Pedro Peres-Neto
Professeur titulaire,Concordia University
Department of Biology
Courriel: pedro.peres-neto@concordia.ca
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RechercheMa recherche vise à déterminer comment différents facteurs incluant les traits phénotypiques (i.e., morphologie, capacité de dispersion, stratégies de cycle vital, plasticité et intégration), la sélection d’habitat, la structure du paysage et l’interaction entre espèces définissent l’assemblage de communautés locales par la colonisation d’espèces appartenant à une communauté régionale. Mes travaux combinent des approches descriptives et expérimentales, ainsi que la synthèse et l’analyse de données quantitatives permettant de mieux comprendre les rôles de ces facteurs dans l’Assemblage des communautés aquatiques, principalement chez les poissons. Ma recherche actuelle entoure trois différents volets de recherche: intégration et plasticité des traits phénotypiques et la capacité de déplacement, les forces écologiques qui régissent les métacommunautés aquatiques et l’approche quantitative pour évaluer les facteurs qui régissent l’assemblage des communautés aquatiques.Prix et honneurs
Étudiants CSBQAlexandre Mestre PérezPostdoctoral fellow Hector Vazquez RiveraPostdoctoral fellow Hammed AkandePh.D. Alexandra EnglerPh.D. Gabriel KhattarPh.D. Gabrielle RimokPh.D. Justin CuffaroM.Sc. Timothy LawM.Sc. Gabrielle NesselM.Sc. Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)Bertrand FournierPostdoctoral fellow Patricia GonzalezPostdoctoral fellow Guillaume GuenardPostdoctoral fellow Hyung-Bae JeonPostdoctoral fellow Gabriel KhattarPostdoctoral fellow Who-Seung LeePostdoctoral fellow Ignacio Morales-CastillaPostdoctoral fellow Shubha PanditPostdoctoral fellow Will PearsePostdoctoral fellow Will PearsePostdoctoral fellow Lilian Patricia SalesPostdoctoral fellow Jason SamsonPostdoctoral fellow Paul SavaryPostdoctoral fellow Frédéric BoivinPh.D. Wagner da Costa MoreiraPh.D. Marie-Hélène GreffardPh.D. Renato Henriques da SilvaPh.D. Bailey JacobsonPh.D. Mehdi LayeghifardPh.D. Hedvig NenzenPh.D. Pedro Henrique Pereira BragaPh.D. Daniel PiresPh.D. Andrew SmithPh.D. Aliénor StahlPh.D. Emily Charry TissierMembre employé(e) / Employed member Marie-Christine BellemareM.Sc. Louis DonelleM.Sc. Ian FerlingM.Sc. Julie-Eleonore MaisonhauteM.Sc. Gabrielle RimokM.Sc. Nadia TahiriM.Sc. Implication au sein du CSBQ
Thèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinentsExemples d'espèces étudiéesLepomis macrochirus Angiosperms Publications112- A Framework to Unify the Relationship Between Numerical Abundance, Biomass, and Environmental DNA Journal Article Yates M C , Wilcox T M , Kay S , Peres‐Neto P , Heath D D , 2025 Environmental DNA (Date Added: 2025-03-20) 111- rarestR: An R Package Using Rarefaction Metrics to Estimate α- and β-Diversity for Incomplete Samples Journal Article Zou Y , Zhao P , Wu N , Lai J , Peres‐Neto P R , Axmacher J C , 2025 Diversity and Distributions (Date Added: 2025-03-08) 110- The biotic and abiotic contexts of ecological selection mediate the dominance of distinct dispersal strategies in competitive metacommunities Journal Article Khattar G , Savary P , Peres-Neto P R , 2024 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences (Date Added: 2024-08-23) 109- The Geography of Metacommunities: Landscape Characteristics Drive Geographic Variation in the Assembly Process through Selecting Species Pool Attributes Journal Article Khattar G , Peres-Neto P R , 2024 The American naturalist (Date Added: 2024-04-29) 108- Heterogeneous dispersal networks to improve biodiversity science Journal Article Savary P , Lessard J , Peres-Neto P R , 2023 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2023-10-31) 107- River reach types as large-scale biodiversity proxies for management: The case of the Greater Mekong Region Journal Article Ouellet Dallaire C , Lehner B , Peres-Neto P , 2023 Ecological Indicators (Date Added: 2023-04-01) 106- Historical and contemporary processes drive global phylogenetic structure across geographical scales: Insights from bat communities Journal Article Braga P H P , Kembel S , Peres‐Neto P , 2023 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2023-03-26) 105- Erratum: Coding for Life: Designing a Platform for Projecting and Protecting Global