Irene Gregory-Eaves
Professeure agrégée,McGill University
Department of Biology
Courriel: irene.gregory-eaves@mcgill.ca
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ÉducationRechercheL’objectif de nos recherches est de fournir un contexte à grande échelle et à long terme pour comprendre comment les activités humaines modifient les écosystèmes aquatiques. Nos travaux récents tombent sous trois domaines thématiques : 1) quantifier les anciens changements des populations de poissons et de comprendre comment ces dynamiques affectent les écosystèmes d’eau douce ; 2) faire progresser les connaissances de l’eutrophisation et de l’écologie des lacs peu profonds ; 3) étudiez les lacs nordiques en tant que sentinelles de changement environnemental.Étudiants CSBQMorgan BotrelPostdoctoral fellow Jack GreenhalghPostdoctoral fellow Leighton KingPostdoctoral fellow Valérie LangloisPostdoctoral fellow Marie-Eve MonchampPostdoctoral fellow Yuanyu ChengPh.D. Miguel Eduardo FelisminoPh.D. Rebecca GarnerPh.D. Jennifer PhamPh.D. Michelle GrosMembre employé(e) / Employed member Grace FedirchukM.Sc. Jennifer PhamM.Sc. Zoë RabinovitchM.Sc. Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)Guangjie ChenPostdoctoral fellow Alexander LatzkaPostdoctoral fellow Allison RothPostdoctoral fellow Emilie Saulnier-TalbotPostdoctoral fellow Katrine TurgeonPostdoctoral fellow Genevieve D'AvignonPh.D. Zofia TaranuPh.D. Jesse VermairePh.D. Amanda WinegardnerPh.D. Marieke BeaulieuM.Sc. Morgan BotrelM.Sc. Leanne ElchyshynM.Sc. Rebecca GarnerM.Sc. Marie-Helene GreffardM.Sc. Gabrielle TrottierM.Sc. Katherine VelgheM.Sc. Jacob ZieglerM.Sc. Rachel GilesB.Sc. Natasha SalterB.Sc. Implication au sein du CSBQ
Thèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinents
Exemples d'espèces étudiéesOncorhynchus nerka Simuliidae Publications127- High-frequency diatom dynamics seen in an ice- and snow-covered temperate lake using an imaging-in-flow cytometer Journal Article Tapics T , Gregory-Eaves I , Huot Y , 2025 Hydrobiologia (Date Added: 2025-03-07) 126- Surface sediment elemental compositions of 167 Canadian lakes show widespread exceedance of quality guidelines for metals Journal Article Zilkey D R , Beaulieu M , Amyot M , Antoniades D , Gregory-Eaves I , 2025 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2025-02-22) 125- Diatom species responses along gradients of dissolved inorganic carbon, total phosphorus, and lake depth from lakes across Canada Journal Article Griffiths K , Duda M P , Antoniades D , Smol J P , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2024 Journal of Phycology (Date Added: 2024-06-07) 124- A pan-Canadian calibration of micro-X-ray fluorescence core scanning data for prediction of sediment elemental concentrations Journal Article Zilkey D R , Baud A , Francus P , Antoniades D , Gregory-Eaves I , 2024 Environmental Advances (Date Added: 2024-02-18) 123- Organic matter, eutrophication, and increased mass accumulation rates in the Anthropocene are the main drivers of mercury concentrations and historical enrichment in Canadian lake sediments Journal Article Beaulieu M , Amyot M , Griffiths K , Dastoor A , Jeziorski A , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2024 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2024-01-29) 122- Correction: agricultural land use and morphometry explain substantial variation in nutrient and ion concentrations in lakes across Canada (Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 00:1–13(2023) | dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2023-0109) Journal Erratum Sánchez Schacht J R , MacKeigan P W , Taranu Z E , Huot Y , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2023-11-26) 121- Agricultural land use and morphometry explain substantial variation in nutrient and ion concentrations in lakes across Canada Journal Article Schacht J R S , MacKeigan P W , Taranu Z E , Huot Y , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2023-11-26) 120- Congruence of water column, contemporary and pre-industrial sediment cladoceran assemblages in 85 Canadian lakes of contrasting human impact levels Journal Article Paquette C , Gregory‐Eaves I , Beisner B E , 2023 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2023-11-25) 119- Changes in midge assemblages reflect climate and trophic gradients across north temperate and boreal lakes since the pre-industrial period Journal Article Griffiths K , Jeziorski A , Antoniades D , Smol J P , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2023 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2023-10-31) 118- Effects of elevated temperature and microplastic exposure on growth and predatory performance of a freshwater fish Journal Article , 2023 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2023-10-26) 117- Long-term environmental changes in the Canadian boreal zone: Synthesizing temporal trends from lake sediment archives to inform future sustainability Journal Article Gros M , Zilkey D R , Griffiths K T , Pham J , MacKeigan P W , Taranu Z E , Aulard C , Baud A , Garner