Lyle Whyte

Professeur agrégé,
McGill University

Department of Natural Resource Sciences
Page web de l'institution

Étudiants CSBQ

Esteban Góngora

Autre (co-)superviseur: Charles Greer, National Research Council Canada
(Début: 2019)
Genomic characterization of the hydrocarbon biodegradation process on a Canadian Arctic beach for the development of bioremediation strategies

Brady O'Connor

Autre (co-)superviseur: Richard Léveillé
(Début: 2019)
Détection et caractérisation de micro-organismes métaboliquement actifs provenant d'environnements analogiques d'astrobiologie.

Scott Sugden

(Début: 2021)
Succession microbienne et activité biogéochimique dans les écosystèmes en déglaciation

Lochlan Breckenridge

(Début: 2023)
Environmental Drivers of Survival of Arctic Trace Gas Oxidizing Prokaryotes
Page personnelle

Melissa Kozey

(Début: 2022, Fin: 2024)
Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic insights into High Arctic Nostoc Mat Community

Matthew Quinn

(Début: 2023, Fin: 2025)
Meta-omics & culture-based analysis of Lost Hammer spring deep sediment microbial communities
Page personnelle

Exemples d'espèces étudiées

Uria lomvia


146- Characterization of hydrocarbon degraders from Northwest Passage beach sediments and assessment of their ability for bioremediation
Journal Article
Lirette A , Chen Y , Freyria N J , Góngora E , Greer C W , Whyte L G ,
2024 Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2024-05-21)

145- Influence of heavy Canadian crude oil on pristine freshwater boreal lake ecosystems in an experimental oil spill
Journal Article
Kharey G S , Palace V , Whyte L , Greer C W ,
2024 FEMS microbiology ecology (Date Added: 2024-05-10)

144- Native freshwater lake microbial community response to an in situ experimental dilbit spill
Journal Article
Kharey G S , Palace V , Whyte L , Greer C W ,
2024 FEMS microbiology ecology (Date Added: 2024-05-10)

143- The COSPAR planetary protection policy for missions to Icy Worlds: A review of history, current scientific knowledge, and future directions
Journal Article
Doran P , Hayes A , Grasset O , Coustenis A , Prieto-Ballesteros O , Hedman N , Al Shehhi O , Ammannito E , Fujimoto M , Groen F , Moores J , Mustin C , Olsson-Francis K , Peng J , Praveenkumar K , Rettberg P , Sinibaldi S , Ilyin V , Raulin F , Suzuki Y , Xu K , Whyte L , Zaitsev M , Buffo J , Kminek G , Schmidt B ,
2024 Life Sciences in Space Research (Date Added: 2024-02-28)

142- COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy: recent advances
Conference Proceeding Conference Paper
2023 Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC (Date Added: 2024-03-24)

141- Lichen-associated microbial members are prevalent in the snow microbiome of a sub-arctic alpine tundra
Journal Article
Touchette D , Gostinčar C , Whyte L G , Altshuler I ,
2023 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2023-12-29)

140- Sulfur-cycling chemolithoautotrophic microbial community dominates a cold, anoxic, hypersaline Arctic spring
Journal Article
Magnuson E , Altshuler I , Freyria N J , Leveille R J , Whyte L G ,
2023 Microbiome (Date Added: 2023-09-20)

139- Microbial Characterization of Arctic Glacial Ice Cores with a Semiautomated Life Detection System
Journal Article
Touchette D , Maggiori C , Altshuler I , Tettenborn A , Bourdages L , Magnuson E , Blenner-Hassett O , Raymond-Bouchard I , Ellery A , Whyte L G ,
2023 Astrobiology (Date Added: 2023-07-28)

138- Effects of marine diesel on microbial diversity and activity in high Arctic beach sediments
Journal Article
Durand M , Touchette D , Chen Y , Magnuson E , Wasserscheid J , Greer C W , Whyte L G , Altshuler I ,
2023 Marine Pollution Bulletin (Date Added: 2023-07-22)

137- Biodegradation potential of residue generated during the in-situ burning of oil in the marine environment
Journal Article
Pyke R , Fortin N , Wasserscheid J , Tremblay J , Schreiber L , Levesque M , Messina-Pacheco S , Whyte L , Wang F , Lee K , Cooper D , Greer C W ,
2023 Journal of Hazardous Materials (Date Added: 2023-01-01)

135- Hydrocarbon bioremediation on Arctic shorelines: Historic perspective and roadway to the future
Journal Article
Góngora E , Chen Y , Ellis M , Okshevsky M , Whyte L ,
2022 Environmental Pollution (Date Added: 2022-04-23)

134- Unique high Arctic methane metabolizing community revealed through in situ 13CH4-DNA-SIP enrichment in concert with genome binning
Journal Article
Altshuler I , Raymond-Bouchard I , Magnuson E , Tremblay J , Greer C W , Whyte L G ,
2022 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2022-02-07)

133- Assessment of Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Systems in Combination with MinION Sequencing As Potential Tools for the Detection of Microbial Biosignatures
Journal Article
Raymond-Bouchard I , Maggiori C , Brennan L , Altshuler I , Manchado J M , Parro V , Whyte L G ,
2022 Astrobiology (Date Added: 2022-02-01)

