Jacques Brodeur

Professeur titulaire,
Université de Montréal

Institut de recherche en biologie végétale
Courriel: jacques.brodeur@umontreal.ca
Page web de l'institution


  • Relations plantes-insectes et lutte biologique
  • Relations hôtes-parasitoïdes

  • Les travaux s’articulent autour de plusieurs modèles biologiques et se réalisent au laboratoire, en serre mais de préférence en milieu naturel.

    Étudiants CSBQ

    Jessica Fraser

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Annie-Ève Gagnon, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
    (Début: 2023)
    La complexité à plusieurs échelles : comment les bandes fleuries et la structure de la laitue affectent-elles les dynamiques prédateurs-proies et l’efficacité de la lutte biologique au champ?

    Jérôme Gélinas Bélanger

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Dr. Annabelle Firlej, Institut de Recherche et de Développement en Agroenvironnement; Dr. Paul K. Abram, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
    (Début: 2019)
    Modélisation des paramètres écologiques menant à l’établissement et l’utilisation des parasitoïdes Ganaspis cf. brasiliensis et Leptopilina japonica pour le contrôle de Drosophila suzukii

    Jules Dumotier

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Annie-Ève Gagnon, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
    (Début: 2020)
    Impacts de l’ajout d’un paillis de seigle sur la diversité et l’abondance des arthropodes du sol et foliaires dans la culture de la laitue : une approche multitrophique

    Alissandre Lavoie

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Annie-Ève Gagnon
    (Début: 2023, Fin: 2025)
    Bradynema listronoti dans un contexte de lutte biologique pour le contrôle de la population de charançon de la carotte

    Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

    Joffrey Moiroux

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2014)
    Changements climatiques, relations trophiques et biodiversité

    Julie Augustin

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gaétan Bourgeois, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2018)
    Modélisation dynamique du comportement d'une guêpe parasitoïde en conditions de températures sub-optimales

    Maryse Barrette

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Guy Boivin
    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2010)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Luc-Alain Giraldeau
    Exploitation des aggrégats d'hôtes par les parasitoides

    Annie-Ève Gagnon

    Autre (co-)superviseur: George Heimpel
    (Début: 2005, Fin: 2010)
    Prédation intraguilde chez les coccinelles: impact sur la lutte biologique au puceron du soya

    Mathilde Gaudreau

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Paul K. Abram, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
    (Début: 2018, Fin: 2023)
    Influence du rayonnement ultraviolet sur l’association entre des guêpes parasitoïdes d’oeufs de punaises et leurs hôtes
    Lien vers mémoire (pdf)
    Page personnelle

    Fanny Maure

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Frédéric Thomas
    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2013)
    Écologie et évolution de la manipulation de type garde-du-corps : étude du système Dinocampus coccinellae – Coleomegilla maculata

    Simon Payette Daoust

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Marc Belisle
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2011)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Jade Savage
    Impacts de l’intensification agricole et de la structure du paysage sur les relations tri-trophiques entre un oiseau hôte, des mouches ectoparasites e

    Arnaud Sentis

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Jean-Louis Hemptinne
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2012)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Jade Savage
    Modélisation de l’interaction entre la prédation intraguilde et la température

    Kévin Tougeron

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Joan van Baaren, Université Rennes 1 (FR)
    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2017)
    Variabilité de la diapause chez les parasitoïdes de pucerons dans le contexte des changements climatiques : implications en lutte biologique
    Page personnelle

    Gi-Mick Wu

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Guy Boivin
    (Début: 2006, Fin: 2010)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Luc-Alain Giraldeau
    Sélection de l'hôte et temps de manipulation chez les parasitoides de pucerons

    Mathieu Bélanger Morin

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2012)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Christian Hébert
    Impact des coupes partielles sur l’activité de coléoptères phloeophages et xylophages en forêt boréale

    Marianne Bessette

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Annie-Ève Gagnon, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
    (Début: 2018, Fin: 2020)
    Génétique des populations du charançons de la carotte (Listronotus oregonensis) en Amérique du Nord et ses ennemis naturels potentiels

    Alessandro Dieni

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Julie Turgeon
    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2014)
    Les routes d’invasion du criocère du lis (Lilioceris lilii) en Amérique du Nord

    Jean-François Duval

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Guy Boivin, AAC.
    (Début: 2014, Fin: 2016)
    Parasitoïdes en trois temps : Quantification des effets du superparasitisme sur le résultat de la compétition intrinsèque chez Trichogramma euproctidis Girault.

    Julie Faucher Delisle

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Les Shipp
    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2013)
    Évaluation de divers types de suppléments alimentaires pour deux espèces d'acariens prédateurs, Amblyseius swirskii et Neoseiulus cucumeris

    Véronique Gariepy

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Guy Boivin
    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2011)
    Évaluationdu potentiel des parasitoïdes Binodoxys communis, Aphidius colemaniet Aphelinus certus pour la lutte au puceron du soya

    Mathilde Gaudreau

    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2017)
    Effet du rayonnement ultraviolet sur le fitness des parasitoïdes et leurs stratégies d’exploitation de l’hôte en milieu naturel
    Page personnelle

    Marie-Ève Lanteigne

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Guy Boivin
    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2013)
    Résistance de la laitue aux ravageurs : impacts sur les parasitoïdes de pucerons

    Simon Laurin-Lemay

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Betty Benrey, Université de Neuchâtel
    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2010)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Bernard Angers
    Structure génétique dans un système multi-trophique

    Simon Legault

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2011)
    Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Christian Hébert
    Écologie saisonnière des parasitoïdes des oeufs de l’arpenteuse de la pruche

    Marie-Pier Lepage

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Gaétan Bourgeois et Guy Boivin
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2010)
    Étude de l’impact de la température et de l’humidité sur la survie et la dynamique de ponte de la mouche du chou Delia radicum L.

    Julie Poistras-Saulnier

    (Début: 2009, Fin: 2011)
    Enquête sur l¿évolution de l¿utilisation des pesticides dans la culture de la pomme au Québec de 1977 à 2010

    Ariane Vossen

    Autre (co-)superviseur: Annabelle Firlej, IRDA
    (Début: 2021, Fin: 2023)
    Lutte biologique classique contre la drosophile à ailes tachetées : Évaluation de la diapause et de la survie hivernale au Québec des parasitoïdes Ganaspis brasiliensis et Leptopilina japonica

    Exemples d'espèces étudiées

    Aphidius nigripes
    Delia radicum
    Toxoplasma gondii
    Cotesia rubecula
    Cotesia glomerata
    Trialeurodes vaporariorum
    Beauveria bassiana
    Aphis glycines
    Lambdina fiscellaria
    Maruca vitrata
    Dicyphus hesperus
    Syrphophagus aphidivorus
    Locusta migratoria
    Cephalonomia stephanoderis
    Coleomegilla maculata
    Penicillium digitatum
    Hypothenemus hampei
    Aphidoletes aphidimyza
    Macrosiphum euphorbiae
    Asaphes vulgaris
    Halyomorpha halys
    Lilioceris lilii
    Glycine max
    Drosophila suzukii
    Popillia japonica
    Istocheta aldrichi
    Neorthacheta dissimilis
    Dinocampus coccinellae


    220- Recent advances in characterizing trophic connections in biological control
    Journal Article
    Rondoni G , Collatz J , Jonsson M , Rennstam Rubbmark O , Riddick E W , Schmidt J M , Brodeur J ,
    2024 Biological Control (Date Added: 2024-11-30)

    219- Recent advances in characterizing trophic connections in biological control
    Journal Article
    Rondoni G , Collatz J , Jonsson M , Rennstam Rubbmark O , Riddick E W , Schmidt J M , Brodeur J ,
    2024 Biological Control (Date Added: 2024-11-30)

