Etienne Laliberté

Université de Montréal

Département de sciences biologiques
Institution page
Personal page


  • Microprogram (Geomatics), Université de Sherbrooke - 2019
  • PhD (Ecology), University of Canterbury - 2011
  • MSc (Ecology), Université de Montréal -2006
  • BSc (Botanical Sciences), McGill University-2001


We study the unique adaptations that plant species have evolved to survive and grow under contrasting environmental conditions. In doing so, we discover fundamental axes of functional variation among species. This helps us to understand how plants function in their environment. We also study the drivers of plant community composition and diversity across environmental gradients, particularly those involving soil resources. Why are certain plant species more abundant than others? Our research in plant community ecology has many applications for conservation, because uniqueness in plant species composition and species richness are two key criteria used to determine the ecological value of ecosystems. Finally, we are developing new approaches to remotely sense plant spectral, functional, and taxonomic biodiversity, using high-resolution imagery from manned or unmanned (drones) aircrafts. High-resolution plant biodiversity mapping will transform ecology in the near future, allowing us to transpose our research to the broad spatial scales at which conservation management and decisions take place.

Prizes and honours

  • 2020 Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science
  • 2019 Highly Cited Researcher, Web of Science
  • 2018 Finalist, Prix de la Relève Scientifique du Québec
  • 2017 Member, College of the Royal Society of Canada
  • 2017 International Recognition of Professional Excellence (IPRE), International Ecology Institute
  • 2016 Tansley Medal, New Phytologist Trust
  • 2016 W. S. Cooper Award, Ecological Society of America
  • 2015 UWA Early-Career Best Publication Award, The University of Western Australia
  • 2014 UWA Oustanding Young Investigator Award, The University of Western Australia
  • 2013 UWA Research Collaboration Award, The University of Western Australia
  • 2012-2015 ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)
  • 2012 UWA Research Development Award, The University of Western Australia
  • 2011 UWA High Achieving Young Scientist Award, The University of Western Australia
  • 2011-2014 UWA Research Fellowship, The University of Western Australia

QCBS students

Johanna Jantzen

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2020)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Anne Bruneau
Evolution of leaf spectra
Personal page

Antoine Caron-Guay

(Start: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Mickaël Germain
Cartographier l'envahisseur : télédétection précoce du roseau commun exotique dans le parc national des Îles-de Boucherville à l'aide des drones et de l'intelligence artificielle

Alice Gravel

(Start: 2022)
Cartographie des traits fonctionnels foliaires de la canopée dans une forêt tempérée mixte à partir d'imagerie hyperspectrale

Previous students (since 2009)

Shan Kothari

Postdoctoral fellow
(Start: 2020, End: 2022)
Characterizing the range of leaf spectral variation
Personal page

Alexis Carteron

(Start: 2016, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Mark Vellend
Comprendre les dynamiques des communautés végétales : Perspectives souterraines et spatio-temporelles de l’évolution de la distribution des érablières au Québec

Xavier Guilbeault-Mayers

(Start: 2016, End: 2020)
Studying plant belowground functional diversity along fertility gradients to predict changes in plant biodiversity

Vlad Parasquive

(Start: 2018, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Jacques Brisson
The dynamic of mycorrhizal communities impacts the establishment of trees in herbaceous vegetation

Florence Blanchard

(Start: 2019, End: 2021)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Anne Bruneau
Phylogenetic structure of leaf spectra and traits among temperate tree species

Alizée Girard

(Start: 2018, End: 2020)
Titre : Influence de la déposition atmosphérique d'azote sur les traits fonctionnels foliaires et les propriétés spectrales d’espèces végétales de tourbières ombrotrophes

Maria Juliana Pardo

(Start: 2019, End: 2021)
Foliar spectral variation of tropical trees in response to soil fertility

Guillaume Tougas

(Start: 2022, End: 2023)
Other QCBS (co-)supervisor: Mark Vellend
Hyperspectral remote sensing of the stages of beech bark disease infection on American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) in southern Québec