R E , Ghanbari H , Lachapelle M , Monchamp M , Paquette C , Antoniades D , Francus P , Smol J P , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Environmental Reviews (Date Added: 2023-10-18) 116- A new index for the rapid generation of chlorophyll time series from hyperspectral imaging of sediment cores Journal Article Ghanbari H , Zilkey D R , Gregory‐Eaves I , Antoniades D , 2023 Limnology and Oceanography: Methods (Date Added: 2023-10-10) 115- Detection of fish sedimentary DNA in aquatic systems: A review of methodological challenges and future opportunities Journal Article Huston G P , Lopez M L D , Cheng Y , King L , Duxbury L C , Picard M , Thomson‐Laing G , Myler E , Helbing C C , Kinnison M T , Saros J E , Gregory‐Eaves I , Monchamp M , Wood S A , Armbrecht L , Ficetola G F , Kurte L , Von Eggers J , Brahney J , Parent G , Sakata M K , Doi H , Capo E , 2023 Environmental DNA (Date Added: 2023-09-04) 114- Feeding behavior and species interactions increase the bioavailability of microplastics to benthic food webs Journal Article D’Avignon G , Hsu S S , Gregory-Eaves I , Ricciardi A , 2023 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2023-07-17) 113- Microcystin concentrations and congener composition in relation to environmental variables across 440 north-temperate and boreal lakes Journal Article MacKeigan P W , Zastepa A , Taranu Z E , Westrick J A , Liang A , Pick F R , Beisner B E , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2023-05-06) 112- Both biotic and abiotic predictors explain significant variation in cyanobacteria biomass across lakes from temperate to subarctic zones Journal Article MacKeigan P W , Taranu Z E , Pick F R , Beisner B E , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2023 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2023-05-06) 111- Prioritizing taxa for genetic reference database development to advance inland water conservation Journal Article Monchamp M , Taranu Z E , Garner R E , Rehill T , Morissette O , Iversen L L , Fugère V , Littlefair J E , da Costa N B , Desforges J E , Sánchez Schacht J R , Derry A M , Cooke S J , Barrett R D , Walsh D A , Ragoussis J , Albert M , Cristescu M E , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2023-03-23) 110- Geochemical changes in Eastern Canadian lake sediment cores spanning the last ∼150 years highlight a relative shift towards increased metals and erosive materials Journal Article Baud A , Francus P , Smol J P , Antoniades D , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Catena (Date Added: 2023-03-14) 109- The impacts of whole-lake acidification and eutrophication on the accumulation of lead in sediments from manipulated lakes in the Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA) Journal Article Baud A , Smol J P , Meyer-Jacob C , Paterson M , Francus P , Gregory-Eaves I , 2023 Environmental Pollution (Date Added: 2023-01-02) 108- Investigating the effects of anthropogenic stressors on lake biota using sedimentary DNA Journal Article Barouillet C , Monchamp M , Bertilsson S , Brasell K , Domaizon I , Epp L S , Ibrahim A , Mejbel H , Nwosu E C , Pearman J K , Picard M , Thomson‐Laing G , Tsugeki N , Von Eggers J , Gregory‐Eaves I , Pick F , Wood S A , Capo E , 2022 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2022-12-22) 107- Protist Diversity and Metabolic Strategy in Freshwater Lakes Are Shaped by Trophic State and Watershed Land Use on a Continental Scale Journal Article Garner R E , Kraemer S A , Onana V E , Huot Y , Gregory-Eaves I , Walsh D A , 2022 mSystems (Date Added: 2022-09-09) 106- Climate change and nutrient enrichment altering sedimentary diatom assemblages since pre-industrial time: evidence from Canada’s most populated ecozone Journal Article Cheng Y , Baud A , Gregory-Eaves I , Simmatis B , Smol J P , Griffiths K , 2022 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2022-09-09) 105- Zooplankton assemblage structure and diversity since pre-industrial times in relation to land use Journal Article Paquette C , Griffiths K , Gregory‐Eaves I , Beisner B E , 2022 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2022-08-15) 104- Comparative analysis of zooplankton diversity in freshwaters: What can we gain from metagenomic analysis? Journal Article Monchamp M , Walsh D A , Garner R E , Kraemer S A , Beisner B E , Cristescu M E , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2022 Environmental DNA (Date Added: 2022-07-31) 103- Sedimentary DNA of a human-impacted lake in Western Canada (Cultus Lake) reveals changes in micro-eukaryotic diversity over the past ~200 years Journal Article Gauthier J , Walsh D , Selbie D T , Domaizon I , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2022 Environmental DNA (Date Added: 2022-07-14) 102- A framework for 210Pb model selection and its application to 37 cores from Eastern Canada to identify the dynamics and drivers of lake sedimentation rates Journal Article Baud A , Aulard C , Ghanbari H , Fradette M , Antoniades D , Giorgio P , Huot Y , Francus P , Smol J , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2022 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Date Added: 2022-06-15) 101- Pervasive changes in algal indicators since pre-industrial times: A paleolimnological study of changes in primary production and diatom assemblages from ~200 Canadian lakes Journal Article Griffiths K , Jeziorski A , Antoniades D , Beaulieu M , Smol J P , Gregory-Eaves I , 2022 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2022-06-04) 100- Microplastics in lakes and rivers: an issue of emerging significance to limnology Journal Article D’Avignon G , Gregory-Eaves I , Ricciardi A , 2022 Environmental Reviews (Date Added: 2022-05-31) 99- Environmental drivers of taxonomic and functional variation in zooplankton diversity and composition in freshwater lakes across Canadian continental watersheds Journal Article Paquette C , Gregory‐Eaves I , Beisner B E , 2022 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2022-03-19) 98- Comparing microscopy and DNA metabarcoding techniques for identifying cyanobacteria assemblages across hundreds of lakes Journal Article MacKeigan P W , Garner R E , Monchamp M , Walsh D A , Onana V E , Kraemer S A , Pick F R , Beisner B E , Agbeti M D , da Costa N B , Shapiro B J , Gregory-Eaves I , 2022 Harmful Algae (Date Added: 2022-02-08) 97- The alarming state of freshwater biodiversity in Canada Journal Article Desforges J E , Clarke J , Harmsen E J , Jardine A M , Robichaud J A , Serré S , Chakrabarty P , Bennett J R , Hanna D E , Smol J P , Rytwinski T , Taylor J J , Martel A L , Winegardner A K , Marty J , Taylor M K , O’Connor C M , Robinson S A , Reid A J , Creed I F , Gregory-Eaves I , Lapointe N W , Cooke S J , 2022 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2022-02-08) 96- Global acceleration of lake sediment accumulation rates associated with recent human population growth and land-use changes Journal Article Baud A , Jenny J , Francus P , Gregory-Eaves I , 2021 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2021-09-11) 95- Comparing Quantitative Methods for Analyzing Sediment DNA Records of Cyanobacteria in Experimental and Reference Lakes Journal Article Mejbel H S , Dodsworth W , Baud A , Gregory-Eaves I , Pick F R , 2021 Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-07-13) 94- The private life of Cystodinium: In situ observation of its attachments and population dynamics Journal Article Tapics T , Gregory-Eaves I , Huot Y , 2021 Journal of Plankton Research (Date Added: 2021-06-24) 93- Multi-scale biodiversity analyses identify the importance of continental watersheds in shaping lake zooplankton biogeography Journal Article Paquette C , Gregory‐Eaves I , Beisner B E , Heino J , 2021 Journal of Biogeography (Date Added: 2021-06-18) 92- Evaluating the congruence between DNA-based and morphological taxonomic approaches in water and sediment trap samples: Analyses of a 36-month time series from a temperate monomictic lake Journal Article Gauthier J , Walsh D , Selbie D T , Bourgeois A , Griffiths K , Domaizon I , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2021 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2021-06-12) 91- Lake sedimentary dna research on past terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity: Overview and recommendations Journal Article Capo E , Giguet-Covex C , Rouillard A , Nota K , Heintzman P D , Vuillemin A , Ariztegui D , Arnaud F , Belle S , Bertilsson S , Bigler C , Bindler R , Brown A G , Clarke C L , Crump S E , Debroas D , Englund G , Ficetola G F , Garner R E , Gauthier J , Gregory-Eaves I , Heinecke L , Herzschuh U , Ibrahim A , Kisand V , Kjær K H , Lammers Y , Littlefair J , Messager E , Monchamp M , Olajos F , Orsi W , Pedersen M W , Rijal D P , Rydberg J , Spanbauer T , Stoof-Leichsenring K R , Taberlet P , Talas L , Thomas C , Walsh D A , Wang Y , Willerslev E , van Woerkom A , Zimmermann H H , Coolen M J L , Epp L S , Domaizon I , G Alsos I , Parducci L , 2021 Quaternary (Date Added: 2021-05-07) 90- Multi-trophic level responses to environmental stressors over the past ~150 years: Insights from a lake-rich region of the world Journal Article Griffiths K , Jeziorski A , Paquette C , Taranu Z E , Baud A , Antoniades D , Beisner B , Hamilton P B , Smol J P , Gregory-Eaves I , 2021 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2021-05-06) 89- Remote sensing of lake sediment core particle size using hyperspectral image analysis Journal Article Ghanbari H , Jacques O , Adaïmé M , Gregory-Eaves I , Antoniades D , 2020 Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2020-12-10) 88- On “success” in applied environmental research — what is it, how can it be achieved, and how does one know when it has been achieved? Journal Article Cooke S J , Rytwinski T , Taylor J J , Nyboer E A , Nguyen V M , Bennett J R , Young N , Aitken S , Auld G , Lane J , Prior K A , Smokorowski K E , Smith P A , Jacob A L , Browne D R , Blais J M , Kerr J T , Ormeci B , Alexander S M , Burn C R , Buxton R T , Orihel D M , Vermaire J C , Murray D L , Simon P , Edwards K