Lilian Lopez Leyva

McGill University
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Corinne Maurice
Start: 2020-09-02
End: 2025-01-17


The Human Milk Microbiome and its Association with milk minerals and Infant Growth in a Mam-Mayan Community.
The relationship between micronutrients and microbiome has been studied in the gut but not in milk. Presently, there is a significant gap in the scientific literature with regarding the association of milk minerals, and the milk microbiome with their collective impact on infant growth. This research aims to fill this gap by addressing: 1) the role of minerals on milk microbiome; and 2) the effect of milk microbiome variations, due to mineral, composition, in infant growth.


Milk Microbiome, 16s rRNA sequencing , Microbial diversity, Milk minerals, Infant growth


1- Distinct Changes Occur in the Human Breast Milk Microbiome Between Early and Established Lactation in Breastfeeding Guatemalan Mothers
Gonzalez, Emmanuel, Nicholas J. B. Brereton, Chen Li, Lilian Lopez Leyva, Noel W. Solomons, Luis B. Agellon, Marilyn E. Scott, Kristine G. Koski
2021 Frontiers in Microbiology

2- Emerging frontiers in human milk microbiome research and suggested primers for 16S rRNA gene analysis
Lopez Leyva, Lilian, Nicholas J.B. Brereton, Kristine G. Koski
2021 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal

3- Human Milk Microbiota in an Indigenous Population Is Associated with Maternal Factors, Stage of Lactation, and Breastfeeding Practices
Lopez Leyva, Lilian, Emmanuel Gonzalez, Chen Li, Tamara Ajeeb, Noel W Solomons, Luis B Agellon, Marilyn E Scott, Kristine G Koski
2021 Current Developments in Nutrition

4- Human milk microbiome is shaped by breastfeeding practices
Lopez Leyva, Lilian, Emmanuel Gonzalez, Noel W. Solomons, Kristine G. Koski
2022 Frontiers in Microbiology