Research Chair on Social Issues in Conservation
- Understand the social opportunities and constraints for protecting the habitats of various threatened or vulnerable wildlife species within a variety of socio-economic and cultural contexts.
- Understand landowner perceptions, social responses and potential conflicts related to proposed conseravtion interventions of private wildlife habitat.
- Identify barriers to conservation resulting from land use patterns and social, economic and political institutions
- Define the collaboration, education and awareness approaches to be prioritized to carry out legal conservation interventions on private land.
- Evaluate and compare governance and social organization arrangements for the development and enhancement of natural resources on private land in relation to wildlife conservation issues. Click here for more info.
Funding source: Ministry of Education of forests, wildlife and parks, Quebec center for Biodiversity Science
Jean-François Bissonnette, Sophie Calmé, Konstantia Koutouki, Katrine Turgeon, Louis Tanguay