Examples of species studied



93- Influence of temperate forest autumn leaf phenology on segmentation of tree species from UAV imagery using deep learning
Journal Article
Cloutier M , Germain M , Laliberté E ,
2024 Remote Sensing of Environment (Date Added: 2024-07-06)

92- Phenospectral similarity as an index of ecological integrity
Journal Article
Osei Darko P , Laliberté E , Kalacska M , Arroyo‐Mora J P , Gonzalez A , Zuloaga J ,
2024 Frontiers in Environmental Science (Date Added: 2024-06-13)

91- Arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal tree seedling growth is inhibited by competition from neighboring roots and associated fungal hyphae
Journal Article
Parasquive V , Brisson J , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
2024 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2024-06-05)

90- Coordination among leaf and fine-root traits along a strong natural soil fertility gradient
Journal Article
Guilbeault-Mayers X , Lambers H , Laliberté E ,
2024 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2024-05-23)

89- Exploring the spectral variation hypothesis for α- and β-diversity: a comparison of open vegetation and forests
Journal Article
Wallis C I B , Kothari S , Jantzen J R , Crofts A L , St-Jean S , Inamdar D , Pablo Arroyo-Mora J , Kalacska M , Bruneau A , Coops N C , Laliberté E , Vellend M ,
2024 Environmental Research Letters (Date Added: 2024-05-21)

88- Linking aerial hyperspectral data to canopy tree biodiversity: An examination of the spectral variation hypothesis
Journal Article
Crofts A L , Wallis C I B , St‐Jean S , Demers‐Thibeault S , Inamdar D , Arroyo‐Mora J P , Kalacska M , Laliberté E , Vellend M ,
2024 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2024-05-10)

87- Foliar spectra accurately distinguish most temperate tree species and show strong phylogenetic signal
Journal Article
Blanchard F , Bruneau A , Laliberté E ,
2024 American Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2024-04-29)

86- Root phosphatase activity is coordinated with the root conservation gradient across a phosphorus gradient in a lowland tropical forest
Journal Article
Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Laliberté E ,
2024 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2024-02-15)

85- Remotely sensed carbon content: The role of tree composition and tree diversity
Journal Article
2023 Remote Sensing of Environment (Date Added: 2024-03-27)

84- Mapping canopy traits over Québec using airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy
Journal Article
Miraglio T , Coops N C , Wallis C I B , Crofts A L , Kalacska M , Vellend M , Serbin S P , Arroyo-Mora J P , Laliberté E ,
2023 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2023-10-18)

83- Contrasted root trait responses between saplings of an arbuscular and an ectomycorrhizal tree species in open field compared to forest conditions
Journal Article
Parasquive V , Brisson J , Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Laliberté E , Chagnon P L ,
2023 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2023-06-18)

82- Evolutionary history explains foliar spectral differences between arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal plant species
Journal Article
Jantzen J R , Laliberté E , Carteron A , Beauchamp‐Rioux R , Blanchard F , Crofts A L , Girard A , Hacker P W , Pardo J , Schweiger A K , Demers‐Thibeault S , Coops N C , Kalacska M , Vellend M , Bruneau A ,
2023 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2023-04-23)

81- Predicting leaf traits across functional groups using reflectance spectroscopy
Journal Article
Kothari S , Beauchamp‐Rioux R , Blanchard F , Crofts A L , Girard A , Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Hacker P W , Pardo J , Schweiger A K , Demers‐Thibeault S , Bruneau A , Coops N C , Kalacska M , Vellend M , Laliberté E ,
2023 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2023-02-13)

80- Reflectance spectroscopy allows rapid, accurate and non-destructive estimates of functional traits from pressed leaves
Journal Article
Kothari S , Beauchamp‐Rioux R , Laliberté E , Cavender‐Bares J ,
2022 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-10-09)

