Pierre-Alexandre Bergeron D'Aoust

Université Laval
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Monique Poulin
Stéphanie Pellerin
Start: 2019-01-14
End: 2021-05-01


Plant diversity in highway detention basins
The project aims to 1) evaluate plants communities able to thrive in detention basins, 2) study some ecological processes in these communities, and 3) compare those communities with chosen reference wetlands. Approximatively sixty basins will be selected in the following regions : Capitale Nationale, Chaudière-Appalaches, Bas-Saint-Laurent and Centre-du-Québec. The categories of detention basins and wetland covered by the project will be : 1) standard detention basins, 2) detention ponds, 3) roadside wetlands, and 4) Wetlands further than 250 meters of a road. The project will consist of an observational study as well as an experimental approach with a particular interest regarding functional traits.


Biodiversité, Milieux humides, Bassin de rétention, Routes, botanique, functional traits, biodiversity, wetlands, constructed wetlands, anthropological impacts