Biodiversity (BioScience DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab099) Journal Erratum Urban M C , Travis J M J , Zurell D , Thompson P L , Synes N W , Scarpa A , Peres-Neto P R , Malchow A , James P M A , Gravel D , De Meester L , Brown C , Bocedi G , Albert C H , Gonzalez A , Hendry A P , 2022 BioScience (Date Added: 2022-12-17) 104- Coding for Life: Designing a Platform for Projecting and Protecting Global Biodiversity Journal Article Urban M C , Travis J M J , Zurell D , Thompson P L , Synes N W , Scarpa A , Peres-Neto P R , Malchow A , James P M A , Gravel D , De Meester L , Brown C , Bocedi G , Albert C H , Gonzalez A , Hendry A P , 2022 BioScience (Date Added: 2022-12-07) 103- Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover Journal Article , 2022 Science (Date Added: 2022-09-08) 102- Species compositions mediate biomass conservation: The case of lake fish communities Journal Article Arranz I , Fournier B , Lester N P , Shuter B J , Peres‐Neto P R , 2022 Ecology (Date Added: 2022-04-02) 101- Generalizing hierarchical and variation partitioning in multiple regression and canonical analyses using the rdacca.hp R package Journal Article Lai J , Zou Y , Zhang J , Peres‐Neto P R , 2022 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-04-02) 100- Determinism and stochasticity in the spatial–temporal continuum of ecological communities: the case of tropical mountains Journal Article Khattar G , Macedo M , Monteiro R , Peres‐Neto P , 2021 Ecography (Date Added: 2022-04-02) 99- Disturbance-induced emigration: an overlooked mechanism that reduces metapopulation extinction risk Journal Article Mestre A , Barfield M , Peniston J H , Peres‐Neto P R , Mesquita‐Joanes F , Holt R D , 2021 Ecology (Date Added: 2022-04-02) 98- The internal structure of metacommunities Journal Article Leibold M A , Rudolph F J , Blanchet F G , De Meester L , Gravel D , Hartig F , Peres‐Neto P , Shoemaker L , Chase J M , 2021 Oikos (Date Added: 2021-10-25) 97- Object Weighting: A New Clustering Approach to Deal with Outliers and Cluster Overlap in Computational Biology Journal Article Gondeau A , Aouabed Z , Hijri M , Peres-Neto P , Makarenkov V , 2021 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Date Added: 2021-04-22) 96- Towards an applied metaecology Journal Article Schiesari L , Matias M G , Prado P I , Leibold M A , Albert C H , Howeth J G , Leroux S J , Pardini R , Siqueira T , Brancalion P H , Cabeza M , Coutinho R M , Diniz-Filho J A F , Fournier B , Lahr D J , Lewinsohn T M , Martins A , Morsello C , Peres-Neto P R , Pillar V D , Vázquez D P , 2019 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation (Date Added: 2019-12-23) 95- The spatial frequency of climatic conditions affects niche composition and functional diversity of species assemblages: the case of Angiosperms Journal Article Fournier B , Vázquez‐Rivera H , Clappe S , Donelle L , Braga P H P , Peres‐Neto P R , 2019 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2019-11-30) 94- The interaction of phylogeny and community structure: Linking the community composition and trait evolution of clades Journal Article Pearse W D , Legendre P , Peres‐Neto P R , Davies T J , 2019 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2019-07-20) 93- Ecological Data Should Not Be So Hard to Find and Reuse Journal Article Poisot T , Bruneau A , Gonzalez A , Gravel D , Peres-Neto P , 2019 Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-05-09) 92- Simple parametric tests for trait–environment association Journal Article ter Braak C J F , Peres-Neto P R , Dray S , 2018 Journal of Vegetation Science (Date Added: 2018-09-03) 91- Beyond neutrality: Disentangling the effects of species sorting and spurious correlations in community analysis Journal Article Clappe S , Dray S , Peres-Neto P R , 2018 Ecology (Date Added: 2018-08-02) 90- Latitudinal-diversity gradients can be shaped by biotic processes: New insights from an eco-evolutionary model Journal Article Henriques-Silva R , Kubisch A , Peres-Neto P R , 2018 Ecography (Date Added: 2018-08-02) 89- Management, Archiving, and Sharing for Biologists and the Role of Research Institutions in the Technology-Oriented Age Journal Article Renaut S , Budden A E , Gravel D , Poisot T , Peres-Neto P , 2018 BioScience (Date Added: 2018-06-26) 88- 20 years