Présentations en plénière

Le Protocole de Nagoya sur l'accès et le partage des avantages; from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Présentations des panelistes

Construire un réseau d’aires protégées dans le nord du Québec

Initiatives pour l’intégration et l’accés aux données sur la biodiversité

Le réseautage de bases de données comme outil facilitant la recherche : deux initiatives du Service Canadien des Forêts from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Canadensys: Mobiliser les données de la biodiversité à travers tout le Canada from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Développer des outils pour la découverte et le partage de données sur la biodiversité au Québec from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Atlas de la biodiversité du Québec nordique from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Ceintures vertes, réseaux écologiques et l’avenir de la biodiversité dans les régions urbaines

The São Paulo Greenbelt Biosphere Reserve from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Recognizing the true value of Ontario’s Greenbelt from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Une Ceinture et trame verte pour Montréal: Un projet grandeur nature from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Urban landscapes for biodiversity and ecosystem services from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.

Présentations orales

Albert, Arnaud: Les graines sont les principaux vecteurs de propagation du roseau commun exotique (Phragmites australis)

Arias, Carlos F.: Sharp genetic discontinuity across a unimodal Heliconius hybrid zone

Babineau, Marielle: Évolution de la biodiversité végétale malgache durant le Tertiaire: systematique et biogéographie de légumineuses menacées d’extinction

Bachand, Marianne: Réponses fonctionnelles des communautés animales et végétales aux hautes densités de cerfs de Virginie : l’île d’Anticosti comme laboratoire pour utiliser les traits de trois niveaux trophiques

Barbhuiya, Atiqur R.: Genetic structure and diversity of Citrus medica in natural and domesticated populations in the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India

Bari, Abdallah: Biodiversity assessment using the FIGS approach for important agronomic/functional traits

Body, Guillaume: L’apport de la technologie GPS au suivi de la dynamique de fusion-fission des groupes : exemple du rut du renne Rangifer tarandus

Bonnell, Tyler: Measuring spatial-temporal home range use in animal-movement data using the Beta-Binomial distribution

Bradie, Johanna: Using import records to estimate the probability of aquarium fish establishment

Brammer, Jeremy: Exploring local responses to community-based environmental monitoring in northern regions using GPS-equipped handheld devices with a touch screen CyberTracker interface

Byun, Chaeho: The role of functional diversity in invasion resistance of resident plant communities: a large field experiment with common reed

Cameron, Chris: Hemichordate biominerals and the evolution of deuterostome skeletons

Chivers, Corey: Comparing models of human mediated dispersal of freshwater invasives

Courchesne, Geneviève: Déterminants de la végétation des milieux humides aménagés pour la sauvagine dans le Québec méridional

da Silva, Renato Henriques: Linking phylogenetic and niche community states: emergent patterns of community assembly and structure

Edwards, Paul K.: Back-calculation of source populations from recruitment patterns: application for early detection of AIS

Fortin St-Gelais, Nicolas.: A new approach to understanding the regulation of zooplankton community structure

Fugère, Vincent: Tester l’Hypothèse du Gradient de Stress avec des détritivores aquatiques: Implications pour les relations biodiversité-fonctionnement de l’écosystème

García, Magdalena: Protected area strategies and indigenous peoples: Exploring dimensions of governance in Chile

Gauthier, Joanna: Effects of deepened thermocline on zooplankton community dynamics

Gendreau, Yanick: La vulnérabilité des espèces aux changements climatiques au Québec

Gomez-Garcia, Paola: Assessing habitat availability and connectivity for the jaguar Panthera onca, in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico

Gotanda, Kiyoko M.: Spatiotemporal variation in guppy colour: exploring a mosaic of adaptation

Granados, Monica: Dissecting intraguild predation: The relative contribution of predation and competition to the maintenance of intraguild prey

Hillel, Oliver: Beginning a dialogue: How can biodiversity education be incorporated into curricula?

Jacob, Aerin L.: How many monkeys does this forest feed? Long-term patterns in forests recovering from different land uses, Kibale National Park, Uganda

Jacobson, Bailey: The effects of density, habitat properties, and traits on habitat selection

Jaeger, Jochen: How does the road-density extinction threshold depend on the configuration of the road network and on the road avoidance behavior of the species?

Kettenbeil, Peter Scott: Formidable obstacles to protecting biodiversity

Lachapelle, Josianne: The role of diversity and sex during evolutionary rescue

Layton-Cartier, Geneviève: Governance and marine protected areas in Québec

Lessard, Andréanne: Les déterminants du succès reproducteur des mâles Hirondelle bicolore

Liss, Kate: Influence of landscape structure on ecosystem service provision

Luque, Javier: Diversity of frog crabs throughout geologic time: the dawn and dusk of body plan

Maguire, Dorothy: Ecosystem service provision and landscape composition: insect herbivory in fragmented forests

Marleau, Justin: The effects of nutrient co-limitation and stoichiometric imbalances on ecosystem dynamics

Mikkelson, Gregory M.: Why does species evenness cause under-yielding?

