Steven Kembel

Professeur agrégé,
Université du Québec à Montréal

Department of Biology
Page web de l'institution
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  • Ph.D. Écologie et biologie évolutive- Université de l'Alberta, 2007
  • M.Sc Écologie et and biologie environnmentale- Université de l'Alberta, 2001
  • B.Sc Botanie -Université de Manitoba, 1997


Beaucoup d’espèces microbiennes vivent sur les feuilles des plantes et jouent un rôle important dans la croissance et la fonction des plantes, ainsi que sur l’activité des écosystèmes forestiers. En regard de l'importance de la biodiversité pour la santé humaine et le développement durable de l'économie québécoise et canadienne, la Chaire tente de mieux comprendre l'écologie, l'évolution et la biodiversité ainsi que ses impacts sur la santé et la croissance des arbres. Ses recherches permettent de prévoir les interactions entre la biodiversité végétale et les écosystèmes au Québec et de proposer des avenues pour améliorer les pratiques en gestion forestière. Mes activités de recherche actuelles incluent l'utilisation de séquençage ADN de haut débit pour comprendre la diversité et l'assemblage des communautés microbiennes et l'écologie évolutive des plantes et des bactéries dans les forêts tempérées et tropicales. Bien que j'utilise beaucoup de méthodes quantitatives et la bioinformatique dans mes recherches, je suis également un biologiste de terrain; j’ai en effet effectué des recherches dans les écosystèmes forestiers et appliqué la théorie écologique à la gestion durable des forêts boréales.

Étudiants CSBQ

Hélène Dion-Phenix

(Début: 2020)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Denis Réale
Étude des déterminants de la variation du microbiote des mésanges

Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga

(Début: 2016, Fin: 2024)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Pedro Peres-Neto
Effets climatiques sur la biodiversité : L'influence sur l'écophylogénétique et la spécialisation à travers des échelles spatiales

Jocelyn Lauzon

Autre (co-)superviseur: Jean-Baptiste Leducq, Université Laval
(Début: 2023, Fin: 2024)
Adaptations des populations de Methylobacterium aux espèces d’arbres hôtes dans la phyllosphère de la forêt tempérée

Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

Rim Khlifa

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2017, Fin: 2018)
Analyse de la vulnérabilité de la forêt québécoise aux sécheresses : impacts sur la nutrition et les communautés microbiennes
Page personnelle

Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe

Autre (co-)superviseur: Christian Messier, Université du Québec à Montréal
(Début: 2012, Fin: 2017)
Communautés bactériennes de la phyllosphère de la forêt tempérée naturelle et urbaine du Québec
Page personnelle

Geneviève Lajoie

(Début: 2016, Fin: 2020)
De la variation adaptative chez les communautés microbiennes de la phyllosphère

Mathieu Landry

Autre (co-)superviseur: Patrick James, UdeM
(Début: 2015, Fin: 2020)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Patrick M.A. James
Lien vers mémoire (pdf)

Rémi Maglione

Autre (co-)superviseur: Vicky Toussaint, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
(Début: 2016, Fin: 2021)
Étude de la diversité du microbiome de la phylosphère de cucurbitacées en condition de culture de couverture

Mona Parizadeh

Autre (co-)superviseur: Benjamin Mimee, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(Début: 2016, Fin: 2021)

Juanita Carolina Rodríguez

Autre (co-)superviseur: Nicole Fenton, UQAT
(Début: 2017, Fin: 2021)
Effets de la dominance de l’épinette noire et du peuplier faux-tremble sur la végétation de sous-bois et les communautés microbiennes dans la forêt boréale canadienne
Page personnelle

Melbert Schwarz

Autre (co-)superviseur: Dan Kneeshaw, Universite du Quebec a Montreal
(Début: 2015, Fin: 2018)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Patrick M.A. James
Investigating the impact of the gut associated microbial community on the health of Eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clemens) using a “multi-omics” approach.

