Pierre Blier

Associate Professor,
Université du Québec à Rimouski

Département de Biologie
E-mail: pierre_blier@uqar.ca
Institution page


  • Postdoctoral fellow, Dalhousie University, 1992
  • Ph.D., Université Laval, 1992
  • M.Sc., Université Laval, 1987
  • B.Sc., Université Laval, 1984


Study of the physiological and metabolic constraints of fish performances (growth and locomotion). Study of the impact of the evolution of the mitochondrial genome on the functional properties of mitochondria and on energy metabolism of animals.

QCBS students

Samuel Roy

(Start: 2024, End: 2026)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: France Dufresne
Étude de l'adaptation thermique chez Daphnia magna

Previous students (since 2009)

Roland Vergilino

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2011, End: 2012)
Amélioration de souches chez les ombles d'élevage

Sophie Breton

(Start: 2003, End: 2008)

Hélène Doucet-Beaupré

(Start: 2005, End: 2012)
Évolution des haplotypes mâles et femelles de l'ADN mitochondrial chez les unionidés

Bernard-Antonin Dupont Cyr

(Start: 2012, End: 2016)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Nathalie Rose Le François
Élaboration de lignées d’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus), d’omble de fontaine (S. fontinalis) et de leurs hybrides pouvant synthétiser efficacement l’huile de lin en acides gras hautement insatur

Simon Lamarre

(Start: 2004, End: 2009)
Thermosensibilité du métabolisme des protéines chez le loup tacheté

Myriam Milbergue

(Start: 2012, End: 2017)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: François Vézina
Endocrine regulation of winter acclimatization in non-migrating passerines

Daniel Munro

(Start: 2008, End: 2014)
Paramètres mitochondriaux associés à la longévité chez les bivalves vénéridés

Nicolas Pichaud

(Start: 2006, End: 2011)
Impact du génome mitochondrial sur le stress oxidatif de trois souches de drosophiles

Mirelle Caouette Houle

(Start: 2014, End: 2017)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Nathalie Rose Le François
La croissance compensatoire comme outil de production aquacole de l’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus)

Catherine Gaudreau

(Start: 2006, End: 2009)
Impact de l'hybridation sur le métabolisme aérobie et le stress oxydant chez les loups de mer

Étienne Hébert Châtelain

(Start: 2006, End: 2008)
Impact de la température sur le développement métabolisme mitochondrial chez les drosophiles

Florence Hunter-Manseau

(Start: 2015, End: 2018)
Adaptations thermiques des fonctions mitochondriales chez les ectothermes: l'importance du complexe Pyruvate Déshydrogénase (cPDH)

Gaëlle Van Dijk

(Start: 2013, End: 2015)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: France Dufresne
Heritability of antioxidant capacity in threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus

Examples of species studied

Mytilus edulis
Drosophila simulans
Anarhichas lupus
Anarhichas minor
Daphnia magna
Somateria mollissima
Gadus morhua
Salvelinus fontinalis
Salvelinus alpinus
Neanthes virens
Hediste diversicolor
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Daphnia pulex
Spisula solidissima
Nereis virens
Mercenaria mercenaria
Arctica islandica
Thylamys elegans
Perca fluviatilis
Homarus americanus
Condylura cristata


142- Mitochondrial functions and fatty acid profiles in fish heart: an insight into physiological limitations linked to thermal tolerance and age
Journal Article
Chouinard-Boisvert S , Ghinter L , St-Pierre A , Mortz M , Desrosiers V , Dufresne F , Tardif J , Huard J , Sirois P , Fortin S , Blier P U ,
2024 The Journal of experimental biology (Date Added: 2024-10-20)

141- Under pressure—exploring partner changes, physiological responses and telomere dynamics in northern gannets across varying breeding conditions
Journal Article
Pelletier D , Blier P U , Vézina F , Dufresne F , Paquin F , Christen F , Guillemette M ,
2023 PeerJ (Date Added: 2023-12-28)

140- Northern shrimp from multiple origins show similar sensitivity to global change drivers, but different cellular energetic capacity
Journal Article
Guscelli E , Noisette F , Chabot D , Blier P U , Hansen T , Cassista-Da Ros M , Pepin P , Skanes K R , Calosi P ,
2023 The Journal of experimental biology (Date Added: 2023-08-28)