    218- How exposure to a neonicotinoid pesticide affects innate and learned close-range foraging behaviour of a classical biological control agent
    Journal Article
    Rondoni G , Chierici E , Daher E , Famiani F , Brodeur J , Conti E ,
    2024 Biological Control (Date Added: 2024-07-16)

    217- Weighing consequences of action and inaction in invasive insect management
    Journal Article
    Abram P K , Franklin M T , Brodeur J , Cory J S , McConkey A , Wyckhuys K A , Heimpel G E ,
    2024 One Earth (Date Added: 2024-05-21)

    216- Trophic impacts of a rolled-rye cover crop on the lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) and associated insect fauna in cultivated Histosols
    Journal Article
    Dumotier J , Brodeur J , Gagnon A ,
    2024 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2024-05-19)

    215- Toxoplasma gondii infection in people with schizophrenia is related to higher hair glucocorticoid levels
    Journal Article
    Beaumont E , Brodeur J , Thomas F , Dujon A M , Lupien S J , ,
    2024 Frontiers in Psychiatry (Date Added: 2024-03-13)

    214- Where and Why do Females of the Parasitic Fly Istocheta aldrichi Lay Their Eggs on the Body of Adult Japanese Beetles?
    Journal Article
    Pelletier M , Legault S , Doyon J , Brodeur J ,
    2023 Journal of Insect Behavior (Date Added: 2023-12-21)

    213- The establishment of the association between the Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and the parasitoid Istocheta aldrichi (Diptera: Tachinidae) in Québec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Gagnon M , Doyon J , Legault S , Brodeur J ,
    2023 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2023-12-07)

    212- Protective Geometry and Reproductive Anatomy as Candidate Determinants of Clutch Size Variation in Pentatomid Bugs
    Journal Article
    Abram P K , Guerra-Grenier E , Brodeur J , Capko C , Aquino M F S , Beers E H , Blassioli-Moraes M C , Borges M , Cingolani M F , Cusumano A , De Clercq P , Fernandez C A , Gariepy T D , Haye T , Hoelmer K , Laumann R A , Lietti M , McPherson J E , Punschke E , Saunders T E , Zhang J , Hardy I C W ,
    2023 American Naturalist (Date Added: 2023-11-02)

    211- Reliability of a commercial trap to estimate population parameters of Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica, and parasitism by Istocheta aldrichi
    Journal Article
    Legault S , Doyon J , Brodeur J ,
    2023 Journal of Pest Science (Date Added: 2023-08-18)

    210- The geographic scope of host use by the ladybeetle parasitoid Dinocampus coccinellae
    Journal Article
    Ricupero M , Zepeda-Paulo F , Cabrera N , Biondi A , Dai C , Zappalà L , Heimpel G E , Brodeur J , Desneux N , Lavandero B ,
    2023 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2023-06-19)

    209- Best practices in the use and exchange of microorganism biological control genetic resources
    Journal Article
    Mason P G , Hill M , Smith D , Silvestri L C , Weyl P , Brodeur J , Diniz Vitorino M ,
    2023 BioControl (Date Added: 2023-04-14)

    208- Attenuation of ultraviolet (UV) radiation does not impede host location in egg parasitoids with positive UV phototaxis
    Journal Article
    Gaudreau M , Souza M T , LeBlanc F , Brodeur J , Abram P K ,
    2023 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2023-04-02)

    207- Impact of Access and Benefit Sharing implementation on biological control genetic resources
    Journal Article
    Mason P G , Barratt B I P , Mc Kay F , Klapwijk J N , Silvestri L C , Hill M , Hinz H L , Sheppard A , Brodeur J , Vitorino M D , Weyl P , Hoelmer K A ,
    2023 BioControl (Date Added: 2023-02-20)

    206- International agreement for the use and exchange of classical biological control genetic resources: a practical proposal
    Journal Article
    Mason P G , Mc Kay F , Silvestri L C , Hill M , Weyl P , Hinz H L , Brodeur J , Vitorino M D , Barratt B I P ,
    2023 BioControl (Date Added: 2023-02-14)

    205- “COP26: what is the message for public health?” Response from the Université de Montréal One Health initiative
    Journal Article
    Aenishaenslin C , Batal M , Boiteux M , Bouchard M , Brun Y , Brodeur J , Carabin H , Carrier J , Kasisi R , Kritikou E , Lavoie J , Lavoie-Tremblay M , Merry L , Monnais L , Sauvé S , Stafford L , Michel J J T , Tremblay H ,
    2022 Canadian Journal of Public Health (Date Added: 2023-07-07)

    204- Host Range and Phenology of Sugarcane Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Natural Enemy Community in Sorghum in Haiti
    Journal Article
    Exilien R , Brodeur J , Fournier V , Martini X ,
    2022 Journal of economic entomology (Date Added: 2023-01-04)

    203- Low and high temperatures decrease the mating success of an egg parasitoid and the proportion of females in the population
    Journal Article
    Augustin J , Bourgeois G , Brodeur J , Boivin G ,
    2022 Journal of Thermal Biology (Date Added: 2022-11-24)

    202- Adult female exposure to mild ultraviolet radiation reduces longevity but not egg load in two parasitoid wasps
    Journal Article
    Gaudreau M , Brodeur J , Abram P K ,
    2022 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2022-09-27)

    200- Effects of plants and biochar on the performance of treatment wetlands for removal of the pesticide chlorantraniliprole from agricultural runoff
    Journal Article
    Abas K , Brisson J , Amyot M , Brodeur J , Storck V , Montiel-León J M , Duy S V , Sauvé S , Kõiv-Vainik M ,
    2022 Ecological Engineering (Date Added: 2022-03-28)

    199- Population genetic structure of the carrot weevil (Listronotus oregonensis) in North America
    Journal Article
    Bessette M , Ste‐Croix D T , Brodeur J , Mimee B , Gagnon A ,
    2022 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2022-02-10)

    198- Susceptibility of iris (Iridaceae) to larval infestation by Neorthacheta dissimilis (Diptera: Scathophagidae)
    Journal Article
    Doyon J , Savage J , Bailleul S , Labelle S , Brodeur J ,
    2021 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2021-12-11)

    197- Landscape-scale population connectivity in two parasitoid species associated with the spruce budworm: Testing the birdfeeder effect using genetic data
    Journal Article
    Legault S , Wittische J , Cusson M , Brodeur J , James P M A ,
    2021 Molecular Ecology (Date Added: 2021-09-19)

    196- The effect of temperature on host patch exploitation by an egg parasitoid
    Journal Article
    Augustin J , Boivin G , Bourgeois G , Brodeur J ,
    2021 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-08-07)

    195- Photoprotective egg pigmentation reduces negative carryover effects of ultraviolet radiation on stink bug nymph survival
    Journal Article
    Gaudreau M , Guerra-Grenier E , Abram P K , Brodeur J ,
    2021 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2021-07-14)

    194- A phylogenetic perspective on parasitoid host ranges with implications for biological control
    Journal Article
    Heimpel G E , Abram P K , Brodeur J ,
    2021 Current Opinion in Insect Science (Date Added: 2021-06-14)

    193- Learning can be detrimental for a parasitic wasp
    Journal Article
    Bertoldi V , Rondoni G , Peri E , Conti E , Brodeur J ,
    2021 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-04-05)

    192- Genomic profiling of virulence in the soybean cyst nematode using single-nematode sequencing
    Journal Article
    Ste-Croix D T , St-Marseille A G , Lord E , Bélanger R R , Brodeur J , Mimee B ,
    2021 Phytopathology (Date Added: 2021-03-30)

    191- Asymmetries affecting aggressive contests between solitary parasitoids: The effect of host species
    Journal Article
    Guerra-Grenier E , Abram P K , Brodeur J ,
    2021 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2021-03-30)

