Vlad Parasquive
Université de Montréal
Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Jacques Brisson
Etienne Laliberté
Start: 2018-01-08
End: 2021-12-01
Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Jacques Brisson
Etienne Laliberté
Start: 2018-01-08
End: 2021-12-01
The dynamic of mycorrhizal communities impacts the establishment of trees in herbaceous vegetationHydro-Quebec manages more than 150,000 km of vegetated ''rights-of-way'' under the hydro-electric transmission lines. These areas are mainly composed of herbaceous plants. Arounds, there are deciduous forests, therefore, the establishment of trees in herbaceous vegetation under the lines could present a risk for these installations. In order to better understand the mechanisms of ecosystem regulation, the impacts of mycorrhizal fungi in feedback loops should be considered (van der Putten et al., 2013). Arbuscular mycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae predominate (Brundrett 2009). These organisms are a major asset for plants, optimizing their performance by improving their resistance to pathogens and their mineral absorption (Laliberté 2016). However, most herbaceous plants are associated with arbuscular mycorrhizae, whereas some temperate forest species (Quercus, Betula ...) will prefer ectomycorrhizae. This strategic differenciation could have an impact on the dynamic of an ecosystem Thus, the consideration of these organisms is essential to understand the mechanisms of plant ecology Also, for this project, this question could be followed as central theme : How the dynamics of fungal communities could influence the establishment and development of trees in herbaceous vegetation?