79- Plant beta-diversity across biomes captured by imaging spectroscopy
Journal Article
Schweiger A K , Laliberté E ,
2022 Nature Communications (Date Added: 2022-07-10)

78- Mycorrhizal dominance reduces local tree species diversity across US forests
Journal Article
Carteron A , Vellend M , Laliberté E ,
2022 Nature Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-03-04)

77- Variations in accuracy of leaf functional trait prediction due to spectral mixing
Journal Article
Hacker P W , Coops N C , Laliberté E , Michaletz S T ,
2022 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2022-02-22)

76- AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora
Journal Article
Falster, D, Gallagher, R, Wenk, EH, Wright, IJ, Indiarto, D, Andrew, SC, Baxter, C, Lawson, J, Allen, S, Fuchs, A, Monro, A, Kar, F, Adams, MA, Ahrens, CW, Alfonzetti, M, Angevin, T, Apgaua, DMG, Arndt, S, Atkin, OK, Atkinson, J, Auld, T, Baker, A, von Balthazar, M, Bean, A, Blackman, CJ, Bloomfield, K, Bowman, DMJS, Bragg, J, Brodribb, TJ, Buckton, G, Burrows, G, Caldwell, E, Camac, J, Carpenter, R, Catford, JA, Cawthray, GR, Cernusak, LA, Chandler, G, Chapman, AR, Cheal, D, Cheesman, AW, Chen, S-C, Choat, B, Clinton, B, Clode, PL, Coleman, H, Cornwell, WK, Cosgrove, M, Crisp, M, Cross, E, Crous, KY, Cunningham, S, Curran, T, Curtis, E, Daws, MI, DeGabriel, JL, Denton, MD, Dong, N, Du, P, Duan, H, Duncan, DH, Duncan, RP, Duretto, M, Dwyer, JM, Edwards, C, Esperon-Rodriguez, M, Evans, JR, Everingham, SE, Farrell, C, Firn, J, Fonseca, CR, French, BJ, Frood, D, Funk, JL, Geange, SR, Ghannoum, O, Gleason, SM, Gosper, CR, Gray, E, Groom, PK, Grootemaat, S, Gross, C, Guerin, G, Guja, L, Hahs, AK, Harrison, MT, Hayes, PE, Henery, M, Hochuli, D, Howell, J, Huang, G, Hughes, L, Huisman, J, Ilic, J, Jagdish, A, Jin, D, Jordan, G, Jurado, E, Kanowski, J, Kasel, S, Kellermann, J, Kenny, B, Kohout, M, Kooyman, RM, Kotowska, MM, Lai, HR, Laliberté, E, Lambers, H, Lamont, BB, Lanfear, R, van Langevelde, F, Laughlin, DC, Laugier-Kitchener, B-A, Laurance, S, Lehmann, CER, Leigh, A, Leishman, MR, Lenz, T, Lepschi, B, Lewis, JD, Lim, F, Liu, U, Lord, J, Lusk, CH, Macinnis-Ng, C, McPherson, H, Magallón, S, Manea, A, López-Martinez, A, Mayfield, M, McCarthy, JK, Meers, T, van der Merwe, M, Metcalfe, DJ, Milberg, P, Mokany, K, Moles, AT, Moore, BD, Moore, N, Morgan, JW, Morris, W, Muir, A, Munroe, S, Nicholson, , Nicolle, D, Nicotra, AB, Niinemets, , North, T, O’Reilly-Nugent, A, O’Sullivan, OS, Oberle, B, Onoda, Y, Ooi, MKJ, Osborne, CP, Paczkowska, G, Pekin, B, Guilherme Pereira, C, Pickering, C, Pickup, M, Pollock, LJ, Poot, P, Powell, JR, Power, SA, Prentice, IC, Prior, L, Prober, SM, Read, J, Reynolds, V, Richards, AE, Richardson, B, Roderick, ML, Rosell, JA, Rossetto, M, Rye, B, Rymer, PD, Sams, MA, Sanson, G, Sauquet, H, Schmidt, S, Schönenberger, J, Schulze, E-D, Sendall, K, Sinclair, S, Smith, B, Smith, R, Soper, F, Sparrow, B, Standish, RJ, Staples, TL, Stephens, R, Szota, C, Taseski, G, Tasker, E, Thomas, F, Tissue, DT, Tjoelker, MG, Tng, DYP, de Tombeur, F, Tomlinson, K, Turner, NC, Veneklaas, EJ, Venn, S, Vesk, P, Vlasveld, C, Vorontsova, MS, Warren, CA, Warwick, N, Weerasinghe, LK, Wells, J, Westoby, M, White, M, Williams, NSG, Wills, J, Wilson, PG, Yates, C, Zanne, AE, Zemunik, G, Ziemińska, K
2021 Scientific Data (Date Added: 2022-04-26)