    190- Effect of irradiation on the mating capacity and competitiveness of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) for the development of the sterile insect technique
    Journal Article
    Lanouette G , Brodeur J , Fournier F , Martel V , Firlej A ,
    2020 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2021-03-30)

    189- Effect of temperature on the walking behaviour of an egg parasitoid: disentangling kinetic response from integrated response
    Journal Article
    Augustin J , Boivin G , Brodeur J , Bourgeois G ,
    2020 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2021-03-30)

    188- Next-generation biological control: the need for integrating genetics and genomics
    Journal Article
    Leung K , Ras E , Ferguson K B , Ariëns S , Babendreier D , Bijma P , Bourtzis K , Brodeur J , Bruins M A , Centurión A , Chattington S R , Chinchilla‐Ramírez M , Dicke M , Fatouros N E , González‐Cabrera J , Groot T V M , Haye T , Knapp M , Koskinioti P , Le Hesran S , Lyrakis M , Paspati A , Pérez‐Hedo M , Plouvier W N , Schlötterer C , Stahl J M , Thiel A , Urbaneja A , Zande L , Verhulst E C , Vet L E M , Visser S , Werren J H , Xia S , Zwaan B J , Magalhães S , Beukeboom L W , Pannebakker B A ,
    2020 Biological Reviews (Date Added: 2020-12-18)

    187- Evolution of parasite-induced behavioral alterations
    Book Chapter
    Thomas F , Rigaud T , Brodeur J ,
    2019 Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Date Added: 2020-02-18)

    186- Phytoseiid predatory mites can disperse entomopathogenic fungi to prey patches
    Journal Article
    Lin G , Guertin C , Di Paolo S , Todorova S , Brodeur J ,
    2019 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2020-01-02)

    185- Egg parasitoid exploitation of plant volatiles induced by single or concurrent attack of a zoophytophagous predator and an invasive phytophagous pest
    Journal Article
    Martorana L , Brodeur J , Foti M C , Agrò A , Colazza S , Peri E ,
    2019 Scientific reports (Date Added: 2019-12-23)

    184- How climate change affects the seasonal ecology of insect parasitoids
    Journal Article
    Tougeron K , Brodeur J , Le Lann C , Baaren J ,
    2019 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2019-08-24)

    183- Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) genetic diversity in North America and Europe
    Journal Article
    Kapantaidaki D E , Evangelou V I , Morrison W R , Leskey T C , Brodeur J , Milonas P ,
    2019 Insects (Date Added: 2019-08-13)

    182- An egg parasitoid efficiently exploits cues from a coevolved host but not those from a novel host
    Journal Note
    Bertoldi V , Rondoni G , Brodeur J , Conti E ,
    2019 Frontiers in Physiology (Date Added: 2019-07-10)

    181- Diapause expression in a Québec, Canada population of the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
    Journal Article
    Tougeron K , van Baaren J , Le Lann C , Brodeur J ,
    2019 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2019-03-21)

    180- Simulating the impacts of climate change on soybean cyst nematode and the distribution of soybean
    Journal Article
    Gendron St-Marseille A , Bourgeois G , Brodeur J , Mimee B ,
    2019 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (Date Added: 2019-02-23)

    179- Intraspecific maternal competition induces summer diapause in insect parasitoids
    Journal Article
    Tougeron K , Hraoui G , Le Lann C , van Baaren J , Brodeur J ,
    2018 Insect science (Date Added: 2018-12-03)

    178- Disentangling plasticity from local adaptation in diapause expression in parasitoid wasps from contrasting thermal environments: A reciprocal translocation experiment
    Journal Article
    Tougeron K , van Baaren J , Llopis S , Ridel A , Doyon J , Brodeur J , Le Lann C ,
    2018 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (Date Added: 2018-11-22)

    177- Rapid responses of winter aphid-parasitoid communities to climate warming
    Journal Article
    Tougeron K , Damien M , Le Lann C , Brodeur J , van Baaren J ,
    2018 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2018-11-17)

    176- Genome scans reveal homogenization and local adaptations in populations of the soybean CYST nematode
    Journal Article
    Gendron St-Marseille A , Lord E , Véronneau P , Brodeur J , Mimee B ,
    2018 Frontiers in Plant Science (Date Added: 2018-08-08)

    175- Ovigeny index increases with temperature in an aphid parasitoid: Is early reproduction better when it is hot?
    Journal Article
    Moiroux J , Boivin G , Brodeur J ,
    2018 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2018-06-26)

    174-Biological control: Achievements and opportunities
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Messing R H ,
    2018 BioControl ( Date Added: 2018-05-08)

    173- Estimating parasitoid impact on aphid populations in the field
    Journal Article
    Leblanc A , Brodeur J ,
    2018 Biological Control (Date Added: 2018-03-03)

    172- Impact of superparasitism time intervals on progeny survival and fitness of an egg parasitoid
    Journal Article
    2018 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2018-03-03)

    171- Current challenges to the implementation of classical biological control
    Journal Article
    Messing R , Brodeur J ,
    2017 BioControl (Date Added: 2017-12-26)

    170- A new method for loading predatory mites with entomopathogenic fungi for biological control of their prey
    Journal Article
    Lin, G, Tanguay, A, Guertin, C, Todorova, S, Brodeur, J
    2017 Biological Control (Date Added: 2017-12-05)

    169- The sterile insect technique for the management of the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii: Establishing the optimum irradiation dose
    Journal Article
    Lanouette G , Brodeur J , Fournier F , Martel V , Vreysen M , Cáceres C , Firlej A ,
    2017 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2017-12-05)

    168- Host egg pigmentation protects developing parasitoids from ultraviolet radiation
    Journal Article
    Gaudreau M , Abram P K , Brodeur J ,
    2017 Oikos (Date Added: 2017-12-05)

    167- Non-additive effects of simulated heat waves and predators on prey phenotype and transgenerational phenotypic plasticity
    Journal Article
    Sentis A , Hemptinne J , Brodeur J ,
    2017 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2017-12-05)

    166- Are aphid parasitoids from mild winter climates losing their winter diapause?
    Journal Article
    Tougeron K , Le Lann C , Brodeur J , van Baaren J ,
    2017 Oecologia (Date Added: 2017-12-05)

    165- Time perception-based decision making in a parasitoid wasp
    Journal Article
    Parent J , Takasu K , Brodeur J , Boivin G ,
    2017 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2017-11-30)

    164- Comparing and contrasting life history variation in four aphid hyperparasitoids
    Journal Article
    2017 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2017-11-30)

    163- Trends in biological control: public interest, international networking and research direction
    Journal Article
    Brodeur J , Abram P K , Heimpel G E , Messing R H ,
    2017 BioControl (Date Added: 2017-11-20)

    162- Best practices for the use and exchange of invertebrate biological control genetic resources relevant for food and agriculture
    Journal Article
    Mason P G , Cock M J W , Barratt B I P , Klapwijk J N , van Lenteren J C , Brodeur J , Hoelmer K A , Heimpel G E ,
    2017 BioControl (Date Added: 2017-05-04)

    161-Routes of invasion of the lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii in North America
    Journal Article
    Dieni, A, Brodeur J , Turgeon, J
    2016 Biological Invasions ( Date Added: 2018-05-08)

    160- Behavioural effects of temperature on ectothermic animals: unifying thermal physiology and behavioural plasticity: Effects of temperature on animal behaviour
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Boivin, G, Moiroux, J, Brodeur, J
    2016 Biological Reviews (Date Added: 2016-12-22)

    159- Use of time in a decision-making process by a parasitoid: Use of time in decision-making by a parasitoid
    Journal Article
    Parent, J-P, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2016 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2016-11-24)

    158- Patch exploitation strategies of parasitoids under indirect intra- and inter-specific competition: Foraging under indirect competition
    Journal Article
    Robert, FL-A, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2016 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2016-09-15)