A , Clarke J , Xenopoulos M A , Gregory-Eaves I , Bennett E M , Smol J P , 2020 Environmental Reviews (Date Added: 2020-12-05) 87- Sediment Metagenomes as Time Capsules of Lake Microbiomes Journal Article Garner R E , Gregory-Eaves I , Walsh D A , 2020 mSphere (Date Added: 2020-11-12) 86- Ecological dynamics of a peri-urban lake: a multi-proxy paleolimnological study of Cultus Lake (British Columbia) over the past ~ 200 years Journal Article Gauthier J , Gregory-Eaves I , Bunting L , Leavitt P R , Tran T , Godbout L , Finney B P , Schindler D E , Chen G , Holtgrieve G , Shapley M , Selbie D T , 2020 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2020-10-04) 85- Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from Members of the College of the Royal Society of Canada Journal Article Cooke S J , Nguyen V M , Anastakis D , Scott S D , Turetsky M R , Amirfazli A , Hearn A , Milton C E , Loewen L , Smith E E , Norris D R , Lavoie K L , Aiken A , Ansari D , Antle A N , Babel M , Bailey J , Bernstein D M , Birnbaum R , Bourassa C , Calcagno A , Campana A , Chen B , Collins K , Connelly C E , Denov M , Dupont B , George E , Gregory-Eaves I , High S , Hill J M , Jackson P L , Jette N , Jurdjevic M , Kothari A , Khairy P , Lamoureux S A , Ladner K , Landry C R , Légaré F , Lehoux N , Leuprecht C , Lieverse A R , Luczak A , Mallory M L , Manning E , Mazalek A , Murray S J , Newman L L , Oosterveld V , Potvin P , Reimer-Kirkham S , Rowsell J , Stacey D , Tighe S L , Vocadlo D J , Wilson A E , Woolford A , 2020 Facets (Date Added: 2020-09-23) 84- Comparing key drivers of cyanobacteria biomass in temperate and tropical systems Journal Article Giani A , Taranu Z E , von Rückert G , Gregory-Eaves I , 2020 Harmful Algae (Date Added: 2020-07-06) 83- Subfossil Simuliidae track past river flow into an industrially contaminated lake Journal Article Simmatis B , Baud A , Gregory-Eaves I , Francus P , Smol J P , 2020 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2020-06-02) 82- Horizon scan of conservation issues for inland waters in Canada Journal Article Pérez-Jvostov F , Sutherland W J , Barrett R D , Brown C A , Cardille J A , Cooke S J , Cristescu M E , St-Gelais N F , Fussmann G F , Griffiths K , Hendry A P , Lapointe N W , Nyboer E A , Pentland R L , Reid A J , Ricciardi A , Sunday J M , Gregory-Eaves I , 2020 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2020-05-09) 81- Human societies began to play a significant role in global sediment transfer 4,000 years ago Journal Article Jenny J , Koirala S , Gregory-Eaves I , Francus P , Ahrens B , Brovkin V , Ojala A E K , Zolitschka B , Bader J , Carvalhais N , 2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2020-03-27) 80- Distribution, abundance, and diversity of microplastics in the upper St. Lawrence River Journal Article Crew A , Gregory-Eaves I , Ricciardi A , 2020 Environmental Pollution (Date Added: 2020-02-02) 79- Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene Journal Article Jenny J , Koirala S , Gregory-Eaves I , Francus P , Niemann C , Ahrens B , Brovkin V , Baud A , Ojala A E K , Normandeau A , Zolitschka B , Carvalhais N , 2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2019-11-24) 78- Environmental and spatial drivers of diatom assemblages in the water column and surface sediment of tropical reservoirs Journal Article Bartozek E C R , da Silva-Lehmkuhl A M , Gregory-Eaves I , Bicudo D C , 2019 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2019-10-16) 77- The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate Journal Article Huot Y , Brown C A , Potvin G , Antoniades D , Baulch H M , Beisner B E , Bélanger S , Brazeau S , Cabana H , Cardille J A , del Giorgio P A , Gregory-Eaves I , Fortin M , Lang A S , Laurion I , Maranger R , Prairie Y T , Rusak J A , Segura P A , Siron R , Smol J P , Vinebrooke R D , Walsh D A , 2019 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2019-08-21) 76- Dams have varying impacts on fish communities across latitudes: a quantitative synthesis Journal Article Turgeon K , Turpin C , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2019 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2019-06-06) 75- Macrophytes moderate the taxonomic and functional composition of phytoplankton assemblages during a nutrient loading experiment Journal Article Barrow J L , Beisner B E , Giles R , Giani A , Domaizon I , Gregory‐Eaves I , 2019 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2019-05-24) 74- Boreal river impoundments caused nearshore fish community assemblage shifts but little change in diversity: A multiscale analysis Journal Article Turgeon K , Turpin C , Gregory-Eaves I , 2019 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2019-05-09) 73- Contrasting histories of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria in two temperate lakes as inferred from quantitative sediment DNA analyses Journal Article Pilon S , Zastepa A , Taranu Z E , Gregory-Eaves I , Racine M , Blais J M , Poulain A J , Pick F R , 2019 Lake and Reservoir Management (Date