Emily Charry Tissier

Université du Québec à Montréal
Candidat Membre employé(e) / Employed member

superviseur(e): Pedro Peres-Neto
Début: 2015-11-16
Fin: 2020-08-30
Page personnelle


1- Postfire seed rain of black spruce, a semiserotinous conifer, in forests of interior Alaska
Johnstone, Jill, Leslie Boby, Emily Tissier, Michelle Mack, Dave Verbyla, Xanthe Walker
2009 Canadian Journal of Forest Research

2- Explaining Spatial Heterogeneity in Population Dynamics and Genetics from Spatial Variation in Resources for a Large Herbivore
Adrienne L. Contasti, Emily J. Tissier, Jill F. Johnstone, Philip D. McLoughlin
2012 PLoS ONE

3- Distribution of Vegetation along Environmental Gradients on Sable Island, Nova Scotia
Tissier, Emily J., Philip D. McLoughlin, John W. Sheard, Jill F. Johnstone
2013 Ecoscience

4- Recovery of Tundra Vegetation Three Decades after Hydrocarbon Drilling with and without Seeding of Non-Native Grasses + Supplementary Appendices (See Article Tools)
Kearns, Nicole B., Mélanie Jean, Emily J. Tissier, Jill F. Johnstone