after View from the Park: advance ecology and avoid editorial rejection in Oikos Journal Article Bonte, D, Marshall, D, De Deyn, GB, Peres-Neto, PR 2018 Oikos (Date Added: 2018-05-22) 87- More than Moran: coupling statistical and simulation models to understand how defoliation spread and weather variation drive insect outbreak dynamics1 Journal Article Nenzén H K , Peres-Neto P , Gravel D , 2018 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2018-03-13) 86- Assessing among-lineage variability in phylogenetic imputation of functional trait datasets Journal Article Molina-Venegas R , Moreno-Saiz J C , Castro Parga I , Davies T J , Peres-Neto P R , Rodríguez M , 2018 Ecography (Date Added: 2018-03-08) 85- Diversity from genes to ecosystems: A unifying framework to study variation across biological metrics and scales Journal Article Gaggiotti O E , Chao A , Peres-Neto P , Chiu C , Edwards C , Fortin M , Jost L , Richards C M , Selkoe K A , 2018 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2018-03-02) 84- Why phylogenies do not always predict ecological differences Journal Article Cadotte M W , Davies T J , Peres-Neto P R , 2017 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2017-11-11) 83- Phenotype-dependent selection underlies patterns of sorting across habitats: The case of stream-fishes Journal Article Jacobson B , Dubois F , Peres-Neto P R , 2017 Oikos (Date Added: 2017-07-11) 82- Combining phylogeny and co-occurrence to improve single species distribution models Journal Article Morales-Castilla I , Davies T J , Pearse W D , Peres-Neto P , 2017 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2017-06-06) 81- Epidemiological landscape models reproduce cyclic insect outbreaks Journal Article Nenzén, HK, Filotas, E, Peres-Neto, P, Gravel, D 2017 Ecological Complexity (Date Added: 2017-05-19) 80- Linking trait variation to the environment: Critical issues with community-weighted mean correlation resolved by the fourth-corner approach Journal Article Peres-Neto P R , Dray S , Braak C J F t , 2017 Ecography (Date Added: 2017-05-08) 79- A critical issue in model-based inference for studying trait-based community assembly and a solution Journal Article ter Braak C J , Peres-Neto P , Dray S , 2017 PeerJ (Date Added: 2017-02-27) 78- A quantitative framework to estimate the relative importance of environment, spatial variation and patch connectivity in driving community composition Journal Article Monteiro V F , Paiva P C , Peres-Neto P R , 2017 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2017-02-22) 77- Effects of competition on fitness-related traits Journal Article Smith A D , Houde A L S , Neff B , Peres-Neto P R , 2017 Oecologia (Date Added: 2017-02-13) 76- Integrating occurrence data and expert maps for improved species range predictions Journal Article Merow C , Wilson A M , Jetz W , 2017 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2017-02-13) 75- Functional diversity underlies demographic responses to environmental variation in European forests Journal Article Ruiz-Benito P , Ratcliffe S , Jump A S , Gómez-Aparicio L , Madrigal-González J , Wirth C , Kändler G , Lehtonen A , Dahlgren J , Kattge J , Zavala M A , 2017 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2017-02-13) 74- Species co-occurrence analysis: pairwise versus matrix-level approaches: Correspondence Journal Article Arita, HT, Peres-Neto, P 2016 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2016-12-05) 73- Measuring the functional redundancy of biological communities: a quantitative guide Journal Article Ricotta, C, de Bello, F, Moretti, M, Caccianiga, M, Cerabolini, BEL, Pavoine, S, Peres-Neto, P 2016 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-11-22) 72- Dissecting phylogenetic fuzzy weighting: theory and application in metacommunity phylogenetics Journal Article Duarte, LDS, Debastiani, VJ, Freitas, AVL, Pillar, VD, Peres-Neto, P 2016 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-11-04) 71- Deconstructing the relationships between phylogenetic diversity and ecology: a case study on ecosystem functioning Journal Article Davies, TJ, Urban, MC, Rayfield, B, Cadotte, MW, Peres-Neto, PR 2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-09-14) 70- Climate, history and life-history strategies interact in explaining differential