Added: 2019-04-22) 72- Hydrological fluctuations modulate phototrophic responses to nutrient fertilization in a large and shallow lake of Southwest China Journal Article , 2019 Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2019-03-31) 71- Macroinvertebrate abundance is lower in temperate reservoirs with higher winter drawdown Journal Article Trottier G , Embke H , Turgeon K , Solomon C , Nozais C , Gregory-Eaves I , 2019 Hydrobiologia (Date Added: 2019-03-25) 70- Cladoceran assemblage changes across the Eastern United States as recorded in the sediments from the 2007 National Lakes Assessment, USA Journal Article Griffiths K , Winegardner A K , Beisner B E , Gregory-Eaves I , 2019 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2019-01-02) 69- Long-term hydrologic fluctuations and dynamics of primary producers in a tropical crater lake Journal Article Saulnier-Talbot , 2018 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-01-02) 68- Reorganization of aquatic communities from low-nutrient lakes in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada Journal Article Daly M , Kurek J , Gregory-Eaves I , Patoine A , 2018 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2018-09-29) 67- Regional versus local drivers of water quality in the Windermere catchment, Lake District, United Kingdom: The dominant influence of wastewater pollution over the past 200 years Journal Article Moorhouse H L , McGowan S , Taranu Z E , Gregory-Eaves I , Leavitt P R , Jones M D , Barker P , Brayshaw S A , 2018 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2018-08-23) 66- Quantifying the effects of hydrological changes on long-term water quality trends in temperate reservoirs: insights from a multi-scale, paleolimnological study Journal Article Elchyshyn, L, Goyette, J-O, Saulnier-Talbot, , Maranger, R, Nozais, C, Solomon, CT, Gregory-Eaves, I 2018 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2018-05-15) 65- First human impacts and responses of aquatic systems: A review of palaeolimnological records from around the world Journal Article Nathalie Dubois, S-T 2018 Anthropocene Review (Date Added: 2018-04-13) 64- Shifts in algal dominance in freshwater experimental ponds across differing levels of macrophytes and nutrients Journal Article Iacarella J C , Barrow J L , Giani A , Beisner B E , Gregory-Eaves I , 2018 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2018-02-18) 63- Extrinsic vs. intrinsic regimes shifts in shallow lakes: Long-term response of cyanobacterial blooms to historical catchment phosphorus loading and climate warming Journal Article Vermaire J C , Taranu Z E , MacDonald G K , Velghe K , Bennett E M , Gregory-Eaves I , 2017 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2017-12-04) 62- Diatom diversity patterns over the past c. 150 years across the conterminous United States of America: Identifying mechanisms behind beta diversity Journal Article Winegardner A K , Legendre P , Beisner B E , Gregory-Eaves I , 2017 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2017-11-03) 61- Cladoceran diversity dynamics in lakes from a northern mining region: Responses to multiple stressors characterized by alpha and beta diversity Journal Article Winegardner A K , Salter N , Aebischer S , Pienitz R , Derry A M , Wing B , Beisner B E , Gregory-Eaves I , 2017 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2017-10-07) 60- Assimilation and nitrification in pelagic waters: insights using dual nitrate stable isotopes (δ15N, δ18O) in a shallow lake Journal Article Botrel M , Bristow L A , Altabet M A , Gregory-Eaves I , Maranger R , 2017 Biogeochemistry (Date Added: 2017-09-02) 59- Refuge increases food chain length: Modeled impacts of littoral structure in lake food webs Journal Article Ziegler J P , Gregory-Eaves I , Solomon C T , 2017 Oikos (Date Added: 2017-04-11) 58- DNA-based methods in paleolimnology: new opportunities for investigating long-term dynamics of lacustrine biodiversity Journal Article Domaizon I , Winegardner A , Capo E , Gauthier J , Gregory-Eaves I , 2017 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2017-04-08) 57- Predicting microcystin concentrations in lakes and reservoirs at a continental scale: A new framework for modelling an important health risk factor Journal Article Taranu Z E , Gregory-Eaves I , Steele R J , Beaulieu M , Legendre P , 2017 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2017-02-22) 56- Reconstructing a long-term record of microcystins from the analysis of lake sediments Journal Article Zastepa A , Taranu Z , Kimpe L , Blais J , Gregory-Eaves I , Zurawell R , Pick F , 2017 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2017-02-10) 55- Do novel ecosystems follow predictable trajectories? Testing the trophic surge hypothesis in reservoirs using fish Journal Article Turgeon, K, Solomon, CT, Nozais, C, Gregory-Eaves, I 2016 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2017-02-01) 54- Urban point sources of nutrients were the leading cause for the historical spread of hypoxia across European lakes