Katja Neves

Professeur agrégé,
Concordia University

Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Courriel: katja.neves@concordia.ca
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Page personnelle


  • PhD aAnthropologie sociale, York University
  • MA Anthropologie symbolique, University of Western Ontario
  • Licence Relations internationales, Technical University of Lisbon, School of Social and Political Science


Ma recherche explore les façons que les marchés, les états et les aspects divers de la société forment et régissent les relations entre les personnes et la nature.

Étudiants CSBQ

Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

Kristian Gareau

Autre (co-)superviseur: Satoshi Ikeda, Concordia University
(Début: 2012, Fin: 2016)
Résistance sociale contre les oléoducs: Tentatives de rupture avec un modèle économique catastrophique


20- Botanic Gardens in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainability: History, Contemporary Engagements, Decolonization Challenges, and Renewed Potential
Journal Article
Neves K G ,
2024 Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Date Added: 2024-06-30)

18-Horta: notes on an invaluable legacy
Journal Article
Neves, K
2015 Mundo Acoreano ( Date Added: 2016-08-16)

17-Whales, tourism and manifold capitalist fixes: New relationships with the driving force of capitalism
Book Chapter
Higham, J, Neves, K
2015 ( Date Added: 2016-01-14)

16- Changing the intellectual climate
Journal Article
Castree, N, Adams, WM, Barry, J, Brockington, D, Büscher, B, Corbera, E, Demeritt, D, Duffy, R, Felt, U, Neves, K, Newell, P, Pellizzoni, L, Rigby, K, Robbins, P, Robin, L, Rose, DB, Ross, A, Schlosberg, D, Sörlin, S, West, P, Whitehead, M, Wynne, B
2014 Nature Climate Change (Date Added: 2016-08-16)

15-A Grande Saga Wollemi: Entre a Preservação de Genoma e a Conservação Consumista
Journal Article
Neves, K
2014 Memorias Special Journal Issue on Environmental Anthropology ( Date Added: 2016-08-16)

14- Technocratic and economic ideals in the ecosystem services discourse
Journal Article
Turnhout, E, Waterton, C, Neves, K, Buizer, M
2014 Conservation Letters (Date Added: 2014-07-02)

13- 'Measurementality' in biodiversity governance: Knowledge, transparency, and the intergovernmental science-policy platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services (ipbes)
Journal Article
Turnhout, E, Neves, K, De Lijster, E
2014 Environment and Planning A (Date Added: 2014-07-02)

12-The Politics UNESCO’s Shift Towards Intangible Heritage Sites and their Strategic Relevance for the Azores
Journal Article
Neves, K
2013 Journal of the University of the Azores ( Date Added: 2016-08-16)

11- Rethinking biodiversity: From goods and services to "living with"
Journal Article
Turnhout, E, Waterton, C, Neves, K, Buizer, M
2013 Conservation Letters (Date Added: 2014-07-02)

10-The Articulation of Azorean Insularity in the Early 1990s as a Strategic Source of Power within the European Union’s Agricultural Policy
Journal Article
Neves, K
2012 Journal Boletim do Nucleo Cultural da Horta ( Date Added: 2016-08-16)

9- Contradictions in Tourism: The Promise and Pitfalls of Ecotourism as a Manifold Capitalist Fix
Journal Article
Fletcher, R, Neves, K
2012 Environment and Society (Date Added: 2016-08-16)

8-New Roles of Botanical Gardens in Biodiversity Conservation
Neves, K
2012 Encyclopedia of Global Climate Change ( Date Added: 2016-08-16)

7- Uneven development and accumulation by dispossession in nature conservation: Comparing recent trends in the Azores and Tanzania
Journal Article
Neves, K, Igoe, J
2012 Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Date Added: 2014-07-02)

6- Towards a synthesized critique of neoliberal biodiversity conservation
Journal Article
Bscher, B, Sullivan, S, Neves, K, Igoe, J, Brockington, D
2012 Capitalism, Nature, Socialism (Date Added: 2014-07-02)

4- A Spectacular Eco-Tour around the Historic Bloc: Theorising the Convergence of Biodiversity Conservation and Capitalist Expansion
Book Chapter
Igoe, J, Neves, K, Brockington, D
2011 Capitalism and Conservation (Date Added: 2014-07-02)

2- A spectacular eco-tour around the historic bloc: Theorising the convergence of biodiversity conservation and capitalist expansion
Journal Article
Igoe, J, Neves, K, Brockington, D
2010 Antipode (Date Added: 2014-07-02)