    157- Influence of temperature on patch residence time in parasitoids: physiological and behavioural mechanisms
    Journal Article
    Moiroux, J, Abram, PK, Louapre, P, Barrette, M, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2016 Die Naturwissenschaften (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    156- Size-induced phenotypic reaction norms in a parasitoid wasp: an examination of life-history and behavioural traits
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Parent, J-P, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2016 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

    155- Parasitoid-induced host egg abortion: An underappreciated component of biological control services provided by egg parasitoids
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Brodeur, J, Burte, V, Boivin, G
    2016 Biological Control (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

    154- Patch exploitation by non-aggressive parasitoids under intra- and interspecific competition
    Journal Article
    Robert, F-A, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2016 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

    153- A scenario for the evolution of selective egg coloration: the roles of enemy-free space, camouflage, thermoregulation and pigment limitation
    Journal Article
    Torres-Campos, I, Abram, PK, Guerra-Grenier, E, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2016 Royal Society Open Science (Date Added: 2016-05-10)

    152- Reconstructing the invasion history of the lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii, in North America
    Journal Article
    Dieni, A, Brodeur, J, Turgeon, J
    2016 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2016-02-08)

    151- Host nutritional status mediates degree of parasitoid virulence
    Journal Article
    Maure, F, Thomas, F, Doyon, J, Brodeur, J
    2015 Oikos (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    150- Impact of climate change on molecular interactions between the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and its main host, soy (Glycine max)
    Journal Article
    Gendron St-Marseille, A-F, Bélair, G, Brodeur, J, Bourgeois, G, Mimee, B
    2015 Phytoprotection (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    149- Temperature influences host instar selection in an aphid parasitoid: support for the relative fitness rule: Temperature influences host instar selection
    Journal Article
    Moiroux, J, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2015 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (Date Added: 2015-12-15)

    148- Patch Experience Changes Host Acceptance of the Aphid Parasitoid Aphidius ervi
    Journal Article
    Lanteigne, M-E, Brodeur, J, Jenni, S, Boivin, G
    2015 Journal of Insect Behavior (Date Added: 2015-11-16)

    147- Thermal stress affects patch time allocation by preventing forgetting in a parasitoid wasp
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Cusumano, A, Peri, E, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G, Colazza, S
    2015 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2015-11-16)

    146- The smell of change: warming affects species interactions mediated by chemical information
    Journal Article
    Sentis, A, Ramon-Portugal, F, Brodeur, J, Hemptinne, J-L
    2015 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2015-09-23)

    145- Making the best of a bad situation: host partial resistance and bypass of behavioral manipulation by parasites?
    Journal Article
    Daoust, SP, King, KC, Brodeur, J, Roitberg, BD, Roche, B, Thomas, F
    2015 Trends in Parasitology (Date Added: 2015-09-23)

    144- Short-term effect of selection cutting in boreal balsam fir forest on cerambycid and scolytid beetles
    Journal Article
    Morin, MB, Hébert, C, Berthiaume, R, Bauce, , Brodeur, J
    2015 Journal of Applied Entomology (Date Added: 2015-08-26)

    143- Do furtive predators benefit from a selfish herd effect by living within their prey colony?
    Journal Article
    Dumont, F, Lucas, E, Brodeur, J
    2015 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2015-08-26)

    142- Cancer: an emergent property of disturbed resource-rich environments? Ecology meets personalized medicine
    Journal Article
    Ducasse, H, Arnal, A, Vittecoq, M, Daoust, SP, Ujvari, B, Jacqueline, C, Tissot, T, Ewald, P, Gatenby, RA, King, KC, Bonhomme, F, Brodeur, J, Renaud, F, Solary, E, Roche, B, Thomas, F
    2015 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2015-08-26)

    141- An Insect with Selective Control of Egg Coloration
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Guerra-Grenier, E, Despres-Einspenner, M-L, Ito, S, Wakamatsu, K, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2015 Current Biology : CB (Date Added: 2015-08-26)

    140- Plasmodium infections and fluctuating asymmetry among children and teenagers from Senegal
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Doyon, J, Elguero, E, Dujardin, J-P, Brodeur, J, Roucher, C, Robert, V, Missé, D, Raymond, M, Trape, J-F
    2015 Infection, Genetics and Evolution (Date Added: 2015-03-30)

    139- Who is the puppet master? Replication of a parasitic wasp-associated virus correlates with host behaviour manipulation
    Journal Article
    Dheilly, NM, Maure, F, Ravallec, M, Galinier, R, Doyon, J, Duval, D, Leger, L, Volkoff, A-N, Misse, D, Nidelet, S, Demolombe, V, Brodeur, J, Gourbal, B, Thomas, F, Mitta, G
    2015 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2015-02-27)

    138- Why two species of parasitoids showed promise in the laboratory but failed to control the soybean aphid under field conditions
    Journal Article
    Gariepy, V, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2015 Biological Control (Date Added: 2014-10-23)

    137- An invasive stink bug as an evolutionary trap for an indigenous egg parasitoid
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Gariepy, TD, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2014 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    135- Host behaviour manipulation as an evolutionary route towards attenuation of parasitoid virulence
    Journal Article
    Maure, F, Doyon, J, Thomas, F, Brodeur, J
    2014 Journal of Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2014-12-04)

    134- Towards a mechanistic understanding of temperature and enrichment effects on species interaction strength, omnivory and food-web structure
    Journal Article
    Sentis, A, Hemptinne, J-L, Brodeur, J
    2014 Ecology Letters (Date Added: 2014-10-23)

    133- Partial Aphid Resistance in Lettuce Negatively Affects Parasitoids
    Journal Article
    Lanteigne, M-E, Brodeur, J, Jenni, S, Boivin, G
    2014 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2014-10-23)

    132- Impact of plant architecture and extraguild prey density on intraguild predation in an agroecosystem
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, A-, Brodeur, J
    2014 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2014-10-23)

    131- Sex ratio variations with temperature in an egg parasitoid: behavioural adjustment and physiological constraint
    Journal Article
    Moiroux, J, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2014 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2014-10-23)

    130- Susceptibility of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) eggs to different life stages of three generalist predators
    Journal Article
    Abram, PK, Doyon, J, Brodeur, J, Gariépy, TD, Boivin, G
    2014 The Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2014-08-05)

    129- Increasing host age does not have the expected negative effects on the fitness parameters of an egg parasitoid
    Journal Article
    Zhou, Y, Abram, PK, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2014 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2014-04-02)

    128- Oviposition Pattern of Early and Late-Emerging Genotypes of Delia radicum (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) at Different Temperatures
    Journal Article
    Lepage, MP, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J, Bourgeois, G
    2014 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2014-03-01)

    127-Lambdina fiscellaria (Guenée), Hemlock Looper (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
    Book Chapter
    Hébert C et J Brodeur ,
    2013 Biological control programmes in Canada 2001-2012 ( Date Added: 2016-07-18)

    126- How functional response and productivity modulate intraguild predation
    Journal Article
    Sentis, A, Hemptinne, JL, Brodeur, J
    2013 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    125- Parsing handling time into its components: implications for responses to a temperature gradient
    Journal Article
    Sentis, A, Hemptinne, J-L, Brodeur, J
    2013 Ecology (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    124- A multi-approach study to delineate interactions between carabid beetles and soybean aphids
    Journal Article
    Firlej, A, Doyon, J, Harwood, JD, Brodeur, J
    2013 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    123- When should a trophically transmitted parasite exploit host compensatory responses?
    Journal Article
    Dubois, F, Thomas, F, Brodeur, J
    2013 Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2013-12-05)

