Pierre-Luc Chagnon

Scientific researcher,
Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada

E-mail: pierre-luc.chagnon@agr.gc.ca
Institution page
Personal page


  • Doctorat, Ph.D. Écologie, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015
  • Baccalauréat, B.Sc. Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009

  • Research

    My research gravitates around community ecology, plant ecology, mycorrhizal symbioses and soil fungi. I am interested in untangling the drivers of symbiotic, bipartite community assembly, with a focus on network-based mathematical tools to quantify their structural patterns. Using mycorrhizal symbioses as a model system, and network-based approaches as a tool, my aims are to (1) advance our understanding of this widespread and ecologically significant symbiosis and (2) provide empirical tests for theory related to assembly and dynamics of ecological networks. I thus see my research as one displaying a happy mix of question-based and system-based approaches (i.e. system-based research anchored by a strong theoretical background).

    QCBS students

    Elisa Bussing Hudon

    (Start: 2024, End: 2026)
    Influence of Soil Mineralogy on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Carbon Sequestration

    Previous students (since 2009)


    (Start: 2018, End: 2023)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Jacques Brisson
    Revégétaliser les sols mis à nu pour limiter l’établissement des espèces indésirables

    Rana Bali

    (Start: 2018, End: 2020)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Mohamed Hijri
    The effect of compost tea use on microbial diversity of recently disturbed soils and field crop yields

    Antoine Hénault

    (Start: 2019, End: 2021)
    Structure des communautés de champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires sur les toits verts et leur effet sur les services écosystémiques.

    Émilie Seyer-Lamontagne

    Other (co-)supervisor: Julie Messier, Université Waterloo
    (Start: 2019, End: 2021)
    Determination of ectomycorrhizal communities' functional diversity by profiling their enzymatic activities

    Rana Bali

    (Start: 2018, End: 2020)
    Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Mohamed Hijri
    mycorrhizal fungi and their traits in agricultural environments

    Examples of species studied



    44- Willow traits outperform taxonomy in predicting phytoremediation services
    Journal Article
    Gervais-Bergeron B , Chagnon P , Labrecque M ,
    2024 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2024-10-19)

    43- Partial least squares regression to explore and predict environmental data
    Book Book Chapter
    Matteau J , Chagnon P , Célicourt P ,
    2024 Intelligence Systems for Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences: Methods, Models and Applications (Date Added: 2024-10-06)

    42- Arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal tree seedling growth is inhibited by competition from neighboring roots and associated fungal hyphae
    Journal Article
    Parasquive V , Brisson J , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
    2024 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2024-06-05)

    41- Resistance against tree encroachment is driven by richness and identity of herbaceous resident speces
    Journal Article
    Trejo‐Pérez R , Chagnon P , Boivin P , Brisson J ,
    2024 Applied Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2024-05-26)

    40- Prairie restoration promotes the abundance and diversity of mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    MacColl K A , Tosi M , Chagnon P , MacDougall A S , Dunfield K E , Maherali H ,
    2024 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2024-05-21)

    39- Interplay of biotic and abiotic factors shapes tree seedling growth and root-associated microbial communities
    Journal Article
    Chamard J , Faticov M , Blanchet F G , Chagnon P , Laforest-Lapointe I ,
    2024 Communications Biology (Date Added: 2024-03-28)

    38- Contrasted root trait responses between saplings of an arbuscular and an ectomycorrhizal tree species in open field compared to forest conditions
    Journal Article
    Parasquive V , Brisson J , Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
    2023 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2023-06-18)

    37- Trace element hyperaccumulator plant traits: a call for trait data collection
    Journal Article
    Gervais-Bergeron B , Paul A L D , Chagnon P , Baker A J M , van der Ent A , Faucon M , Quintela-Sabarís C , Labrecque M ,
    2023 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2023-05-01)

    36- Structure and impact of root-associated fungi in treatment wetland mesocosms
    Journal Article
    Tondera K , Chazarenc F , Brisson J , Chagnon P ,
    2023 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2023-01-03)

    35- Advancing mycorrhizal trait-based ecology using both pure cultures and community-level traits
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P ,
    2022 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2022-12-16)

    34- Stressful, isolated, yet diverse: Green roofs have rich microbiomes that are not dominated by oligotrophic taxa
    Journal Article
    Hénault A , Heim A , Brisson J , Dagenais D , De Bellis T , Chagnon P ,
    2022 Environmental Microbiology Reports (Date Added: 2022-09-15)

    33- Phylogenetic structure of specialization: A new approach that integrates partner availability and phylogenetic diversity to quantify biotic specialization in ecological networks
    Journal Article
    Pardo‐De la Hoz C J , Medeiros I D , Gibert J P , Chagnon P , Magain N , Miadlikowska J , Lutzoni F ,
    2022 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-04-13)

    32- Trait-based and phylogenetic filtering of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under long-term agricultural practices
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P , Bradley R L , Lafond J , Paré M C , Penaud V ,
    2021 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2021-11-26)

    31- Willow aboveground and belowground traits can predict phytoremediation services
    Journal Article
    Gervais-Bergeron B , Chagnon P , Labrecque M ,
    2021 Plants (Date Added: 2021-09-12)

    30- Fresh compost tea application does not change rhizosphere soil bacterial community structure, and has no effects on soybean growth or yield
    Journal Article
    Bali R , Pineault J , Chagnon P , Hijri M ,
    2021 Plants (Date Added: 2021-08-19)

