Valérie Fournier
Professeur titulaire,Université Laval
Département de Phytologie
Courriel: valerie.fournier@fsaa.ulaval.ca
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RechercheProjets de recherche liés aux enjeux du déclin des pollinisateurs et de leur conservation en milieu agricole. En grandes cultures : impacts des semences traitées aux insecticides néonicotinoïdes sur les populations d’abeilles sauvages et domestiques et impacts de la diversification des bandes riveraines sur les pollinisateurs.Étudiants CSBQAmélie MorinPh.D. Ana María Quiroga ArcilaPh.D. Thomas VinatierPh.D. Frédéric McCuneMembre employé(e) / Employed member Jordanne JacquesM.Sc. Kévin MatteM.Sc. Lydia Millette-St-HilaireM.Sc. Michael TremblayM.Sc. Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)Mathilde TissierPostdoctoral fellow Phanie BonneauPh.D. Sandra Flores-MejiaPh.D. Amélie GervaisPh.D. Martine BernierM.Sc. Virginie BernierM.Sc. Phanie BonneauM.Sc. Mathilde BouchardM.Sc. Morgane CanovasM.Sc. Léonie Carignan-GuillemetteM.Sc. Aurélie DemersM.Sc. Patricia DenisM.Sc. Isabelle DroletM.Sc. Andréa DuclosM.Sc. laurence fleuryM.Sc. Melissa GirardM.Sc. Valentine GlausM.Sc. Anaïs GrenierM.Sc. Marianne Lamontagne-DroletM.Sc. Anne LeboeufM.Sc. Émilie LemaireM.Sc. Sandrine Lemaire-HamelM.Sc. Marine MarelM.Sc. Frédéric McCuneM.Sc. Kim MenardM.Sc. Joseph Moisan de SerresM.Sc. Mélanie Normandeau BonneauM.Sc. Étienne NormandinM.Sc. Stéphanie PatenaudeM.Sc. Amélie QuesnelM.Sc. Sabrina RondeauM.Sc. Andrée RousseauM.Sc. Olivier Samson-RobertM.Sc. Olivier SlupikM.Sc. Ève TherriaultM.Sc. Implication au sein du CSBQThèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinentsExemples d'espèces étudiéesHomalodisca vitripennis Hemiptera Cicadellidae Acari Eriophyidae Homoptera Aethina tumida Coleoptera Nitidulidae Apis mellifera Hymenoptera Apidae Diptera Laelapidae Varroidae Mesostigmata Aphididae Aleyrodidae Rosaceae Vaccinium angustifolium Tarsonemidae Phytoseiidae Ericaceae Drosophilidae Bombus impatiens Drosophila suzukii Lepidoptera Tortricidae Frankliniella Thysanoptera Thripidae Publications77- Land Use Change Consistently Reduces α- But Not β- and γ-Diversity of Bees Journal Article Tsang T P N , De Santis A A A , Armas‐Quiñonez G , Ascher J S , Ávila‐Gómez E S , Báldi A , Ballare K M , Balzan M V , Banaszak‐Cibicka W , Bänsch S , Basset Y , Bates A J , Baumann J M , Beal‐Neves M , Bennett A , Bezerra A D M , Blochtein B , Bommarco R , Brosi B , Burkle L A , Carvalheiro L G , Castellanos I , Cely‐Santos M , Cohen H , Coulibaly D , Cunningham S A , Cusser S , Dajoz I , Delaney D A , Del‐Val E , Egerer M , Eichhorn M P , Enríquez E , Entling M H , Escobedo‐Kenefic N , Ferreira P M A , Fitch G , Forrest J R K , Fournier V , Fowler R , Freitas B M , Gaines‐Day H R , Geslin B , Ghazoul J , Glaum P , Gonzalez‐Andujar J L , González‐Chaves A , Grab H , Gratton C , Guenat S , Gutiérrez‐Chacón C , Hall M A , Hanley M E , Hass A , Hennig E I , Hermy M , Hipólito J , Holzschuh A , Hopfenmüller S , Hung K J , Hylander K , Izquierdo J , Jamieson M A , Jauker B , Javorek S , Jha S , Klatt B K , Kleijn D , Klein A , Kovács‐Hostyánszki A , Krauss J , Kuhlmann M , Landaverde‐González P , Latty T , Leong M , Lerman S B , Liu Y , Machado A C P , Main A , Mallinger R , Mandelik Y , Marques B F , Matteson K , McCune F , Meng L , Metzger J P , Montoya‐Pfeiffer P M , Morales C , Morandin L , Morrison J , Mudri‐Stojnić S , Nalinrachatakan P , Norfolk O , Otieno M , Park M G , Philpott S M , Pisanty G , Plascencia M , Potts S G , Power E F , Prendergast K , Quistberg R D , de Lacerda Ramos D , Rech A R , Reynolds V , Richards M H , Roberts S P M , Sabatino M , Samnegård U , Sardiñas H , Sánchez‐Echeverría K , Saturni F T , Scheper J , Sciligo A R , Sidhu C S , Spiesman B J , Sritongchuay T , Steffan‐Dewenter I , Stein K , Stewart A B , Stout J C , Taki H , Tangtorwongsakul P , Threlfall C G , Tinoco C F , Tscharntke T , Turo K J , Vaidya C , Vandame R , Vergara C H , Viana B F , Vides‐Borrell E , Warrit N , Webb E , Westphal C , Wickens J B , Williams N M , Williams N S G , Wilson C J , Wu P , Youngsteadt E , Zou Y , Ponisio L C , Bonebrake T C , 2025 Global change biology (Date Added: 2025-01-17) 76- Towards sustainable agricultural landscapes: Lessons from an interdisciplinary research-based framework applied to the Saint Lawrence floodplain Journal Article , 2024 Basic and Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2025-02-18) 75- Towards sustainable agricultural landscapes: Lessons from an interdisciplinary research-based