Stéphanie Pellerin

Adjunct Professor,
Université de Montréal

Institut de recherche en biologie végétale
Institution page


My research projects aim to understand the influence of anthropic and natural disturbances likewise, the impact of climate change on plant dynamics and the biodiversity of wetlands. My approach to these ecological and multidisciplinary questions combines paleoecological techniques (macrofossil and pollen analysis), historical ecology (Analysis of aerial photographs by remote sensing and archived documents) and field ecology. The purpose of my research is to implement wetland management and to preserve plant diversity by increasing the understanding of ecological system dynamics.

QCBS students

Audréanne Loiselle

Other (co-)supervisor: Proulx, Raphael, UQTR
(Start: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Raphaël Proulx
Synergie et compromis entre les fonctions et services écologiques des milieux humides de bord de lac : Résilience aux changements globaux

Andréanne Beauchemin-Nadeau

Other (co-)supervisor: Michel Labrecque, Université de Montréal
(Start: 2021)
Évaluation des patrons de diversité végétale dans les sites de plantations de saules et de peupliers

Roxanne Gélinas- Lemay

(Start: 2020)
Les plantes exotiques ont-elles un effet homogénéisant dans les boisés urbains de la grande région métropolitaine de Montréal?

Chloé LeBlanc-Gagné

(Start: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Marie-Hélène Brice
Diversité végétale dans les pelouses en gestion différenciée

Previous students (since 2009)

Marianne Bachand

(Start: 2008, End: 2012)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Functional response of boreal vegetation to overabundance of large wild herbivores: the case of white-tailed deer on Anticosti Island (Quebec, Canada).
Personal page

Alexandre Bergeron

(Start: 2011, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Claude Lavoie
Distribution of native and exotic plants in urban forests: a comparative approach to diversity through space and time
Personal page

Gabriela Torchio

(Start: 2020, End: 2024)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Advancements in spatial planning of ecosystem services restoration in agricultural landscapes

Roxane Archambault-Vermette

(Start: 2018, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Julie Talbot
Identifying conditions favorable to the presence of exotic species in peatland laggs

Patricia Beauregard

Other (co-)supervisor: Martin Lavoie, Université Laval
(Start: 2015, End: 2017)
Dynamics of gray birch in peatlands of the Montérégie (Québec)

Marie-Pierre Beauvais

(Start: 2013, End: 2015)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Claude Lavoie
La conservation de la biodiversité végétale dans les territoires protégés en région périurbaine

Pierre-Alexandre Bergeron D'Aoust

(Start: 2019, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Plant diversity in highway detention basins

Daniel Blouin

(Start: 2015, End: 2016)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Homogénéisation spécifique et fonctionnelle de la flore spontanée en milieu urbain

Arnaud Boucheny

Other (co-)supervisor: Martin Lavoie (Université Laval)
(Start: 2012, End: 2014)
Impacts des activités humaines dynamique végétale des Tourbières de Lanoraie

Milène Courchesne

(Start: 2014, End: 2016)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Impacts of deer browsing on the plant diversity in peatlands

Laurent De Vriendt

(Start: 2012, End: 2014)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Impacts de l'isolement des tourbières sur la diversité phénotypique et génétique des populations de Platanthera blephariglottis du Québec.

Elise Deschenes

(Start: 2020, End: 2022)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Plant diversity patterns along multiple environmental gradients

Caroline Dubé

(Start: 2007, End: 2010)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Impacts des emprises de lignes électriques sur la diversité floristique des tourbières

Raphaëlle Dubois

Other (co-)supervisor: Raphaël Proulx, UQTR
(Start: 2018, End: 2019)
Déterminants de l'unicité des communautés floristiques des milieux humides lacustres dans une perspective de conservation

Maya Favreau

(Start: 2016, End: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Impact du phénomène de boisement des tourbières ombrotrophes sur la diversité spécifique et fonctionnelle végétale

Sylvain Gagné

Other (co-)supervisor: Larocque, Marie
(Start: 2007, End: 2010)
Échanges eau de surface – eau souterraine dans les cours d'eau de la zone de recharge du mont Covey Hill

