Christopher Cameron

Professeur agrégé,
Université de Montréal

Département de sciences biologiques
Page web de l'institution
Page personnelle


  • Postdoctorate (2005) University of Victoria, Research Associate Biomechanics and body shape
  • Postdoctorate (2001) University of Texas at Austin, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship Biology
  • Ph.D. (2000) University of Alberta, Doctor of Philosophy Systematics and Evolution
  • B.Sc.(1994) University of Victoria


  • Origine et évolution de invertébrés marins
  • Evo-Devo, animal-fluid interactions

  • Outils : Microscopie élecronique et optique + des techniques de développement (embryologie chirurgicale, expression de protéine) + des techniques informatiques (simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides, phylogénétique moléculaire) + SCUBA.

    La recherche dans le laboratoire Cameron vise à comprendre l'origine et l'évolution de la diversité des régimes de corps de l'animal. Milieux aquatiques, et en particulier les océans, abritent la majeure partie de la diversité animale dans le monde, et nulle part sont corps plans plus divergentes que chez les invertébrés. Cette biodiversité est le résultat de l'interaction entre l'évolution, le développement et l'écologie. Pour cette raison, notre programme de recherche utilise une approche multidisciplinaire incluant organismal et la biologie moléculaire, le développement, la phylogénie, l'informatique, la mécanique des fluides, la taxonomie et de la paléontologie. Nous sommes largement interesed dans l'évolution de la biodiversité animale et deutérostomiens, que lignée évolutive qui comprend hémichordés, échinodermes et notre propre phylum, les chordés, c'est là que nous faisons nos plus grandes contributions.

    Twitter: @InvertEvo

    Étudiants CSBQ

    Elena Beli

    (Début: 2015)
    Induced phenotypic plasticity in the tubarium of Rhabdopleura meronuda from Italy

    Greta Ramirez Guerrero

    (Début: 2021)
    Ordovician-Silurian paleocommunities of Anticosti Island

    Marianne Allard

    (Début: 2024)
    Flexibilité des coraux mous: ses impacts sur les charges hydrodynamiques, son alimentation et une façon se mesurer la vélocité d'un flux

    Maxime Buchholz

    (Début: 2024)
    Étude de la composition de la matrice du tube chez l'Hémichordé Cephalodiscus et conséquences sur sa place dans la phylogénie des Ptérobranches

    Ben Mumford

    (Début: 2024)
    Broad comparison of echinoderm stereom structure and composition

    Corinne Soucy

    (Début: 2021, Fin: 2024)
    Modélisation d'un réseau trophique paléoécologique de la faune fossile des schistes de Fezouata (Maroc) de l'Ordovicien inférieur

    Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

    Stefan Etienne

    Postdoctoral fellow
    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2010)
    Finite Element Modeling of propulsion in jellyfish

    Charles Larouche-Bilodeau

    (Début: 2016, Fin: 2021)
    The histochemistry & proteomics of biomineralized elements in acorn worms (Hemichordata)

    Francis Letendre

    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2022)
    Méchanismes de capture et de détachement de gouttelettes d'huile par les organismes filtreurs marins et aquatiques

    Ariane Comeau

    (Début: 2012, Fin: 2014)
    Skeletogenesis and biomineralization in the crinoid Florometra serratissima

    Vinko Culjak Mathieu

    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2019)
    Temporal dynamics of plant-pollinator networks in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
    Page personnelle

    Carine Deland

    (Début: 2007, Fin: 2010)
    Taxonomic revision of the family Harrimaniidae (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta)

    Paul Gonzalez

    (Début: 2008, Fin: 2011)
    The form and function of the enteropneust pre-oral ciliary organ

    Noura Jabr

    (Début: 2015, Fin: 2017)
    Taxonomic Description of Canadian Arctic Acorn Worms (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta)

    Javier Luque

    (Début: 2010, Fin: 2012)
    Malocostracan paleontology and evolution

    Greta Ramirez Guerrero

    (Début: 2017, Fin: 2019)
    Évolution des premiers graptolites de la période Cambrienne des Schistes de Burgess du Canada

    Maureen Vo

    (Début: 2011, Fin: 2013)
    Computational Fluid Dynamic study of filter-feeding in hemichordates