framework applied to the Saint Lawrence floodplain Journal Article , 2024 Basic and Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2025-02-18) 74- Towards sustainable agricultural landscapes: Lessons from an interdisciplinary research-based framework applied to the Saint Lawrence floodplain Journal Article , 2024 Basic and Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2025-02-18) 73- Steam Treatment Controls Cyclamen Mite (Phytonemus pallidus) Without Compromising Strawberry Plant Survival, Growth and Yield Journal Article Pate E , Fournier V , Hallett R H , Renkema J M , 2024 International Journal of Fruit Science (Date Added: 2024-11-24) 72- Leafhoppers as markers of the impact of climate change on agriculture Journal Article Plante N , Durivage J , Brochu A , Dumonceaux T , Almeida Santos A , Torres D , Bahder B , Kits J , Dionne A , Légaré J , Tellier S , McCune F , Goulet C , Fournier V , Pérez-López E , 2024 Cell Reports Sustainability (Date Added: 2024-09-27) 71- Assessing the contribution of lawns and semi-natural meadows to bee, wasp, and flower fly communities across different landscapes Journal Article Cloutier S , Mendes P , Cimon-Morin J , Pellerin S , Fournier V , Poulin M , 2024 Urban Ecosystems (Date Added: 2024-03-12) 70- Leafhoppers as vectors of phytoplasma diseases in Canadian berry crops: a review in the face of climate change Journal Article Almeida Santos A , Jacques J , Plante N , Fournier V , Pérez-López E , 2024 Annals of the Entomological Society of America (Date Added: 2024-01-31) 69- FECAL SAMPLING PROTOCOL TO ASSESS BUMBLE BEE HEALTH IN CONSERVATION RESEARCH Journal Article Tissier M L , Blair C , MacKell S , Adler L S , MacIvor J S , Bergeron P , Callaghan C , Labrie G , Colla S , Fournier V , 2023 Journal of Pollination Ecology (Date Added: 2024-06-24) 68- Syrphid fly response to urban heat islands varies with functional traits Journal Article , 2023 Journal of Insect Conservation (Date Added: 2024-02-08) 67- Syrphid fly response to urban heat islands varies with functional traits Journal Article , 2023 Journal of Insect Conservation (Date Added: 2024-02-08) 66- Large Remaining Forest Habitat Patches Help Preserve Wild Bee Diversity in Cultivated Blueberry Bush Journal Article , 2023 Diversity (Date Added: 2024-02-08) 65- Strawberry fields forever: Flower-inhabiting thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) communities and their spatial interactions in strawberry agroecosystems in Québec, Canada, with first mention of pest Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) Journal Article Canovas M , Guay J , Fournier V , Cloutier C , 2023 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2023-11-08) 64- Control of Phytonemus pallidus (Acari:Tarsonemidae) from strawberry transplants using controlled atmosphere temperature treatment Journal Article Bernier V , Lefebvre N , Khelifi M , Renkema J , Fournier V , 2023 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2023-11-04) 63- Combining community science and taxonomist expertise for large-scale monitoring of insect pollinators: Perspective and insights from Abeilles citoyennes Journal Article Rondeau, S, Gervais, A, Leboeuf, A, Drapeau Picard, A-P, Larrivée, M, Fournier, V 2023 Conservation Science and Practice (Date Added: 2023-09-19) 62- Early pest detection in cannabis plants with multispectral imaging: artificial intelligence and machine learning Conference Proceeding Conference Paper Si Ahmed A , Tchang S P , McCune F , Eaves J , Fournier V , Maldague X , 2023 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (Date Added: 2023-08-20) 61- Pest thrips do not set field margins aside: preferred wildflowers sustain pest Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and their migration in commercial strawberry Journal Article Canovas M , Guay J , Fournier V , Cloutier C , 2023 Arthropod-Plant Interactions (Date Added: 2023-04-16) 60- Nontarget impacts of insecticide-based population control of eastern spruce budworm (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on nontarget caterpillar communities and parasitism Journal Article Glaus V , Nisole A , Edwards S , Bélanger S , Johns R C , Djoumad A , Cusson M , Fournier V , Martel V , 2023 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2023-03-05) 59- Wild host fruit-niche diversity of Drosophila suzukii in lowbush blueberry agroecosystems in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec, Canada Journal Article Guay J , Champagne-Cauchon W , Fournier V , Cloutier C , 2023 