Martin Genest

(Start: 2009, End: 2009)
Rétablissement du carex faux-lupulina

Julie L. Munger

Other (co-)supervisor: Brian McGill
(Start: 2011, End: 2017)
Indicator plant species of aquifer-peatland exchanges in Québec

Annabelle Langlois

(Start: 2014, End: 2016)
Factors influencing False Hop Sedge's population restauration success

Vincent Laroche

(Start: 2008, End: 2011)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Luc Brouillet
Impacts des activités humaines sur une orchidée tourbicole rare

Marie Le Mélédo

Other (co-)supervisor: Julien Blanc, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
(Start: 2012, End: 2014)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Danielle Dagenais
1 / Influence of Cultural Diversity on Biological Diversity in town ------ 2 / Project Landscape Architecture: ecological and food corridor
Personal page

Audréanne Loiselle

(Start: 2016, End: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Synergies and trade-offs among ecosystem functions and services of different types of lake-edge wetlands : Resilience to global changes
Link to thesis (pdf)

Samuel Martin

(Start: 2022, End: 2023)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Marie-Hélène Brice
Analyse comparative de la performance et des fonctions écologiques offertes par différents mélanges d'ensemencement dans des fosses de trottoir en milieu urbain

Chantale Moisan

(Start: 2009, End: 2011)
Impacts des activités humaines sur Arethusa bulbosa

Audrey Paquette

(Start: 2019, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Environments dynamics at the ‘’Base de plein air de Sainte-Foy’’ : Causes of floristic changes and retoration perspectives
Personal page

Léo Janne Paquin

(Start: 2016, End: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Impact de l’urbanisation sur la diversité et la composition floristique des milieux humides

Léo Janne Paquin

(Start: 2018, End: 2020)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Impact de l'urbanisation sur la diversité taxonomique et fonctionnelle des boisés urbains de l'agglomération de Québec

Salomé Pasquet

(Start: 2012, End: 2014)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Dynamique récente de deux tourbières de la Montérégie

Charlie Pichon

(Start: 2009, End: 2009)
Facteurs édaphiques favorisant la survie du carex faux-lupulina

Nicolas Pinceloup

(Start: 2016, End: 2019)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Patterns of flora diversity at large spatial scales.

Mélanie Primeau

(Start: 2022, End: 2024)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Marie-Hélène Brice
Effets of emerald ash borer on biodiversity and succession in urban forests.


(Start: 2016, End: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
The prediction of the presence of species (trees, shrubs and ferns) of wetlands

Jean-François Rioux

(Start: 2016, End: 2018)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Monique Poulin
Effet de la résolution spatiale des données de couverture des terres sur la cartographie des services écologiques urbains

Mathilde Robitaille

Other (co-)supervisor: David Pothier, Université Laval
(Start: 2022, End: 2024)
Influence of spruce budworm control on understory plant communities and on woodland caribou habitat

Aurélien Savoy

(Start: 2015, End: 2015)
Diversité taxonomique de la flore spontanée urbaine québécoise
Personal page

Youri Tendland

(Start: 2009, End: 2011)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Alain Cuerrier
Harvesting impact on survival and growth of two Cree medicinal plants, Sarracenia purpurea and Rhododendron groendlandicum in Northern Quebec.

Involvement within the QCBS

Examples of species studied

Carex echinodes
Arethusa bulbosa
Platanthera blephariglottis
Tachycineta bicolor
Betula populifolia
Rhododendron groenlandicum
Carex lupuliformis
Symplocarpus foetidus


106- Are Plant Communities of Roadside Stormwater Ponds Similar to those Found in Natural Wetlands?
Journal Article
D’Aoust P B , Vaillancourt M , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2024 Wetlands (Date Added: 2024-09-19)

105- Above and belowground carbon stocks among organic soil wetland types, accounting for peat bathymetry
Journal Article
Goyette J , Loiselle A , Mendes P , Cimon-Morin J , Pellerin S , Poulin M , Dupras J ,
2024 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2024-07-05)