139- Solving the conundrum of intra-specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit: New technical developments are opening the door to an understanding of why metabolic rate varies among individual animals of a species
Journal Article
Metcalfe N B , Bellman J , Bize P , Blier P U , Crespel A , Dawson N J , Dunn R E , Halsey L G , Hood W R , Hopkins M , Killen S S , McLennan D , Nadler L E , Nati J J , Noakes M J , Norin T , Ozanne S E , Peaker M , Pettersen A K , Przybylska‐Piech A , Rathery A , Récapet C , Rodríguez E , Salin K , Stier A , Thoral E , Westerterp K R , Westerterp‐Plantenga M S , Wojciechowski M S , Monaghan P ,
2023 BioEssays (Date Added: 2023-04-29)

138- Good times bad times — Unfavorable breeding conditions, more than divorce, lead to increased parental effort and reduced physiological condition of northern gannets
Journal Article
Pelletier D , Blier P , Vézina F , Guillemette M ,
2023 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2023-04-23)

137- Thermal modulation of mitochondrial function is affected by environmental nickel in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Journal Article
Aissia E , Blier P U , Fadhlaoui M , Couture P ,
2023 Aquatic Toxicology (Date Added: 2023-03-13)

136- The longest-lived metazoan, Arctica islandica, exhibits high mitochondrial H2O2 removal capacities
Journal Article
Munro D , Rodríguez E , Blier P U ,
2023 Mitochondrion (Date Added: 2023-01-07)

135- Compensatory growth response of juvenile Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L. Nauyuk) under various cyclical food restriction and refeeding periods.
Journal Article
Le François N , Drouin-Johnson C , Dupuis F , Savoie A , Lamarre S , Vandenberg G , Blier P ,
2023 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2023-01-02)

134- How does mitochondrial function relate to thermogenic capacity and basal metabolic rate in small birds?
Journal Article
Milbergue M S , Vézina F , Desrosiers V , Blier P U ,
2022 The Journal of experimental biology (Date Added: 2022-07-07)

133- Exploring Thermal Sensitivities and Adaptations of Oxidative Phosphorylation Pathways
Journal Article
Lemieux H , Blier P U ,
2022 Metabolites (Date Added: 2022-05-17)

132- Supercomplex Organization of the Electron Transfer System in Marine Bivalves, a Model of Extreme Longevity
Journal Article
Rodríguez E , Radke A , Hagen T M , Blier P U ,
2022 Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (Date Added: 2022-04-06)

131- Linseed oil as a substitute for fish oil in the diet of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), brook charr (S. fontinalis) and their reciprocal hybrids.
Journal Article
Dupont-Cyr B , Le François N R , Christen F , Desrosiers V , Savoie A , Vandenberg G W , Dufresne F , Blier P U ,
2022 Aquaculture Reports (Date Added: 2022-01-04)

129- Burrowing star-nosed moles (Condylura cristata) are not hypoxia tolerant
Journal Article
Devereaux M E M , Campbell K L , Munro D , Blier P U , Pamenter M E ,
2021 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2021-11-18)

128- Bioenergetic consequences of sex-specific mitochondrial DNA evolution
Journal Article
Bettinazzi S , Milani L , Blier P U , Breton S ,
2021 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2021-09-17)

127- Divergences in the Control of Mitochondrial Respiration Are Associated With Life-Span Variation in Marine Bivalves
Journal Article
Rodríguez E , Hakkou M , Hagen T M , Lemieux H , Blier P U ,
2021 The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences (Date Added: 2021-05-31)

126- Long-Lived Species of Bivalves Exhibit Low MT-DNA Substitution Rates
Journal Article
Mortz M , Levivier A , Lartillot N , Dufresne F , Blier P U ,
2021 Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences (Date Added: 2021-04-08)

125- Thermal tolerance and fish heart integrity: Fatty acids profiles as predictors of species resilience
Journal Article
Christen F , Dufresne F , Leduc G , Dupont-Cyr B A , Vandenberg G W , Le François N R , Tardif J , Lamarre S G , Blier P U ,
2020 Conservation Physiology (Date Added: 2021-02-16)

124- Adjustments of cardiac mitochondrial phenotype in a warmer thermal habitat is associated with oxidative stress in European perch, Perca fluviatilis
Journal Article
Pichaud N , Ekström A , Breton S , Sundström F , Rowinski P , Blier P U , Sandblom E ,
2020 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2020-10-26)

123- Editorial: Evolutionary and Integrative Approaches for Revealing Adaptive Mechanisms in Marine Animals Along Environmental Gradients
Journal Article
Tremblay N , Blier P U , Rosas C ,
2020 Frontiers in Physiology (Date Added: 2020-08-08)

122- Linking paternally inherited mtDNA variants and sperm performance
Journal Article
Bettinazzi S , Nadarajah S , Dalpé A , Milani L , Blier P U , Breton S ,
2020 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2020-02-04)