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2023-01-23) 58- Host Range and Phenology of Sugarcane Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Natural Enemy Community in Sorghum in Haiti Journal Article Exilien R , Brodeur J , Fournier V , Martini X , 2022 Journal of economic entomology (Date Added: 2023-01-04) 57- Response of bee and hoverfly populations to a land-use gradient in a Quebec floodplain Journal Article Slupik O , McCune F , Watson C , Proulx R , Fournier V , 2022 Journal of Insect Conservation (Date Added: 2022-11-17) 56- First evidence of the occurrence of a putative new subgroup of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ (16SrI) associated with strawberry green petal disease in Quebec, Canada Journal Article Plante N , Brochu A , Goulet C , Thibault P , Fournier V , Pérez‐López E , 2021 New Disease Reports (Date Added: 2022-03-30) 55- Insecticidal effect of Bacillus pumilus PTB180 and Bacillus subtilis PTB185 used alone and in combination against the foxglove aphid and the melon aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Journal Article Kahia M , Nguyen T T A , McCune F , Naasz R , Antoun H , Fournier V , 2021 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2022-03-30) 54- Landscape enhancements in apple orchards: Higher bumble bee queen species richness, but no effect on apple quality Journal Article Gervais A , Bélisle M , Mazerolle M J , Fournier V , 2021 Insects (Date Added: 2021-06-10) 53- Overwintering survival of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in temperature regimes emulating partly protected winter conditions in a cold-temperate climate of Québec, Canada Journal Article Cloutier C , Guay J , Champagne-Cauchon W , Fournier V , 2021 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2021-04-01) 52- Supplying honey bees with waterers: a precautionary measure to reduce exposure to pesticides Journal Article McCune F , Samson-Robert O , Rondeau S , Chagnon M , Fournier V , 2021 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Date Added: 2021-01-22) 51- Landscape composition and local floral resources influence foraging behavior but not the size of Bombus impatiens Cresson (Hymenoptera: Apidae) workers Journal Article , 2020 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2020-12-03) 50- Commercial bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) hives under exclusion netting systems for apple pollination in orchards Journal Article Normandeau Bonneau M , Samson-Robert O , Fournier V , Chouinard G , 2020 Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (Date Added: 2020-11-10) 49- Agricultural landscape composition affects the development and life expectancy of colonies of Bombus impatiens Journal Article Gervais A , Fournier V , Bélisle M , 2020 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2020-08-06) 48- Diversity and nutritional value of pollen harvested by honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies during lowbush blueberry and cranberry (Ericaceae) pollination Journal Article Dufour C , Fournier V , Giovenazzo P , 2020 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2020-06-05) 47- Phenology and spatial distribution of spotted-wing drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in lowbush blueberry (Ericaceae) in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec, Canada Journal Article Champagne-Cauchon W , Guay J , Fournier V , Cloutier C , 2020 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2020-06-05) 46- The impact of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) and cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) pollination on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony health status Journal Article Dufour C , Fournier V , Giovenazzo P , 2020 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2020-02-03) 45- Cyclamen mite (Acari: Tarsonemidae) monitoring in eastern Canada strawberry (Rosaceae) fields and its potential control by the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Acari: Phytoseiidae) Journal Article Patenaude S , Tellier S , Fournier V , 2019 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2020-02-03) 44- Evaluation of Various Sources of Viral Infection in Strawberry Fields of Quebec, Canada Journal Article Bonneau P , Hogue R , Tellier S , Fournier V , 2019 Journal of economic entomology (Date Added: 2019-12-20) 43- Response of wild bee communities to beekeeping, urbanization, and flower availability Journal Article McCune F , Normandin , 2019 Urban Ecosystems (Date Added: 2019-11-22) 42- The Impacts of