    Exemples d'espèces étudiées

    Alopex lagopus
    Florometra serratissima
    Balanus glandula


    89- A Targeted Review of Worldwide Indirect Treatment Comparison Guidelines and Best Practices
    Journal Article
    Tanaka S , Igarashi A , De Moor R , Li N , Hirozane M , Hong L W , Wu D B , Yu D Y , Hashim M , Hutton B , Tantakoun K , Olsen C , Mirzayeh Fashami F , Samjoo I A , Cameron C ,
    2024 Value in Health (Date Added: 2024-07-07)

    87- The burden of red blood cell transfusions in patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and ring sideroblasts: an analysis of the prospective MDS-CAN registry
    Journal Article
    Buckstein R , Chodirker L , Yee K W , Geddes M , Leitch H A , Christou G , Banerji V , Leber B , Khalaf D , St-Hilaire E , Finn N , Nevill T , Keating M , Storring J , Parmentier A , Thambipillai A , Tang D , Westcott C , Cameron C , Spin P ,
    2022 Leukemia and Lymphoma (Date Added: 2023-01-16)

    86- A natural history of lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes with ring sideroblasts: an analysis of the MDS-CAN registry
    Journal Article
    Buckstein R , Chodirker L , Mozessohn L , Yee K W , Geddes M , Zhu N , Shamy A , Leitch H A , Christou G , Banerji V , Brian L , Khalaf D , St-Hilaire E , Finn N , Nevill T , Keating M , Storring J , Delage R , Parmentier A , Thambipillai A , Siddiqui M , Westcott C , Cameron C , Mamedov A , Spin P , Tang D ,
    2022 Leukemia and Lymphoma (Date Added: 2022-10-03)

    85- Simulated treatment comparison of efficacy outcomes for ofatumumab in ASCLEPIOS I/II versus ocrelizumab in OPERA I/II for the treatment of patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Klotz L , Giovannoni G , Drudge C , Haltner A , Worthington E , Zhao M , Brennan R , Häring D A , Cameron C , Adlard N ,
    2022 Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders (Date Added: 2022-07-26)

    83- Proptosis and Diplopia Response with Teprotumumab and Placebo vs the Recommended Treatment Regimen with Intravenous Methylprednisolone in Moderate to Severe Thyroid Eye Disease: A Meta-analysis and Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison
    Journal Article
    Douglas R S , Dailey R , Subramanian P S , Barbesino G , Ugradar S , Batten R , Qadeer R A , Cameron C ,
    2022 JAMA Ophthalmology (Date Added: 2022-02-27)

    82- Palbociclib versus abemaciclib in HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer: an indirect comparison of patient-reported end points
    Journal Article
    Law E , Gavanji R , Walsh S , Haltner A , McTavish R , Cameron C ,
    2022 Journal of comparative effectiveness research (Date Added: 2022-02-10)

    81- Letter in reply
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Worthington E , Drudge C , Zhao M , Cameron C , Häring D A , Stoneman D , Klotz L , Adlard N ,
    2021 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2021-11-21)

    80- Network Meta-analysis of Ulcerative Colitis Pharmacotherapies: Carryover Effects From Induction and Bias of the Results
    Journal Article
    Naessens D , Cameron C , Hoaglin D C ,
    2021 Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Date Added: 2021-09-25)

    79- Improved survival with enasidenib versus standard of care in relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia associated with IDH2 mutations using historical data and propensity score matching analysis
    Journal Article
    Botton S , Brandwein J M , Wei A H , Pigneux A , Quesnel B , Thomas X , Legrand O , Recher C , Chantepie S , Hunault‐Berger M , Boissel N , Nehme S A , Frattini M G , Tosolini A , Marion‐Gallois R , Wang J J , Cameron C , Siddiqui M , Hutton B , Milkovich G , Stein E M ,
    2021 Cancer Medicine (Date Added: 2021-09-07)

    78- Indirect comparisons of siponimod with fingolimod and ofatumumab in multiple sclerosis: assessing the feasibility of propensity score matching analyses
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Worthington E , Haltner A , Spin P , Drudge C , Cameron C , Brennan R , Dahlke F , Adlard N ,
    2021 Current Medical Research and Opinion (Date Added: 2021-09-07)