121- Cardiac mitochondrial plasticity and thermal sensitivity in a fish inhabiting an artificially heated ecosystem
Journal Article
Pichaud N , Ekström A , Breton S , Sundström F , Rowinski P , Blier P U , Sandblom E ,
2019 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2019-12-10)

120- From Africa to Antarctica: Exploring the Metabolism of Fish Heart Mitochondria Across a Wide Thermal Range
Journal Article
Hunter-Manseau F , Desrosiers V , Le François N R , Dufresne F , Detrich H W , Nozais C , Blier P U ,
2019 Frontiers in Physiology (Date Added: 2019-11-06)

119- Mitochondrial traits previously associated with species maximum lifespan do not correlate with longevity across populations of the Bivalve Arctica islandica
Journal Article
Rodríguez E , Dégletagne C , Hagen T M , Abele D , Blier P U ,
2019 Frontiers in Physiology (Date Added: 2019-08-11)

118- Age dependent dysfunction of mitochondrial and ROS metabolism induced by mitonuclear mismatch
Journal Article
Pichaud N , Bérubé R , Côté G , Belzile C , Dufresne F , Morrow G , Tanguay R M , Rand D M , Blier P U ,
2019 Frontiers in Genetics (Date Added: 2019-05-31)

117- Metabolic remodelling associated with mtDNA: Insights into the adaptive value of doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria
Journal Article
Bettinazzi S , Rodríguez E , Milani L , Blier P U , Breton S ,
2019 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2019-03-25)

116- Energy metabolism and survival of the juvenile recruits of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) exposed to a gradient of elevated seawater pCO2
Journal Article
Menu-Courey K , Noisette F , Piedalue S , Daoud D , Blair T , Blier P U , Azetsu-Scott K , Calosi P ,
2018 Marine Environmental Research (Date Added: 2018-12-01)

115- Hybridization between char species (Salvelinus alpinus and Salvelinus fontinalis): A fast track for novel allometric trajectories
Journal Article
Dupont Cyr B , Dufresne F , Christen F , Desrosiers V , Proulx ,
2018 Biology Open (Date Added: 2018-11-04)

114- Large muscles are beneficial but not required for improving thermogenic capacity in small birds
Journal Article
Milbergue M S , Blier P U , Vézina F ,
2018 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2018-09-28)

113- Effects of fasting and refeeding on protein and glucose metabolism in Arctic charr
Journal Article
Cassidy A A , Blier P U , Le François N R , Dionne P , Morin P J , Lamarre S G ,
2018 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2018-09-18)

112- Characterization of the growth rate of adult wolffishes Anarhichas minor and A. lupus: Is avoidance of paternal care at the origin of the expression of a sexual size dimorphism?
Journal Article
Cyr B D , Tveiten H , Vandenberg G W , Blier P U , Roy R L , Le François N R ,
2018 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2018-08-01)

111- Mitochondrial phenotype during torpor: Modulation of mitochondrial electron transport system in the Chilean mouse–opossum Thylamys elegans
Journal Article
Cortes P A , Bozinovic F , Blier P U ,
2018 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2018-03-28)

110- Thermal tolerance and thermal sensitivity of heart mitochondria: Mitochondrial integrity and ROS production
Journal Article
Christen F , Desrosiers V , Dupont-Cyr B A , Vandenberg G W , Le François N R , Tardif J , Dufresne F , Lamarre S G , Blier P U ,
2018 Free Radical Biology and Medicine (Date Added: 2018-01-19)

109- Potential application of eicosapentaenoic acid monoacylglyceride in the management of colorectal cancer
Journal Article
Morin C , Rodríguez E , Blier P , Fortin S ,
2017 Marine Drugs (Date Added: 2018-03-01)

108- Remodeling pathway control of mitochondrial respiratory capacity by temperature in mouse heart: Electron flow through the Q-junction in permeabilized fibers
Journal Article
Lemieux H , Blier P U , Gnaiger E ,
2017 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2018-03-01)

107- What modulates animal longevity? Fast and slow aging in bivalves as a model for the study of lifespan
Journal Article
Blier P U , Abele D , Munro D , Degletagne C , Rodriguez E , Hagen T ,
2017 Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology (Date Added: 2017-11-23)

106- Evolved genetic and phenotypic differences due to mitochondrial-nuclear interactions
Journal Article
Baris T Z , Wagner D N , Dayan D I , Du X , Blier P U , Pichaud N , Oleksiak M F , Crawford D L ,
2017 PLoS Genetics (Date Added: 2017-11-23)