Two Protein Supplements on Commercial Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Colonies Journal Article Lamontagne-Drolet M , Samson-Robert O , Giovenazzo P , Fournier V , 2019 Journal of Apicultural Research (Date Added: 2019-08-14) 41- Ability of muscidifurax raptorellus and other parasitoids and predators to control drosophila suzukii populations in raspberries in the laboratory Journal Article Bonneau P , Renkema J , Fournier V , Firlej A , 2019 Insects (Date Added: 2019-05-18) 40- Flight phenology and trap selection for monitoring potential viral vector Aphididae and Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera) in strawberry (Rosaceae) fields of Québec, Canada Journal Article Bonneau P , Brisson J D , Tellier S , Fournier V , 2019 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2019-05-12) 39- The Use of the Predatory Mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) to Control Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in Honey Bee Colonies in Early and Late Fall Journal Article Rondeau S , Giovenazzo P , Fournier V , 2019 Journal of economic entomology (Date Added: 2019-04-09) 38- Biodiversity of lepidopteran pests and their parasitoids in organic and conventional cranberry crop Journal Article Drolet I , Guay J , Fournier V , Cloutier C , 2019 Biological Control (Date Added: 2019-01-01) 37- Risk assessment and predation potential of Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Acari: Laelapidae) to control Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in honey bees Journal Article Rondeau S , Giovenazzo P , Fournier V , 2018 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2018-12-16) 36- Diversity and pollen loads of flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in cranberry crops Journal Article Gervais A , Chagnon M , Fournier V , 2018 Annals of the Entomological Society of America (Date Added: 2018-12-05) 35- Comparison of three methods to multiply honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies Journal Article Maucourt, S, Fournier, V, Giovenazzo, P 2017 Apidologie (Date Added: 2018-05-14) 34- Assessing Wild Bee Biodiversity in Cranberry Agroenvironments: Influence of Natural Habitats Journal Article Gervais A , Fournier V , Sheffield C S , Chagnon M , 2017 Journal of economic entomology (Date Added: 2017-10-17) 33- Planting of neonicotinoid-coated corn raises honey bee mortality and sets back colony development Journal Article Samson-Robert O , Labrie G , Chagnon M , Fournier V , 2017 PeerJ (Date Added: 2017-08-25) 32- Chronic exposure to neonicotinoids reduces honey bee health near corn crops Journal Article Tsvetkov N , Samson-Robert O , Sood K , Patel H S , Malena D A , Gajiwala P H , Maciukiewicz P , Fournier V , Zayed A , 2017 Science (Date Added: 2017-07-24) 31- Performance of a tri-trophic food web under different climate change scenarios Journal Article Flores-Mejia S , Fournier V , Cloutier C , 2017 Food Webs (Date Added: 2017-06-17) 30- Taxonomic and functional trait diversity of wild bees in different urban settings Journal Article Normandin E , Vereecken N J , Buddle C M , Fournier V , 2017 PeerJ (Date Added: 2017-03-22) 29-Abreuvoirs pour abeilles : un moyen de mitiger le danger des contaminants agricoles accumulés dans les flaques d’eau? Report Fournier, VOS-R 2016 Rapport final réalisé dans le cadre du programme Prime-Vert ( Date Added: 2018-05-14) 28-Développement d’un outil de dépistage des insectes vecteurs de virus dans les fraisières Report Fournier, V 2016 Rapport final produit dans le cadre du Programme de subvention Innov’Action (volet 2) du MAPAQ ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 27-Essais d'un supplément nutritif pour prédateurs introduits en framboisiers sous grands tunnels combiné à la technique des plantes-réservoirs Report Fournier, V 2016 Rapport final réalisé dans le cadre du programme Prime-Vert ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 26- The influence of a parasitoid's response to temperature on the performance of a tri-trophic food web: Parasitoid's influence on food web performance Journal Article Flores-Mejia, S, Guay, J-FDR, Fournier, VR, Cloutier, C 2016 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2016-05-16) 25-Aménagement de l'agroenvironnement de la cannebergière en vue de favoriser le maintien, la protection et le renforcement des pollinisateurs indigènes Report Chagnon, M, A Gervais , Fournier, V, I Drolet , 2015 Rapport final réalisé dans le cadre du programme Prime-Vert ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 