75- A test of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis in a species-rich Mediterranean woodland
Journal Article
Teste F P , Laliberté E ,
2021 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2021-12-09)

74- Soil microbial communities are driven by the declining availability of cations and phosphorus during ecosystem retrogression
Journal Article
Teste F P , Lambers H , Enowashu E E , Laliberté E , Marhan S , Kandeler E ,
2021 Soil Biology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2021-11-22)

73- Ectomycorrhizal Stands Accelerate Decomposition to a Greater Extent than Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Stands in a Northern Deciduous Forest
Journal Article
Carteron A , Cichonski F , Laliberté E ,
2021 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2021-11-15)

72- Impact of ecosystem water balance and soil parent material on silicon dynamics: insights from three long-term chronosequences
Journal Article
de Tombeur F , Cornelis J , Laliberté E , Lambers H , Mahy G , Faucon M , Turner B L ,
2021 Biogeochemistry (Date Added: 2021-09-26)

71- A shift from phenol to silica-based leaf defences during long-term soil and ecosystem development
Journal Article
Tombeur F , Laliberté E , Lambers H , Faucon M , Zemunik G , Turner B L , Cornelis J , Mahy G ,
2021 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2021-03-19)

70- Proposal for a new bassendean reference soil in western australia
Journal Article
2020 Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia (Date Added: 2021-11-08)

69- Accuracy of 3d landscape reconstruction without ground control points using different uas platforms
Journal Article
Kalacska, M, Lucanus, O, Arroyo-Mora, JP, Laliberté, , Elmer, K, Leblanc, G, Groves, A
2020 Drones (Date Added: 2020-12-18)

68- Foliar sampling with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) reveals spectral and functional trait differences within tree crowns
Journal Article
Schweiger A K , Lussier Desbiens A , Charron G , La Vigne H , Laliberté E ,
2020 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2020-10-12)

67- Plants sustain the terrestrial silicon cycle during ecosystem retrogression
Journal Article
de Tombeur F , Turner B L , Laliberté E , Lambers H , Mahy G , Faucon M , Zemunik G , Cornelis J ,
2020 Science (New York, N.Y.) (Date Added: 2020-09-14)

66- Foliar spectra and traits of bog plants across nitrogen deposition gradients
Journal Article
Girard, A, Schweiger, AK, Carteron, A, Kalacska, M, Laliberté, E
2020 Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2020-09-03)

65- Temperate Forests Dominated by Arbuscular or Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Are Characterized by Strong Shifts from Saprotrophic to Mycorrhizal Fungi with Increasing Soil Depth
Journal Article
Carteron A , Beigas M , Joly S , Turner B L , Laliberté E ,
2020 Microbial Ecology (Date Added: 2020-06-27)

64- Greater root phosphatase activity of tropical trees at low phosphorus despite strong variation among species
Journal Article
Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Turner B L , Laliberté E ,
2020 Ecology (Date Added: 2020-05-30)