    77- Matching-adjusted indirect comparison of efficacy outcomes for ciltacabtagene autoleucel in CARTITUDE-1 versus idecabtagene vicleucel in KarMMa for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
    Journal Article
    Martin T , Usmani S Z , Schecter J M , Vogel M , Jackson C C , Deraedt W , Tian H , Yeh T , Banerjee A , Pacaud L , Garrett A , Haltner A , Cameron C , Van Sanden S , Diels J , Valluri S , Samjoo I A ,
    2021 Current Medical Research and Opinion (Date Added: 2021-08-08)

    76- CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+/HER2- advanced/metastatic breast cancer: A systematic literature review of real-world evidence studies
    Journal Article
    Harbeck N , Bartlett M , Spurden D , Hooper B , Zhan L , Rosta E , Cameron C , Mitra D , Zhou A ,
    2021 Future Oncology (Date Added: 2021-06-08)

    75- Matching-Adjusted indirect comparison of palbociclib versus ribociclib and abemaciclib in hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative advanced breast cancer
    Journal Article
    Rugo H S , Haltner A , Zhan L , Tran A , Bananis E , Hooper B , Mitra D , Cameron C ,
    2021 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2021-04-10)

    74- Efficacy classification of modern therapies in multiple sclerosis
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Worthington E , Drudge C , Zhao M , Cameron C , Häring D A , Stoneman D , Klotz L , Adlard N ,
    2021 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2021-04-10)

    73- Risk of recurrence among patients with HR-positive, HER2-negative, early breast cancer receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Salvo E M , Ramirez A O , Cueto J , Law E H , Situ A , Cameron C , Samjoo I A ,
    2021 Breast (Date Added: 2021-03-13)

    72- Comparison of ofatumumab and other disease-modifying therapies for relapsing multiple sclerosis: A network meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Worthington E , Drudge C , Zhao M , Cameron C , Häring D A , Stoneman D , Klotz L , Adlard N ,
    2020 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2021-01-04)

    71- A scorecard for osteoporosis in Canada and seven Canadian provinces
    Journal Article
    Kendler D , Adachi J , Brown J , Juby A , Kovacs C , Duperrouzel C , McTavish R , Cameron C , Slatkovska L , Burke N ,
    2020 Osteoporosis International (Date Added: 2020-12-23)

    70- The burden of osteoporosis in Turkey: a scorecard and economic model
    Journal Article
    Aziziyeh R , Garcia Perlaza J , Saleem N , Kirazlı Y , Akalın E , McTavish R K , Duperrouzel C , Cameron C ,
    2020 Archives of Osteoporosis (Date Added: 2020-08-22)

    69- Propensity score matching/reweighting analysis comparing intravenous golimumab to infliximab for ankylosing spondylitis using data from the GO-ALIVE and ASSERT trials
    Journal Article
    Gensler L S , Chakravarty S D , Cameron C , Peterson S , Spin P , Kafka S , Nair S , Deodhar A ,
    2020 Clinical Rheumatology (Date Added: 2020-05-29)

    68- Matching-adjusted indirect treatment comparison of siponimod and other disease modifying treatments in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Worthington E , Haltner A , Cameron C , Nicholas R , Rouyrre N , Dahlke F , Adlard N ,
    2020 Current Medical Research and Opinion (Date Added: 2020-05-12)

    67- The importance of considering differences in study and patient characteristics before undertaking indirect treatment comparisons: a case study of siponimod for secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Worthington E , Haltner A , Cameron C , Nicholas R , Dahlke F , Adlard N ,
    2020 Current Medical Research and Opinion (Date Added: 2020-05-01)

    66- The burden of osteoporosis in Saudi Arabia: a scorecard and economic model
    Journal Article
    Aziziyeh R , Garcia Perlaza J , Saleem N , Sadat-Ali M , Elsalmawy A , McTavish R K , Duperrouzel C , Cameron C ,
    2020 Journal of Medical Economics (Date Added: 2020-03-29)

    65- A systematic review and network meta-analysis of current and investigational treatments for active ankylosing spondylitis
    Journal Article
    Deodhar A , Chakravarty S D , Cameron C , Peterson S , Hensman R , Fogarty S , Spin P , Kafka S , Nair S , Gensler L S ,
    2020 Clinical Rheumatology (Date Added: 2020-03-23)

    64- The impact of clinical heterogeneity on conducting network meta-analyses in transthyretin amyloidosis with polyneuropathy
    Journal Article
    Samjoo I A , Salvo E M , Tran D , Amass L , Stewart M , Cameron C ,
    2020 Current Medical Research and Opinion (Date Added: 2020-03-23)