Luis Tovar

(Début: 2014, Fin: 2016)
Diversité phylogénétique et fonctionnelle des communautés microbiennes de la phyllosphère d'une forêt tropicale et ses association avec les traits fonctionnels et la taxonomie des plantes
Page personnelle

Exemples d'espèces étudiées

Ceanothus roderickii
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Arabidopsis thaliana
Acer saccharum
Pseudomonas syringae


103- Winter Rye Cover Crops Shelter Competent Squash Phyllosphere Bacteria to Reduce Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans Growth and Angular Leaf Spot Symptoms
Journal Article
Maglione R , Ciotola M , Cadieux M , Toussaint V , Laforest M , Kembel S W ,
2024 Phytopathology (Date Added: 2024-08-30)

102- Host specificity of plant-associated bacteria is negatively associated with genome size and host abundance along a latitudinal gradient
Journal Article
Wang Z , Lajoie G , Jiang Y , Zhang M , Chu C , Chen Y , Fang S , Jin G , Jiang M , Lian J , Li Y , Liu Y , Ma K , Mi X , Qiao X , Wang X , Wang X , Xu H , Ye W , Zhu L , Zhu Y , He F , Kembel S W ,
2024 Ecology letters (Date Added: 2024-06-13)

101- Deep learning- and image processing-based methods for automatic estimation of leaf herbivore damage
Journal Article
Wang Z , Jiang Y , Diallo A B , Kembel S W ,
2024 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2024-03-07)

100- Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments Influence Soil Nematode Taxonomic Composition and the Soil Microbial Cooccurrence Networks
Journal Article
Parizadeh M , Kembel S W , Mimee B ,
2023 Phytobiomes Journal (Date Added: 2023-12-25)

99- A single range-expanding species reshapes alpine ecosystems and their belowground diversity
Journal Article
Eckert I , De Bellis T , Muñoz G , Kembel S W , Lessard J , Nuñez M A ,
2023 Oikos (Date Added: 2023-10-19)

98- Diversity and biogeography of plant phyllosphere bacteria are governed by latitude-dependent mechanisms
Journal Article
Wang Z , Jiang Y , Zhang M , Chu C , Chen Y , Fang S , Jin G , Jiang M , Lian J , Li Y , Liu Y , Ma K , Mi X , Qiao X , Wang X , Wang X , Xu H , Ye W , Zhu L , Zhu Y , He F , Kembel S W ,
2023 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2023-09-10)

97- Data-driven identification of major axes of functional variation in bacteria
Journal Article
Lajoie G , Kembel S W ,
2023 Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2023-09-08)

96- Long-Term Simulated Nitrogen Deposition Has Moderate Impacts on Soil Microbial Communities across Three Bioclimatic Domains of the Eastern Canadian Forest
Journal Article
Renaudin M , Khlifa R , Legault S , Kembel S W , Kneeshaw D , Moore J , Houle D ,
2023 Forests (Date Added: 2023-07-23)

95- Drivers of contrasting boreal understory vegetation in coniferous and broadleaf deciduous alternative states
Journal Article
Rodríguez‐Rodríguez J C , Fenton N J , Kembel S W , Mestre E , Jean M , Bergeron Y ,
2023 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2023-07-11)

94- Soil microbial gene expression in an agricultural ecosystem varies with time and neonicotinoid seed treatments
Journal Article
Parizadeh M , Mimee B , Kembel S W ,
2023 Microbiology (Reading, England) (Date Added: 2023-05-06)

93- Historical and contemporary processes drive global phylogenetic structure across geographical scales: Insights from bat communities
Journal Article
Braga P H P , Kembel S , Peres‐Neto P ,
2023 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2023-03-26)

92- Soil and tree phyllosphere microbial communities differ between coniferous and broadleaf deciduous boreal forests
Journal Article
Rodríguez-Rodríguez J C , Fenton N J , Bergeron Y , Kembel S W ,
2023 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2023-03-14)

91- Interplay between the Lung Microbiome, Pulmonary Immunity and Viral Reservoirs in People Living with HIV under Antiretroviral Therapy
Journal Article
Wang Z , Jenabian M , Alexandrova Y , Pagliuzza A , Olivenstein R , Samarani S , Chomont N , Kembel S W , Costiniuk C T ,
2022 Viruses (Date Added: 2022-11-22)

90- Comprehensive Phylogenomics of Methylobacterium Reveals Four Evolutionary Distinct Groups and Underappreciated Phyllosphere Diversity
Journal Article
Leducq J , Sneddon D , Santos M , Condrain-Morel D , Bourret G , Martinez-Gomez N C , Lee J A , Foster J A , Stolyar S , Shapiro B J , Kembel S W , Sullivan J M , Marx C J ,
2022 Genome biology and evolution (Date Added: 2022-08-22)