Journal Article Jenny, J-P, Normandeau, A, Francus, P, Taranu, ZE, Gregory-Eaves, I, Lapointe, F, Jautzy, J, Ojala, AEK, Dorioz, J-M, Schimmelmann, A, Zolitschka, B 2016 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2016-11-25) 53- Lake and Reservoir Management Made a Splash at the 2016 ASLO Summer Meeting Journal Article Corman, JR, Deemer, BR, Hayes, NM, Gregory-Eaves, I, Razavi, NR, Strock, KE, Turgeon, K 2016 Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin (Date Added: 2016-11-25) 52- Fish population dynamics in response to impoundment: Testing the trophic surge hypothesis in boreal and temperate reservoirs Journal Article Turgeon K, SC 2016 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2016-06-23) 51- Macrophyte biomass predicts food chain length in shallow lakes Journal Article Ziegler, JP, Solomon, CT, Finney, BP, Gregory-Eaves, I 2015 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2016-07-06) 50- Landscape-level drivers of diatom communities: how different are they between water-column and surface sediment samples? Journal Article Winegardner, A, Beisner, BE, Legendre, P, Gregory-Eaves, I 2015 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 49- Response of Lacustrine Biota to Late Holocene Climate and Environmental Conditions in Northernmost Ungava (Canada) Journal Article Saulnier-Talbo, E, Larocque-Tobler, I, Gregory-Eaves, I, Pienitz, R 2015 Arctic (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 48- Temporal trends in cyanobacteria revealed through DNA and pigment analyses of temperate lake sediment cores Journal Article Pal, S, Gregory-Eaves, I, Pick, FR 2015 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2015-06-04) 47- Acceleration of cyanobacterial dominance in north temperate-subarctic lakes during the Anthropocene Journal Article Taranu, ZE, Gregory-Eaves, I, Leavitt, PR, Bunting, L, Buchaca, T, Catalan, J, Domaizon, I, Guilizzoni, P, Lami, A, McGowan, S, Moorhouse, H, Morabito, G, Pick, FR, Stevenson, MA, Thompson, PL, Vinebrooke, RD 2015 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2015-04-08) 46- Analysis of DNA archived in lake sediments Journal Article Gregory-Eaves I and Domaizon I , 2014 ASLO e-lecture (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 45- The cryospheric landscape and lake depth as
modulators of paleoclimatic records: A regional study from Southwest Yukon, Canada Journal Article Chen G, SD 2014 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 44- Comparing predictive cyanobacterial models from temperate regions Journal Article Beaulieu M, PF 2014 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2016-06-22) 43- Defining drivers of nitrogen stable isotopes (?15N) of surface sediments in temperate lakes Journal Article Botrel, M, Gregory-Eaves, I, Maranger, R 2014 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2014-10-20) 42- Small Changes in Climate Can Profoundly Alter the Dynamics and Ecosystem Services of Tropical Crater Lakes Journal Article Saulnier-Talbot, , Gregory-Eaves, I, Simpson, KG, Efitre, J, Nowlan, TE, Taranu, ZE, Chapman, LJ 2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-05-28) 41- Insights for lake management gained when paleolimnological and water column monitoring studies are combined: A case study from Baptiste Lake Journal Article Adams, KE, Taranu, ZE, Zurawell, R, Cumming, BF, Gregory-Eaves, I 2014 Lake and Reservoir Management (Date Added: 2014-02-24) 40- Nutrients and water temperature are significant predictors of cyanobacterial biomass in a 1147 lakes dataset Journal Article Beaulieu, M, Pick, F, Gregory-Eaves, I 2013 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2014-04-11) 39- Changes in submerged macrophyte abundance altered diatom and chironomid assemblages in a shallow lake Journal Article Vermaire, JC, Greffard, M-H, Saulnier-Talbot, , Gregory-Eaves, I 2013 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2013-07-15) 38- Body Size Is a Significant Predictor of Congruency in Species Richness Patterns: A Meta-Analysis of Aquatic Studies Journal Article Velghe, K, Gregory-Eaves, I 2013 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2013-03-11) 37- Centennial-scale fluctuations and regional complexity characterize Pacific salmon population dynamics over the past five centuries Journal Article Rogers, LA, Schindler, DE, Lisi, PJ, Holtgrieve, GW, Leavitt, PR, Bunting, L, Finney, BP, Selbie, DT, Chen, G, Gregory-Eaves, I, Lisac, MJ, Walsh, PB 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2013-02-20) 36- Predicting cyanobacterial dynamics in the face of global change: the importance of scale and environmental context Journal Article Taranu, ZE, Zurawell, RW, Pick, F, Gregory-Eaves, I 2012 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2012-11-09) 35- Declines in littoral species richness across both spatial and temporal nutrient gradients: a palaeolimnological study of two taxonomic groups Journal Article Velghe, K, Vermaire, JC, Gregory-Eaves, I 2012 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2012-10-19) 