    63- Adjusted treatment COMPArisons between guSelkumab and uStekinumab for treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: the COMPASS analysis
    Journal Article
    Diels J , Thilakarathne P , Cameron C , McElligott S , Schubert A , Puig L ,
    2019 British Journal of Dermatology (Date Added: 2020-02-12)

    62- Guselkumab for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis During Induction Phase: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
    Journal Article
    Cameron C , Druchok C , Hutton B , McElligott S , Nair S , Schubert A , Situ A , Varu A , Villacorta R ,
    2019 Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (Date Added: 2020-01-21)

    61- Incorporating adjustments for variability in control group response rates in network meta-analysis: A case study of biologics for rheumatoid arthritis
    Journal Article
    Cameron C , Varu A , Lau A , Gharaibeh M , Paulino M , Rogoza R ,
    2019 BMC Medical Research Methodology (Date Added: 2019-10-28)

    60- Acquisition of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the absence of antimicrobial exposure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    D’Agata E M C , Geffert S F , McTavish R , Wilson F , Cameron C ,
    2019 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (Date Added: 2019-08-07)

    59- Rapid network meta-analysis using data from Food and Drug Administration approval packages is feasible but with limitations
    Journal Article
    Wang L , Rouse B , Marks-Anglin A , Duan R , Shi Q , Quach K , Chen Y , Cameron C , Schmid C H , Li T ,
    2019 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (Date Added: 2019-07-16)

    58- A scorecard for osteoporosis in four Latin American countries: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina
    Journal Article
    Aziziyeh R , Amin M , Habib M , Perlaza J G , McTavish R K , Lüdke A , Fernandes S , Sripada K , Cameron C ,
    2019 Archives of Osteoporosis (Date Added: 2019-07-05)

    56- Exceptional preservation of mid-Cretaceous marine arthropods and the evolution of novel forms via heterochrony
    Journal Article
    Luque J , Feldmann R M , Vernygora O , Schweitzer C E , Cameron C B , Kerr K A , Vega F J , Duque A , Strange M , Palmer A R , Jaramillo C ,
    2019 Science Advances (Date Added: 2019-05-27)

    55- Treatment sequence network meta-analysis in Crohn’s disease: a methodological case study
    Journal Article
    Varu A , Wilson F R , Dyrda P , Hazel M , Hutton B , Cameron C ,
    2019 Current Medical Research and Opinion (Date Added: 2019-04-24)

    54- The burden of osteoporosis in four Latin American countries: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina
    Journal Article
    Aziziyeh R , Amin M , Habib M , Garcia Perlaza J , Szafranski K , McTavish R K , Disher T , Lüdke A , Cameron C ,
    2019 Journal of Medical Economics (Date Added: 2019-04-07)

    53- A cost-utility analysis of dulaglutide versus insulin glargine as third-line therapy for Type 2 diabetes in Canada
    Journal Article
    Pollock R F , Norrbacka K , Cameron C , Mancillas-Adame L , Jeddi M ,
    2019 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2019-03-21)

    52- Pharmacological Treatments for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Disher T , Gullickson C , Singh B , Cameron C , Boulos L , Beaubien L , Campbell-Yeo M ,
    2019 JAMA Pediatrics (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    51- Propensity score matching analysis to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of daratumumab versus real-world standard of care therapies for patients with heavily pretreated and refractory multiple myeloma
    Journal Article
    Kumar S , Durie B , Nahi H , Vij R , Dimopoulos M A , Kastritis E , Terpos E , Leleu X , Beksac M , Goldschmidt H , Hillengass J , Su Z , Hutton B , Cameron C , Khan I , Lam A ,
    2019 Leukemia and Lymphoma (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    50- Acquisition of Multidrug-resistant Organisms in the Absence of Antimicrobials
    Journal Article
    D’Agata E M C , Varu A , Geffert S F , Araos R , Mitchell S , Situ A , Cameron C ,
    2018 Clinical Infectious Diseases (Date Added: 2019-06-18)