105- Can multi-generational exposure to ocean warming and acidification lead to the adaptation of life history and physiology in a marine metazoan?
Journal Article
Gibbin, EM, Chakravarti, LJ, Jarrold, MD, Christen, F, Turpin, V, Massamba N'Siala, G, Blier, PU, Calosi, P
2017 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

104- Temperature-related differences in mitochondrial function among clones of the cladoceran Daphnia pulex
Journal Article
Kake-Guena S , Touisse K , Warren B , Scott K , Dufresne F , Blier P , Lemieux H ,
2017 Journal of Thermal Biology (Date Added: 2017-06-24)

103- Eicosapentaenoic acid monoglyceride resolves inflammation in an ex vivo model of human peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Journal Article
Morin C , Charbonneau L , Ouellet N , Ouellet H , Blier P U , Dufresne F , Fortin S ,
2017 European Journal of Pharmacology (Date Added: 2017-06-08)

102- Preliminary investigations of the physiological adjustments associated with compensatory growth in juvenile brook charr (_Salvelinus fontinalis_)
Journal Article
Savoie, A, Le François, NR, Lamarre, SG, Dupuis, F, Blier, PU
2017 Journal of Applied Aquaculture (Date Added: 2017-02-05)

101- Gene by environmental interactions affecting oxidative phosphorylation and thermal sensitivity
Journal Article
Baris T Z , Blier P U , Pichaud N , Crawford D L , Oleksiak M F ,
2016 American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology (Date Added: 2017-03-03)

100- Thermal sensitivity and phenotypic plasticity of cardiac mitochondrial metabolism in European perch, Perca fluviatilis
Journal Article
Ekstrom, A, Sandblom, E, Blier, PU, Cyr, B-AD, Brijs, J, Pichaud, N
2016 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

99- MAG-EPA reduces severity of DSS-induced colitis in rats
Journal Article
Morin, C, Blier, PU, Fortin, S
2016 American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (Date Added: 2016-10-11)

98- Mitochondrial phenotype of marsupial torpor: Fuel metabolic switch in the Chilean mouse-opossum Thylamys elegans
Journal Article
Cortes, PA, Bacigalupe, LD, Mondaca, F, Desrosiers, V, Blier, PU
2016 Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological Genetics and Physiology (Date Added: 2016-10-11)

97- Can trans-generational experiments be used to enhance species resilience to ocean warming and acidification?
Journal Article
Chakravarti, LJ, Jarrold, MD, Gibbin, EM, Christen, F, Massamba-N'Siala, G, Blier, PU, Calosi, P
2016 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2016-10-11)

96- Evolutionary Implications of Mitochondrial Genetic Variation: Mitochondrial Genetic Effects on OXPHOS Respiration and Mitochondrial Quantity Change with Age and Sex in Fruit Flies
Journal Article
Wolff, JN, Pichaud, N, Camus, MF, Cote, G, Blier, PU, Dowling, DK
2016 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2016-02-29)

94- Quantitative variation for metabolic traits among brook trout populations inhabiting different environments: Variation for metabolic traits in brook trout
Journal Article
Dufresne, F, Barroux, A, DitleCadet, D, Blier, PU
2015 Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2015-09-08)

93- Assessment of mitochondrial functions in Daphnia pulex clones using high-resolution respirometry
Journal Article
Kake-Guena, SA, Touisse, K, Vergilino, R, Dufresne, F, Blier, PU, Lemieux, H
2015 Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part A, Ecological Genetics and Physiology (Date Added: 2015-07-10)

92- Cold counteracting membrane fatty acid remodeling is not expressed during quiescence in the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria
Journal Article
Munro, D, Martel, AL, Blier, PU
2015 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Date Added: 2015-05-03)

91- Age, diet, and season do not affect longevity-related differences in peroxidation index between Spisula solidissima and Arctica islandica
Journal Article
Munro, D, Blier, PU
2015 Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (Date Added: 2015-05-03)

90- Assessment of mitochondrial functions in Daphnia pulex clones using high-resolution respirometry
Newspaper Article
Kake-Guena, SA, Touisse, K, Vergilino, R, Dufresne, F, Blier, PU, Lemieux, H
2015 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (Date Added: 2015-05-03)

89- A rapid and convenient method for measuring the fractional rate of protein synthesis in ectothermic animal tissues using a stable isotope tracer
Journal Article
Lamarre, SG, Saulnier, RJ, Blier, PU, Driedzic, WR
2015 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Date Added: 2015-01-12)

88- Holding our breath in our modern world: will mitochondria keep the pace with climate changes?[super:1]
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Lemieux, H, Pichaud, N
2014 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2017-08-15)