63- Silicon Dynamics During 2 Million Years of Soil Development in a Coastal Dune Chronosequence Under a Mediterranean Climate
Journal Article
de Tombeur F , Turner B L , Laliberté E , Lambers H , Cornelis J ,
2020 Ecosystems (Date Added: 2020-03-06)

62- Soil abiotic and biotic properties constrain the establishment of a dominant temperate tree into boreal forests
Journal Article
Carteron A , Parasquive V , Blanchard F , Guilbeault‐Mayers X , Turner B L , Vellend M , Laliberté E ,
2020 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2020-01-25)

61- Partitioning plant spectral diversity into alpha and beta components
Journal Article
Laliberté E , Schweiger A K , Legendre P ,
2019 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2019-12-07)

60- Toward more robust plant–soil feedback research: Comment
Journal Note
Teste F P , Kardol P , Turner B L , Wardle D A , Zemunik G , Renton M , Laliberté E ,
2019 Ecology (Date Added: 2019-02-18)

59- Contrasting patterns of plant and microbial diversity during long-term ecosystem development
Journal Article
Turner B L , Zemunik G , Laliberté E , Drake J J , Jones F A , Saltonstall K ,
2019 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2019-02-07)

58- Plasticity in root symbioses following shifts in soil nutrient availability during long-term ecosystem development
Journal Article
Teste F P , Laliberté E ,
2018 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2019-01-11)

57- Biotic and abiotic plant–soil feedback depends on nitrogen-acquisition strategy and shifts during long-term ecosystem development
Journal Article
Png G K , Lambers H , Kardol P , Turner B L , Wardle D A , Laliberté E ,
2018 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2018-09-10)

56- Symbiotic N2-Fixer Community Composition, but Not Diversity, Shifts in Nodules of a Single Host Legume Across a 2-Million-Year Dune Chronosequence
Journal Article
Birnbaum C , Bissett A , Teste F P , Laliberté E ,
2018 Microbial Ecology (Date Added: 2018-04-25)

55- Phosphorus- and nitrogen-acquisition strategies in two Bossiaea species (Fabaceae) along retrogressive soil chronosequences in south-western Australia
Journal Article
Abrahão A , Ryan M H , Laliberté E , Oliveira R S , Lambers H ,
2018 Physiologia Plantarum (Date Added: 2018-04-04)

54- Effects of fragmentation on the plant functional composition and diversity of remnant woodlands in a young and rapidly expanding city
Journal Article
Ramalho C E , Laliberté E , Poot P , Hobbs R ,
2018 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2018-03-20)

53- A climosequence of chronosequences in southwestern Australia
Journal Article
Turner B L , Hayes P E , Laliberté E ,
2018 European Journal of Soil Science (Date Added: 2018-02-01)

52- High abundance of non-mycorrhizal plant species in severely phosphorus-impoverished Brazilian campos rupestres
Journal Article
Zemunik G , Lambers H , Turner B L , Laliberté E , Oliveira R S ,
2017 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2017-12-06)

51- How belowground interactions contribute to the coexistence of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal species in severely phosphorus-impoverished hyperdiverse ecosystems
Journal Article
Lambers H , Albornoz F , Kotula L , Laliberté E , Ranathunge K , Teste F P , Zemunik G ,
2017 Plant and Soil (Date Added: 2017-10-16)

50- Soil fertility shapes belowground food webs across a regional climate gradient
Journal Article
Laliberté E , Kardol P , Didham R K , Teste F P , Turner B L , Wardle D A ,
2017 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2017-09-30)

49- Greater root phosphatase activity in nitrogen-fixing rhizobial but not actinorhizal plants with declining phosphorus availability
Journal Article
Png G K , Turner B L , Albornoz F E , Hayes P E , Lambers H , Laliberté E ,
2017 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2017-04-15)

48- Plant-soil feedback and the maintenance of diversity in Mediterranean-climate shrublands
Journal Article
Teste F P , Kardol P , Turner B L , Wardle D A , Zemunik G , Renton M , Laliberté E ,
2017 Science (Date Added: 2017-02-15)