    122- Bodyguard manipulation in a multipredator context: Different processes, same effect
    Journal Article
    Maure, F, Brodeur, J, Droit, A, Doyon, J, Thomas, F
    2013 Behavioural Processes (Date Added: 2013-08-14)

    121- Effects of seasonal variation in host quality and availability on parasitism by the egg parasitoid Telenomus coloradensis
    Journal Article
    Legault, S, Hébert, C, Berthiaume, R, Brodeur, J
    2013 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2013-07-18)

    120- Effects of simulated heat waves on an experimental plant–herbivore–predator food chain
    Journal Article
    Sentis, A, Hemptinne, J-L, Brodeur, J
    2013 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2013-02-05)

    119- How much energy should manipulative parasites leave to their hosts to ensure altered behaviours?
    Journal Article
    Maure, F, Brodeur, J, Hughes, D, Thomas, F
    2013 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-12-30)

    118- Diversity and evolution of bodyguard manipulation
    Journal Article
    Maure, F, Daoust, SP, Brodeur, J, Mitta, G, Thomas, F
    2013 The Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-12-30)

    117- Impact of four turf management regimes on arthropod abundance in lawns
    Journal Article
    Rochefort, S, Shetlar, DJ, Brodeur, J
    2013 Pest Management Science (Date Added: 2012-12-24)

    116- Direct and indirect effects of landscape structure on a tri-trophic system within agricultural lands
    Journal Article
    Daoust, SP, Bélisle, M, Savage, J, Robillard, A, Baeta, R, Brodeur, J
    2012 Ecosphere (Date Added: 2016-06-14)

    115- Inconsistent genetic structure among members of a multitrophic system: did bruchid parasitoids (Horismenus spp.) escape the effects of bean domestication?
    Journal Article
    Laurin-Lemay, S, Angers, B, Benrey, B, Brodeur, J
    2012 Bulletin of Entomological Research (Date Added: 2013-05-16)

    114- Seasonal Ecology and Thermal Constraints of Telenomus spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Egg Parasitoids of the Hemlock Looper (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
    Journal Article
    Legault, S, Hébert, C, Blais, J, Berthiaume, R, Bauce, E, Brodeur, J
    2012 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2013-01-06)

    113- Host manipulation by parasites
    Book Whole
    Hughes, DP, Brodeur, J, Thomas, F
    2012 (Date Added: 2012-09-12)

    112- Aphid parasitoids in biological control
    Journal Article
    Boivin, G, Hance, T, Brodeur, J
    2012 Canadian Journal of Plant Science (Date Added: 2012-09-12)

    111- Cat ownership is neither a strong predictor of Toxoplasma gondii infection nor a risk factor for brain cancer
    Journal Article
    Vittecoq, M, Lafferty, KD, Elguero, E, Brodeur, J, Gauthier-Clerc, M, Missé, D, Roche, B, Thomas, F
    2012 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2012-09-05)

    110- Distribution of Cotesia rubecula (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Its Displacement of Cotesia glomerata in Eastern North America
    Journal Article
    Herlihy, MV, Van Driesche, RG, Abney, MR, Brodeur, J, Bryant, AB, Casagrande, RA, Delaney, DA, Elkner, TE, Fleischer, SJ, Groves, RL, Gruner, DS, Harmon, JP, Heimpel, GE, Hemady, K, Kuhar, TP, Maund, CM, Shelton, AM, Seaman, AJ, Skinner, M, Weinzierl, R, Yeargan, KV, Szendrei, Z
    2012 Florida Entomologist (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

    109- Malignancies and High Birth Weight in Human: Which Cancers Could Result from Antagonistic Pleiotropy?
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Elguero, E, Brodeur, J, Roche, B, Missé, D, Raymond, M
    2012 Journal of Evolutionary Medicine (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

    108- Incidence of adult brain cancers is higher in countries where the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is common
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Lafferty, KD, Brodeur, J, Elguero, E, Gauthier-Clerc, M, Missé, D
    2012 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

    107- Brain cancer mortality rates increase with Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in France
    Journal Article
    Vittecoq, M, Elguero, E, Lafferty, KD, Roche, B, Brodeur, J, Gauthier-Clerc, M, Missé, D, Thomas, F
    2012 Infection, Genetics and Evolution (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    106- Evolutionary routes leading to host manipulation by parasites
    Book Chapter
    Hughes, DP, Brodeur, J, Thomas, F
    2012 Host manipulation by parasites (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    105- Diversity and seasonal density of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in relation to the soybean aphid in soybean crop in Québec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Firlej, A, Gagnon, A-, Laurin-Lemay, S, Brodeur, J
    2012 The Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    104- Effect of soil temperature and moisture on survival of eggs and first-instar larvae of Delia radicum
    Journal Article
    Lepage, MP, Bourgeois, G, Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2012 Environmental entomology (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    103- Using functional response modeling to investigate the effect of temperature on predator feeding rate and energetic efficiency
    Journal Article
    Sentis, A, Hemptinne, J-L, Brodeur, J
    2012 Oecologia (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    102- Host specificity in biological control: insights from opportunistic pathogens
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J
    2012 Evolutionary Applications (Date Added: 2012-07-31)

    101- Diversity and Abundance of Ectoparasitic Blow Flies Protocalliphora (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and their Nasonia (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) Parasitoids in Tree Swallow Nests within Agricultural Lands of Southern Québec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Daoust, SP, Savage, J, Whitworth, TL, Bélisle, M, Brodeur, J
    2012 Annals of the Entomological Society of America (Date Added: 2012-05-25)

    100- Ecology and Management of the Soybean Aphid in North America
    Journal Article
    Ragsdale, DW, Landis, DA, Brodeur, J, Heimpel, GE, Desneux, N
    2011 Annual Review of Entomology (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

    99- The Ubiquity of Intraguild Predation among Predatory Arthropods
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, A-, Heimpel, GE, Brodeur, J
    2011 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    98- Herpes simplex virus type 2 and cancer: a medical geography approach
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Elguero, E, Brodeur, J, Le Goff, J, Missé, D
    2011 Infection, genetics and evolution: journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    97- Temperature influences the handling efficiency of an aphid parasitoid through body size-mediated effects
    Journal Article
    Wu, G-M, Barrette, M, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J, Giraldeau, L-A, Hance, T
    2011 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    96- The cost of a bodyguard
    Journal Article
    Maure, F, Brodeur, J, Ponlet, N, Doyon, J, Firlej, A, Elguero, E, Thomas, F
    2011 Biology Letters (Date Added: 2011-08-07)

    95- Prey DNA detection success following digestion by intraguild predators: influence of prey and predator species
    Journal Article
    Gagnon, A-, Doyon, J, Heimpel, GE, Brodeur, J
    2011 Molecular Ecology Resources (Date Added: 2011-08-02)

    94- Will the Convention on Biological Diversity put an end to biological control?
    Journal Article
    van Lenteren, JC, Cock, MJW, Brodeur, J, Barratt, BIP, Bigler, F, Bolckmans, K, Haas, F, Mason, PG, Parra, JRP
    2011 Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (Date Added: 2011-08-02)

    93- Intraspecific variability in host manipulation by parasites
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Brodeur, J, Maure, F, Franceschi, N, Blanchet, S, Rigaud, T
    2011 Infection, Genetics and Evolution (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    92- Host manipulation by parasites: a multidimensional phenomenon
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Poulin, R, Brodeur, J
    2010 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    91- Evolution of parasite-induced behavioral alterations
    Book Chapter
    Thomas, F, Rigaud, T, Brodeur, J
    2010 Encyclopedia of animal behavior (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    90- Travel time affects optimal diets in depleting patches
    Journal Article
    Barrette, M, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J, Giraldeau, L-A
    2010 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    89- Altruistic defence behaviours in aphids
    Journal Article
    Wu, G-M, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J, Giraldeau, L-A, Outreman, Y
    2010 BMC Evolutionary Biology (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    88- Infection syndrome and multidimensionality: Two terms for two different issues
    Journal Article
    Thomas, F, Poulin, R, Brodeur, J
    2010 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    87- The use and exchange of biological control agents for food and agriculture
    Book Chapter
    Cock, MJW, van Lenteren, JC, Brodeur, J, Barratt, BIP, Bigler, F, Bolckmans, K, Cônsoli, FL, Haas, F, Mason, PG, Parra, JRP
    2009 CGRFA: Background Study Papers No 47 (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