87- Docosapentaenoic acid monoacylglyceride reduces inflammation and vascular remodeling in experimental pulmonary hypertension
Journal Article
Morin, C, Hiram, R, Rousseau, E, Blier, PU, Fortin, S
2014 AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology (Date Added: 2014-09-02)

86- Evaluation of the physiological relationship between oxidative stress and metabolic characters: insights from hybridization between Anarhichas minor A. lupus.
Journal Article
Gaudreau, CM, Le François, NR, Tveiten, H, Blier, PU
2013 Open Journal of Fish Science (Date Added: 2016-07-14)

85- Mitochondrial haplotype divergences affect specific temperature sensitivity of mitochondrial respiration
Journal Article
Pichaud N, BJ
2013 J Bioenerg Biomembr (Date Added: 2016-06-22)

81- No effect of sperm interactions or egg homogenate on sperm velocity in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)
Journal Article
Stewart, DT, Jha, M, Breton, S, Randolph Hoeh, W, Blier, PU
2012 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

80- Pyganodon (Bivalvia: Unionoida: Unionidae) phylogenetics: a male- and female-transmitted mitochondrial DNA perspective
Journal Article
Doucet-Beaupré, H, Blier, PU, Chapman, EG, Piontkivska, H, Dufresne, F, Sietman, BE, Mulcrone, RS, Hoeh, WR
2012 Molecular phylogenetics and evolution (Date Added: 2012-07-04)

79- In situ quantification of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized fibers of a marine invertebrate with low aerobic capacity
Journal Article
Pichaud, N, Rioux, P, Blier, PU
2012 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2012-06-04)

78- North American range extension of the invasive Asian clam in a St. Lawrence River power station thermal plume
Journal Article
Simard, A, Paquet, A, Jutras, C, Robitaille, Y, Blier, P, Courtois, R, Martel, A
2012 Aquatic Invasions (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

77- Thermal sensitivity of mitochondrial functions in permeabilized muscle fibers from two populations of Drosophila simulans with divergent mitotypes
Journal Article
Pichaud, N, Ballard, JWO, Tanguay, RM, Blier, PU
2011 American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

76- Functional conservatism among Drosophila simulans flies experiencing different thermal regimes and mitochondrial DNA introgression
Journal Article
Chatelain, H, Pichaud, N, Ballard, JWO, Tanguay, RM, Morrow, G, Blier, PU
2011 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

75- Dietary protein hydrolysate and trypsin inhibitor effects on digestive capacities and performances during early-stages of spotted wolffish: Suggested mechanisms
Journal Article
Savoie, A, Le François, NR, Lamarre, SG, Blier, PU, Beaulieu, L, Cahu, C
2011 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

74- Dietary fatty acids and oxidative stress in the heart mitochondria
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Bulteau, AL, Friguet, B, Tardif, J-C, Blier, PU
2011 Mitochondrion (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

73- La petite corbeille d’Asie au Québec: une première mention pour cette espèce aquatique envahissante à la limite nord de son aire de répartition
Journal Article
Simard, MA, Paquet, A, Jutras, C, Robitaille, Y, Blier, PU, Courtois, R, Martel, AL
2011 Naturaliste Canadien (Date Added: 2012-03-13)

72- Mitochondrial phylogenomics of the Bivalvia (Mollusca): Searching for the origin and mitogenomic correlates of doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA
Journal Article
Doucet-Beaupré, H, Breton, S, Chapman, EG, Blier, PU, Bogan, AE, Stewart, DT, Hoeh, WR
2010 BMC Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

71- Thermal sensitivity of metabolic enzymes in subarctic and temperate freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida)
Journal Article
Doucet-Beaupré, H, Dubé, C, Breton, S, Pörtner, HO, Blier, PU
2010 Journal of Thermal Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

70- White muscle 20S proteasome activity is negatively correlated to growth rate at low temperature in the spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor
Journal Article
Lamarre, SG, Blier, PU, Driedzic, WR, Le François, NR
2010 Journal of Fish Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

69- Thermal sensitivity of oxidative phosphorylation in rat heart mitochondria: Does pyruvate dehydrogenase dictate the response to temperature?
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Tardif, J-C, Blier, PU
2010 Journal of Thermal Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

68- Thermal sensitivity of mitochondrial metabolism in two distinct mitotypes of drosophila simulans: Evaluation of mitochondrial plasticity
Journal Article
Pichaud, N, Chatelain, EH, Ballard, JWO, Tanguay, R, Morrow, G, Blier, PU
2010 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

