Jérôme Théau
Professeur titulaire,Université de Sherbrooke
Département de géomatique appliquée
Courriel: jerome.theau@USherbrooke.ca
Page web de l'institution
ÉducationRechercheL’étude des habitats fauniques et de la fragmentation du paysage dans une perspective de conservation font partie de mes principaux centres d’intérêt. Je développe des méthodes pour évaluer les caractéristiques et obtenir des indicateurs environnementaux qui permettent de vérifier l’impact des pratiques de gestion, des infrastructures et des activités humaines sur l’état des écosystèmes. Je travaille également sur la caractérisation multiéchelle des réseaux écologiques et des corridors. Mes outils de prédilection incluent l’imagerie satellitaire, les systèmes d’information géographique ainsi que les drones (avions sans pilote).Étudiants CSBQThi Dieu DINHPh.D. Meghana ParanjapePh.D. safidy RandrianiainaPh.D. Ghazaleh SeratiPh.D. Leila Yousefizadeh NaeniPh.D. Camille Dionne-PierreM.Sc. Simon DurandM.Sc. Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)Justine BoulentPh.D. Mael MoreniPh.D. Xin WenPh.D. brice CailliéM.Sc. Josianne CaronM.Sc. Cathy DuguayM.Sc. Natacha FontaineM.Sc. Marie-Eve Le BerM.Sc. Anne-Sophie LessardM.Sc. Fiston NININAHAZWEM.Sc. Camille Pelletier-GuittierM.Sc. Geneviève PomerleauM.Sc. Thèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinentsExemples d'espèces étudiéesLepus americanus Frangula alnus Rhamnus cathartica Publications44- Will artificial intelligence revolutionize aerial surveys? A first large-scale semi-automated survey of African wildlife using oblique imagery and deep learning Journal Article Delplanque A , Linchant J , Vincke X , Lamprey R , Théau J , Vermeulen C , Foucher S , Ouattara A , Kouadio R , Lejeune P , 2024 Ecological Informatics (Date Added: 2024-06-15) 43- Wildlife detection, counting and survey using satellite imagery: are we there yet? Journal Article Delplanque A , Théau J , Foucher S , Serati G , Durand S , Lejeune P , 2024 GIScience and Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2024-05-16) 42- Surveying wildlife and livestock in Uganda with aerial cameras: Deep Learning reduces the workload of human interpretation by over 70% Journal Article Delplanque A , Lamprey R , Foucher S , Théau J , Lejeune P , 2023 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2023-12-13) 41- Do you get what you see? Insights of using mAP to select architectures of pretrained neural networks for automated aerial animal detection Journal Article Moreni M , Theau J , Foucher S , 2023 PloS one (Date Added: 2023-05-05) 40- Mapping invasive alien plant species with very high spatial resolution and multi-date satellite imagery using object-based and machine learning techniques: A comparative study Journal Article Nininahazwe F , Théau J , Marc Antoine G , Varin M , 2023 GIScience and Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2023-04-03) 39- From crowd to herd counting: How to precisely detect and count African mammals using aerial imagery and deep learning? Journal Article Delplanque A , Foucher S , Théau J , Bussière E , Vermeulen C , Lejeune P , 2023 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2023-02-14) 38- Mapping common and glossy buckthorns (Frangula alnus and Rhamnus cathartica) using multi-date satellite imagery WorldView-3, GeoEye-1 and SPOT-7 Journal Article Nininahazwe F , Varin M , Théau J , 2023 International Journal of Digital Earth (Date Added: 2023-01-10) 36- Multispecies detection and identification of African mammals in aerial imagery using convolutional neural networks Journal Article Delplanque A , Foucher S , Lejeune P , Linchant J , Théau J , 2021 Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (Date Added: 2021-08-14) 35- Estimation of forage biomass and vegetation cover in grasslands using UAV imagery Journal Article , 2021 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-04-11) 34- Foraging behaviour of gestating sows on pasture and damages to vegetation cover are influenced by restriction of concentrate feed Journal Article Aubé L , Guay F , Bergeron R , Théau J , Devillers N , 2021 Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Date Added: 2021-03-30) 33- Automatic Detection of