    49- Procedure costs associated with the use of harmonic devices compared to conventional techniques in various surgeries: A systematic review and meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Cheng H , Clymer J W , Qadeer R A , Ferko N , Sadeghirad B , Cameron C G , Amaral J F ,
    2018 ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    48- Herceptin® (trastuzumab) in HER2-positive early breast cancer: a systematic review and cumulative network meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Wilson F R , Coombes M E , Brezden-Masley C , Yurchenko M , Wylie Q , Douma R , Varu A , Hutton B , Skidmore B , Cameron C ,
    2018 Systematic reviews (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    47- Importance of assessing and adjusting for cross-study heterogeneity in network meta-analysis: A case study of psoriasis
    Journal Article
    Cameron C , Hutton B , Druchok C , McElligott S , Nair S , Schubert A , Situ A , Varu A , Villacorta R ,
    2018 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    46- Extended treatment of venous thromboembolism: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Wang K , van Es N , Cameron C , Castellucci L A , Büller H R , Carrier M ,
    2018 Heart (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    45- Pain-relieving interventions for retinopathy of prematurity: A meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Disher T , Cameron C , Mitra S , Cathcart K , Campbell-Yeo M ,
    2018 Pediatrics (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    44- Comparison of Lumbar Total Disc Replacement With Surgical Spinal Fusion for the Treatment of Single-Level Degenerative Disc Disease: A Meta-Analysis of 5-Year Outcomes From Randomized Controlled Trials
    Journal Article
    Zigler J , Gornet M F , Ferko N , Cameron C , Schranck F W , Patel L ,
    2018 Global Spine Journal (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    43- Prolonged operative duration is associated with complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Journal Article
    Cheng H , Clymer J W , Po-Han Chen B , Sadeghirad B , Ferko N C , Cameron C G , Hinoul P ,
    2018 Journal of Surgical Research (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    42- Comparison of therapies in lumbar degenerative disc disease: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
    Journal Article
    Zigler J , Ferko N , Cameron C , Patel L ,
    2018 Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    40- Performance of Harmonic devices in surgical oncology: An umbrella review of the evidence
    Journal Article
    Cheng H , Clymer J W , Sadeghirad B , Ferko N C , Cameron C G , Amaral J F ,
    2018 World Journal of Surgical Oncology (Date Added: 2019-03-01)

    39- Biogeography and adaptations of torquaratorid acorn worms (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta) including two new species from the canadian arctic
    Journal Article
    Jabr N , Archambault P , Cameron C B ,
    2018 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2018-11-23)

    38- The fluid dynamics of Balanus glandula barnacles: Adaptations to sheltered and exposed habitats
    Journal Article
    Vo M , Mehrabian S , Villalpando F , Etienne S , Pelletier D , Cameron C B ,
    2018 Journal of Biomechanics (Date Added: 2018-03-09)

    37- The mechanisms of filter feeding on oil droplets: Theoretical considerations
    Journal Article
    Mehrabian S , Letendre F , Cameron C B ,
    2018 Marine Environmental Research (Date Added: 2018-03-09)

    36- The zoogeography of extant rhabdopleurid hemichordates (Pterobranchia:Graptolithina), with a new species from the Mediterranean Sea
    Journal Article
    Beli E , Aglieri G , Strano F , Maggioni D , Telford M J , Piraino S , Cameron C B ,
    2018 Invertebrate Systematics (Date Added: 2018-02-21)

    35- Fossilization processes of graptolites: Insights from the experimental decay of Rhabdopleura sp. (Pterobranchia)
    Journal Article
    Beli E , Piraino S , Cameron C B ,
    2017 Palaeontology (Date Added: 2017-04-19)

    34- Ossicle development of the crinoid Florometra serratissima through larval stages
    Journal Article
    Comeau A , Bishop C D , Cameron C B ,
    2017 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2017-03-25)

    33- Cambrian suspension-feeding tubicolous hemichordates
    Journal Article
    Nanglu, K, Caron, J-B, Conway Morris, S, Cameron, CB
    2016 BMC Biology (Date Added: 2016-07-11)

    31- Using experimental decay of modern forms to reconstruct the early evolution and morphology of fossil enteropneusts
    Journal Article
    Nanglu, K, Caron, J-B, Cameron, CB
    2015 Paleobiology (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

    30- A transcriptomic-phylogenomic analysis of the evolutionary relationships of flatworms
    Journal Article
    Egger, B, Lapraz, F, Tomiczek, B, Muller, S, Dessimoz, C, Girstmair, J, Skunca, N, Rawlinson, KA, Cameron, CB, Beli, E, Todaro, MA, Gammoudi, M, Norena, C, Telford, MJ
    2015 Current Biology : CB (Date Added: 2017-07-31)