macroecological patterns in freshwater zooplankton: Zooplankton latitudinal gradients Journal Article Henriques-Silva, R, Pinel-Alloul, B, Peres-Neto, PR 2016 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2016-09-07) 69- Environmental integration: Patterns of correlation between environmental factors, early life decisions, and their long-term consequences Journal Article Lee, W-S, Mangel, M, Peres-Neto, PR 2016 Evolutionary Ecology Research (Date Added: 2016-05-03) 68- Competitive effects between rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon in natural and artificial streams Journal Article S Houde, AL, Smith, AD, Wilson, CC, Peres-Neto, PR, Neff, BD 2016 Ecology of Freshwater Fish (Date Added: 2016-03-29) 67- Will technology trample peer review in ecology? Ongoing issues and potential solutions Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR 2016 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-03-29) 66- Improving phylogenetic regression under complex evolutionary models Journal Article Mazel, FA, Davies, TJ, Georges, D, Lavergne, S, Thuiller, W, Peres-Neto, PR 2016 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-03-29) 65- Spatial networks for inferring dispersal patterns in ecological communities Journal Article Layeghifard, M, Makarenkov, V, Peres-Neto, PR 2015 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 64- Mapping marine ecological units: Which taxonomic group to use? Which taxonomic resolution to choose? Journal Article Fontaine, A, Devillers, R, Peres-Neto, PR, Johnson, L 2015 Diversity and Distributions (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 63- On the evolution of dispersal via heterogeneity in spatial connectivity Journal Article Henriques-Silva, R, Boivin, F, Calcagno, V, Urban, MC, Peres-Neto, PR 2015 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2016-05-16) 62- Seasonal modulation of landscape effects on predatory beetle assemblage Journal Article Maisonhaute, J-, Peres-Neto, P, Lucas, E 2015 Bulletin of Insectology (Date Added: 2015-12-07) 61- Phylogenetic gradient analysis: environmental drivers of phylogenetic variation across ecological communities Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Kembel, SW 2015 Plant Ecology (Date Added: 2015-10-22) 60- Convergent polymorphism between stream and lake habitats: the case of brook char Journal Article Samways, KM, Leavitt, PR, Magnan, P, Rodríguez, MA, Peres-Neto, PR, Fisk, A 2015 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2015-09-08) 59- The interaction between the spatial distribution of resource patches and population density: consequences for intraspecific growth and morphology Journal Article Jacobson, B, Grant, JWA, Peres-Neto, PR 2015 The Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2015-07-20) 58- Data curation: Act to staunch loss of research data Journal Article Gonzalez, A, Peres-Neto, PR 2015 Nature (Date Added: 2015-05-11) 57- MEMGENE: Spatial pattern detection in genetic distance data Journal Article Galpern, P 2014 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 56- Can Wide Consultation Help with Setting Priorities for Large-Scale Biodiversity Monitoring Programs? Journal Article Boivin, F, Simard, A, Peres-Neto, P 2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2015-01-06) 55- Habitat-based polymorphism is common in stream fishes Journal Article Senay, C, Boisclair, D, Peres-Neto, PR 2014 Journal of Animal Ecology (Date Added: 2014-08-19) 54- Determinism of bacterial metacommunity dynamics in the southern East China Sea varies depending on hydrography Journal Article Yeh, Y-C, Peres-Neto, PR, Huang, S-W, Lai, Y-C, Tu, C-Y, Shiah, F-K, Gong, G-C, Hsieh, C-h 2014 Ecography (Date Added: 2014-08-05) 53- Much beyond Mantel: Bringing Procrustes Association Metric to the Plant and Soil Ecologist’s Toolbox Journal Article Lisboa, FJG, Peres-Neto, PR, Chaer, GM, Jesus, EdC, Mitchell, RJ, Chapman, SJ, Berbara, RLL 2014 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-07-17) 52- Sources of variation in small rodent trophic niche: new insights from DNA metabarcoding and stable isotope analysis Journal Article Soininen, EM, Ehrich, D, Lecomte, N, Yoccoz, NG, Tarroux, A, Berteaux, D, Gauthier, G, Gielly, L, Brochmann, C, Gussarova, G, Ims, RA 2014 Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (Date