoros ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    76-Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)
    Angerbjörn, A
    2012 Arctic Report Card 2012 ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    75-Use of sea ice by Arctic foxes in the context of a warming climate
    Berteaux, DaSL
    2012 Kenneth M Molson Foundation ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    74-Population study of greater snow geese and its nesting habitat on Bylot Island, Nunavut in 2011: a progress report
    Gauthier, G
    2012 Arctic Goose Joint Venture ( Date Added: 2016-06-22)

    73- The effect of snow cover on lemming population cycles in the Canadian High Arctic
    Journal Article
    Bilodeau, F, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2012 Oecologia (Date Added: 2013-08-08)

    72- Recent climate-related terrestrial biodiversity research in Canada's Arctic national parks: review, summary, and management implications
    Journal Article
    McLennan, DS, Bell, T, Berteaux, D, Chen, W, Copland, L, Fraser, R, Gallant, D, Gauthier, G, Hik, D, Krebs, CJ, Myers-Smith, IH, Olthof, I, Reid, D, Sladen, W, Tarnocai, C, Vincent, WF, Zhang, Y
    2012 Biodiversity (Date Added: 2012-11-13)

    71- Time series data for Canadian arctic vertebrates: IPY contributions to science, management, and policy
    Journal Article
    Ferguson, SH, Berteaux, D, Gaston, AJ, Higdon, JW, Lecomte, N, Lunn, N, Mallory, ML, Reist, J, Russell, D, Yoccoz, NG, Zhu, X
    2012 Climatic Change (Date Added: 2012-10-29)

    70- Demographic Amplification of Climate Change Experienced by the Contiguous United States Population during the 20th Century
    Journal Article
    Samson, J, Berteaux, D, McGill, BJ, Humphries, MM
    2012 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2012-10-25)

    69- Identifying high residency areas of the threatened St. Lawrence beluga whale from fine-scale movements of individuals and coarse-scale movements of herds
    Journal Article
    Lefebvre, SL, Michaud, R, Lesage, V, Berteaux, D
    2012 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2012-08-28)

    68- Disentangling trophic relationships in a High Arctic tundra ecosystem through food web modeling
    Journal Article
    Legagneux, P, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D, Bêty, J, Cadieux, M-C, Bilodeau, F, Bolduc, E, Mckinnon, L, Tarroux, A, Therrien, J-F, Morissette, L, Krebs, CJ
    2012 Ecology (Date Added: 2012-08-28)

    67- The Marine Side of a Terrestrial Carnivore: Intra-Population Variation in Use of Allochthonous Resources by Arctic Foxes
    Journal Article
    Tarroux, A, Bety, J, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2012 Plos One (Date Added: 2012-08-17)

    66- Benefiting from a migratory prey: spatio-temporal patterns in allochthonous subsidization of an arctic predator
    Journal Article
    Giroux, M-A, Berteaux, D, Lecomte, N, Gauthier, G, Szor, G, Bety, J
    2012 Journal Of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2012-06-12)

    65- Arctic fox versus red fox in the warming Arctic: four decades of den surveys in north Yukon
    Journal Article
    Gallant, D, Slough, BG, Reid, DG, Berteaux, D
    2012 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2012-04-27)

    64- Behavioural Responses of Wintering Porcupines to their Heterogeneous Thermal Environment
    Journal Article
    Mabille, G, Berteaux, D, Thomas, DW, Fortin, D
    2011 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2012-07-20)

    63- Spatial variation in food availability predicts extrapair paternity in the arctic fox
    Journal Article
    Cameron, C, Berteaux, D, Dufresne, F
    2011 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2012-07-04)

    62- Stable isotope analysis: modelling lipid normalization for muscle and eggs from arctic mammals and birds
    Journal Article
    Ehrich, D, Tarroux, A, Stien, J, Lecomte, N, Killengreen, S, Berteaux, D, Yoccoz, NG
    2011 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-20)

    61- The tundra food web of Bylot Island in a changing climate and the role of exchanges between ecosystems
    Journal Article
    Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D, Bty, J, Tarroux, A, Therrien, J-F, McKinnon, L, Legagneux, P, Cadieux, M-C
    2011 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2012-02-06)

    60- Habitat selection, reproduction and predation of wintering lemmings in the Arctic
    Journal Article
    Duchesne, D, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2011 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-11-28)