47- Strong linkage between plant and soil fungal communities along a successional coastal dune system
Journal Article
Roy-Bolduc, A, Laliberte, E, Boudreau, S, Hijri, M
2016 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2016-11-28)

46- Changes in ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition and declining diversity along a 2-million-year soil chronosequence
Journal Article
Albornoz, FE, Teste, FP, Lambers, H, Bunce, M, Murray, DC, White, NE, Laliberte, E
2016 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2016-11-28)

45- Below-ground frontiers in trait-based plant ecology
Journal Article
Laliberte, E
2016 The New Phytologist (Date Added: 2016-11-28)

44- Native soilborne pathogens equalize differences in competitive ability between plants of contrasting nutrient-acquisition strategies
Journal Article
Albornoz, FE, Burgess, TI, Lambers, H, Etchells, H, Laliberté, E, Power, A
2016 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2016-08-08)

43- Increasing plant species diversity and extreme species turnover accompany declining soil fertility along a long-term chronosequence in a biodiversity hotspot
Journal Article
Zemunik, G, Turner, BL, Lambers, H, Laliberté, E, Dyer, A
2016 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

42- Shifts in symbiotic associations in plants capable of forming multiple root symbioses across a long-term soil chronosequence
Journal Article
Albornoz, FE, Lambers, H, Turner, BL, Teste, FP, Laliberte, E
2016 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

41- Reinforcing loose foundation stones in trait-based plant ecology
Journal Article
Shipley, B, De Bello, F, Cornelissen, JHC, Laliberte, E, Laughlin, DC, Reich, PB
2016 Oecologia (Date Added: 2016-02-26)

40- High richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi and low host specificity in a coastal sand dune ecosystem revealed by network analysis
Journal Article
Roy-Bolduc, A, Laliberte, E, Hijri, M
2016 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-02-08)

39- Mycorrhizal fungal biomass and scavenging declines in phosphorus-impoverished soils during ecosystem retrogression
Journal Article
Teste, FP, Laliberté, E, Lambers, H, Auer, Y, Kramer, S, Kandeler, E
2016 Soil Biology and Biochemistry (Date Added: 2015-11-16)

38- Metabolic adaptations of the non-mycotrophic Proteaceae to soils with low phosphorus availability
Journal Article
Lambers, H
2015 Annual Plant Reviews: Phosphorus Metabolism in Plants (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

37- The rise and fall of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity during ecosystem retrogression
Journal Article
Kruger, M, Teste, FP, Laliberte, E, Lambers, H, Coghlan, M, Zemunik, G, Bunce, M
2015 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2015-11-16)

36- Diversity of plant nutrient-acquisition strategies increases during long-term ecosystem development
Journal Article
Zemunik, G, Turner, BL, Lambers, H, Laliberté, E
2015 Nature Plants (Date Added: 2015-05-06)

34- Phosphorus limitation, soil-borne pathogens and the coexistence of plant species in hyperdiverse forests and shrublands
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Lambers, H, Burgess, TI, Wright, SJ
2015 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

33- Leaf manganese accumulation and phosphorus-acquisition efficiency
Journal Article
Lambers, H, Hayes, PE, Laliberté, E, Oliveira, RS, Turner, BL
2015 Trends in Plant Science (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

32-Biogeography of kwongan: origins, diversity, endemism and vegetation patterns
Book Chapter
Mucina, L
2014 Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia, A Global Biodiversity Hotspot ( Date Added: 2017-07-31)

31-Plant mineral nutrition
Book Chapter
Lambers, H
2014 Plant Life on the Sandplains in Southwest Australia, A Global Biodiversity Hotspot ( Date Added: 2017-07-31)

30- Environmental filtering explains variation in plant diversity along resource gradients
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Zemimik, G, Turner, BL
2014 Science (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

29- The winners and losers of land use intensification: Pollinator community disassembly is non-random and alters functional diversity
Journal Article
Rader, R, Bartomeus, I, Tylianakis, JM, Laliberté, E
2014 Diversity and Distributions (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