104- The aesthetic value of natural vegetation remnants, city parks and vacant lots: The role of ecosystem features and observer characteristics
Journal Article
Mendes P , Goyette J , Cottet M , Cimon-Morin J , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2024 Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (Date Added: 2024-06-13)

103- Mosses and vascular plants show diverging diversity patterns along a latitudinal gradient in boreal bogs and fens
Journal Article
2024 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2024-05-27)

102- Assessing the contribution of lawns and semi-natural meadows to bee, wasp, and flower fly communities across different landscapes
Journal Article
Cloutier S , Mendes P , Cimon-Morin J , Pellerin S , Fournier V , Poulin M ,
2024 Urban Ecosystems (Date Added: 2024-03-12)

101- Using the ecosystem serviceshed concept in conservation planning for more equitable outcomes
Journal Article
Goyette J , Mendes P , Cimon-Morin J , Dupras J , Pellerin S , Rousseau A N , Poulin M ,
2024 Ecosystem Services (Date Added: 2024-02-12)

100- Linkages between plant functional diversity and soil-based ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban vacant lots
Journal Article
Mendes P , Bourgeois B , Pellerin S , Ziter C D , Cimon-Morin J , Poulin M ,
2024 Urban Ecosystems (Date Added: 2024-01-19)

99- The Contribution of the Montreal Botanical Garden to Plant Conservation
Book Book Chapter
Bailleul S , Cuerrier A , Joly S , Pellerin S , Labrecque M ,
2023 Botanical Gardens and Their Role in Plant Conservation: European and American Botanical Gardens, Volume 3 (Date Added: 2023-10-16)

98- Synergies and trade-offs among ecosystems functions and services for three types of lake-edge wetlands
Journal Article
Loiselle A , Proulx R , Larocque M , Pellerin S ,
2023 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2023-07-19)

97- Using plant community uniqueness and floristic quality assessment in management decision-making in an urban park setting
Journal Article
Paquette A , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2023 Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (Date Added: 2023-04-20)

96- A simple field method for estimating the mass of organic carbon stored in undisturbed wetland soils
Journal Article
2023 Mires and Peat (Date Added: 2023-03-27)

95- Setting Targets for Wetland Restoration to Mitigate Climate Change Effects on Watershed Hydrology
Journal Article
Goyette J , Savary S , Blanchette M , Rousseau A N , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2022 Environmental Management (Date Added: 2022-12-23)

94- Rapid Broadleave Encroachment in a Temperate Bog Induces Species Richness Increase and Compositional Turnover
Journal Article
Pellerin S , Lavoie M , Talbot J ,
2021 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2022-01-24)

93- A systematic conservation planning approach to maintaining ecosystem service provision in working landscapes
Journal Article
Cimon-Morin J , Goyette J , Mendes P , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2021 Facets (Date Added: 2021-11-08)

92- Resilience of lake-edge wetlands to water level changes in a southern boreal lake
Journal Article
2021 Wetlands Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2021-07-15)

91- Planning wetland protection and restoration for the safeguard of ecosystem service flows to beneficiaries
Journal Article
Goyette J , Cimon-Morin J , Mendes P , Thériault M , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2021 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2021-06-14)

90- Pollination ecology of Symplocarpus foetidus (Araceae) in a seasonally flooded bog in Québec, Canada
Journal Article
Barriault I , Barabé D , Cloutier L , Pellerin S , Gibernau M ,
2021 Botany Letters (Date Added: 2021-05-09)

89- Native plant turnover and limited exotic spread explain swamp biotic differentiation with urbanization
Journal Article
Paquin, LJ, Bourgeois, B, Pellerin, S, Alard, D, Poulin, M
2020 Applied Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2020-12-19)

88- Ecological uniqueness of plant communities as a conservation criterion in lake-edge wetlands
Journal Article
Dubois, R, Proulx, R, Pellerin, S
2020 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2020-03-17)

87- Vegetation changes in temperate ombrotrophic peatlands over a 35 year period
Journal Article
Pinceloup N , Poulin M , Brice M , Pellerin S ,
2020 PloS one (Date Added: 2020-02-24)