    86- Do new Access and Benefit Sharing procedures under the Convention on Biological Diversity threaten the future of biological control?
    Journal Article
    Cock, MJW, Lenteren, JC, Brodeur, J, Barratt, BIP, Bigler, F, Bolckmans, K, Cônsoli, FL, Haas, F, Mason, PG, Parra, JRP
    2009 BioControl (Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    85- Testing competing measures of profitability for mobile resources
    Journal Article
    Barrette, M, Wu, G-M, Brodeur, J, Giraldeau, L-A, Boivin, G
    2009 Oecologia (Date Added: 2012-03-07)

    84- Host tree age as a selective pressure leading to local adaptation of a population of a polyphagous Lepidoptera in virgin boreal forest
    Journal Article
    Berthiaume, R, Bauce, E, Hébert, C, Brodeur, J
    2009 Bulletin of Entomological Research (Date Added: 2011-08-08)

    83- Compatibility of an entomopathogenic fungus with a predator and a parasitoid in the biological control of greenhouse whitefly
    Journal Article
    Labbé, RM, Gillespie, DR, Cloutier, C, Brodeur, J
    2009 Biocontrol Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    82- Comparison of searching behaviour of two aphelinid parasitoids of the Greenhouse Whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum under Summer vs. Winter Conditions in a Temperate Climate
    Journal Article
    Zilahi-Balogh, GMG, Shipp, JL, Cloutier, C, Brodeur, J
    2009 Journal of Insect Behavior (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    81- Toxicity of spinosad and Beauveria bassiana to the black cutworm, and the additivity of subletal doses
    Journal Article
    Gosselin, M-E, Bélair, G, Simard, L, Brodeur, J
    2009 Biocontrol Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    80- Carbon dioxide emissions by urban turfgrass areas
    Journal Article
    Allaire, SE, Dufour-L'Arrivée, C, Lafond, JA, Lalancette, R, Brodeur, J
    2008 Canadian Journal of Soil Science (Date Added: 2011-10-19)

    79- Toward management guidelines for soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, in Quebec. II. Spatial distribution of aphid populations in commercial soybean fields
    Journal Article
    Rhainds, M, Brodeur, J, Borcard, D, Legendre, P
    2008 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2011-08-11)

    78- Potential of Lecanicillium spp. for management of insects, nematodes and plant diseases
    Journal Article
    Goettel, MS, Koike, M, Kim, JJ, Aiuchi, D, Shinya, R, Brodeur, J
    2008 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    77- Invasion of American native lily populations by an alien beetle
    Journal Article
    Bouchard, A-M, McNeil, JN, Brodeur, J
    2008 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    76- Do parasitized caterpillars protect their parasitoids from hyperparasitoids? A test of the 'usurpation hypothesis'
    Journal Article
    Harvey, JA, Kos, M, Nakamatsu, Y, Tanaka, T, Dicke, M, Vet, LEM, Brodeur, J, Bezemer, TM
    2008 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    75-Predators, parasitoids and pathogens
    Book Chapter
    Volkl, W, Mackauer, M, Pell, J, Brodeur, J
    2007 Aphids as crop pests ( Date Added: 2012-09-12)

    74- From chemical to biological control in Canadian greenhouse crops.
    Book Chapter
    Shipp, L, Elliott, D, Gillespie, D, Brodeur, J
    2007 Biological control: a global perspective (Date Added: 2012-09-12)

    72- Thrips-induced damage of chrysanthemum inflorescences: Evidence for enhanced leakage of carotenoid pigments
    Journal Article
    Rhainds, M, Doyon, J, Rivoal, J, Brodeur, J
    2007 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    71- Endophyte-grass complexes and the relationship between feeding preference and performance in a grass herbivore
    Journal Article
    Bourassa, S, Brodeur, J, Carrière, Y
    2007 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    70- Distribution, abundance, and seasonal ecology of Listronotus maculicollis (Coleóptera: Curculionidae) on golf courses in Québec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Simard, L, Brodeur, J, Dionne, J
    2007 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    69- Developmental polymorphism in a Newfoundland population of the hemlock looper, Lambdina fiscellaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
    Journal Article
    Berthiaume, R, Bauce, , Hébert, C, Brodeur, J
    2007 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    68- Temperature-mediated relationship between western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and chrysanthemum
    Journal Article
    Rhainds, M, Cloutier, C, Shipp, L, Boudreault, S, Daigle, G, Brodeur, J
    2007 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    67- Predation by Neoseiulus cucumeris on western flower thrips, and its oviposition on greenhouse cucumber under winter vs. summer conditions in a temperate climate
    Journal Article
    Zilahi-Balogh, GMG, Shipp, JL, Cloutier, C, Brodeur, J
    2007 Biological Control (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    66-Trophic and guild interactions in biological control
    Book Whole
    Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2006 ( Date Added: 2012-08-08)

    65- Intra- and Interspecific Interactions among Parasitoids: Mechanisms, Outcomes and Biological Control
    Book Chapter
    Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2006 Trophic and Guild in Biological Interactions Control (Date Added: 2012-08-07)

    64- Avoiding conflicts between insect and weed biological control: selection of non-target species to assess host specificity of cabbage seedpod weevil parasitoids
    Journal Article
    Kuhlmann, U, Mason, PG, Hinz, HL, Blossey, B, De Clerck-Floate, RA, Dosdall, LM, McCaffrey, JP, Schwarzlaender, M, Olfert, O, Brodeur, J, Gassmann, A, McClay, AS, Wiedenmann, RN
    2006 Journal of Applied Entomology (Date Added: 2011-10-19)

    63- Multiple plant exploiters on a shared host: Testing for nonadditive effects on plant performance
    Journal Article
    Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Diez, JM, Johnson, MW
    2006 Ecological Applications (Date Added: 2011-07-21)

    62- Species diversity and seasonal abundance of Collembola in turfgrass ecosystems of North America
    Journal Article
    Rochefort, S, Therrien, F, Shetlar, DJ, Brodeur, J
    2006 Pedobiologia (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    61- Larval parasitoids occurring on Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Benin, West Africa
    Journal Article
    Arodokoun, DY, Tamò, M, Cloutier, C, Brodeur, J
    2006 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    60- Influence of light intensity, photoperiod, and temperature on the efficacy of two aphelinid parasitoids of the greenhouse whitefly
    Journal Article
    Zilahi-Balogh, GMG, Shipp, JL, Cloutier, C, Brodeur, J
    2006 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    59- Ground beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and their seasonal abundance in cool season turfgrass lawns of Quebec
    Journal Article
    Rochefort, S, Shetlar, DJ, Brodeur, J
    2006 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    58- Geographic biotype and host-associated local adaptation in a polyphagous species, Lambdina fiscellaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) feeding on balsam fir on Anticosti Island, Canada
    Journal Article
    Hébert, C, Berthiaume, R, Bauce, , Brodeur, J
    2006 Bulletin of Entomological Research (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    57- Emergence of a new turfgrass insect pest on golf courses in Quebec, the European crane fly [Diptera: Tipulidae]
    Journal Article
    Simard, L, Brodeur, J, Gelhaus, J, Taschereau, , Dionne, J
    2006 Phytoprotection (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    56- Soybean aphid predators in Québec and the suitability of Aphis glycines as prey for three Coccinellidae
    Journal Article
    Mignault, M-P, Roy, M, Brodeur, J
    2006 BioControl (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    55- Prey selection by Dicyphus hesperus of infected or parasitized greenhouse whitefly
    Journal Article
    Labbe, R, Cloutier, C, Brodeur, J
    2006 Biocontrol Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    54- Foraging behaviour at the fourth trophic level: A comparative study of host location in aphid hyperparasitoids
    Journal Article
    Buitenhuis, R, Vet, LEM, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2005 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    52- Distribution of western and northern corn rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Quebec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Meloche, F, Rhainds, M, Roy, M, Brodeur, J
    2005 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    51- Functional Ecology of Immature Parasitoids
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Boivin, G
    2004 Annual Review of Entomology (Date Added: 2012-08-07)