    59- Generation of Priority Research Questions to Inform Conservation Policy and Management at a National Level
    Journal Article
    Rudd, MA, Beazley, KF, Cooke, SJ, Fleishman, E, Lane, DE, Mascia, MB, Roth, R, Tabor, G, Bakker, JA, Bellefontaine, T, Berteaux, D, Cantin, B, Chaulk, KG, Cunningham, K, Dobell, R, Fast, E, Ferrara, N, Findlay, CS, Hallstrom, LK, Hammond, T, Hermanutz, L, Hutchings, JA, Lindsay, KE, Marta, TJ, Nguyen, VM, Northey, G, Prior, K, Ramirez-Sanchez, S, Rice, J, Sleep, DJH, Szabo, ND, Trottier, G, Toussaint, J-P, Veilleux, J-P
    2011 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2011-08-29)

    58- Evaluation of a method to determine the breeding activity of lemmings in their winter nests
    Journal Article
    Duchesne, D, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2011 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-07-08)

    57- Geographic disparities and moral hazards in the predicted impacts of climate change on human populations
    Journal Article
    Samson, J, Berteaux, D, McGill, BJ, Humphries, MM
    2011 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2011-06-28)

    56- Rosaire Pelletier : un demi-siècle d’observation de la biodiversité
    Magazine Article
    Berteaux, D
    2011 Le Mouton Noir (Date Added: 2011-04-28)

    55- The CC-Bio Project: Studying the Effects of Climate Change on Quebec Biodiversity
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Blois, Sd, Angers, J-F, Bonin, J, Casajus, N, Darveau, M, Fournier, F, Humphries, MM, McGill, B, Larivée, J, Logan, T, Nantel, P, Périé, C, Poisson, F, Rodrigue, D, Rouleau, S, Siron, R, Thuiller, W, Vescovi, L
    2010 Diversity (Date Added: 2012-09-14)

    54- Sensitivity of stable isotope mixing models to variation in isotopic ratios: evaluating consequences of lipid extraction
    Journal Article
    Tarroux, A, Ehrich, D, Lecomte, N, Jardine, TD, Bety, J, Berteaux, D
    2010 Methods In Ecology And Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-20)

    53-Effets des changements climatiques sur la biodiversité du Québec.
    Book Chapter
    Berteaux, D
    2010 Il e?tait une fois la fore?t ( Date Added: 2011-09-08)

    52- Demography of two lemming species on Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada
    Journal Article
    Gruyer, N, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2010 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    51- Northern nomads: ability for extensive movements in adult arctic foxes
    Journal Article
    Tarroux, A, Berteaux, D, Bety, J
    2010 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    50- Predation as a probable mechanism relating winter weather to population dynamics in a North American porcupine population
    Journal Article
    Mabille, G, Descamps, S, Berteaux, D
    2010 Population Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    49- Survival costs of reproduction vary with age in North American red squirrels
    Journal Article
    Descamps, S, Boutin, S, McAdam, AG, Berteaux, D, Gaillard, J-M
    2009 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    48- Behavioral archives link the chemistry and clonal structure of trembling aspen to the food choice of North American porcupine
    Journal Article
    Diner, B, Berteaux, D, Fyles, J, Lindroth, RL
    2009 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    47- Integrating traditional ecological knowledge and ecological science: A question of scale
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, CA, Berteaux, D
    2009 Ecology and Society (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    46- Surviving on cached foods - The energetics of egg-caching by arctic foxes
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Giroux, J-F, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2008 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    45- Hoarding of pulsed resources: Temporal variations in egg-caching by arctic fox
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Lecomte, N, Bety, J, Giroux, J-F, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2008 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    44- Cyclic dynamics of sympatric lemming populations on Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada
    Journal Article
    Gruyer, N, Gauthier, G, Berteaux, D
    2008 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    43- Wavelet analysis of ecological time series
    Journal Article
    Cazelles, B, Chavez, M, Berteaux, D, Ménard, F, Vik, JO, Jenouvrier, S, Stenseth, NC
    2008 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    41- Age-specific variation in survival, reproductive success and offspring quality in red squirrels: Evidence of senescence
    Journal Article
    Descamps, S, Boutin, S, Berteaux, D, Gaillard, J-M
    2008 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    40- Cohort effects in red squirrels: The influence of density, food abundance and temperature on future survival and reproductive success
    Journal Article
    Descamps, S, Boutin, S, Berteaux, D, McAdam, AG, Gaillard, J-M
    2008 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    39-Perdre le Nord ?
    Book Whole
    Fortier, L, Simon, M, Tremblay, B, Lalonde, S, Berteaux, D
    2007 ( Date Added: 2012-08-28)