24-Perfectionnement de la lutte intégrée par l’étude taxonomique des ennemis naturels et des caractères influents à leur établissement en production de canneberge au Québec Report Drolet, I, J -F Guay , Fournier, V, C Cloutier , 2015 Rapport final présenté dans le cadre du Programme d’Appui à l’Innovation en Agroalimentaire (PSIA) du MAPAQ ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 23-Une méta-analyse pour le transfert d’avantages économiques des biens et services écosystémiques fournis par les milieux humides au Québec Book Chapter He, J, Fournier, R, Revéret, JP, Dupras, J, Théau, J, Boyer, JP 2015 Nature et économie : un regard sur les écosystèmes du Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-28) 22- Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) drone sperm quality in relation to age, genetic line, and time of breeding Journal Article Rousseau, A, Fournier, V, Giovenazzo, P 2015 The Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2015-11-09) 21- Increased Acetylcholinesterase Expression in Bumble Bees During Neonicotinoid-Coated Corn Sowing Journal Article Samson-Robert, O, Labrie, G, Mercier, P-L, Chagnon, M, Derome, N, Fournier, V 2015 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2015-08-17) 20-Évaluation de la pathogénicité d’une souche d’entomopathogène, Beauvaria bassiana, sur l’abeille domestique (Apidae : Apis mellifera) Report Normadin-Leclerc, E 2014 Rapport final réalisé dans le cadre du programme MITACS- Accélération ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 19- Temperature responses of a plant-insect system using a food-web performance approach Journal Article Flores-Mejia, S, Fournier, V, Cloutier, C 2014 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2014-12-16) 18- Neonicotinoid-Contaminated Puddles of Water Represent a Risk of Intoxication for Honey Bees Journal Article Samson-Robert, O, Labrie, G, Chagnon, M, Fournier, V 2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-12-15) 17- Influence of windbreaks and forest borders on abundance and species richness of native pollinators in lowbush blueberry fields in Québec, Canada Journal Article Moisan-DeSerres, J, Chagnon, M, Fournier, V 2014 The Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2014-12-04) 16- Dynamics of a headwater system and peatland under current conditions and with climate change: DYNAMICS OF A HEADWATER SYSTEM AND PEATLAND Journal Article Levison, J, Larocque, M, Fournier, V, Gagné, S, Pellerin, S, Ouellet, MA 2014 Hydrological Processes (Date Added: 2014-08-21) 15- Control of Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) using in-hive traps Journal Article Bernier, M, Fournier, V, Eccles, L, Giovenazzo, P 2014 The Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2014-07-08) 14- Pupal Development of <I>Aethina tumida</I> (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) in Thermo-Hygrometric Soil Conditions Encountered in Temperate Climates Journal Article Bernier, M, Fournier, V, Giovenazzo, P 2014 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2014-05-01) 13-Examen de l’influence de la diversité florale dans la mosaïque agricole des cultures de Vaccinium sur la performance des colonies d’Apis mellifera introduites Report Fournier, V 2013 Rapport final présenté dans le cadre du Programme d’Appui à l’Innovation en Agroalimentaire (PSIA) du MAPAQ ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 12-Identification des miels et des pollens canadiens et élaboration d’ouvrages de références palynologiques Report Girard M , VF 2013 Rapport final présenté dans le cadre du Programme Canadien d’Adaptation Agricole (PCAA) ( Date Added: 2016-08-16) 11- Pollen diversity collected by honey bees in the vicinity of Vaccinium spp. crops and its importance for colony development Journal Article Girard, M, Chagnon, M, Fournier, V 2012 Botany (Date Added: 2012-08-21) 10- Identifying the predator complex of Homalodisca vitripennis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae): A comparative study of the efficacy of an ELISA and PCR gut content assay Journal Article Fournier, V, Hagler, J, Daane, K, De León, J, Groves, R 2008 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 9- Development of molecular diagnostic markers for sharpshooters Homalodisca coagulata and Homalodisca liturata for use in predator gut content examinations Journal Article De León, JH, Fournier, V, Hagler, JR, Daane, KM 2006 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 8- Development and application of a glassy-winged and smoke-tree