67- Thermal sensitivity of cardiac mitochondrial metabolism in an ectothermic species from a cold environment, Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus)
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Tardif, J-C, Dutil, J-D, Blier, PU
2010 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

66- Ontogenetic effects of diet during early development on growth performance, myosin mRNA expression and metabolic enzyme activity in Atlantic cod juveniles reared at different salinities
Journal Article
Koedijk, RM, Le François, NR, Blier, PU, Foss, A, Folkvord, A, Ditlecadet, D, Lamarre, SG, Stefansson, SO, Imsland, AK
2010 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

65-Valorization of aquaculture by-products
Book Chapter
Le François, NR, Blier, PU
2010 Finfish aquaculture diversification ( Date Added: 2012-05-10)

64-Quantitative approaches for identifying fmfish species suited for sustainable and productive aquaculture
Book Chapter
Le François, NR, Savoie, A, Blier, PU
2010 Finfish aquaculture diversification ( Date Added: 2012-05-10)

63- Role-reversal of gender-associated mitochondrial dna affects mitochondrial function in mytilus edulis (bivalvia: mytilidae)
Journal Article
Breton, S, Stewart, DT, Blier, PU
2009 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

62- Comparative mitochondrial genomics of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) with doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA: Gender-specific open reading frames and putative origins of replication
Journal Article
Breton, S, Beaupré, HD, Stewart, DT, Piontkivska, H, Karmakar, M, Bogan, AE, Blier, PU, Hoeh, WR
2009 Genetics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

61- Protein synthesis is lowered while 20S proteasome activity is maintained following acclimation to low temperature in juvenile spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen)
Journal Article
Lamarre, SG, Le Francois, NR, Driedzic, WR, Blier, PU
2009 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

60- Response from authors
Journal Article
Galtier, N, Blier, PU, Nabholz, B
2009 Mitochondrion (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

59- Mitochondrial whims: Metabolic rate, longevity and the rate of molecular evolution
Journal Article
Galtier, N, Jobson, RW, Nabholz, B, Glémin, S, Blier, PU
2009 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

58- Metabolic capacities and immunocompetence of sea scallops (placopecten magellanicus, gmelin) at different ages and life stages
Journal Article
Pichaud, N, Briatte, S, Desrosiers, V, Pellerin, J, Fournier, M, Blier, PU
2009 Journal of Shellfish Research (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

57- Inverse relationship between longevity and evolutionary rate of mitochondrial proteins in mammals and birds
Journal Article
Galtier, N, Blier, PU, Nabholz, B
2009 Mitochondrion (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

56- Characterization of the early-stages of the wolffish hybrid Anarhicha minor × Anarhichas lupus :conservation and aquaculture applications
Journal Article
Gaudreau, CM, Le François, NR, Ditlecadet, D, Tveiten, H, Blier, PU
2009 Aquatic Living Resources (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

55- Do territorial male three-spined sticklebacks have sperm with different characteristics than nonterritorial males?
Journal Article
Côté, J, Blier, PU, Caron, A, Dufresne, F
2009 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

54- Digestive capacities, inbreeding and growth capacities in juvenile Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus
Journal Article
Ditlecadet, D, Blier, PU, Le François, NR, Dufresne, F
2009 Journal of Fish Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

53- Epitoky in Nereis (Neanthes) virens (Polychaeta: Nereididae): A story about sex and death
Journal Article
Hébert Chatelain, , Breton, S, Lemieux, H, Blier, PU
2008 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

52- Plasticity of growth rate and metabolism in Daphnia magna populations from different thermal habitats
Journal Article
Chopelet, J, Blier, Pu, Dufresne, F
2008 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology (Date Added: 2012-07-24)

51- Trypsin-Like Enzyme from Atlantic Wolffish (Anarhichas Lupus) Viscera: Purification and Characterization
Journal Article
Desrosiers, V, Le François, NR, Blier, PU
2008 Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

50- Metabolic and digestive enzyme activity profiles of newly hatched spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen): effect of temperature
Journal Article
Savoie, A, Le François, NR, Cahu, C, Blier, PU
2008 Aquaculture Research (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

49- Sperm motility in Mytilus edulis in relation to mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms: Implications for the evolution of doubly uniparental inheritance in bivalves
Journal Article
Jha, M, Côté, J, Hoeh, WR, Blier, PU, Stewart, DT
2008 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

48- Morphological and physiological aspects of takeoff aptitudes of female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) during the pre-laying period
Journal Article
Ouellet, J-F, Guillemette, M, Blier, PU
2008 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

47- Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from cold and warm environments differ in their maximum growth capacity at low temperatures
Journal Article
Dutil, J-D, Jabouin, C, Larocque, R, Desrosiers, G, Blier, PU
2008 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