    38- Common ravens raid arctic fox food caches
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Lecomte, N, Giroux, J-F, Berteaux, D
    2007 Journal of Ethology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    37- Cache and carry: Hoarding behavior of arctic fox
    Journal Article
    Careau, V, Giroux, J-F, Berteaux, D
    2007 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    36- Influence of thermal fronts on habitat selection by four rorqual whale species in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
    Journal Article
    Doniol-Valcroze, T, Berteaux, D, Larouche, P, Sears, R
    2007 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    35- Historical and ecological determinants of genetic structure in arctic canids
    Journal Article
    Carmichael, LE, Krizan, J, Nagy, JA, Fuglei, E, Dumond, M, Johnson, D, Veitch, A, Berteaux, D, Strobeck, C
    2007 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    34- Female red squirrels fit Williams' hypothesis of increasing reproductive effort with increasing age
    Journal Article
    Descamps, S, Boutin, S, Berteaux, D, Gaillard, J-M
    2007 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    33- Heavy browsing by a mammalian herbivore does not affect fluctuating asymmetry of its food plants
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Diner, B, Dreyfus, C, Éblé, M, Lessard, I, Klvana, I
    2007 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    32- Free love in the far north: Plural breeding and polyandry of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) on Bylot Island, Nunavut
    Journal Article
    Carmichael, LE, Szor, G, Berteaux, D, Giroux, MA, Cameron, C, Strobeck, C
    2007 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    31- Constraints to projecting the effects of climate change on mammals
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Humphries, MM, Krebs, CJ, Lima, M, McAdam, AG, Pettorelli, N, Réale, D, Saitoh, T, Tkadlec, E, Weladji, RB, Stenseth, NC
    2006 Climate Research (Date Added: 2011-04-14)

    30- Problems and pitfalls in relating climate variability to population dynamics
    Journal Article
    Krebs, CJ, Berteaux, D
    2006 Climate Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    29- Best squirrels trade a long life for an early reproduction
    Journal Article
    Descamps, S, Boutin, S, Berteaux, D, Gaillard, J-M
    2006 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    28- Measuring, understanding and projecting the effects of large-scale climatic variability on mammals
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Stenseth, NC
    2006 Climate Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    27- Expenditure freeze: The metabolic response of small mammals to cold environments
    Journal Article
    Humphries, MM, Boutin, S, Thomas, DW, Ryan, JD, Selman, C, McAdam, AG, Berteaux, D, Speakman, JR
    2005 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-14)

    26- Hierarchical habitat selection by North American porcupines in southern boreal forest
    Journal Article
    Morin, P, Berteaux, D, Klvana, I
    2005 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    24- Spring-to-fall mass gain in a northern population of North American porcupines
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Klvana, I, Trudeau, C
    2005 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    23- Keeping pace with fast climate change: Can Arctic life count on evolution?
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Re?ale, D, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S
    2004 Integrative and Comparative Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    22- Porcupine feeding scars and climatic data show ecosystem effects of the solar cycle
    Journal Article
    Klvana, I, Berteaux, D, Cazelles, B
    2004 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    21- Intraclonal variation in defence substances and palatability: A study on Carex and lemmings
    Journal Article
    Bråthen, KA, Agrell, J, Berteaux, D, Jónsdóttir, IS
    2004 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    20- Lifetime selection on heritable life-history traits in a natural population of red squirrels
    Journal Article
    Re?ale, D, Berteaux, D, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S
    2003 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    19- Genetic and plastic responses of a northern mammal to climate change
    Journal Article
    Réale, D, McAdam, AG, Boutin, S, Berteaux, D
    2003 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    18- Terrestrial trophic dynamics in the Canadian Arctic
    Journal Article
    Krebs, CJ, Danell, K, Angerbjörn, A, Agrell, J, Berteaux, D, Bråthen, KA, Danell, , Erlinge, S, Fedorov, V, Fredga, K, Hjältén, J, Högstedt, G, Jónsdóttir, IS, Kenney, AJ, Kjellén, N, Nordin, T, Roininen, H, Svensson, M, Tannerfeldt, M, Wiklund, C
    2003 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    17- Immobilization of North American porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) using ketamine and xylazine
    Journal Article
    Morin, P, Berteaux, D
    2003 Journal of Wildlife Diseases (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    16- Maternal effects and the potential for evolution in a natural population of animals
    Journal Article
    Mcadam, AG, Boutin, S, Re?ale, D, Berteaux, D
    2002 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    15- Effect of muskox carcasses on nitrogen concentration in tundra vegetation
    Journal Article
    Danell, K, Berteaux, D, Bråthen, KA
    2002 Arctic (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    14- Anticipatory parental care: Acquiring resources for offspring prior to conception
    Journal Article
    Boutin, S, Larsen, KW, Berteaux, D
    2000 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    13- Breeding dispersal in female North American red squirrels
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Boutin, S
    2000 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    12- Energetic cost of heating ingested food in mammalian herbivores
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D
    2000 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    11- Seasonal and interindividual variation in field water metabolism of female meadow voles Microtus pennsylvanicus
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Thomas, D
    1999 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    10- Multiple paternity in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus): investigating the role of the female
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Bety, J, Rengifo, E, Bergeron, JM
    1999 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    9- Testing energy expenditure hypotheses: Reallocation versus increased demand in Microtus pennsylvanicus
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D
    1998 Acta Theriologica (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    8- Food choice by white-tailed deer in relation to protein and energy content of the diet: A field experiment
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Crête, M, Huot, J, Maltais, J, Ouellet, J-P
    1998 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    7- Repeatability of daily field metabolic rate in female Meadow Voles (Microtus Pennsylvanicus)
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Thomas, DW, Bergeron, J-M, Lapierre, H
    1996 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    6- Effect of carrying a radiocollar on expenditure of energy by meadow voles
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Masseboeuf, F, Bonzom, J-M, Bergeron, J-M, Thomas, DW, Lapierre, H
    1996 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    5- Solitude versus gregariousness: Do physical benefits drive the choice in overwintering meadow voles?
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Bergeron, J-M, Thomas, DW, Lapierre, H
    1996 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    4- Osteometric study of the metapodials of Amsterdam Island feral cattle
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Guintard, C
    1995 Acta Theriologica (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    3- Can radio collars affect dominance relationships in Microtus?
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Duhamel, R, Bergeron, JM
    1994 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    2- Female-biased mortality in a sexually dimorphic ungulate: feral cattle of Amsterdam Island
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D
    1993 Journal of Mammalogy (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    1- Population studies and reproduction of the feral cattle (Bos taurus) of Amsterdam Island, Indian Ocean
    Journal Article
    Berteaux, D, Micol, T
    1992 Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