Flavescence Dorée Symptoms Across White Grapevine Varieties Using Deep Learning Journal Article Boulent J , St-Charles P , Foucher S , Théau J , 2020 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (Date Added: 2021-11-05) 32- Use of hedgerows by mammals in an intensive agricultural landscape Journal Article Pelletier-Guittier C , Théau J , Dupras J , 2020 Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Date Added: 2020-07-31) 31- Crop scouting using UAV imagery: A case study for potatoes Journal Article Théau J , Gavelle E , Ménard P , 2020 Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (Date Added: 2020-06-10) 30- Spatiotemporal analysis of water-related ecosystem services under ecological restoration scenarios: A case study in northern Shaanxi, China Journal Article Wen X , Théau J , 2020 Science of the Total Environment (Date Added: 2020-03-18) 29- Deep learning for in-field image-based grapevine downy mildew identification Conference Proceeding Conference Paper Boulent J , Beaulieu M , St-Charles P , Théau J , Foucher S , 2019 Precision Agriculture 2019 - Papers Presented at the 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, ECPA 2019 (Date Added: 2019-10-29) 28- Convolutional Neural Networks for the Automatic Identification of Plant Diseases Journal Article Boulent J , Foucher S , Théau J , St-Charles P , 2019 Frontiers in Plant Science (Date Added: 2019-09-21) 27- Assessment of ecosystem services in restoration programs in China: A systematic review Journal Article Wen X , Théau J , 2019 Ambio (Date Added: 2019-08-02) 26- Mapping ecosystem services provided by wetlands at multiple spatiotemporal scales: A case study in Quebec, Canada Journal Article Varin M , Théau J , Fournier R A , 2019 Journal of Environmental Management (Date Added: 2019-06-24) 25- Unmanned aerial image dataset: Ready for 3D reconstruction Journal Shahbazi M , Ménard P , Sohn G , Théau J , 2019 Data in Brief (Date Added: 2019-06-13) 24- High-density stereo image matching using intrinsic curves Journal Article Shahbazi M , Sohn G , Théau J , 2018 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2018-11-07) 23- Optimization of an ecological integrity monitoring program for protected areas: Case study for a network of national parks Journal Article Théau J , Trottier S , Graillon P , 2018 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2018-10-01) 22- Robust Structure-from-Motion Computation:
Application to Open-Pit Mine Surveying from Unmanned Aerial Images Journal Article Shahbazi, M, Sohn Sohn, G, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2017 Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (Date Added: 2018-05-23) 21- Evolutionary optimization for robust epipolar-geometry estimation and outlier detection Journal Article Shahbazi M , Sohn G , Théau J , 2017 Algorithms (Date Added: 2017-09-30) 20- Revisiting Intrinsic Curves For Efficient Dense Stereo Matching Book Chapter Shahbazi, M, Sohn, G, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2016 ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Date Added: 2018-05-23) 19- Visible and thermal infrared remote sensing for the detection of white-tailed deer using an unmanned aerial system: Detection of White-tailed Deer Using an UAS Journal Article Chrétien, L-P, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2016 Wildlife Society Bulletin (Date Added: 2016-04-26) 18- Wildlife Multispecies Remote Sensing Using Visible And Thermal Infrared Imagery Acquired From An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Uav) Journal Article Chrétien, L-P, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2015 ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Date Added: 2016-07-06) 17- Uav-Based Point Cloud Generation For Open-Pit Mine Modelling Journal Article Shahbazi, M, Sohn, G, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2015 ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Date Added: 2016-07-06) 16- Robust Sparse Matching And Motion Estimation Using Genetic Algorithms Journal Article Shahbazi, M, Sohn, G, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2015 ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Date Added: 2016-07-06) 15-Une méta-analyse