46- Sperm cryoconservation in Anarhichas sp., endangered cold-water aquaculture species with internal fertilization
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Lamarre, SG, Tveiten, H, Blier, PU, Bailey, J
2008 Aquaculture International (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

45- Ontogenesis of catabolic and energy metabolism capacities during the embryonic development of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor)
Journal Article
Desrosiers, V, Le François, NR, Tveiten, H, Andreassen, I, Blier, PU
2008 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

44- Does membrane fatty acid composition modulate mitochondrial functions and their thermal sensitivities?
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Blier, PU, Tardif, J-C
2008 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

43- The unusual system of doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA: isn't one enough?
Journal Article
Breton, S, Beaupré, HD, Stewart, DT, Hoeh, WR, Blier, PU
2007 Trends in Genetics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

42- High antifreeze protein levels in wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) make them an ideal candidate for culture in cold, potentially ice laden waters
Journal Article
Desjardins, M, Le François, NR, Fletcher, GL, Blier, PU
2007 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

41- The digestive and metabolic enzyme activity profiles of a nonmetamorphic marine fish species: effects of feed type and feeding level
Journal Article
Lamarre, SG, Le François, NR, Lemieux, H, Falk-Petersen, I-B, Blier, PU
2007 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

40- Trypsin activity measurement in fish and mammals: Comparison of four different methods
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Blier, PU
2007 Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

39- The influence of gene-environment interactions on GHR and IGF-1 expression and their association with growth in brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill)
Journal Article
Côté, G, Perry, G, Blier, P, Bernatchez, L
2007 BMC Genetics (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

38- Phenotypic flexibility of digestive system in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Dutil, J-D, Lemieux, H, Bélanger, F, Bitetera, L
2007 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

37- Comparative analysis of gender-associated complete mitochondrial genomes in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.)
Journal Article
Breton, S, Burger, G, Stewart, DT, Blier, PU
2006 Genetics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

36- Functional conservatism in mitochondrial evolution: Insight from hybridization of arctic and brook charrs
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Breton, S, Desrosiers, V, Lemieux, H
2006 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

35- Applying microsatellites in two commercial strains of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): Potential for a selective breeding program
Journal Article
Ditlecadet, D, Dufresne, F, Le François, NR, Blier, PU
2006 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2012-07-24)

34- Seasonal modulation of plasma antifreeze protein levels in Atlantic (Anarhichas lupus) and spotted wolffish (A. minor)
Journal Article
Desjardins, M, Le François, NR, Fletcher, GL, Blier, PU
2006 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

33- Do protein hydrolysates improve survival and growth of newly-hatched spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor), a non-metamorphic aquaculture fish species?
Journal Article
Savoie, A, Le François, NR, Cahu, C, Blier, PU, Andreassen, I
2006 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

32- The effect of energetic condition on growth dynamics and health of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Journal Article
Dutil, J-D, Godbout, G, Blier, PU, Groman, D
2006 Journal of Applied Ichthyology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

31- Energetic metabolism and biochemical adaptation: A bird flight muscle model
Journal Article
Rioux, P, Blier, PU
2006 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

30- Is white muscle anaerobic glycolysis capacity indicative of competitive ability in Arctic charr?.
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Lamarre, SG, Blier, PU
2005 Journal of Fish Biology (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

29- Morphological variation in Nereis (Neanthes) virens (Polychaeta: Nereididae) populations
Journal Article
Breton, S, Dufresne, F, Desrosiers, G, Blier, P
2004 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

28- Tolerance, growth and haloplasticity of the Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) exposed to various salinities
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Lamarre, SG, Blier, PU
2004 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

27- Can digestive and metabolic enzyme activity levels predict growth rate and survival of newly hatched Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus Olafsen)?
Journal Article
Lamarre, SG, Le François, NR, Falk-Petersen, I-B, Blier, PU
2004 Aquaculture Research (Date Added: 2012-06-20)

26- Effects of temperature on in vitro sediment reworking processes by a gallery biodiffusor, the polychaete Neanthes virens
Journal Article
Ouellette, D, Desrosiers, G, Gagne, J-P, Gilbert, F, Poggiale, J-C, Blier, PU, Stora, G
2004 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

25- Population structure of two northern hemisphere polychaetes, Neanthes virens and Hediste diversicolor (Nereididae), with different life-history traits
Journal Article
Breton, S, Dufresne, F, Desrosiers, G, Blier, PU
2003 Marine Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