Added: 2014-05-30) 51- Ecology in the age of DNA barcoding: the resource, the promise and the challenges ahead Journal Article Joly, S, Davies, TJ, Archambault, A, Bruneau, A, Derry, A, Kembel, SW, Peres-Neto, P, Vamosi, J, Wheeler, TA 2014 Molecular Ecology Resources (Date Added: 2014-03-04) 50- Combining the fourth-corner and the RLQ methods for assessing trait responses to environmental variation Journal Article Dray, S, Choler, P, Dolédec, S, Peres-Neto, PR, Thuiller, W, Pavoine, S, ter Braak, CJF 2014 Ecology (Date Added: 2014-02-24) 49- Early growth trajectories affect sexual responsiveness Journal Article Lee, W-S, Metcalfe, NB, Reale, D, Peres-Neto, PR 2014 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2014-01-27) 48- Effects of foraging and sexual selection on ecomorphology of a fish with alternative reproductive tactics Journal Article Colborme, SF 2013 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 47- Shifts in Climate Foster Exceptional Opportunities for Species Radiation: The Case of South African Geraniums Journal Article Martínez-Cabrera, HI, Peres-Neto, PR 2013 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2014-02-24) 46- Phylogenetic eigenvector maps: a framework to model and predict species traits Journal Article Guénard, G, Legendre, P, Peres-Neto, P 2013 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2014-01-06) 45- Inferring explicit weighted consensus networks to represent alternative evolutionary histories Journal Article Layeghifard, M, Peres-Neto, PR, Makarenkov, V 2013 BMC Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2014-01-06) 44- Spatiotemporal dynamics in a seasonal metacommunity structure is predictable: the case of floodplain-fish communities Journal Article Fernandes, IM, Henriques-Silva, R, Penha, J, Zuanon, J, Peres-Neto, PR 2013 Ecography (Date Added: 2014-01-06) 43- Using functional traits to investigate the determinants of crustacean zooplankton community structure Journal Article Vogt, RJ, Peres-Neto, PR, Beisner, BE 2013 Oikos (Date Added: 2013-12-02) 42- A community of metacommunities: exploring patterns in species distributions across large geographical areas Journal Article Henriques-Silva, R, Lindo, Z, Peres-Neto, PR 2013 Ecology (Date Added: 2013-04-25) 41- Allopatric distribution of generalist parasites: interplay between postglacial dispersal and host species Journal Article Cyr F , PP-NaBA 2012 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2016-06-27) 40- Assessing the effects of spatial contingency and environmental filtering on metacommunity phylogenetics Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Leibold, MA, Dray, S 2012 Ecology (Date Added: 2013-08-07) 39- Community ecology in the age of multivariate multiscale spatial analysis Journal Article Dray, S, Pélissier, R, Couteron, P, Fortin, M-J, Legendre, P, Peres-Neto, PR, Bellier, E, Bivand, R, Blanchet, FG, De Cáceres, M, Dufour, A-B, Heegaard, E, Jombart, T, Munoz, F, Oksanen, J, Thioulouse, J, Wagner, HH 2012 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 38- Measuring Protected-Area Isolation and Correlations of Isolation with Land-Use Intensity and Protection Status Journal Article Seiferling, IS, Proulx, R, Peres-Neto, PR, Fahrig, L, Messier, C 2012 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2012-08-03) 37- Using directed phylogenetic networks to retrace species dispersal history Journal Article Layeghifard, M, Peres-Neto, PR, Makarenkov, V 2012 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-05-18) 36- A new phylogenetic method for identifying exceptional phenotypic diversification Journal Article Revell, LJ, Mahler, DL, Peres?Neto, PR, Redelings, BD 2012 Evolution (Date Added: 2012-01-06) 35- Morphological and swim performance variation among reproductive tactics of bluegill sunfish (
Lepomis macrochirus