pour le transfert d’avantages économiques des biens et services écosystémiques fournis par les milieux humides au Québec Book Chapter He, J, Fournier, R, Revéret, JP, Dupras, J, Théau, J, Boyer, JP 2015 Nature et économie : un regard sur les écosystèmes du Québec ( Date Added: 2016-06-28) 14- Development and Evaluation of a UAV-Photogrammetry System for Precise 3D Environmental Modeling Journal Article Shahbazi, M, Sohn, G, Theau, J, Menard, P 2015 Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (Date Added: 2015-11-16) 13- Meta-analysis for the transfer of economic benefits of ecosystem services provided by wetlands within two watersheds in Quebec, Canada Journal Article He, J, Moffette, F, Fournier, R, Revéret, J-P, Théau, J, Dupras, J, Boyer, J-P, Varin, M 2015 Wetlands Ecology and Management (Date Added: 2015-10-22) 12-An evaluation framework based on sustainability-related indicators for the comparison of conceptual approaches for ecological networks Journal Article Théau, J, Bernier, A, Fournier, R 2015 Ecological indicators ( Date Added: 2015-01-23) 11- Recent applications of unmanned aerial imagery in natural resource management Journal Article Shahbazi, M, Théau, J, Ménard, P 2014 GIScience & Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2016-08-09) 10-Outils d’analyses hydrologique, économique et spatiale des services écologiques procurés par les milieux humides des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent : adaptations aux changements climatiques Report Fournier, R 2013 Consortium Ouranos ( Date Added: 2016-06-29) 9- Modélisation de réseaux écologiques et impacts des choix méthodologiques sur leur configuration spatiale : analyse de cas en Estrie (Québec, Canada) Journal Article Bernier, A, Théau, J 2013 VertigO (Date Added: 2016-06-20) 8- Multi-sensor analyses of vegetation indices in a semi-arid environment Journal Article Théau, J, Sankey, T, Weber, K 2010 GIScience and Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 7- Local-scale validation of the surface observation gridding system with in situ weather observations in a semi-arid environment Journal Article Weber, KT, Sankey, TT, Théau, J 2010 International Journal of Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 6- Effect of coregistration error on patchy target detection using high-resolution imagery Journal Article Weber, KT, Théau, J, Serr, K 2008 Remote Sensing of Environment (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 5- Mapping lichen in a caribou habitat of Northern Quebec, Canada, using an enhancement-classification method and spectral mixture analysis Journal Article Théau, J, Peddle, DR, Duguay, CR 2005 Remote Sensing of Environment (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 4- Lichen mapping in the summer range of the George River caribou herd using Landsat TM imagery Journal Article Théau, J, Duguay, CR 2004 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 3- Enhancement-Classification and Spectral Mixture Analysis of Caribou Lichen Habitats, Northern Québec, Canada Conference Article Théau, J, Peddle, DR, Duguay, CR 2003 (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 2- The influence of climatic parameters on the seasonal and daily activity patterns of the American hare, Lepus americanus, living at semi-liberty Journal Article Théau, J, Ferron, J 2001 Canadian Field-Naturalist (Date Added: 2014-09-12) 1- Influence of climatic factors on the behavior of snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) Journal Article Theau, J, Ferron, J 2000 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2014-09-12) Dans les médiaLes technologies au service de la conservation de la faune 2024-01-11 S’envoler avec les hérons 2023-10-12 Trajectus : une nouvelle application pour créer des sorties terrain guidées (Baïtiche Parent, Rayane) 2018-05-01 Les drones et l'environnement: un mariage novateur (Blais, Roxanne) 2018-04-26 Entrevue avec Jérôme Théau 2018-04-09 Drones et applications en environnement 2017-11-14 Un drone qui cartographie les plants malades dans les champs 2016-01-30 Prix de la meilleure affiche pour Mozhdeh Shahbazi, étudiante au doctorat en télédétection (université de sherbrooke) 2015-04-08 |