    50- Population dynamics and within-plant distribution of the mite Calacarus flagelliseta (Acari: Eriophyidae) on papaya in Hawaii
    Journal Article
    Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Johnson, MW
    2004 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2011-07-21)

    49- Inducible responses in papaya: Impact on population growth rates of herbivorous mites and powdery mildew under field conditions
    Journal Article
    Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Johnson, MW
    2004 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-07-21)

    48- Preference and performance of the hyperparasitoid Syrphophagus aphidivorus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae): Fitness consequences of selecting hosts in live aphids or aphid mummies
    Journal Article
    Buitenhuis, R, Boivin, G, Vet, LEM, Brodeur, J
    2004 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    47- The role of honeydew in host searching of aphid hyperparasitoids
    Journal Article
    Buitenhuis, R, McNeil, JN, Boivin, G, Brodeur, J
    2004 Journal of Chemical Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    46- Behavioral thermoregulation in the migratory locust: A therapy to overcome fungal infection
    Journal Article
    Ouedraogo, RM, Goettel, MS, Brodeur, J
    2004 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    45- Herbivorous mites as ecological engineers: Indirect effects on zarthropods inhabiting papaya foliage
    Journal Article
    Fournier, V, Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J, Laney, LO, Johnson, MW
    2003 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-07-21)

    44- Temperature and sex allocation in a spider mite
    Journal Article
    Roy, M, Brodeur, J, Cloutier, C
    2003 Oecologia (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    43- Seasonal abundance of the sod webworm species (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) associated with turfgrass in Quebec
    Journal Article
    Rochefort, S, Carrière, Y, Shetlar, DJ, Brodeur, J
    2003 Phytoprotection (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    42- Effect of temperature on intrinsic rates of natural increase (rm) of a coccinellid and its spider mite prey
    Journal Article
    Roy, M, Brodeur, J, Cloutier, C
    2003 BioControl (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    41- Inhibition of fungal growth in thermoregulating locusts, Locusta migratoria, infected by the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var acridum
    Journal Article
    Ouedraogo, RM, Cusson, M, Goettel, MS, Brodeur, J
    2003 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    40- A simple trap to study small-scale movement by walking arthropods
    Journal Article
    Rosenheim, JA, Brodeur, J
    2002 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    39- Intraguild predation in biological control and conservation biology
    Journal Article
    Müller, CB, Brodeur, J
    2002 Biological Control (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    38- Attenuation of fungal infection in thermoregulating Locusta migratoria is accompanied by changes in hemolymph proteins
    Journal Article
    Ouedraogo, RM, Kamp, A, Goettel, MS, Brodeur, J, Bidochka, MJ
    2002 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    37- Susceptibility of cranberry girdler to entomopathogenic nematodes
    Journal Article
    Simard, L, Bélair, G, Brodeur, J
    2002 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    35- Susceptibility of the European chafer (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) to entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae)
    Journal Article
    Simard, L, Bélair, G, Brodeur, J
    2001 Journal of Nematology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    34- Pre-inoculation of Ri T-DNA transformed cucumber roots with the mycoparasite, Verticillium lecanii, induces host defense reactions against Pythium ultimum infection
    Journal Article
    Benhamou, N, Brodeur, J
    2001 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    33- Host stage selection and suitability in Cephalonomia stephanoderis betrem (hymenoptera: Bethylidae), a parasitoid of the coffee berry borer
    Journal Article
    Lauzière, I, Brodeur, J, Pérez-Lachaud, G
    2001 Biological Control (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    32- Cabbage seedpod weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): New pest of canola in northeastern North America
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Leclerc, L-A, Fournier, M, Roy, M
    2001 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    31- A fox in sheep's clothing: Furtive predators benefit from the communal defense of their prey
    Journal Article
    Lucas, , Brodeur, J
    2001 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    30- Host specificity and trophic relationships of hyperparasitoids
    Book Chapter
    Brodeur, J
    2000 Parasitoid population biology (Date Added: 2011-09-09)

    28- Sequential sampling plans for the hairy chinch bug (hemiptera: lygaeidae)
    Journal Article
    Majeau, G, Brodeur, J, Carrière, Y
    2000 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    27- Selection of molting and pupation sites by Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): Avoidance of intraguild predation
    Journal Article
    Lucas, E, Coderre, D, Brodeur, J
    2000 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    26- Effect of female body size and adult feeding on the fecundity and longevity of the parasitoid Cephalonomia stephanoderis betrem (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae)
    Journal Article
    Lauzière, I, Pérez-Lachaud, G, Brodeur, J
    2000 Annals of the Entomological Society of America (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    25- Lawn parameters influencing abundance and distribution of the hairy chinch bug (hemiptera: lygaeidae)
    Journal Article
    Majeau, G, Brodeur, J, Carrière, Y
    2000 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    23- Behavior and activity pattern of Cephalonomia stephanoderis (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) attacking the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)
    Journal Article
    Lauzière, I, Pérez-Lachaud, G, Brodeur, J
    2000 Journal of Insect Behavior (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    22- Seasonal abundance of spider mites and their predators on red raspberry in Quebec, Canada
    Journal Article
    Roy, M, Brodeur, J, Cloutier, C
    1999 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    21- Ultrastructural and Cytochemical Characterization of Aphid Invasion by the Hyphomycete Verticillium lecanii
    Journal Article
    Askary, H, Benhamou, N, Brodeur, J
    1999 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    20- Susceptibility of Larval Stages of the Aphid Parasitoid Aphidius nigripes to the Entomopathogenic Fungus Verticillium lecanii
    Journal Article
    Askary, H, Brodeur, J
    1999 Journal of Invertebrate Pathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    19- Oviposition site selection by the predatory midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
    Journal Article
    Lucas, E, Brodeur, J
    1999 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    18- Influence of host density on the reproductive strategy of Cephalonomia stephanoderis, a parasitoid of the coffee berry borer
    Journal Article
    Lauzière, I, Pérez-Lachaud, G, Brodeur, J
    1999 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    17- Intraguild predation among aphid predators: Characterization and influence of extraguild prey density
    Journal Article
    Lucas, , Coderre, D, Brodeur, J
    1998 Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    16- Pathogenicity of the fungus Verticillium lecanii to aphids and powdery mildew
    Journal Article
    Askary, H, Carrière, Y, Bélanger, RR, Brodeur, J
    1998 Biocontrol Science and Technology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    15- Effects of Pieris host species on life history parameters in a solitary specialist and gregarious generalist parasitoid (Cotesia species)
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Geervliet, JBF, Vet, LEM
    1998 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    14- Effect of Endophyte Incidence in Perennial Ryegrass on Distribution, Host-Choice, and Performance of the Hairy Chinch Bug (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
    Journal Article
    Carrière, Y, Bouchard, A, Bourassa, S, Brodeur, J
    1998 Journal of Economic Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    13- Ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations of the antagonistic effect of Verticillium lecanii on cucumber powdery mildew
    Journal Article
    Askary, H, Benhamou, N, Brodeur, J
    1997 Phytopathology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    12- Potential of four species of predatory mites as biological control agents of the tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici (Massee) (Eriophyidae)
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Bouchard, A, Turcotte, G
    1997 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    11- Potential of propane flamers for reduction of apple scab primary inoculum on orchard ground
    Journal Article
    Desilets, H, Rochefort, S, Coulombe, J, Yelle, S, Brodeur, J
    1997 HortScience (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    10- The role of host species, age and defensive behaviour on ovipositional decisions in a solitary specialist and gregarious generalist parasitoid (Cotesia species)
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Geervliet, JBF, Vet, LEM
    1996 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    9- Relationships between parasitoid host range and host defence: A comparative study of egg encapsulation in two related parasitoid species
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Vet, LE
    1995 Physiological Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    8- Pheromone-mediated mating in the aphid parasitoid, Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphididae)
    Journal Article
    McNeil, JN, Brodeur, J
    1995 Journal of Chemical Ecology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    7- Usurpation of host behaviour by a parasitic wasp
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, Vet, LEM
    1994 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    6- Seasonal ecology of Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae), a parasitoid of Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae)
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, McNeil, JN
    1994 Environmental Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    4- Parasite manipulation of host behaviour: Should hosts always lose?
    Journal Article
    Poulin, R, Brodeur, J, Moore, J
    1994 Oikos (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    3- Host behaviour modification by the endoparasitoid Aphidius nigripes: a strategy to reduce hyperparasitism
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, McNeil, JN
    1992 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    1- Biotic and abiotic factors involved in diapause induction of the parasitoid, Aphidius nigripes (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae)
    Journal Article
    Brodeur, J, McNeil, JN
    1989 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    Dans les média