89- Regional variation drives differences in microbial communities associated with sugar maple across a latitudinal range
Journal Article
De Bellis T , Laforest‐Lapointe I , Solarik K A , Gravel D , Kembel S W ,
2022 Ecology (Date Added: 2022-06-09)

87- Dominance of coniferous and broadleaved trees drives bacterial associations with boreal feather mosses
Journal Article
Rodríguez‐Rodríguez J C , Bergeron Y , Kembel S W , Fenton N J ,
2022 Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2022-05-06)

86- Phylogenetic dependence of plant–soil feedback promotes rare species in a subtropical forest
Journal Article
Jiang Y , Wang Z , Chu C , Kembel S W , He F ,
2022 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2022-04-18)

85- Winter Rye Cover Cropping Changes Squash (Cucurbita pepo) Phyllosphere Microbiota and Reduces Pseudomonas syringae Symptoms
Journal Article
Maglione R , Ciotola M , Cadieux M , Toussaint V , Laforest M , Kembel S W ,
2022 Phytobiomes Journal (Date Added: 2022-03-26)

84- Spruce budworm bacterial communities vary among sites and host tree species in a boreal landscape
Journal Article
Landry M , James P M A , Kneeshaw D , Kembel S W ,
2022 Journal of Biogeography (Date Added: 2022-01-10)

83- Erratum: Functional diversity: An epistemic roadmap (BioScience DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biz089)
Journal Erratum
Malaterre C , Dussault A C , Mermans E , Barker G , Beisner B E , Bouchard F , Desjardins E , Handa I T , Kembel S W , Lajoie G , Maris V , Munson A D , Odenbaugh J , Poisot T , Shapiro B J , Suttle C A ,
2021 BioScience (Date Added: 2021-10-17)

82- Inconsistent effects of nitrogen canopy enrichment and soil warming on black spruce epiphytic phyllosphere bacterial communities, taxa, and functions
Journal Article
Khlifa R , Houle D , Morin H , Kembel S W ,
2021 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2021-09-17)

81- Plant-bacteria associations are phylogenetically structured in the phyllosphere
Journal Article
Lajoie G , Kembel S W ,
2021 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2021-09-09)

80- Bacterial microbiota similarity between predators and prey in a blue tit trophic network
Journal Article
Dion-Phénix H , Charmantier A , de Franceschi C , Bourret G , Kembel S W , Réale D ,
2021 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-03-05)

79- Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments Have Significant Non-target Effects on Phyllosphere and Soil Bacterial Communities
Journal Article
Parizadeh M , Mimee B , Kembel S W ,
2021 Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-02-05)

78- Host neighborhood shapes bacterial community assembly and specialization on tree species across a latitudinal gradient
Journal Article
Lajoie, G, Kembel, SW
2020 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2021-02-10)

77- Glial Cell-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Induces Enteric Neurogenesis and Improves Colon Structure and Function in Mouse Models of Hirschsprung Disease
Journal Article
Soret R , Schneider S , Bernas G , Christophers B , Souchkova O , Charrier B , Righini-Grunder F , Aspirot A , Landry M , Kembel S W , Faure C , Heuckeroth R O , Pilon N ,
2020 Gastroenterology (Date Added: 2020-11-23)

76- Adaptive matching between phyllosphere bacteria and their tree hosts in a neotropical forest
Journal Article
Lajoie, G, Maglione, R, Kembel, SW
2020 Microbiome (Date Added: 2020-06-02)

75- Transfer index, NetUniFrac and some useful shortest path-based distances for community analysis in sequence similarity networks
Journal Article
Xing H , Kembel S W , Makarenkov V ,
2020 Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) (Date Added: 2020-05-16)

74- Limited initial impacts of biomass harvesting on composition of wood-inhabiting fungi within residual stumps
Journal Article
Boué C , DeBellis T , Venier L A , Work T T , Kembel S W ,
2019 PeerJ (Date Added: 2020-01-08)

73- Microsite conditions influence leaf litter decomposition in sugar maple bioclimatic domain of Quebec
Journal Article
Bélanger N , Collin A , Ricard-Piché J , Kembel S W , Rivest D ,
2019 Biogeochemistry (Date Added: 2019-11-07)