    29- Bioaugmentation of treatment wetlands – A review
    Journal Article
    Tondera K , Chazarenc F , Chagnon P , Brisson J ,
    2021 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2021-03-06)

    28- Host identity influences nuclear dynamics in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    Kokkoris V , Chagnon P , Yildirir G , Clarke K , Goh D , MacLean A M , Dettman J , Stefani F , Corradi N ,
    2021 Current Biology (Date Added: 2021-03-06)

    27- Boreal forest multifunctionality is promoted by low soil organic matter content and high regional bacterial biodiversity in Northeastern Canada
    Journal Article
    Giguère-Tremblay R , Laperriere G , de Grandpré A , Morneault A , Bisson D , Chagnon P , Germain H , Maire V ,
    2020 Forests (Date Added: 2020-03-22)

    26- Mycorrhizal network assembly in a community context: The presence of neighbours matters
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P , Bradley R L , Klironomos J N ,
    2019 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2019-07-21)

    25- Species diversification and phylogenetically constrained symbiont switching generated high modularity in the lichen genus Peltigera
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P , Magain N , Miadlikowska J , Lutzoni F ,
    2019 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2019-07-10)

    24- Apatite stimulates the deposition of glomalin-related soil protein in a lowbush blueberry commercial field
    Journal Article
    Paré M , Chagnon P , Plourde J , Legendre-Guillemin V ,
    2019 Agriculture (Switzerland) (Date Added: 2019-04-23)

    23- Strong specificity and network modularity at a very fine phylogenetic scale in the lichen genus Peltigera
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P L , Magain N , Miadlikowska J , Lutzoni F ,
    2018 Oecologia (Date Added: 2018-05-25)

    22- The role of mycorrhizal symbioses in phytotechnology
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P , Brisson J ,
    2017 Botany (Date Added: 2017-11-19)

    21- Soil biotic quality lacks spatial structure and is positively associated with fertility in a northern grassland
    Journal Article
    Chagnon P , Brown C , Stotz G C , Cahill J F ,
    2017 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2017-09-28)

    20- Plant communities and soil properties mediate agricultural land use impacts on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the Mixed Prairie ecoregion of the North American Great Plains
    Journal Article
    Bainard L , Chagnon P , Cade-Menun B , Lamb E , LaForge K , Schellenberg M , Hamel C ,
    2017 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Date Added: 2017-09-23)

    18- Interaction type influences ecological network structure more than local abiotic conditions: evidence from endophytic and endolichenic fungi at a continental scale
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, U’Ren, JM, Miadlikowska, J, Lutzoni, F, Elizabeth Arnold, A
    2016 Oecologia (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    17- Mycorrhizas across scales: A journey between genomics, global patterns of biodiversity and biogeochemistry
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Rineau, F, Kaiser, C
    2016 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    16- Seeing networks for what they are in mycorrhizal ecology
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L
    2016 Fungal Ecology (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    15- Glomeromycetes from the magdalen islands archipelago: Analyzing diversity and meta-community structure in a sand-dune ecosystem
    Journal Article
    Dalpé, Y, Séguin, S, Chagnon, P-L
    2016 Botany (Date Added: 2017-02-13)

    14- Increased seedling establishment via enemy release at the upper elevational range limit of sugar maple
    Journal Article
    Urli, M, Brown, CD, Perez, RN, Chagnon, P-L, Vellend, M
    2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-11-23)

    13- Using molecular biology to study mycorrhizal fungal community ecology: Limits and perspectives
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bainard, LD
    2015 Plant Signaling & Behavior (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

    12- Trait-based partner selection drives mycorrhizal network assembly
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bradley, RL, Klironomos, JN
    2015 Oikos (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    11- Navigating the labyrinth: A guide to sequence-based, community ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    Hart, MM, Aleklett, K, Chagnon, P-L, Egan, C, Ghignone, S, Helgason, T, Lekberg, Y, Öpik, M, Pickles, BJ, Waller, L
    2015 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    10- Characterizing topology of ecological networks along gradients: The limits of metrics' standardization
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L
    2015 Ecological Complexity (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    9- The relative importance of host vigor and hormonal response to pathogens in controlling the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bradley, RL
    2015 Soil Biology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    8- Ecological and evolutionary implications of hyphal anastomosis in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L
    2014 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    7- Is root DNA a reliable proxy to assess arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure?
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bainard, LD
    2014 Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    6- Plant-fungal symbioses as ecological networks: The need to characterize more than just interaction patterns
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, PL, Bradley, RL, Klironomos, JN
    2014 Fungal Ecology (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    5- A trait-based framework to understand life history of mycorrhizal fungi
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bradley, RL, Maherali, H, Klironomos, JN
    2013 Trends in Plant Science (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    3- Using ecological network theory to evaluate the causes and consequences of arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bradley, RL, Klironomos, JN
    2012 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    2- On the use of sodium hexametaphosphate to extract spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from soil
    Journal Article
    Chagnon, P-L, Bradley, RL
    2011 Soil Biology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2017-03-29)

    1- Nitrous oxide production and potential denitrification in soils from riparian buffer strips: Influence of earthworms and plant litter
    Journal Article
    Bradley, RL, Whalen, J, Chagnon, P-L, Lanoix, M, Alves, MC
    2011 Applied Soil Ecology (Date Added: 2017-03-29)