) Journal Article Colborne, SF, Bellemare, MC, Peres-Neto, PR, Neff, BD, Kraft, C 2011 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Date Added: 2012-01-06) 34- Measuring protected?area isolation and correlations of isolation with land?use intensity and protection status Journal Article Seiferling, IS, Proulx, R, Peres?neto, PR, Fahrig, L, Messier, C 2011 Conservation Biology (Date Added: 2012-01-06) 33- Weighted bootstrapping: a correction method for assessing the robustness of phylogenetic trees Journal Article Makarenkov, V, Boc, A, Xie, J, Peres-Neto, P, Lapointe, F-J, Legendre, P 2010 BMC Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2012-09-17) 32- Quantifying and disentangling dispersal in metacommunities: How close have we come? How far is there to go? Journal Article Jacobson, B, Peres-Neto, PR 2010 Landscape Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 31- Influence of agronomic practices, local environment and landscape structure on predatory beetle assemblage Journal Article Maisonhaute, J-T, Peres-Neto, P, Lucas, 2010 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 30- Estimating and controlling for spatial structure in the study of ecological communities Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Legendre, P 2010 Global Ecology and Biogeography (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 29- Metacommunity phylogenetics: Separating the roles of environmental filters and historical biogeography Journal Article Leibold, MA, Economo, EP, Peres-Neto, P 2010 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 28- Meso-scale distributions of lake zooplankton reveal spatially and temporally varying trophic cascades Journal Article Lévesque, S, Beisner, BE, Peres-Neto, PR 2010 Journal of Plankton Research (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 27- Using null model analysis of species co-occurrences to deconstruct biodiversity patterns and select indicator species Journal Article Azeria, ET, Fortin, D, Hébert, C, Peres-Neto, P, Pothier, D, Ruel, J-C 2009 Diversity and Distributions (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 26- Seasonal trophic dynamics affect zooplankton community variability Journal Article Beisner, BE, Peres-Neto, PR 2009 Freshwater Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 25- Analyzing or explaining beta diversity? Comment Journal Article Legendre, P, Borcard, D, Peres-Neto, PR 2008 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-08-11) 24- Spatial variability of climate and land-use effects on lakes of the northern Great Plains Journal Article Pham, SV, Leavitt, PR, McGowan, S, Peres-Neto, P 2008 Limnology and Oceanography (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 23- Methods to account for spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of species distributional data: A review Journal Article F Dormann, C, M McPherson, J, B Araújo, M, Bivand, R, Bolliger, J, Carl, G, G Davies, R, Hirzel, A, Jetz, W, Daniel Kissling, W, Kühn, I, Ohlemüller, R, R Peres-Neto, P, Reineking, B, Schröder, B, M Schurr, F, Wilson, R 2007 Ecography (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 22- A unified strategy for estimating and controlling spatial, temporal and phylogenetic autocorrelation in ecological models Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR 2006 Oecologia Brasiliensis (Date Added: 2011-08-11) 21- Spatial modelling: a comprehensive framework for principal coordinate analysis of neighbour matrices (PCNM) Journal Article Dray, S, Legendre, P, Peres-Neto, PR 2006 Ecological Modelling (Date Added: 2011-08-11) 20- Variation partitioning of species data matrices: estimation and comparison of fractions Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Legendre, P, Dray, S, Borcard, D 2006 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-08-11) 19- The role of environmental and spatial processes in structuring lake communities from bacteria to fish Journal Article Beisner, BE, Peres-Neto, PR, Lindström, ES, Barnett, A, Longhi, ML 2006 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 18- Spatial modeling in ecology: The flexibility of eigenfunction spatial analyses Journal Article Griffith, DA, Peres-Neto, PR 2006 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 17- Analyzing beta diversity: Partitioning the spatial variation of community composition data Journal Article Legendre, P, Borcard, D, Peres-Neto, PR 2005 Ecological Monographs (Date Added: 2011-08-11) 16- How many principal components? stopping rules for determining the number of non-trivial axes revisited Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Jackson, DA, Somers, KM 2005 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 15- The influence of swimming demand on phenotypic plasticity