sharpshooter egg-specific predator gut content ELISA Journal Article Fournier, V, Hagler, JR, Daane, KM, De León, JH, Groves, RL, Costa, HS, Henneberry, TJ 2006 Biological Control (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 7- Multiple plant exploiters on a shared host: Testing for nonadditive effects on plant performance Journal Article Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Diez, JM, Johnson, MW 2006 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 6- Herbivore population suppression by an intermediate predator, Phytoseiulus macropilis, is insensitive to the presence of an intraguild predator: An advantage of small body size? Journal Article Rosenheim, JA, Limburg, DD, Colfer, RG, Fournier, V, Hsu, CL, Leonardo, TE, Nelson, EH 2004 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 5- Population dynamics and within-plant distribution of the mite Calacarus flagelliseta (Acari: Eriophyidae) on papaya in Hawaii Journal Article Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Johnson, MW 2004 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 4- Inducible responses in papaya: Impact on population growth rates of herbivorous mites and powdery mildew under field conditions Journal Article Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Johnson, MW 2004 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 3- Herbivorous mites as ecological engineers: Indirect effects on zarthropods inhabiting papaya foliage Journal Article Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Laney, LO, Johnson, MW 2003 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 2- The effect of heparin on motility parameters and protein phosphorylation during bovine sperm capacitation Journal Article Chamberland, A, Fournier, V, Tardif, S, Sirard, MA, Sullivan, R, Bailey, JL 2001 Theriogenology (Date Added: 2011-07-21) 1- Dose-response susceptibility of pest aphids (Homoptera: Ahididae) and their control on hydroponically grown lettuce with the entomopathogenic fungus Verticillium lecanii azadirachtin and insecticidal soap Journal Article Fournier, V, Brodeur, J 2000 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-07-21) Dans les médiaUn professeur de l'Université Laval reçoit 7 M$ pour réduire l’utilisation d’insecticides 2024-08-29 ne bourse pour veiller au maintien de la santé des abeilles 2022-09-15 Les cannebergières et bleuetières nocives pour les abeilles 2020-02-24 Abeilles domestiques et sauvages: la cohabitation urbaine est possible (Jean Hamann) 2020-01-23 L'effet économique du déclin des abeilles 2019-09-13 The Search For an Effective Way to Save Honeybees 2019-01-28 Mite Versus Mite: The Search For an Effective Way to Save Honeybees 2019-01-27 Les néonics (Fortin, Luc) 2018-05-21 Québec encadre l’utilisation des pesticides les plus à risque en milieu agricole 2018-02-19 Two New Studies Confirm Common Insecticide Weakens Honeybee Hives (Brose, Derrick) 2018-01-07 Percées scientifiques 2017: les abeilles ne font pas de philosophie (Cliche, Jean-Francois) 2017-12-27 Pesticides damage survival of bee colonies, landmark study shows 2017-07-06 Disparition des abeilles, enfin une explication ! (Giacomini, Sabrina) 2017-07-04 Semer le malheur (Hamann, Jean) 2017-07-03 La cause de la disparition des abeilles identifiée 2017-06-30 Les aînés ne sont pas seuls (Bacon, Réjean) 2016-09-28 L’abeille, au-delà du miel (Kinnard, Nathalie) 2016-09-01 Quebec domestic bee population rises, but beekeepers still want stricter pesticide rules (Plante, Caroline) 2016-07-03 cinq mots pour comprendre le miel 2016-05-01 Pas près de manquer d'abeilles, mais... (Jean-François Cliche) 2016-04-16 Le péril des abeilles 2015-04-00 Un nouveau printemps et saison meurtrière pour nos abeilles RDI International (Stephane Parent) 2014-04-14 Pollinisateurs sauvages à risque - Le même destin tragique que l’abeille domestique? Le Devoir (Chagnon, Madeleine; Gingras, Christine) 2013-06-20 Les pollinisateurs sauvages auront-ils le même destin tragique que l'abeille domestique ? La Soleil (Chagnon, Madeleine; Gingras, Christine) 2013-06-19 Semaine des pollinisateurs « Les néonicotinoïdes passent les abeilles à tabac : le gouvernement du Québec doit les interdire. » NatureQuébec 2013-06-18 Interdire les pesticides pour sauver les abeilles Radio-Canada.ca (Radio-Canada.ca, Zone Regions-) 2013-06-08 Protection des abeilles 2013-06-01 Le nouvel ennemi des abeilles - La Presse+ La Presse Plus (Côté, Charles) 2013-05-26 Les abeilles menacées par un pesticide omniprésent La Presse (Côté, Charles) 2013-05-26 |