86- Impacts of urbanization and agricultural legacy on taxonomic and functional diversity in isolated wetlands
Journal Article
Loiselle A , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2019 Wetlands Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2019-11-20)

85- Increase in non-native species richness leads to biotic homogenization in vacant lots of a highly urbanized landscape
Journal Article
Blouin D , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2019 Urban Ecosystems (Date Added: 2019-09-21)

84- Recent Gray Birch (Betula populifolia) Encroachment in Temperate Peatlands of Eastern North America
Journal Article
Beauregard P , Lavoie M , Pellerin S ,
2019 Wetlands (Date Added: 2019-07-22)

83- How land cover spatial resolution affects mapping of urban ecosystem service flows
Journal Article
Rioux J , Cimon-Morin J , Pellerin S , Alard D , Poulin M ,
2019 Frontiers in Environmental Science (Date Added: 2019-07-16)

82- Changes in spatial structures of plant communities lead to functional homogenization in an urban forest park
Journal Article
Bergeron A , Lavoie C , Domon G , Pellerin S ,
2019 Applied Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2019-02-12)

81- Tree Encroachment Induces Biotic Differentiation in Sphagnum-Dominated Bogs
Journal Article
Favreau M , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2019 Wetlands (Date Added: 2019-01-16)

80- Chronic deer browsing leads to biotic homogenization of minerotrophic peatlands
Journal Article
Courchesne M , Pellerin S , Bachand M , Côté S D , Poulin M ,
2018 Botany (Date Added: 2018-08-14)

79-Mémoire présenté à la Commission des transports et de l’environnement, en vue des consultations particulières et des auditions publiques sur le projet de loi no 132
Lavallée, S, Poulin, M, Roberge P , Pellerin, S
2017 Loi concernant la conservation des milieux humides et hydriques ( Date Added: 2018-05-22)

78- La richesse floristique des friches du Parc national de Frontenac
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Duquesne, T, Omelczuk Walter, C, Pasquet, S
2017 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2018-05-18)

77-Évaluation de la qualité écologique des secteurs forestiers du Mont-Boullé de l’île Ste Hélène. Une analyse de la régénération forestière potentielle et de la présence des plantes envahissantes et à statut précaire
Pellerin, S, Cogliastro, A, magnoux, A
2017 ( Date Added: 2018-05-18)

76- La flore des tourbières de l’île d’Anticosti lorsque soustraite au broutement par le cerf de Virginie
Journal Article
Courchesne, M, Pellerin, S, Bachand, M, Côté, SD, Poulin, M
2017 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2018-05-18)

75- The role of hydrogeological setting in two Canadian peatlands investigated through 2D steady-state groundwater flow modelling
Journal Article
Quillet A , Larocque M , Pellerin S , Cloutier V , Ferlatte M , Paniconi C , Bourgault M ,
2017 Hydrological Sciences Journal (Date Added: 2017-11-15)

74- A simple germination protocol for ex situ propagation of the endangered Carex lupuliformis
Journal Article
Langlois A , Letendre J , Pellerin S ,
2017 Rhodora (Date Added: 2017-06-10)

73- Does urbanization lead to taxonomic and functional homogenization in riparian forests?
Journal Article
Brice M , Pellerin S , Poulin M ,
2017 Diversity and Distributions (Date Added: 2017-05-25)

72- Herbarium specimens as tools to assess the impact of large herbivores on plant species
Journal Article
Beauvais M , Pellerin S , Dubé J , Lavoie C ,
2017 Botany (Date Added: 2017-02-20)

71-Commentaires du Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec sur le projet de loi pour la conservation et l’utilisation durable des milieux humides et hydriques
Lavallée, S, S Pellerin, M Poulin, J Brisson, J Cimon-Morin, S De Blois, C Lavoie, C Roberge,
2016 Ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec ( Date Added: 2018-05-22)

70-D’hier à aujourd’hui : évolution de la flore dans un parc sous pression
Journal Article
Beauvais, A, Rivard, G, Pellerin, S
2016 Bulletin de conservation du réseau SÉPAQ 2015-2016 ( Date Added: 2018-05-18)