Mitchell, Matthew: Effects of forest patch size and isolation on ecosystem service provision and biodiversity in an agricultural landscape

Moisan-De Serres, Joseph: Effet de bordure et spécificité des pollinisateurs indigènes dans la culture du bleuet nain

Nyboer, Elizabeth: Movement, home range and vulnerability in the commercially fished Nile perch (Lates niloticus) in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda

Osmond, Matthew: Hurry up and adapt before you go extinct

Pachkowski, Melanie: Spring loaded reproduction: effects of body condition and population size on gestation rate in migratory caribou

Pedruski, Michael: Dynamics in competitive metacommunities: Fitness inequality and niche differentiation

Porlier, Mélody: Variation des patrons de plasticité phénotypique et de sélection sur la date de ponte entre populations de mésanges bleues

Reid, Andrea: Predicting peak refugia for mitigating impacts of invasive predatory fish

Robert, Karine:  Gardons le contact : comparaison des indices de chevauchement des domaines vitaux pour l’évaluation du taux de contacts intraspécifique chez le Raton laveur

Rogic, Anita: Genetic structure of white-footed mouse populations from sky-islands in southern Québec: impact of climate warming and fragmentation on the spread of Lyme Disease

Roy-Dufresne, Emilie: Projected distribution of the white-footed mouse with climate change: a question of time and space

Sapijanskas, Jurgis: Shedding light on nutritional interactions: litter production by neighbours contributes to overyielding in a tropical tree plantation

Sharpe, Diana: Niche expansion in a surviving endemic fish following invasion of a top predator?

Singha, Lal Bihari: Molecular systematics of Bamboo species in the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India

Taillon, Joëlle: Shifting targets in the tundra: are calving grounds of migratory caribou really protected in Northern Québec?

Thompson, Patrick: Zooplankton biodiversity in the ponds of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec and the search for spatial insurance in changing environments

Thomson, Ashley M.: Patterns of genetic structure and diversity in eastern North American Betula species based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers: Influence of glacial history and introgression

Velghe, Katherine: Size does matter: Organisms of most similar size show congruent diversity patterns

Wong, Edward: Using localized interaction framework to measure and model ecosystem dynamics


André, Marie-Eve: Impact of landscape structure on the foraging behavior of the King Vulture

Asgary, Adrienne: Testing the City Biodiversity Index (CBI): How to measure connectivity?

Bamforth, Emily L.: Cycling of Vertebrate Alpha Diversity Preceding the Cretaceous Mass Extinction (65 Ma): Evidence from the Latest Cretaceous of Central Canada

Bein, A.M.: Enhanced and constant productivity in impoverished and fluctuating environments

Bergeron, Alexandre: Pteridophyte diversity in urban forests

Choudhury, Baharul: Genetic structure and diversity of traditionally cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) varieties in Northeast India

Cimon-Morin, Jérôme: Development of a Wetlands Conservation Network Approach Based on Ecosystem Services Maintenance

Clark, Courtenay M. From ‘Ocean-bottom’ to ‘Mountain-top’: Inuit Landscape Ethnoecology in the Eastern Canadian Arctic

Daigle, Theodore: Genetic Variance in White-Footed Mice Populations Through Spatial and Temporal Scales

D’Astous, A., M.: Using functional diversity as an indicator of restoration success of cut-over bog

Duclos, Vanessa: Seedlings growth and survival under dense Acanthus pubescens cover in Kibale National Park, Uganda

Dufour-Tremblay, Geneviève: Le mélèze laricin : à l’assaut des montagnes des environs de Kangiqsualujjuaq

Engelhardt, S.C.: Suckling and allosuckling in reindeer, Rangifer tarandus

Fiset, Jessica: Phylogeography of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, and the spread of Lyme disease

Gagnon-Lupien, Noémie: Impact of the invasive Phragmites australis on birds of freshwater marshes of Eastern Canada

Hébert, Issac: The distribution of woodland caribou and moose in relation to forestry operations in Newfoundland’s ‘wolfless’ boreal forest

Larivière, Élise: Diversification de bandes riveraines agricoles à l’aide d’espèces arbustives indigenes

Lauron-Moreau, Aurélien: Molecular phylogeny of Salix (Salicaceae) in order to characterize the origin of native S. eriocephala : a new perspective for biomass production

Les Amis de Meadowbrook: La vision commune de la ceinture verte et bleue du Grand Montréal – The Common Vision for a Green and Blue Belt of Greater Montreal

Leung, Christelle: How many stocks could there be? Spatial organisation of the Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake St. Pierre

Lima, Rodrigo: Morphological variation of the red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) in Québec

Low-Décarie, Etienne: Adaptation of microalgae to nutrient fertilization

Marrotte, R.R.: The effect of landscape structure and fragmentation on the distribution of the White-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) in Montérégie, Québec

Mimouni, El-Amine: Biodiversity and structure of cladoceran community in urban ponds

Partington, Kevin: What can we learn from using landscape pattern metrics over large areas? Lessons from Mapping Representative Landscapes of Québec

Plante, Sabrina: Foraging strategy of black howler monkeys: how preferences and spatial knowledge of resources influence movements

Robillard, Audrey: Landscape-mediated competition between Tree swallows and House sparrows in farmscapes

Saucier, Frédérique: Système d’aide à la décision pour intégrer la persistance de la biodiversité à long terme et la représentativité dans le design des réseaux de conservation

Suter, Daniel: Lyme disease and the white-footed mouse in Québec