    UQAR : 1 500 diplômes remis pour 2023-2024

    Invasions d’insectes: il faut intervenir de façon responsable, et vite

    La lutte écologique contre les moustiques : mythe ou réalité ?

    Un congrès sur l'agriculture durable
    (Radio Canada) 2024-02-13

    Manger des légumes sans pesticides... plus facile qu’on le pense!
    (Karine Mateu) 2022-12-14

    Les changements climatiques menacent aussi les insectes
    (Jean-Benoit Legault - La Presse canadienne) 2022-11-25

    Conséquences du dérèglement climatique sur les insectes: des scientifiques lancent l’alerte
    (Julie Gazaille) 2022-11-15

    Une année internationale pour les végétaux

    «Même si on propose des alternatives efficaces et rentables pour les agriculteurs, c’est un chemin de croix» - le biologiste Jacques Brodeur

    Dernière journée de consultations sur l’impact des pesticides

    Pesticides : « Nous avons collectivement échoué », dénonce un biologiste

    Séances des commissions

    Les insectes ravageurs d’un temps plus chaud
    (Alexis Riopel) 2019-08-17

    Le caca de chat, un problème pour les bélugas?
    (Lagueux Beloin, Aurélie) 2018-11-05

    Une armée de soldats pour surveiller les tiques
    (Larochelle, Luc) 2018-10-18

    Un insecte ravageur détecté pour la première fois en N.-É.
    (Lefebvre, Olivier) 2018-10-11

    Les écureuils sont-ils en train de devenir fous?

    Félicitations à Jacques Brodeur

    Jacques Brodeur Gold Medal Award / Médaille d’or

    Des bibites, des bibites
    (Blackburn, Roger) 2018-09-01

    La «punaise diabolique» aux portes du Québec

    De nouveaux ravageurs à nos portes
    (Brochard, Hubert) 2017-05-18

    La «punaise diabolique» aux portes du Québec
    (Nadeau, Jessica) 2016-07-26

    La punaise «diabolique» aux portes du Québec
    (Cyr, Jean-Francois) 2016-07-26

    Comment se portent nos sols?

    Montréal déploie des guêpes exotiques pour mater l’agrile
    (Jeanne Corriveau) 2015-06-26

    À quoi servent la couleur et les taches des coccinelles?
    (UdeM Nouvelles) 2015-05-19

    À quoi servent la couleur et les taches des coccinelles?
    (Independance News) 2015-05-19

    Ladybugs taken hostage
    (Fonds de recherche nature et technologies Québec) 2015-00-00

    Des coccinelles esclaves accouchent de guêpes
    Le Journal de Montréal (Desplanques, Anne Caroline) 2014-12-13

    La punaise diabolique dans nos maisons
    TVA Nouvelles 2014-12-11

    La punaise diabolique puante: nouveau fléau au Québec
    C'est pas trop tôt (Bazzo, Marie-France) 2014-12-11

    La punaise diabolique: le fléau de 2015
    Le Journal de Montréal (Desplanques, Anne Caroline) 2014-12-10

    Pionnier des neurosciences
    Actualités UQAM 2014-11-13

    Les recherches d'un biologiste montréalais en une du National Geographic
    Radio-Canada 2014-11-06

    NAtional Geographic lance la carrière mondiale d'un insecte de l'UdeM
    UdeM Nouvelles 2014-11-03

    Une coccinelle de l'UdeM à la une du National Geographic
    UdeM Nouvelles 2014-10-28

    En tête-à-tête avec un chercheur : Jacques Brodeur et Alessandro Dieni - YouTube
    youtube 2014-05-26

    Une guêpe exotique au secours des frênes montréalais?
    Le Devoir (Corriveau, Jeanne) 2014-03-17

    Host manipulation by parasites David P. Hughes, Jacques Brodeur, and Frédéric Thomas, eds Oxford University Press, UK
    Evolutionary Applications (Cloutier, Conrad) 2013-06-00

    Cancer et infection
    Les années-lumière 2012-04-01

    Plus de générations de maringouins
    Cyberpresse (Allard, Marie) 2012-03-26

    Researchers seek link between parasite, brain cancer
    The London Free Press (Daly, Brian) 2012-03-23

    Un parasite pourrait augmenter le risque de cancer du cerveau
    Techno-Science (, Isabelle) 2012-03-21

    Un parasite pourrait augmenter le risque de cancer du cerveau
    Forum (Lambert-Chan, Marie) 2012-03-19

    Les scientifiques dévoilent le mystère des coccinelles "zombies"
    MaxiSciences (Ferard, Émeline) 2011-08-05

    Coccinelles en péril
    24 heures en 60 minutes 2011-08-03

    Les 45 000 frênes de Montréal menacés
    La Presse (Béland, Gabriel) 2011-07-27

    Vespa parasita transforma joaninha em guarda-costas 'zumbi'
    Terra 2011-06-30

    La coccinelle transformée en garde du corps zombi, par une guêpe
    GuruMeditation 2011-06-27

    Avispas parásitas convierten a mariquitas en sus guardaespaldas
    Terra 2011-06-23

    Ladybird made into 'zombie' bodyguard by parasitic wasp
    BBC News (Rincon, Paul) 2011-06-23

    Changements climatiques : nouveaux fonds pour la recherche
    UdeMNouvelles 2011-06-09

    Remise de deux bourses d'étude - La bourse Wladimir-A.-Smirnoff est décernée à deux étudiants
    CNW Telbec 2010-04-30

    Journal le Courrier (Mainville, Claudine) 2010-03-30

    Intervenir sur le milieu naturel : solution ou illusion?
    UQAR-Info (Bélanger, Mario) 2010-03-22

    Una avispa "usa" insectos para que incuben sus larvas - MDZ Online
    MDZ (Medios) 2010-02-10

    Une coccinelle télécommandée
    Cyberpresse (Burgun, Isabelle) 2010-02-09

    How ladybugs are taken hostage by wasps
    Newstrack India (ANI) 2009-12-18

    Ladybugs taken hostage by wasps
    EurekAlert (Desjardins, Sylvain-Jacques) 2009-11-17