69-Aromates…Prêts ? Partez !
Magazine Article
Pellerin, S
2016 Quatre-Temps ( Date Added: 2018-05-18)

68-Dossier Plantes en péril : Question de s’y retrouver
Magazine Article
Pellerin, S
2016 Quatre-Temps ( Date Added: 2018-05-18)

67-Dossier Plantes en péril : Un portrait de famille
Magazine Article
Pellerin, S
2016 Quatre-Temps ( Date Added: 2018-05-18)

66- Population isolation shapes plant genetics, phenotype and germination in naturally patchy ecosystems
Journal Article
De Vriendt, L, Lemay, M-A, Jean, M, Renaut, S, Pellerin, S, Joly, S, Belzile, F, Poulin, M
2016 Journal of Plant Ecology (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

65- Recovery of the endangered false hop sedge: A ten-year study
Journal Article
Langlois A , Pellerin S ,
2016 Global Ecology and Conservation (Date Added: 2017-02-15)

64- Environmental filtering and spatial processes in urban riparian forests
Journal Article
Brice, M-H, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M, Vandvik, V
2016 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2016-08-04)

63- Strategies to restore floodplain vegetation after abandonment of human activities: Vegetation recovery along degraded riparian corridors
Journal Article
González, E, Masip, A, Tabacchi, E, Poulin, M
2016 Restoration Ecology (Date Added: 2016-08-04)

62- Inefficacy of wetland legislation for conserving Quebec wetlands as revealed by mapping of recent disturbances
Journal Article
Poulin, M, Pellerin, S, Cimon-Morin, J, Lavallée, S, Courchesne, G, Tendland, Y
2016 Wetlands Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2016-06-27)

61-Dynamique éco-hydrologique de la tourbière du Parc national du Mont Saint-Bruno
Pellerin, L
2016 Institut de recherche en biologie végétale ( Date Added: 2016-06-15)

60- The trade-off between clutch size and egg mass in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) is modulated by female body mass
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Paquette, SR, Pelletier, F, Garant, D, Bélisle, M
2016 Journal of Avian Biology (Date Added: 2016-03-07)

59- Recent Vegetation Dynamics and Hydrological Changes in Bogs Located in an Agricultural Landscape
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Lavoie, M, Boucheny, A, Larocque, M, Garneau, M
2016 Wetlands (Date Added: 2016-02-26)

58- Beta diversity declines while native plant species richness triples over 35years in a suburban protected area
Journal Article
Beauvais, M-P, Pellerin, S, Lavoie, C
2016 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2016-02-08)

57- Chemical and botanical indicators of groundwater inflow to Sphagnum-dominated peatlands
Journal Article
Larocque, M, Ferlatte, M, Pellerin, S, Cloutier, V, Munger, JL, Paniconi, C, Quillet, A
2016 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2016-02-08)

56-Plan de gestion du drainage de la tourbière de Mirabel.
Journal Article
Pellerin, P
2015 Transports Canada ( Date Added: 2016-06-15)

55-Projet d’acquisition de connaissance sur les eaux souterraines en Chaudière-Appalaches
Journal Article
Bourgeault, L
2015 Milieux humides de la zone du Chêne ( Date Added: 2016-06-15)

54- The palaeoecological record of gray birch (Betula populifolia Marshall) in eastern North America
Journal Article
Lavoie, Pellerin, S
2015 Botany (Date Added: 2016-06-15)

53- Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation history in the northern foothills of the Adirondack Mountains
Journal Article
Lavoie, M, Pellerin, S, Larocque, M, Bottollier-Curtet, M
2015 Écoscience (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

52- La tourbière relocalisée de l’île Notre-Dame : un exemple de mesure de compensation en avance sur son époque
Pellerin, S, Arricastres, V, Long-Raymond, L, Lavoie, M
2015 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2016-03-08)

51- Compositional and functional trajectories of herbaceous communities after deer density control in clear-cut boreal forests
Journal Article
Bachand, M, Pellerin, S, Tremblay, J-P, Côté, SD, Poulin, M
2015 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2015-06-15)