28- Foliar nutrient concentrations and resorption efficiency in plants of contrasting nutrient-acquisition strategies along a 2-million-year dune chronosequence
Journal Article
Hayes, P, Turner, BL, Lambers, H, Laliberté, E
2014 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

27- Complex effects of fragmentation on remnant woodland plant communities of a rapidly urbanizing biodiversity hotspot
Journal Article
Ramalho, CE, Laliberté, E, Poot, P, Hobbs, RJ
2014 Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

26- Low levels of ribosomal RNA partly account for the very high photosynthetic phosphorus-use efficiency of Proteaceae species
Journal Article
Sulpice, R, Ishihara, H, Schlereth, A, Cawthray, GR, Encke, B, Giavalisco, P, Ivakov, A, Arrivault, S, Jost, R, Krohn, N, Kuo, J, Laliberté, E, Pearse, SJ, Raven, JA, Scheible, W-R, Teste, F, Veneklaas, EJ, Stitt, M, Lambers, H
2014 Plant, Cell and Environment (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

25- Phosphorus nutrition of phosphorus-sensitive Australian native plants: threats to plant communities in a global biodiversity hotspot
Journal Article
Lambers, H, Ahmedi, I, Berkowitz, O, Dunne, C, Finnegan, PM, Hardy, GESJ, Jost, R, Laliberte, E, Pearse, SJ, Teste, FP
2013 Conservation Physiology (Date Added: 2015-05-06)

24- Contrasting effects of productivity and disturbance on plant functional diversity at local and metacommunity scales
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Norton, DA, Scott, D
2013 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

23- Biotic plant-soil feedbacks across temporal scales
Journal Article
Kardol, P, De Deyn, GB, Laliberté, E, Mariotte, P, Hawkes, CV
2013 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

22- Primed for change: Developing ecological restoration for the 21st century
Journal Article
Shackelford, N, Hobbs, RJ, Burgar, JM, Erickson, TE, Fontaine, JB, Laliberté, E, Ramalho, CE, Perring, MP, Standish, RJ
2013 Restoration Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

21- Nutrient limitation along the jurien bay dune chronosequence: Response to uren & parsons (2013)
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Turner, BL, Zemunik, G, Wyrwoll, K-H, Pearse, SJ, Lambers, H
2013 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

20- How does pedogenesis drive plant diversity?
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Grace, JB, Huston, MA, Lambers, H, Teste, FP, Turner, BL, Wardle, DA
2013 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

19- A long-term experimental test of the dynamic equilibrium model of species diversity
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Lambers, H, Norton, DA, Tylianakis, JM, Huston, MA
2013 Oecologia (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

18- Phosphorus-mobilization ecosystem engineering: the roles of cluster roots and carboxylate exudation in young P-limited ecosystems.
Journal Article
Lambers, H, Bishop, JG, Hopper, SD, Laliberté, E, Zúñiga-Feest, A
2012 Annals of botany (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

17- Cascading effects of long-term land-use changes on plant traits and ecosystem functioning
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Tylianakis, JM
2012 Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

16- Proteaceae from severely phosphorus-impoverished soils extensively replace phospholipids with galactolipids and sulfolipids during leaf development to achieve a high photosynthetic phosphorus-use-efficiency
Journal Article
Lambers, H, Cawthray, GR, Giavalisco, P, Kuo, J, Laliberté, E, Pearse, SJ, Scheible, W-R, Stitt, M, Teste, F, Turner, BL
2012 New Phytologist (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

15- Experimental assessment of nutrient limitation along a 2-million-year dune chronosequence in the south-western Australia biodiversity hotspot
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Turner, BL, Costes, T, Pearse, SJ, Wyrwoll, K-H, Zemunik, G, Lambers, H
2012 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