71- Functional Diversity: An Epistemic Roadmap
Journal Article
Malaterre, C, Dussault, AC, Rousseau-Mermans, S, Barker, G, Beisner, BE, Bouchard, F, Desjardins, E, Handa, IT, Kembel, SW, Lajoie, G, Maris, V, Munson, AD, Odenbaugh, J, Poisot, T, Shapiro, BJ, Suttle, CA
2019 BioScience (Date Added: 2019-10-25)

70- Making the Most of Trait-Based Approaches for Microbial Ecology
Journal Article
Lajoie, G, Kembel, SW
2019 Trends in Microbiology (Date Added: 2019-07-14)

69- The prevalence of nonlinearity and detection of ecological breakpoints across a land use gradient in streams
Journal Article
D’Amario S C , Rearick D C , Fasching C , Kembel S W , Porter-Goff E , Spooner D E , Williams C J , Wilson H F , Xenopoulos M A ,
2019 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2019-03-25)

68- Plant host identity and soil macronutrients explain little variation in sapling endophyte community composition: Is disturbance an alternative explanation?
Journal Article
Griffin E A , Harrison J G , Kembel S W , Carrell A A , Joseph Wright S , Carson W P ,
2019 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2019-03-10)

67- Gut microbiota-mediated Gene-Environment interaction in the TashT mouse model of Hirschsprung disease
Journal Article
Touré A M , Landry M , Souchkova O , Kembel S W , Pilon N ,
2019 Scientific reports (Date Added: 2019-02-05)

66- Soils associated to different tree communities do not elicit predictable responses in lake bacterial community structure and function
Journal Article
Ruiz-González C , Archambault E , Laforest-Lapointe I , del Giorgio P A , Kembel S W , Messier C , Nock C A , Beisner B E ,
2018 FEMS microbiology ecology (Date Added: 2019-04-21)

65- Ecophylogenetics clarifies the evolutionary association between mammals and their gut microbiota
Journal Article
Gaulke C A , Arnold H K , Humphreys I R , Kembel S W , O’Dwyer J P , Sharpton T J ,
2018 mBio (Date Added: 2018-11-04)

64- Experimental evaluation of the importance of colonization history in early-life gut microbiota assembly
Journal Article
Martínez I , Maldonado-Gomez M X , Gomes-Neto J C , Kittana H , Ding H , Schmaltz R , Joglekar P , Cardona R J , Marsteller N L , Kembel S W , Benson A K , Peterson D A , Ramer-Tait A E , Walter J ,
2018 eLife (Date Added: 2018-10-19)

63- Variation in the leaf and root microbiome of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) at an elevational range limit
Journal Article
Wallace J , Laforest-Lapointe I , Kembel S W ,
2018 PeerJ (Date Added: 2018-08-22)

62- Canadian butterfly climate debt is significant and correlated with range size
Journal Article
Lewthwaite J M M , Angert A L , Kembel S W , Goring S J , Davies T J , Mooers A ,
2018 Ecography (Date Added: 2018-08-01)

61- Can sugar maple establish into the boreal forest? Insights from seedlings under various canopies in southern Quebec
Journal Article
Collin, A, Messier, C, Kembel, SW, Bélanger, N
2018 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2018-05-17)

60- Tree Leaf Bacterial Community Structure and Diversity Differ along a Gradient of Urban Intensity
Journal Article
Laforest-Lapointe, I, Messier, C, Kembel, SW
2017 MSystems (Date Added: 2018-05-17)

58- Identifying the core seed bank of a complex boreal bacterial metacommunity
Journal Article
Ruiz-González C , Niño-García J P , Kembel S W , del Giorgio P A ,
2017 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2017-12-25)

57- Leaf bacterial diversity mediates plant diversity and ecosystem function relationships
Journal Article
Laforest-Lapointe, I, Paquette, A, Messier, C, Kembel, SW
2017 Nature (Date Added: 2017-06-02)

56- Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine-root trait variation
Journal Article
Freschet G T , Valverde-Barrantes O J , Tucker C M , Craine J M , McCormack M L , Violle C , Fort F , Blackwood C B , Urban-Mead K R , Iversen C M , Bonis A , Comas L H , Cornelissen J H C , Dong M , Guo D , Hobbie S E , Holdaway R J , Kembel S W , Makita N , Onipchenko V G , Picon-Cochard C , Reich P B , de la Riva E G , Smith S W , Soudzilovskaia N A , Tjoelker M G , Wardle D A , Roumet C ,
2017 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2017-04-28)