34- Diatom-inferred decline of macrophyte abundance in lakes of southern Quebec, Canada Journal Article Vermaire, JC, Prairie, Y, Gregory-Eaves, I 2012 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 33- Sub-fossil chironomids are significant indicators of turbidity in shallow lakes of northeastern USA Journal Article Greffard, M-H, Saulnier-Talbot, , Gregory-Eaves, I 2012 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 32- Historical seabird population dynamics and their effects on Arctic pond ecosystems: a multi-proxy paleolimnological study from Cape Vera, Devon Island, Arctic Canada Journal Article Keatley, BE, Blais, JM, Douglas, MSV, Gregory-Eaves, I, Mallory, ML, Michelutti, N, Smol, JP 2011 Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie (Date Added: 2012-07-30) 31- Conservation of a transboundary lake: Historical watershed and paleolimnological analyses can inform management strategies Journal Article Shaw Chraïbi, VL, Bennett, EM, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 Lake and Reservoir Management (Date Added: 2012-02-20) 30- A Coherent Signature of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition to Remote Watersheds of the Northern Hemisphere Journal Article Holtgrieve, GW, Schindler, DE, Hobbs, WO, Leavitt, PR, Ward, EJ, Bunting, L, Chen, G, Finney, BP, Gregory-Eaves, I, Holmgren, S, Lisac, MJ, Lisi, PJ, Nydick, K, Rogers, LA, Saros, JE, Selbie, DT, Shapley, MD, Walsh, PB, Wolfe, AP 2011 Science (Date Added: 2011-12-16) 29- The influence of submerged macrophytes on sedimentary diatom assemblages Journal Article Vermaire, JC, Prairie, YT, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 Journal of Phycology (Date Added: 2011-10-24) 28- Palaeolimnological insights for biodiversity science: an emerging field Journal Article Gregory-Eaves, I, Beisner, BE 2011 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2011-09-28) 27- A comparative analysis of fine versus coarse taxonomic resolution in benthic chironomid community analyses Journal Article Greffard, M-H, Saulnier-Talbot, , Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2011-06-28) 26- Long-term zooplankton responses to nutrient and consumer subsidies arising from migratory sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Journal Article Chen, G, Selbie, DT, Finney, BP, Schindler, DE, Bunting, L, Leavitt, PR, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-05-24) 25- Salmon-derived nutrients drive diatom beta-diversity patterns Journal Article Chen, G, Saulnier-Talbot, E, Selbie, DT, Brown, E, Schindler, DE, Bunting, L, Leavitt, PR, Finney, BP, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 24- Land-use legacies are important determinants of lake eutrophication in the anthropocene Journal Article Keatley, BE, Bennett, EM, MacDonald, GK, Taranu, ZE, Gregory-Eaves, I 2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2011-04-08) 23- Phosphorus and land-use changes are significant drivers of cladoceran community composition and diversity: an analysis over spatial and temporal scales Journal Article Richard Albert, M, Chen, G, MacDonald, GK, Vermaire, JC, Bennett, EM, Gregory-Eaves, I 2010 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 22- Tracking past changes in fish, seabirds, and wildlife population dynamics with diatoms and other limnological indicators Book Chapter Gregory-Eaves, I, Keatley, 2010 The diatoms applications for the environmental and earth sciences (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 21- A 2000 year record of climatic change at Ongoke Lake, southwest Alaska Journal Article Chipman, ML, Clarke, GH, Clegg, BF, Gregory-Eaves, I, Hu, FS 2009 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 20- Historical analysis of salmon-derived polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in lake sediments Journal Article Krümmel, EM, Scheer, M, Gregory-Eaves, I, Macdonald, RW, Kimpe, LE, Smol, JP, Finney, B, Blais, JM 2009 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 19- Ecological, landscape, and climatic regulation of sediment geochemistry in North American sockeye salmon nursery lakes: Insights for paleoecological salmon investigations Journal Article Selbie, DT, Finney, BP, Barto, D, Bunting, L, Chen, G, Leavitt, PR, Maclsaac, EA, Schindler, DE, Shapley, MD, Gregory-Eaves, I 2009 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 18- Contrasting responses of dimictic and polymictic lakes to environmental change: A spatial and temporal study Journal Article Taranu, ZE, Köster, D, Hall, RI, Charette, T, Forrest, F, Cwynar, LC, Gregory-Eaves, I 2009 Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 17- A 700-year paleoecological record of boreal ecosystem responses to climatic variation from Alaska Journal Article Tinner, W, Bigler, C, Gedye, S, Gregory-Eaves, I, Jones, RT, Kaltenrieder, P, Krähenbühl, U, Hu, FS 2008 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 16- Empirical models for describing recent sedimentation rates in lakes distributed across broad spatial scales Journal Article