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    (Mantyk, Adeline) 2016-03-18

    Le courrier des Années lumière

    Félicitations au professeur Dominique Berteaux
    (Ouranos) 2015-06-12

    L’ACS souligne le travail des vulgarisateurs scientifiques
    (Le devoir) 2015-06-08

    Dominique Berteaux reçoit le prix Hubert-Reeves
    (sasnature) 2015-06-01

    Le Courrier du fleuve
    (redaction rimouski) 2015-05-06

    24 heures de science dans l’Est du Québec
    (UQAR) 2015-05-01

    24 heures de science pour toute la famille

    Le 24 heures de science à travers tout le Québec
    Fil de presse Lanaudière 2014-10-04

    Réchauffement climatique : la biodiversité de l'Arctique se transforme déjà - Module mère : le flux constant des infos vraies
    Terre Sacrée 2014-06-11

    Réchauffement climatique : la biodiversité de l'Arctique se transforme déjà -

    300 chercheurs réunis à Rimouski préoccupés par les changements climatiques
    L'Avantage (Thérèse Martin) 2014-06-02

    La science, c’est intense dans l'Est du Québec
    Journal L'Avantage - Rimouski - Mont-Joli - Matane 2014-05-06

    Les aires protégées : toujours la clé de la conservation des espèces? - Synapse
    Synapse 2014-04-17

    Rôle déterminant du climat et de la taille des espèces dans le fonctionnement des écosystèmes arctiques
    Bulletins Électroniques BE Canada (Bouchard, Jean-Francois) 2014-04-15

    Art et science pour la 9e édition du 24 heures de science
    SorelTracy Magazine 2014-04-11

    Les actualités du 24 heures

    Le rôle déterminant du climat et de la taille des espèces est démontré
    UQAR-Info 2014-03-26

    L'heure des migrations climatiques
    Radio Canada 2014-03-17

    L’heure des migrations climatiques - Chroniques - L'Action
    (ASP) 2014-03-08

    L’heure des migrations climatiques - Agence Science-Presse
    (Burgun, Isabelle) 2014-03-05

    UQAR - Les changements climatiques transforment la biodiversité du Québec

    Les effets des changements climatiques sont à nos portes
    Journal L'Avantage (Martin, Thérèse) 2014-02-05

    Vers un Québec au climat transformé
    La Presse (Côté, Charles) 2014-02-03

    Livre sur les impacts des changements climatiques
    Le Rimouskois et Progrès-Écho (D'Astous, Alexandre) 2014-01-27

