Corinne Maurice

Assistant Professor,
McGill University

Department of Biology
Institution page
Personal page


Postdoct, 2014, Harvard University, FAS Center for Systems Biology
PhD, 2009, Universite de Montpellier 2 (Aquatic Phage ecology)
MSc, 2006, Universite de Montpellier 2 (Microbial Ecology)
BSc, 2004, Universite de Montpellier 2 (Biology)


Her research in the lab aims to address two major goals:
1. Identify and characterize the metabolically active microbial members of the gut microbiota.
2. Determine the role of bacteriophages as regulators of the active gut microbiota.

QCBS students

Lilian Lopez Leyva

(Start: 2020, End: 2025)
The Human Milk Microbiome and its Association with milk minerals and Infant Growth in a Mam-Mayan Community.

Michael Shamash

(Start: 2020)
Defining bacteriophage-bacteria interactions in the gut microbiota in early childhood
Personal page

Tommy Boutin

(Start: 2023)
Characterizing replicating bacteriophages in the gut using amino acid tagging and "click" chemistry.

Amy Qian

(Start: 2022)
Investigating prophage induction in gut bacteria during intestinal inflammation

Previous students (since 2009)

Eve Beauchemin

(Start: 2018, End: 2024)
Characterization of the replicating and mucus-degrading gut bacteria in a mouse model of colitis

Anshul Sinha

(Start: 2018, End: 2022)
Investigating bacteriophage-bacteria interactions in inflammatory bowel disease
Personal page

Steven Sutcliffe

(Start: 2016, End: 2022)
Perturbations of human gut microbiota by prophage induction of bacteriophages

Mariia Taguer

(Start: 2017, End: 2021)
Gut bacterial physiology and activity along the progression to dysbiosis

Will Jogia

(Start: 2018, End: 2020)
The physiological response of the gut microbiota to invasive species


25- Worming into infancy: Exploring helminth-microbiome interactions in early life
Journal Article
Bogza A , King I L , Maurice C F ,
2024 Cell Host and Microbe (Date Added: 2024-05-09)

24- Actively replicating gut bacteria identified by 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) click chemistry and cell sorting
Journal Article
Beauchemin E T , Hunter C , Maurice C F ,
2023 Gut Microbes (Date Added: 2024-02-26)

23- Identifying glycan consumers in human gut microbiota samples using metabolic labeling coupled with fluorescence-activated cell sorting
Journal Article
Dridi L , Altamura F , Gonzalez E , Lui O , Kubinski R , Pidgeon R , Montagut A , Chong J , Xia J , Maurice C F , Castagner B ,
2023 Nature Communications (Date Added: 2024-02-26)

22- Characterizing the Effect of Amylase Inhibitors on Maltodextrin Metabolism by Gut Bacteria Using Fluorescent Glycan Labeling
Journal Article
Lui O , Dridi L , Gonzalez E , Yasmine S , Kubinski R , Billings H , Bohlmann J , Withers S G , Maurice C , Castagner B ,
2023 ACS Chemical Biology (Date Added: 2024-02-26)

21- Bacteriophages playing nice: Lysogenic bacteriophage replication stable in the human gut microbiota
Journal Article
Sutcliffe S G , Reyes A , Maurice C F ,
2023 iScience (Date Added: 2024-02-26)

20- Correction: Common Oral Medications Lead to Prophage Induction in Bacterial Isolates from the Human Gut (Viruses, (2021), 13, (455), 10.3390/v13030455)
Journal Erratum
Sutcliffe S G , Shamash M , Hynes A P , Maurice C F ,
2023 Viruses (Date Added: 2024-02-26)

19- Not Just a Passing Phage
Journal Article
Sutcliffe, SG, Maurice, CF
2019 Cell Host and Microbe (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

18- Polysaccharide Protection: How Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Survives an Antibiotic Attack
Journal Article
Jogia, W, Maurice, CF
2019 Cell Metabolism (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

17- Multidisciplinarity in Microbiome Research: A Challenge and Opportunity to Rethink Causation, Variability, and Scale
Journal Article
Amato, KR, Maurice, CF, Guillemin, K, Giles-Vernick, T
2019 BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

16- Bacteriophages: Uncharacterized and Dynamic Regulators of the Immune System
Journal Article
Sinha, A, Maurice, CF
2019 Mediators of Inflammation (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

15- The Mammalian Gut as a Matchmaker
Journal Article
Khan Mirzaei, M, Maurice, CF
2017 Cell Host and Microbe (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

14- Ménage à trois in the human gut: Interactions between host, bacteria and phages
Journal Article
Mirzaei, MK, Maurice, CF
2017 Nature Reviews Microbiology (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

13- Mockrobiota: A public resource for microbiome bioinformatics benchmarking
Journal Article
Bokulich, NA, Rideout, JR, Mercurio, WG, Shiffer, A, Wolfe, B, Maurice, CF, Dutton, RJ, Turnbaugh, PJ, Knight, R, Caporaso, JG
2016 mSystems (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

12- The complex interplay of diet, xenobiotics, and microbial metabolism in the gut: Implications for clinical outcomes
Journal Article
Taguer, M, Maurice, CF
2016 Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

11- Marked seasonal variation in the wild mouse gut microbiota
Journal Article
Maurice, CF, Cl Knowles, S, Ladau, J, Pollard, KS, Fenton, A, Pedersen, AB, Turnbaugh, PJ
2015 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

10- Rapid fucosylation of intestinal epithelium sustains host-commensal symbiosis in sickness
Journal Article
Pickard, JM, Maurice, CF, Kinnebrew, MA, Abt, MC, Schenten, D, Golovkina, TV, Bogatyrev, SR, Ismagilov, RF, Pamer, EG, Turnbaugh, PJ, Chervonsky, AV
2014 Nature (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

9- Diet rapidly and reproducibly alters the human gut microbiome
Journal Article
David, LA, Maurice, CF, Carmody, RN, Gootenberg, DB, Button, JE, Wolfe, BE, Ling, AV, Devlin, AS, Varma, Y, Fischbach, MA, Biddinger, SB, Dutton, RJ, Turnbaugh, PJ
2014 Nature (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

8- Xenobiotics and the active gut microbiome: Unknown effects unveiled
Journal Article
Maurice, CF
2013 Medecine/Sciences (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

7- Quantifying the metabolic activities of human-associated microbial communities across multiple ecological scales
Journal Article
Maurice, CF, Turnbaugh, PJ
2013 FEMS Microbiology Reviews (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

6- Linking the lytic and lysogenic bacteriophage cycles to environmental conditions, host physiology and their variability in coastal lagoons
Journal Article
Maurice, CF, Bouvier, C, De Wit, R, Bouvier, T
2013 Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

5- Xenobiotics shape the physiology and gene expression of the active human gut microbiome
Journal Article
Maurice, CF, Haiser, HJ, Turnbaugh, PJ
2013 Cell (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

4- Quantifying and identifying the active and damaged subsets of indigenous microbial communities
Unsupported: Serial (Book, Monograph)
Maurice, CF, Turnbaugh, PJ
2013 Methods in Enzymology (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

2- Disentangling the relative influence of bacterioplankton phylogeny and metabolism on lysogeny in reservoirs and lagoons
Journal Article
Maurice, CF, Mouillot, D, Bettarel, Y, De Wit, R, Sarmento, H, Bouvier, T
2011 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2019-10-17)

1- Seasonal variations of phage life strategies and bacterial physiological states in three northern temperate lakes
Journal Article
Maurice, CF, Bouvier, T, Comte, J, Guillemette, F, del Giorgio, PA
2010 Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2019-10-17)