Brothers, S, Vermaire, JC, Gregory-Eaves, I 2008 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 15- Reconstructing changes in macrophyte cover in lakes across the northeastern United States based on sedimentary diatom assemblages Journal Article Vermaire, JC, Gregory-Eaves, I 2008 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 14- Quantifying relationships among phosphorus, agriculture, and lake depth at an inter-regional scale Journal Article Taranu, ZE, Gregory-Eaves, I 2008 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 13- Tracing salmon-derived nutrients and contaminants in freshwater food webs across a pronounced spawner density gradient Journal Article Gregory-Eaves, I, Demers, MJ, Kimpe, L, Krümmel, EM, Macdonald, RW, Finney, BP, Blais, JM 2007 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 12- Concentrations and fluxes of salmon-derived polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in lake sediments Journal Article Krümmel, EM, Gregory-Eaves, I, Macdonald, RW, Kimpe, LE, Demers, MJ, Smol, JP, Finney, B, Blais, JM 2005 Environmental Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 11- Air-vegetation partitioning of polychlorinated biphenyls near a point source Journal Article Poon, C, Gregory-Eaves, I, Connell, LA, Guillore, G, Mayer, PM, Ridal, J, Blais, JM 2005 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 10- Tailoring palaeolimnological diatom-based transfer functions Journal Article Racca, JMJ, Gregory-Eaves, I, Pienitz, R, Prairie, YT 2004 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 9- Inferring sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population dynamics and water quality changes in a stained nursery lake over the past ?500 years Journal Article Gregory-Eaves, I, Finney, BP, Douglas, MSV, Smol, JP 2004 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 8- Delivery of pollutants by spawning salmon Journal Article Krümmel, EM, Macdonald, RW, Kimpe, LE, Gregory-Eaves, I, Demers, MJ, Smol, JP, Finney, B, Blais, JM 2003 Nature (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 7- A ?33,000 year record of environmental change from Arolik Lake, Ahklun Mountains, Alaska, USA Journal Article Kaufman, DS, Hu, FS, Briner, JP, Werner, A, Finney, BP, Gregory-Eaves, I 2003 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 6- Diatoms and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) population dynamics: Reconstructions of salmon-derived nutrients over the past 2,200 years in two lakes from Kodiak Island, Alaska Journal Article Gregory-Eaves, I, Smol, JP, Douglas, MSV, Finney, BP 2003 Journal of Paleolimnology (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 5- Fisheries productivity in the northeastern Pacific Ocean over the past 2,200 years Journal Article Finney, BP, Gregory-Eaves, I, Douglas, MSV, Smol, JP 2002 Nature (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 4- Covariation among Alaskan chrysophyte stomaltocyst assemblages and environmental gradients: A comparison with diatom assemblages Journal Article Stewart, K, Gregory-Eaves, I, Zeeb, BA, Smol, JP 2000 Nordic Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 3- Characteristics and variation in lakes along a north-south transect in Alaska Journal Article Gregory-Eaves, I, Smol, JP, Finney, BP, Lean, DRS, Edwards, ME 2000 Archiv fur Hydrobiologie (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 2- Impacts of climatic change and fishing on Pacific salmon abundance over the past 300 years Journal Article Finney, BP, Gregory-Eaves, I, Sweetman, J, Douglas, MSV, Smol, JP 2000 Science (Date Added: 2011-04-12) 1- Diatom-based transfer functions for inferring past climatic and environmental changes in Alaska, U.S.A. Journal Article Gregory-Eaves, I, Smol, JP, Finney, BP, Edwards, ME 1999 Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12) Dans les médiaLake beds are rich environmental records — studying them reveals much about a place’s history (Irene Gregory-Eaves, Dermot Antoniades, Hamid Ghanbari) 2025-02-02 L'écologie des lacs du nord du Nouveau-Brunswick transformée par les changements climatiques 2019-03-13 Seven emerging researchers given national honour (Jezer-Morton, Kathryn) 2016-09-07 Nouveau pont Champlain: un impact sur la reproduction de l’esturgeon et de l’anguille (Audrey Clément Robert) 2015-06-22 Alzheimer’s Disease Causing Algae Found in British Waterways? Pioneer News 2015-02-27 ‘Blue-green algae’ proliferating in lakes McGill Newsroom 2015-02-26 'Blue-green algae' proliferating in lakes McGill Newsroom 2015-02-26 Drinking water could be poisoned with toxic algae linked to Alzheimer’s The Telegraph 2015-02-26 Le Grand lac Saint-François sous la loupe Le Cantonnier (Beaudet, Jacques) 2014-01-23 Le Regroupement pour la protection du Grand lac Saint-François : premier lauréat du prix Excellence en gestion de l'eau au Québec Portail Québec 2013-03-22 Wilder and Helen Penfield Nature Conservancy Research at the Conservancy 2011-05-00 Canadian climate research fund drying up CBC News (Chung, Emily) 2010-11-23 |