50- Ex situ germination as a method for seed viability assessment in a peatland orchid, Platanthera blephariglottis
Journal Article
Lemay, M-A, De Vriendt, L, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M
2015 American Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2015-03-30)

49- Global Boundary Lines of N2O and CH4 Emission in Peatlands
Book Chapter
Pärn, J, Aasa, A, Egorov, S, Filippov, I, Gabiri, G, Gheorghe, I, Järveoja, J, Kasak, K, Laggoun-Défarge, F, Luswata, CK, Maddison, M, Mitsch, WJ, Óskarsson, H, Pellerin, S, Salm, J-O, Sohar, K, Soosaar, K, Teemusk, A, Tenywa, MM, Villa, JA, Vohla, C, Mander, Ã
2015 The Role of Natural and Constructed Wetlands in Nutrient Cycling and Retention on the Landscape (Date Added: 2014-12-29)

48- Espèces végétales indicatrices des échanges d’eau entre tourbière et aquifère
Journal Article
Munger, JL, Pellerin, S, Larocque, M, Ferlatte, M
2014 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

47- Liana Distribution in Response to Urbanization in Temperate Forests
Journal Article
Brice, M-H, Bergeron, A, Pellerin, S
2014 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2015-05-25)

46- Aquifer–peatland connectivity in southern Quebec (Canada)
Journal Article
Ferlatte, M, Quillet, A, Larocque, M, Cloutier, V, Pellerin, S, Paniconi, C
2014 Hydrological Processes (Date Added: 2014-12-29)

45- Three decades of vegetation changes in peatlands isolated in an agricultural landscape
Journal Article
Pasquet, S, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M
2014 Applied Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2014-12-29)

Journal Article
Bergeron, A, Pellerin, S
2014 Phytoneuron (Date Added: 2014-12-29)

43- Dynamics of a headwater system and peatland under current conditions and with climate change: DYNAMICS OF A HEADWATER SYSTEM AND PEATLAND
Journal Article
Levison, J, Larocque, M, Fournier, V, Gagné, S, Pellerin, S, Ouellet, MA
2014 Hydrological Processes (Date Added: 2014-08-21)

42- Species indicators of ecosystem recovery after reducing large herbivore density: Comparing taxa and testing species combinations
Journal Article
Bachand, M, Pellerin, S, Côté, SD, Moretti, M, De Cáceres, M, Brousseau, P-M, Cloutier, C, Hébert, C, Cardinal, Ã, Martin, J-L, Poulin, M
2014 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2014-04-01)

41- Functional Responses and Resilience of Boreal Forest Ecosystem after Reduction of Deer Density
Journal Article
Bachand, M, Pellerin, S, Moretti, M, Aubin, I, Tremblay, J-P, Côté, SD, Poulin, M
2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-04-01)

40- Pteridophytes as indicators of urban forest integrity
Journal Article
Bergeron, A, Pellerin, S
2014 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2013-12-05)

39- Redécouverte du Carex echinodes (Cyperaceae) sur le territoire québécois
Journal Article
Bergeron, A, Charrier, M, Pellerin, S
2013 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

38-Modélisation hydrogéologique et modélisation des populations de salamandres sur le mont Covey Hill: perspectives pour la conservation des habitats en présence de changements climatiques
Larocque, M
2013 Ouranos ( Date Added: 2016-07-14)

37-Analyse de la situation des milieux humides au Québec et recommandations à des fins de conservation et de gestion durable
Pellerin, S&MP
2013 Ministre du Développement durable, de l’environnement, de la faune et des parcs ( Date Added: 2016-06-29)

36-Modélisation hydrologique et modélisation des salamandres sur le mont Covey Hill : perspectives pour la conservation des habitats en présence de changements climatiques
Larocque, P
2013 Ouranos ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

35-Perspectives génétiques sur la conservation du ginseng à cinq folioles dans le sud québécois
Joly, P
2013 Jour de la terre-Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