    Le déclin de la nature
    Bioécologie 2014-01-14

    Evolution Meeting 2013: The Anole Perspective - Anole Annals
    Anole Annals (Jonathan Losos) 2013-06-20

    Forum EDS 2013: Panel 2: Alison Munson, Hélène Trudeau et Dominique Berteaux

    Plein gaz sur la biodiversité nordique
    Agence Science-Presse 2013-05-21

    Une nouvelle Chaire de recherche en nordicité à l’Université du Québec à Rimouski
    Radio-Canada International (Desmarteaux, Raymond) 2013-04-18

    Nouvelle Chaire en biodiversité nordique à l'UQAR
    Journal L'Avantage 2013-04-15

    El misterio de los zorros en el Ártico
    El Nuevo Día 2013-01-06

    Arctic foxes suffer while reds thrive in northern Canada
    BBC 2013-01-04

    Prévisions d'Ouranos
    Les années-lumière 2012-11-25

    Festival des 24 heures vendredi et samedi
    Le Rimouskois (Michaud, Pierre) 2012-05-07

    Un festival de la science à la portée de tous, les 11 et 12 mai
    Journal L'Avantage (Martin, Thérèse) 2012-05-07

    24 heures de science - 7e édition 300 activités science et techno - partout au Québec - 11 et 12 mai 2012
    CNW Telbec 2012-05-03

    24 heures des sciences
    Édition Bauce 2012-05-00

    Le harfang perd le nord
    Les années lumière 2012-02-12

    Développement durable dans le Plan Nord: une «chance» autant qu'un «risque», croit un chercheur
    Le Soleil (Thériault, Carl) 2011-09-24

    Sudbury : Thunder Bay à la recherche d'une solution au nombre élevé de ses chevreuils
    Radio-Canada (Le Voguer, Philippe) 2011-07-30

    L'impact environnemental du Plan Nord
    Agence Science-Presse 2011-05-24

    Le Plan Nord et l’UQAR
    Info Réveil 2011-05-11

    6e édition du 24 heures de science partout au Québec - Porte-ouverte sur la science : les 6 et 7 mai 2011
    CNW Telbec 2011-05-02

    La science pour tous pendant 24 heures!
    Radio-Canada 2011-05-00

    Un marathon de 50 activités scientifiques en 24 h
    L'Avantage 2011-04-28

    Le 24 heures de sciences s'en vient en Beauce
    Edition Beauce 2011-04-19

    Biodiversité, changements climatiques et santé - Dominique Berteaux, biologiste
    (fondationmfb) 2011-04-14

    Un nombre record d'activités partout au Québec pour la 6e édition du 24 heures de science
    CNW Telbec 2011-03-17

    La sixième édition du 24 heures de science promet
    La Vie rurale (Codina, Ricardo) 2011-03-17

    Quand les troupeaux de caribous fondent au soleil – Ma planète bleue
    Ma planète bleue (89,1, Mélanie) 2011-03-09

    Colloque du Centre d'études nordiques
    Au fil des événements 2011-02-10

    Célébrer la forêt
    Le Journal de Québec (Quentin, Isabelle) 2011-01-17

    L'érosion des berges
    La semaine verte 2010-12-11

    Financement de la recherche: l'UQAR première de classe au Québec et au Canada
    Le Soleil (Thériault, Carl) 2010-11-27

    Combien vaut la biodiversité?
    Je vote pour la science 2010-11-16

    Full Interview with Conservation Biologist Dominique Berteaux, PhD
    (Hodgins, John) 2010-10-28

    La forêt boréale face aux changements climatiques
    Lien Multimedia (Clerc, Odile) 2010-10-11

    Campus 2010-10-00

    Full Interview with Conservation Biologist Dominique Berteaux, PhD
    (IsumaTV) 2010-09-28

    La forêt boréale face aux changements climatiques
    Agence Science-Presse (Clerc, Odile) 2010-09-23

    La forêt boréale face aux changements climatiques
    La Presse (Clerc, Odile) 2010-09-03

    Au coeur de la biodiversité
    L'Express d'Outremont (M., J.-F.) 2010-04-28

    L'Arctique en pleine mutation: s'adapter au changement
    Découverte 2010-03-25

    « Coup de chapeau » à la télé
    L'Avantage 2010-02-04

    L'expérience de la banquise
    Lien Multimedia (Burgun, Isabelle) 2010-01-25

    2010, l'année de la biodiversité (, Zone Nouvelles-) 2010-01-07

    Journées du savoir
    UQAR-Info 2009-10-26