One of the missions of the QCBS is to foster and promote world-class research and training programs in biodiversity science. Part of the learning experience is provided by formal courses and by a number of credited intensive courses offered by QCBS members.

 The QCBS intensive course grant program provides funds to QCBS grad students who wish to attend intensive courses offered by QCBS members. The objective of this award is to promote intensive courses offered by QCBS members and to facilitate graduate student access to these courses.


  • This award aims to improve the QCBS student access to credited intensive courses coordinated by QCBS members.
  • The intensive course coordinated by QCBS members must be registered in the QCBS intensive course database.
  • Students are limited to one award to attend an intensive course per academic year.


The award amounts cover a part of the non tuition fees requested to cover lodging and food expenses for the duration of the intensive course.

The list of intensive trainings concerned is available here.

Any information request and questions should be directed to



For the course to be registered

  • Should be a credited course organized by a QCBS member on a regular basis,
  • Held in one of the QCBS partner universities,
  • The course program should have been accepted by the QCBS scientific committee,
  • Preference will be given to courses organized by more than one geopole.

For the student to apply to the intensive course award

  • Be an active and full-time student in a QCBS partner university,
  • Be supervised by a QCBS coresearcher,
  • Be resident of Québec,
  • Be registered in the QCBS student database,
  • Be accepted for the course by the course coordinator.


QCBS coordinators of intensive courses can register their course twice a year as the scientific committee meets.

Obligations associated with the award

  • Course coordinators should make their association with the QCBS visible on their course documents,
  • Award recipients should allow QCBS to post information about the intensive course on the QCBS website, in accordance with publication regulations and other policies.

Award transfer

Award amounts are sent directly to the student’s supervisor. Students must produce a short financial report for the QCBS and are then reimbursed by their supervisor for the amount they paid.



To benefit from support to participate in an intensive course, you must send your file in a single PDF file (Last name_First name_Course title) including all the required documents to :

    • Cover letter (maximum 1 page / less than 400 words)
    • Contact information: Last name and first name, home institution, Number, mail address and telephone contact,
    • Title of the intensive course you have taken,
    • Proof of obtaining credits for this course,
    • Explain why your participation in this intensive course is important as part of your training.
    • Letter of support from your supervisor

The letter of support for your application should be written by your supervisor indicating that your plan to attend the course will intensify your supervisor’s support.

    • Most recent version of your CV
    • List of previous awards obtained from the QCBS

The list of awards you have obtained from the QCBS in past years, specifying the type of funds, the amount obtained and the date on which you obtained it.