and morphological integration: A comparison of two polymorphic charr species Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Magnan, P 2004 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 14- Patterns in the co-occurrence of fish species in streams: The role of site suitability, morphology and phylogeny versus species interactions Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR 2004 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 13- Giving meaningful interpretation to ordination axes: Assessing loading significance in principal component analysis Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Jackson, DA, Somers, KM 2003 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 12- Type 1 error rates of the parsimony permutation tail probability test Journal Article Wilkinson, M, Peres-Neto, PR, Foster, PG, Moncrieff, CB 2002 Systematic Biology (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 11- Predictive models of fish species distributions: A note on proper validation and chance predictions Journal Article Olden, JD, Jackson, DA, Peres-Neto, PR 2002 Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 10- An empirical comparison of SPM preprocessing parameters to the analysis of fMRI data Journal Article Della-Maggiore, V, Chau, W, Peres-Neto, PR, McIntosh, AR 2002 NeuroImage (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 9- The importance of scaling of multivariate analysis in ecological studies Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Jackson, DA 2001 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 8- Spatial isolation and fish communities in drainage lakes Journal Article Olden, JD, Jackson, DA, Peres-Neto, PR 2001 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 7- How well do multivariate data sets match? The advantages of a procrustean superimposition approach over the Mantel test Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Jackson, DA 2001 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 6- Environmentally constrained null models: Site suitability as occupancy criterion Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Olden, JD, Jackson, DA 2001 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 5- Assessing the robustness of randomization tests: Examples from behavioural studies Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Olden, JD 2001 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 4-What controls who is where in freshwater fish communities - The roles of biotic, abiotic, and spatial factors Journal Article Jackson, DA, Peres-Neto, PR, Olden, JD 2001 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( Date Added: 2011-04-14) 3- When are random data not random, or is the PTP test useful? Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR, Marques, F 2000 Cladistics (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 2- How many statistical tests are too many? The problem of conducting multiple ecological inferences revisited Journal Article Peres-Neto, PR 1999 Marine Ecology Progress Series (Date Added: 2011-04-14) 1- Yeast communities associated with different plant resources in sandy coastal plains of southeastern Brazil Journal Article Rosa, CA, Morais, PB, Santos, SR, Peres Neto, PR, Mendonca-Hagler, LC, Hagler, AN 1995 Mycological Research (Date Added: 2011-04-14) Dans les médiaComprendre comment les espèces migrent pour mieux les protéger 2024-12-02 CONCORDIA MARKS ANOTHER YEAR OF FACULTY EXCELLENCE Annual celebration recognizes 13 recipients for their exceptional teaching and leadership 2024-06-13 Concordia hosts a public conference on the climate crisis 2020-03-02 Concordia hosts a public conference on the climate crisis (Elisabeth Faure) 2020-03-02 What can fish tell us about our changing world? (Faure, Elisabeth) 2017-01-30 Quantitative Indicators & Metrics of Ecosystems Services, Health & Function NSERC Canadian Network for Aquatic Ecosystem Services 2013-02-12 Effet des changements climatiques sur la biodiversité : un programme de suivi fait appel à l'opinion publique Nouvelles UQAM 2011-10-03 Le professeur Pedro Peres-Neto obtient une subvention de 450000$ pour mesurer l'effet possible des changements climatiques sur la biodiversité québécoise Nouvelles UQAM 2010-10-29 Collectif scientifique sur la question du gaz de schiste 2010-04-04 |