    29- Hemichordate genomes and deuterostome origins
    Journal Article
    Simakov, O, Kawashima, T, Marletaz, F, Jenkins, J, Koyanagi, R, Mitros, T, Hisata, K, Bredeson, J, Shoguchi, E, Gyoja, F, Yue, J-X, Chen, Y-C, Freeman, RMJ, Sasaki, A, Hikosaka-Katayama, T, Sato, A, Fujie, M, Baughman, KW, Levine, J, Gonzalez, P, Cameron, C, Fritzenwanker, JH, Pani, AM, Goto, H, Kanda, M, Arakaki, N, Yamasaki, S, Qu, J, Cree, A, Ding, Y, Dinh, HH, Dugan, S, Holder, M, Jhangiani, SN, Kovar, CL, Lee, SL, Lewis, LR, Morton, D, Nazareth, LV, Okwuonu, G, Santibanez, J, Chen, R, Richards, S, Muzny, DM, Gillis, A, Peshkin, L, Wu, M, Humphreys, T, Su, Y-H, Putnam, NH, Schmutz, J, Fujiyama, A, Yu, J-K, Tagawa, K, Worley, KC, Gibbs, RA, Kirschner, MW, Lowe, CJ, Satoh, N, Rokhsar, DS, Gerhart, J
    2015 Nature (Date Added: 2015-12-15)

    28- Phylogenomic analysis of echinoderm class relationships supports Asterozoa
    Journal Article
    Telford, MJ, Lowe, CJ, Cameron, CB, Ortega-Martinez, O, Aronowicz, J, Oliveri, P, Copley, RR
    2014 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2014-11-04)

    27- Tubicolous enteropneusts from the Cambrian period
    Journal Article
    Caron, J-B, Morris, SC, Cameron, CB
    2013 Nature (Date Added: 2013-03-21)

    25- Phylogeny of the tube-building Hemichordata reveals that Rhabdopleurais an extant graptolite.
    Journal Article
    Mitchell, CE
    2012 Lethia (Date Added: 2016-07-06)

    23- Ultrastructure of the coenecium of Cephalodiscus (Hemichordata: Pterobranchia)
    Journal Article
    Gonzalez, P, Cameron, CB
    2012 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-11-21)

    22- Phylogenetic analysis reveals that Rhabdopleura is an extant graptolite
    Journal Article
    Mitchell, CE, Melchin, MJ, Cameron, CB, Maletz, J
    2012 Lethaia (Date Added: 2012-10-31)

    21- The oldest frog crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Raninoida) from the Aptian of northern South America
    Journal Article
    Luque, J, Feldmann, RM, Schweitzer, CE, Jaramillo, C, Cameron, CB
    2012 Journal of Crustacean Biology (Date Added: 2012-10-30)

    20- Biomineral ultrastructure, elemental constitution and genomic analysis of biomineralization-related proteins in hemichordates
    Journal Article
    Cameron, CB, Bishop, CD
    2012 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-08-02)

    19- Spatial variation in food availability predicts extrapair paternity in the arctic fox
    Journal Article
    Cameron, C, Berteaux, D, Dufresne, F
    2011 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2012-07-04)

    18- A taxonomic revision of the family Harrimaniidae (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta) with descriptions of seven species from the Eastern Pacific
    Journal Article
    Deland, C, Cameron, CB, Rao, KP, Ritter, WE, Bullock, TH
    2010 Zootaxa (Date Added: 2012-02-09)

    16- Aurelia Aurita's Flight: A Finite Element Model of a Jellyfish Self Propulsion
    Book Chapter
    Stephane Etienne, Andre Garon, Dominique Pelletier, Chris Cameron,
    2009 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (Date Added: 2013-03-22)

    15- The gill slits and pre-oral ciliary organ of Protoglossus (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta) are filter-feeding structures
    Journal Article
    Gonzalez, P, Cameron, CB
    2009 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    14- Phylum Hemichordata, Class Enteropneusta
    Book Chapter
    Woodwick, KH, Cameron, CB
    2007 The Light and Smith manual : intertidal invertebrates from central California to Oregon (Date Added: 2012-05-04)

    13- Free love in the far north: Plural breeding and polyandry of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) on Bylot Island, Nunavut
    Journal Article
    Carmichael, LE, Szor, G, Berteaux, D, Giroux, MA, Cameron, C, Strobeck, C
    2007 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2011-04-12)