34-Gestion des milieux humides au Québec
Journal Article
Pellerin, P
2013 Portrait cartographique des enjeux de conservation, analyse des demandes de certificats d’autorisation et évaluation des modes de compensation des milieux humides ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

33-Suivis des populations de carex faux-lupulina
Pellerin, S
2013 Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

32-Programmes de rétablissement du carex faux-lupulina et de la carmantine d’Amérique
Pellerin, J
2013 Jour de la terre-Québec et aux Laboratoires Klorane ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

31-Approche méthodologique multidisciplinaire pour la caractérisation des interactions milieux humides-aquifère dans deux contextes géo-climatiques du Québec
Larocque, C
2013 Programme de recherche en partenariat sur les eaux souterraines du Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-15)

29- Perturbations des tourbières de la région de Bécancour, Centre-du-Québec, entre 1966 et 2010
Avard, K, Larocque, M, Pellerin, S
2013 Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2013-11-27)

28- Examining the role of allogenous and autogenous factors in the long-term dynamics of a temperate headwater peatland (southern Québec, Canada)
Journal Article
Lavoie, M, Pellerin, S, Larocque, M
2013 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Date Added: 2013-10-02)

27- Impacts of experimental leaf harvesting on a North American medicinal shrub,_Rhododendron groenlandicum_
Journal Article
Tendland, Y, Pellerin, S, Haddad, P, Cuerrier, A
2012 Botany (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

26-Projet Jardin Mérite (Laval). Protection de la verveine simple
Pellerin, T
2012 Plania Inc ( Date Added: 2016-06-20)

25-Sauvegarde de l’orme liège lié au parachèvement de l’autoroute 25 – année 2
2012 Transports du Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-15)

24- White Fringed Orchid as indicator of Sphagnum bog integrity
Journal Article
Laroche, V, Pellerin, S, Brouillet, L
2012 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2011-10-17)

23-Bryophytes nouvelles, rares et remarquables du Que?bec-Labrador
Book Whole
Faubert, J, Pellerin, S
2011 ( Date Added: 2011-08-24)

22-Dryopteris × neowherryi W.H. Wagner, un nouveau taxon pour le Québec
Journal Article
Bergeron, A, Pellerin, S
2011 Naturaliste canadien ( Date Added: 2011-08-22)

21- Dryopteris × neowherryi W.H. Wagner, un nouveau taxon pour le Québec
Journal Article
Bergeron, A, Pellerin, S
2011 Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2011-08-22)

20-Présence de la céphalozie des marais (Cephalozia macrostachya Kaal., Cephaloziaceae, Marchantiophyta) au Québec
Journal Article
Moisan, C, Pellerin, S
2011 Carnets de bryologie ( Date Added: 2011-05-27)

19- Do power line rights-of-way facilitate the spread of non-peatland and invasive plants in bogs and fens?
Journal Article
Dubé, C, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M
2011 Botany (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

18- The relative impact of human disturbances on the vegetation of a large wetland complex
Journal Article
Tousignant, M-Ã, Pellerin, S, Brisson, J
2010 Wetlands (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

17- Clearcutting and Deer Browsing Intensity Interact in Controlling Nitrification Rates in Forest Floor
Journal Article
Dufresne, M, Bradley, RL, Tremblay, J-P, Poulin, M, Pellerin, S
2009 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-08-09)

16- Determining the number of manual measurements required to improve peat thickness estimations by ground penetrating radar
Journal Article
Rosa, E, Larocque, M, Pellerin, S, Gagné, S, Fournier, B
2009 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

15- Environmental factors explaining the vegetation patterns in a temperate peatland
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Lagneau, L-A, Lavoie, M, Larocque, M
2009 Comptes Rendus - Biologies (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

14- Changes in plant communities over three decades on two disturbed bogs in southeastern québec
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Mercure, M, Desaulniers, AS, Lavoie, C
2009 Applied Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

13- Fires in temperate peatlands (southern Quebec): Past and recent trends
Journal Article
Lavoie, C, Pellerin, S
2007 Canadian Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