55- ‘Equivalent numbers’ for species, phylogenetic or functional diversity in a nested hierarchy of multiple scales
Journal Article
Pavoine, S, Marcon, E, Ricotta, C, Kembel, S
2016 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

54- Host species identity, site and time drive temperate tree phyllosphere bacterial community structure
Journal Article
Laforest-Lapointe, I, Messier, C, Kembel, SW
2016 Microbiome (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

53- Tree phyllosphere bacterial communities: exploring the magnitude of intra- and inter-individual variation among host species
Journal Article
Laforest-Lapointe, I, Messier, C, Kembel, SW
2016 PeerJ (Date Added: 2016-12-05)

52- Phylogenetic turnover along local environmental gradients in tropical forest communities
Journal Article
Baldeck, CA, Kembel, SW, Harms, KE, Yavitt, JB, John, R, Turner, BL, Madawala, S, Gunatilleke, N, Gunatilleke, S, Bunyavejchewin, S, Kiratiprayoon, S, Yaacob, A, Supardi, MNN, Valencia, R, Navarrete, H, Davies, SJ, Chuyong, GB, Kenfack, D, Thomas, DW, Dalling, JW
2016 Oecologia (Date Added: 2016-10-11)

51- A simple approach for maximizing the overlap of phylogenetic and comparative data
Journal Article
Pennell, MW, FitzJohn, RG, Cornwell, WK, Kembel, S
2016 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

50- The Biogeography of Putative Microbial Antibiotic Production
Journal Article
H Morlon , T K O'Connor , J A Bryant, LKC, Kembel, SW, J L Green, aBJMB
2015 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

49- Blackbones of evolutionary history test biodiversity theory for microbes
Journal Article
O’Dwyer, JP, Kembel, SW, T J Sharpton,
2015 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

48- A global meta-analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities
Journal Article
Siefert, A, Violle, C, Chalmandrier, L, Albert, CH, Taudiere, A, Fajardo, A, Aarssen, LW, Baraloto, C, Carlucci, MB, Cianciaruso, MV, de L Dantas, V, de Bello, F, Duarte, LDS, Fonseca, CR, Freschet, GT, Gaucherand, S, Gross, N, Hikosaka, K, Jackson, B, Jung, V, Kamiyama, C, Katabuchi, M, Kembel, SW, Kichenin, E, Kraft, NJB, Lagerstrom, A, Bagousse-Pinguet, YL, Li, Y, Mason, N, Messier, J, Nakashizuka, T, Overton, JMC, Peltzer, DA, Perez-Ramos, IM, Pillar, VD, Prentice, HC, Richardson, S, Sasaki, T, Schamp, BS, Schob, C, Shipley, B, Sundqvist, M, Sykes, MT, Vandewalle, M, Wardle, DA
2015 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2015-12-07)

47- Phylogenetic gradient analysis: environmental drivers of phylogenetic variation across ecological communities
Journal Article
Peres-Neto, PR, Kembel, SW
2015 Plant Ecology (Date Added: 2015-10-22)

46- Evolution of the indoor biome
Journal Article
Martin, LJ, Adams, RI, Bateman, A, Bik, HM, Hawks, J, Hird, SM, Hughes, D, Kembel, SW, Kinney, K, Kolokotronis, S-O, Levy, G, McClain, C, Meadow, JF, Medina, RF, Mhuireach, G, Moreau, CS, Munshi-South, J, Nichols, LM, Palmer, C, Popova, L, Schal, C, Täubel, M, Trautwein, M, Ugalde, JA, Dunn, RR
2015 Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Date Added: 2015-04-07)

45- Architectural design drives the biogeography of indoor bacterial communities
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Meadow, JF, O'Connor, TK, Mhuireach, G, Northcutt, D, Kline, J, Moriyama, M, Brown, GZ, Bohannan, BJM, Green, JL
2014 PloS one (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

44- Bacterial communities on classroom surfaces vary with human contact
Journal Article
J F Meadow, AEA
2014 Microbiome (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

43- Plant traits and taxonomy drive host associations in tropical phyllosphere fungal communities
Journal Article
S W Kembel and R C Mueller,
2014 Botany (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