    Journal Article
    Federson, BA
    2006 Shock (Date Added: 2012-05-04)

    11- Cephalochordata
    Book Chapter
    Cameron, CB
    2006 Gulf of Mexico origin, waters, and biota. (Date Added: 2012-05-04)

    10- Hemichordata
    Book Chapter
    Cameron, CB
    2006 Gulf of Mexico origin, waters, and biota. (Date Added: 2012-05-04)

    9- A phylogeny of the hemichordates based on morphological characters
    Journal Article
    Cameron, CB
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    6- Evaluating hypotheses of deuterostome phylogeny and chordate evolution with new LSU and SSU ribosomal DNA data
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    5- Special Feature: Evolution of the chordate body plan: New insights from phylogenetic analyses of deuterostome phyla
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    4- Urochordates Are Monophyletic Within the Deuterostomes
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    3- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone in Mulberry cells of Saccoglossus and Ptychodera (Hemichordata: Enteropneusta)
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    1999 General and Comparative Endocrinology (Date Added: 2011-04-20)

    2- Endostyle-like features of the dorsal epibranchial ridge of an enteropneust and the hypothesis of dorsal-ventral axis inversion in chordates
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    1- Conduction pathways in the nervous system of Saccoglossus sp. (Enteropneusta)
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    Dans les média

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    Tiny, prehistoric sea worm Oesia built tube-like “houses” on ocean floor and sealed itself inside

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    Secuencian dos genomas de gusanos bellota

    Scientists Map Acorn Worm DNA, And Learn A Lot About Humans In The Process
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    Humans Share 70 Percent Of Their Genes With This Slimy Seabed Worm
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    DNA Reveals Common Ancestor for Humans and Sea Worms
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    Humans and Acorn Worms Share Common Ancestry, Study Reveals
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    Genome Sequencing Reveals Slimy Seabed Worms Share 70 Percent Of Human Genes
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    Acorn worms and humans distant cousins, genetically speaking
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    Welcome to the family! Acorn worm is a distant human relative that shares 70% of our genes
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    Our closest wormy cousins: About 70% of our genes trace their ancestry back to the acorn worm

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    Unidentified species unearthed at Marble Canyon Burgess Shale site
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    Une étrange créature qui constitue un chaînon manquant
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    Weird worm points to Earth's biodiversity burst

    Ancient Penis-Headed Worm Pushes Fossil Record Back 200 Million Years
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    Strange phallus-shaped creature provides missing link between 2 marine animals
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    Burgess Shale Fossil Provides Crucial Missing Link
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    Phallic fossils connect worm families
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    The strange phallus-shaped creature which scientists say provides the crucial missing link to marine evolution
    Daily Mail (Gayle, Damien) 2013-03-14

    Burgess Shale worm provides important missing link
    Calgary Herald (Derworiz, Colette) 2013-03-14

    Nigeria News - The strange phallus-shaped creature which scientists say provides the crucial missing link to marine evolution
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    Un gusano con forma fálica de hace 500 millones de años - Ciencia -
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    “Phallus” Worm Is Evolutionary Missing Link
    National Geographic (Dell'Amore, Christine) 2013-03-13

    Phallus-shaped acorn worms resolve fossil mystery
    CBC News (Chung, Emily) 2013-03-13

    Penis-Shaped Worm Creature Solves Ancient Fossil Mystery : animals : Nature World News
    Nature World News 2013-03-13

    Phallus-shaped fossils identified as new species
    BBC (Warwicker, Michelle) 2013-03-13

    Phallus-like worm linked to ancient creature unearthed in B.C. national park
    Times Colonist (Ubelacker, Sheryl) 2013-03-13

    Étrange créature fossile découverte dans les Rocheuses
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    Palaeontology: Tubular worms from the Burgess Shale

    ScienceShot: Is That a Missing Link in Your Pocket?

    Phallus-like worm linked to ancient creature unearthed in B.C. national park
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    'Phallus' Worm Fossils May Be Evolutionary Missing Link, Scientists Say
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    Strange phallus-shaped creature pushes fossil record back 200 million years
    Science Daily 2013-03-12

    Sea Creature Unchanged for 500 Million Years
    Discovery News (VIegas, Jennifer) 2012-09-11

    Rhabdopleurids: Newer Doesn't Mean Better
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