14- Estimating Litter Decomposition Rate in Single-Pool Models Using Nonlinear Beta Regression
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Adair, EC, Hobbie, SE
2012 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

13- Which plant traits determine abundance under long-term shifts in soil resource availability and grazing intensity?
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Shipley, B, Norton, DA, Scott, D
2012 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2012-04-27)

12- Phosphorus nutrition of proteaceae in severely phosphorus-impoverished soils: Are there lessons to be learned for future crops?
Journal Article
Lambers, H, Finnegan, PM, Laliberté, E, Pearse, SJ, Ryan, MH, Shane, MW, Veneklaas, EJ
2011 Plant Physiology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

11- Climatic constraints on trait-based forest assembly
Journal Article
Laughlin, DC, Fulé, PZ, Huffman, DW, Crouse, J, Laliberté, E
2011 Journal of Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

10- Conservation of species interaction networks
Journal Article
Tylianakis, JM, Laliberté, E, Nielsen, A, Bascompte, J
2010 Biological Conservation (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

9- Land-use intensification reduces functional redundancy and response diversity in plant communities
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Wells, JA, Declerck, F, Metcalfe, DJ, Catterall, CP, Queiroz, C, Aubin, I, Bonser, SP, Ding, Y, Fraterrigo, JM, McNamara, S, Morgan, JW, Merlos, DS, Vesk, PA, Mayfield, MM
2010 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

8- Deforestation homogenizes tropical parasitoid-host networks
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Tylianakis, JM
2010 Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

7- Comparison of two sampling methods for quantifying changes in vegetation composition under rangeland development
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Norton, DA, Tylianakis, JM, Scott, D
2010 Rangeland Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

6- A distance-based framework for measuring functional diversity from multiple traits
Journal Article
Laliberte, E, Legendre, P
2010 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14)

5- Assessing the scale-specific importance of niches and other spatial processes on beta diversity: A case study from a temperate forest
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Paquette, A, Legendre, P, Bouchard, A
2009 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-08-11)

4- Spatiotemporal patterns in seedling emergence and early growth of two oak species direct-seeded on abandoned pastureland
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Cogliastro, A, Bouchard, A
2008 Annals of Forest Science (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

3- Optimizing hardwood reforestation in old fields: The effects of treeshelters and environmental factors on tree seedling growth and physiology
Journal Article
Laliberté, E, Bouchard, A, Cogliastro, A
2008 Restoration Ecology (Date Added: 2015-04-08)

2- Analyzing or explaining beta diversity? Comment
Journal Article
Legendre, P, Borcard, D, Peres-Neto, PR
2008 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-08-11)

1- Lac Croche understory vegetation data set (1998-2006): Ecological Archives E088-197
Journal Article
Paquette, A, Laliberté, E, Bouchard, A, De Blois, S, Legendre, P, Brisson, J
2007 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

In the media

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Bravo à nos chercheurs

L’UdeM obtient huit nouvelles chaires de recherche du Canada et quatre renouvellements

Étienne Laliberté Acknowledged by the Royal Society of Canada

Etienne Laliberté obtient le prix du International Recognition of Professional Excellence (IRPE)

An interview with Etienne Laliberté, winner of the Tansley Medal 2016
(Whitfield, Mike) 2017-02-09

Scientists identify the real king of the forest: fungus
(Semeniuk, Ivan) 2017-01-12

Pourquoi des arbustaies australiennes ressemblent-elles à des «forêts tropicales miniatures»?

Why are Australia's shrublands like "knee-high tropical rainforests"?

Étienne Laliberté remporte la médaille Tansley

De nouveaux partenaires industriels pour Hydro-Québec: les plantes
(Sauvé, Mathieu-Robert) 2016-10-17

Étienne Laliberté reçoit le prix W. S. Cooper

Diversity of plant nutrient-acquisition strategies increases during long-term ecosystem development
Nature Plants (Zemunik, Graham; Turner, Benjamin L.; Lambers, Hans; Laliberté, Etienne) 2015-04-20