12- Mise en place d’un laboratoire naturel sur le mont Covey Hill (Québec, Canada)
Journal Article
Larocque, M, Leroux, G, Madramootoo, C, S Pellerin,
2006 VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement (Date Added: 2011-08-24)

11- Long-term effects of deer browsing and trampling on the vegetation of peatlands
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Huot, J, Côté, SD
2006 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

10- Threats and protection for peatlands in Eastern Canada
Magazine Article
Poulin, M, Rochefort, L, Pellerin, S, Thibault, J
2004 Géocarrefour (Date Added: 2011-08-31)

9- Reconstructing the recent dynamics of mires using a multitechnique approach
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Lavoie, C
2003 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

8- Recent expansion of jack pine in peatlands of southeastern Québec: A paleoecological study
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Lavoie, C
2003 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

7- La conservation des tourbières
Book Chapter
Poulin, M, Pellerin, S
2001 E?cologie des tourbie?res du Que?bec-Labrador (Date Added: 2011-08-31)

6- Peatland restoration in Southern Québec (Canada): A paleoecological perspective
Journal Article
Lavoie, C, Zimmermann, C, Pellerin, S
2001 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

5- Peatland fragments of southern Quebec: Recent evolution of their vegetation structure
Journal Article
Pellerin, S, Lavoie, C
2000 Canadian Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2011-04-15)

4- Genetic structure of the American ginseng (_Panax quinquefolius_L.) in Eastern Canada using reduced-representation high-throughput sequencing
Journal Article
Joly, S, Archambault, A, Pellerin, S, Nault, A
Botany (Date Added: 2021-01-14)

3- La tourbière de la base de plein air de Sainte-Foy : quatre décennies de changements floristiques
Journal Article
Blanchard, F, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M
Le Naturaliste canadien (Date Added: 2021-01-14)

2- Changes in spontaneous flora of anthropogenic microhabitats along rural–urban gradients
Journal Article
Blouin, D, Pellerin, S, Poulin, M
Journal of Urban Ecology (Date Added: 2021-01-14)

1-Bryophytes nouvelles, rares et remarquables du Québec
Pellerin, S
Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, Direction de la recherche forestière ( Date Added: 2016-06-29)

In the media

La loi sur la protection des milieux humides sera assouplie
(Julie Vaillancourt) 2020-01-10

La destruction des milieux humides contribue aux inondations
(Bélair-Cirino, Marco) 2017-05-11

Nouveau pont Champlain: d’autres coupes d’arbres inquiètent

Restaurer la forêt boréale d'Anticosti en limitant la population de cerfs
Techno-Science (isabelle) 2014-04-20

Restaurer la forêt boréale d'Anticosti en limitant la population de cerfs - UdeMNouvelles
UdeM Nouvelles (Martin Lasalle) 2014-04-14

Québec incapable de protéger les milieux humides - Charles Côté - Environnement
La Presse (Côté, Charles) 2014-01-15

Destruction des milieux humides: plus d'inondations en vue
Le Journal de Montréal (Desplanques, Anne Carolyn) 2013-09-29

Promoteur noyé à Terrebonne
Le Journal de Québec (Desplanques, Anne Caroline) 2013-09-28

Faire du neuf avec du vieux
Le Fil (Hamann, Jean) 2013-09-06

Milieux humides
La vie en vert (Journet, Paul) 2012-02-21

Si j’étais ministre de l’Environnement…
La vie en vert 2012-01-10

Une nouvelle subvention du CRSNG s'ajoute au renouvellement de la Chaire de recherche industrielle CRSNG-Produits forestiers Anticosti
CEN Centre d'études nordiques 2011-10-13

L'aréthuse, la nymphe de nos tourbières
UdeMNouvelles (Baril, Daniel) 2011-03-28

Agent Nault contre les braconniers
Lien Multimedia (Ouellet, Val; Pellerin, Stéphanie) 2010-07-08

Agent Nault contre les braconniers
Agence Science-Presse (Ouellet, Valérie; Pellerin, Stéphanie) 2010-06-01

Le carex ne disparaîtra pas
Le Devoir (Lafleur, Claude) 2009-04-18