42- Relationships between phyllosphere bacterial communities and plant functional traits in a neotropical forest
Journal Article
S W Kembel, TKO
2014 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

41- Drawing ecological inferences from coincident patterns of population- and community-level biodiversity
Journal Article
Vellend, M, Lajoie, G, Bourret, A, Múrria, C, Kembel, SW, Garant, D
2014 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2014-05-01)

40- Ecology in the age of DNA barcoding: the resource, the promise and the challenges ahead
Journal Article
Joly, S, Davies, TJ, Archambault, A, Bruneau, A, Derry, A, Kembel, SW, Peres-Neto, P, Vamosi, J, Wheeler, TA
2014 Molecular Ecology Resources (Date Added: 2014-03-04)

39- Indoor airborne bacterial communities are influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoor air source
Journal Article
Meadow, JF, Altrichter, AE, Kembel, SW, Kline, J, Mhuireach, G, Moriyama, M, Northcutt, D, O'Connor, TK, Womack, AM, Brown, GZ, Green, JL, Bohannan, BJM
2014 Indoor Air (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

38- Global marine bacterial diversity peaks at high latitudes in winter
Journal Article
Ladau, J, Sharpton, TJ, Finucane, MM, Jospin, G, Kembel, SW, O'Dwyer, J, Koeppel, AF, Green, JL, Pollard, KS
2013 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

37- Global diversity of drought tolerance and grassland climate-change resilience
Journal Article
Craine, JM, Ocheltree, TW, Nippert, JB, Towne, EG, Skibbe, AM, Kembel, SW, Fargione, JE
2013 Nature Climate Change (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

36- Estimating metacommunity extent using data on species abundances, environmental variation, and phylogenetic relationships across geographic space
Journal Article
Maurer, BA, Kembel, SW, Rominger, AJ, McGill, BJ
2013 Ecological Informatics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

35- A taxonomic comparison of local habitat niches of tropical trees
Journal Article
Baldeck, CA, Kembel, SW, Harms, KE, Yavitt, JB, John, R, Turner, BL, Chuyong, GB, Kenfack, D, Thomas, DW, Madawala, S, Gunatilleke, N, Gunatilleke, S, Bunyavejchewin, S, Kiratiprayoon, S, Yaacob, A, Nur Supardi, MN, Valencia, R, Navarrete, H, Davies, SJ, Hubbell, SP, Dalling, JW
2013 Oecologia (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

34- Phylogenetic sampling theory sheds light on the structure of complex microbial communities
Journal Article
J P O'Dwyer, SWK
2012 PLoS Computational Biology (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

33- Phylogenetic Diversity Theory Sheds Light on the Structure of Microbial Communities
Journal Article
O'Dwyer, JP, Kembel, SW, Green, JL
2012 PLoS Computational Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

32- Microsatellite markers from Ceanothus roderickii (Rhamnaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology
Journal Article
Burge, DO, Jui, G, Kembel, SS, Zhukovsky, K
2012 American Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

31- Incorporating 16S Gene Copy Number Information Improves Estimates of Microbial Diversity and Abundance
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Wu, M, Eisen, JA, Green, JL
2012 PLoS Computational Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

30- Flowering phenology as a functional trait in a tallgrass prairie
Journal Article
Craine, JM, Wolkovich, EM, Gene Towne, E, Kembel, SW
2012 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

29- The relationship between ventilation energy use and indoor microbial communities
Conference Article
Mhuireach, G, Bohannan, B, Brown, GZ, Green, JL, Jones, E, Kembel, SW, Kline, J, Northcutt, D, Stenson, J, Womack, AM
2012 (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

28- Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Jones, E, Kline, J, Northcutt, D, Stenson, J, Womack, AM, Bohannan, BJM, Brown, GZ, Green, JL
2012 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

27- The phylogenetic diversity of metagenomes
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Eisen, JA, Pollard, KS, Green, JL
2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

26- Functional consequences of climate change-induced plant species loss in a tallgrass prairie
Journal Article
Craine, JM, Nippert, JB, Towne, EG, Tucker, S, Kembel, SW, Skibbe, A, McLauchlan, KK
2011 Oecologia (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

25- Effect of local community phylogenetic structure on pollen limitation in an obligately insect-pollinated plant
Journal Article
Sargent, RD, Kembel, SW, Emery, NC, Forrestel, EJ, Ackerly, DD
2011 American Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