24- The early ontogeny of digestive and metabolic enzyme activities in two commercial strains of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.)
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Le François, NRL, Blier, PU
2003 Journal of Experimental Zoology (Date Added: 2012-06-27)

22- The Early Ontogeny of Digestive and Metabolic Enzyme Activities in Two Commercial Strains of Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.)
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Le François, NR, Blier, PU
2003 Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

21- Biological and technical evaluation of the potential of marine and anadromous fish species for cold-water mariculture
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Lemieux, H, Blier, PU
2002 Aquaculture Research (Date Added: 2012-06-27)

20- Is the growth rate of fish set by digestive enzymes or metabolic capacity of the tissues? Insight from transgenic coho salmon
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Lemieux, H, Devlin, RH
2002 Aquaculture (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

19- Digestive capacity and compensatory growth in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Journal Article
Bélanger, F, Blier, PU, Dutil, J-D
2002 Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

18- A comparative mitogenomic analysis of the potential adaptive value of arctic charr mtDNA introgression in brook charr populations (Salvelinus fontinalis mitchill)
Journal Article
Doiron, S, Bernatchez, L, Blier, PU
2002 Molecular Biology and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

17- Natural selection and the evolution of mtDNA-encoded peptides: evidence for intergenomic co-adaptation
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Dufresne, F, Burton, RS
2001 Trends in Genetics (Date Added: 2012-07-24)

16- The impact of the thermal sensitivity of cytochrome c oxidase on the respiration rate of Arctic charr red muscle mitochondria
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Lemieux, H
2001 Journal of Comparative Physiology - B Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

15- Branchial Na+K+ATPase activity in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis): Effect of gonadal development in hypo- and hyperosmotic environments
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Blier, P
2000 Journal of Experimental Zoology (Date Added: 2012-06-27)

14- Use of brook char (salvelinus fontinalis) physiological responses to stress as a teaching exercise
Journal Article
Diouf, B, Rioux, P, Blier, PU, Rajotte, D
2000 American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

13- Exposures to low-level ionizing radiation: Effects on biochemical and whole-body indices of growth in juvenile brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Blier, PU, Adambounou, LT, Lacroix, M
1999 Journal of Experimental Zoology (Date Added: 2012-06-27)

12- Do digestive enzymes set a physiological limit on growth rate and food conversion efficiency in the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)?
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Blier, P, Dutil, J-D
1999 Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

11- Urine analyses to assess the nutritional status of deer in winter
Journal Article
Rioux, P, Ouellet, J-P, Dumont, A, Blier, PU, Crête, M
1998 Biochemical Education (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

10- Nucleic acids and enzymes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) differing in condition and growth rate trajectories
Journal Article
Dutil, J-D, Lambert, Y, Guderley, H, Blier, PU, Pelletier, D, Desroches, M
1998 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

9- Bioenergetic and genetic parameters in relation to susceptibility of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis (L.) to summer mortality
Journal Article
Tremblay, R, Myrand, B, Sevigny, J-M, Blier, P, Guderley, H
1998 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

8- Geographical extent of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) mtDNA introgression in brook char populations (S. fontinalis) from eastern Quebec, Canada
Journal Article
Glémet, H, Blier, P, Bernatchez, L
1998 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

7- Alteration of gonadal development of brook charr (Salvelinusfontinalis): Impact on salinity tolerance following transfer in estuarine conditions
Journal Article
Le François, NR, Blier, PU, Adambounou, LT, Lacroix, M
1997 The Journal of Experimental Zoology (Date Added: 2012-06-27)

6- Seasonal variation of muscle metabolic organization in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Journal Article
Thibault, M, Blier, PU, Guderley, H
1997 Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

5- Does aerobic capacity set a limit on fish growth rate?
Journal Article
Blier, PU, Pelletier, D, Dutil, J-D
1997 Reviews in Fisheries Science (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

4- Metabolism and habitat competition in the polychaete Nereis virens
Journal Article
Lemieux, H, Blier, PU, Dufresne, F, Desrosiers, G
1997 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

3- Teaching biochemistry to wildlife management and oceanology students: Metabolism, enzyme activities and cold adaptation in goldfish
Journal Article
Rioux, P, Blier, P
1995 Biochemical Education (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

2- Teaching biochemistry to wildlife management and oceanology students: Kinetics of LDH isozymes in Brook Charr
Journal Article
Rioux, P, Blier, PU
1995 Biochemical Education (Date Added: 2012-05-10)

1- Relation between growth rate and metabolic organization of white muscle, liver and digestive tract in cod, Gadus morhua
Journal Article
Pelletier, D, Dutil, JD, Blier, P, Guderley, H
1994 Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-10)