24- PhyLOTU: A high-throughput procedure quantifies microbial community diversity and resolves novel taxa from metagenomic data
Journal Article
Sharpton, TJ, Riesenfeld, SJ, Kembel, SW, Ladau, J, O'Dwyer, JP, Green, JL, Eisen, JA, Pollard, KS
2011 PLoS Computational Biology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

22- Independent evolution of leaf and root traits within and among temperate grassland plant communities
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Cahill Jr , JF
2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

21- Diversification of Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) in the California Floristic province
Journal Article
Burge, DO, Erwin, DM, Islam, MB, Kellermann, J, Kembel, SW, Wilken, DH, Manos, PS
2011 International Journal of Plant Sciences (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

20- Architectural design shapes the built environment microbiome
Conference Article
Kembel, S, Brown, GZ, Bohannan, B, Green, J
2011 (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

19- Relationship between cystic fibrosis respiratory tract bacterial communities and age, genotype, antibiotics and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Journal Article
Klepac-Ceraj, V, Lemon, KP, Martin, TR, Allgaier, M, Kembel, SW, Knapp, AA, Lory, S, Brodie, EL, Lynch, SV, Bohannan, BJM, Green, JL, Maurer, BA, Kolter, R
2010 Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

18- Phylogenetic diversity metrics for ecological communities: Integrating species richness, abundance and evolutionary history
Journal Article
Cadotte, MW, Jonathan Davies, T, Regetz, J, Kembel, SW, Cleland, E, Oakley, TH
2010 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

17- Paleotemperature proxies from leaf fossils reinterpreted in light of evolutionary history
Journal Article
Little, SA, Kembel, SW, Wilf, P
2010 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

16- A floristic study of the white-sand forests of Peru
Journal Article
Fine, PVA, Garca-Villacorta, R, Pitman, NCA, Mesones, I, Kembel, SW
2010 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

15- Picante: R tools for integrating phylogenies and ecology
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Cowan, PD, Helmus, MR, Cornwell, WK, Morlon, H, Ackerly, DD, Blomberg, SP, Webb, CO
2010 Bioinformatics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

14- The merging of community ecology and phylogenetic biology
Journal Article
Cavender-Bares, J, Kozak, KH, Fine, PVA, Kembel, SW
2009 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

12- Shoot, but not root, competition reduces community diversity in experimental mesocosms
Journal Article
Lamb, EG, Kembel, SW, Cahill Jr , JF
2009 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

11- In situ phylogenetic structure and diversity of wild Bradyrhizobium communities
Journal Article
Sachs, JL, Kembel, SW, Lau, AH, Simms, EL
2009 Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

10- Phylocom: Software for the analysis of phylogenetic community structure and trait evolution
Journal Article
Webb, CO, Ackerly, DD, Kembel, SW
2008 Bioinformatics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

8- Improving the scale and precision of hypotheses to explain root foraging ability
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, De Kroon, H, Cahill Jr , JF, Mommer, L
2008 Annals of Botany (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

7- Does phylogenetic relatedness influence the strength of competition among vascular plants?
Journal Article
Cahill Jr , JF, Kembel, SW, Lamb, EG, Keddy, PA
2008 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

6- The phylogenetic structure of a neotropical forest tree community
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Hubbell, SP
2006 Ecology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

5- Causes of pattern in plant communities where environmental change is rapid and species longevity is short
Journal Article
Cousens, RD, Dale, MRT, Taylor, J, Law, R, Moerkerk, M, Kembel, SW
2006 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

4- Within-stand spatial structure and relation of boreal canopy and understorey vegetation
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Dale, MRT
2006 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

3- Plant phenotypic plasticity belowground: A phylogenetic perspective on root foraging trade-offs
Journal Article
Kembel, SW, Cahill Jr , JF
2005 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

2- Differential genetic influences on competitive effect and response in Arabidopsis thaliana
Journal Article
F Cahill Jr , J, Kembel, SW, Gustafson, DJ
2005 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2014-02-19)

1- Short-term effects of cut-to-length versus full-tree harvesting on conifer regeneration in jack pine, mixedwood, and black spruce forests in Manitoba
Journal Article
Waters, I, Kembel, SW, Gingras, J-F, Shay, JM
2004 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2014-02-19)