132- Distinct gut microbiomes in two polar bear subpopulations inhabiting different sea ice ecoregions
Journal Article
Franz, M, Whyte, L, Atwood, TC, Laidre, KL, Roy, D, Watson, SE, Góngora, E, McKinney, MA
2022 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2022-01-23)

131- MinION sequencing from sea ice cryoconites leads to de novo genome reconstruction from metagenomes
Journal Article
Maggiori C , Raymond-Bouchard I , Brennan L , Touchette D , Whyte L ,
2021 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2021-11-10)

130- Comparative Metagenomics of the Active Layer and Permafrost from Low-Carbon Soil in the Canadian High Arctic
Journal Article
Wu X , Chauhan A , Layton A C , Lau Vetter M C Y , Stackhouse B T , Williams D E , Whyte L , Pfiffner S M , Onstott T C , Vishnivetskaya T A ,
2021 Environmental Science and Technology (Date Added: 2021-09-22)

129- Novel Antarctic yeast adapts to cold by switching energy metabolism and increasing small RNA synthesis
Journal Article
Touchette D , Altshuler I , Gostinčar C , Zalar P , Raymond-Bouchard I , Zajc J , McKay C P , Gunde-Cimerman N , Whyte L G ,
2021 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-08-05)

127- Gut microbiome is affected by inter-sexual and inter-seasonal variation in diet for thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia)
Journal Article
Góngora, E, Elliott, KH, Whyte, L
2021 Scientific Reports (Date Added: 2021-01-22)

126- Thaumarchaea genome sequences from a high Arctic active layer
Journal Article
Sun E W , Hajirezaie S , Dooner M , Vishnivetskaya T A , Layton A , Chauhan A , Pfiffner S M , Whyte L G , Onstott T C , Lau M C Y ,
2020 Microbiology Resource Announcements (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

125- Thiomicrorhabdus streamers and sulfur cycling in perennial hypersaline cold springs in the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Magnuson E , Mykytczuk N C , Pellerin A , Goordial J , Twine S M , Wing B , Foote S J , Fulton K , Whyte L G ,
2020 Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

124- Macroinvertebrate and soil prokaryote communities in the forest–tundra ecotone of the Subarctic Yukon
Journal Article
Turney, S, Altshuler, I, Whyte, LG, Buddle, CM
2018 Polar Biology (Date Added: 2018-05-18)

123- The willow microbiome is influenced by soil petroleum-hydrocarbon concentration with plant compartment-specific effects
Journal Article
Tardif, S, Yergeau, , Tremblay, J, Legendre, P, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
2016 Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2016-11-28)

122- Atmospheric methane oxidizers are present and active in Canadian high Arctic soils
Journal Article
Martineau, C, Pan, Y, Bodrossy, L, Yergeau, E, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
2014 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

121- Alteration of microbial community structure affects diesel biodegradation in an Arctic soil
Journal Article
Bell, TH, Yergeau, E, Juck, DF, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
2013 FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

120- Defining the functional potential and active community members of a sediment microbial community in a high-arctic hypersaline subzero spring
Journal Article
Lay, C-Y, Mykytczuk, NCS, Yergeau, , Lamarche-Gagnon, G, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
2013 Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

119- Predictable bacterial composition and hydrocarbon degradation in Arctic soils following diesel and nutrient disturbance
Journal Article
Bell, TH, Yergeau, E, Maynard, C, Juck, D, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
2013 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

118- The functional potential of high Arctic permafrost revealed by metagenomic sequencing, qPCR and microarray analyses
Journal Article
Yergeau, E, Hogues, H, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
2010 ISME Journal (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

117- Microarray and real-time PCR analyses of the responses of high-arctic soil bacteria to hydrocarbon pollution and bioremediation treatments
Journal Article
Yergeau, E, Arbour, M, Brousseau, R, Juck, D, Lawrence, JR, Masson, L, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
2009 Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2016-01-21)

116- A Multiplex Immunosensor for Detecting Perchlorate-Reducing Bacteria for Environmental Monitoring and Planetary Exploration
Journal Article
Gallardo-Carreño, I, Moreno-Paz, M, Aguirre, J, Blanco, Y, Alonso-Pintado, E, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Maggiori, C, Rivas, LA, Engelbrektson, A, Whyte, L, Parro, V
Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

115- Thaumarchaea genome sequences from a high Arctic active layer
Journal Article
Sun, EW-H, Hajirezaie, S, Dooner, M, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Layton, A, Chauhan, A, Pfiffner, SM, Whyte, LG, Onstott, TC, Laue, MCY
Microbiology Resource Announcements (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

114- Is searching for martian life a priority for the mars community?
Journal Article
Fairén, AG, Parro, V, Schulze-Makuch, D, Whyte, L
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

113- Corrigendum: An active atmospheric methane sink in high Arctic mineral cryosols
Journal Article
Lau, MCY, Stackhouse, BT, Layton, AC, Chauhan, A, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Chourey, K, Ronholm, J, Mykytczuk, NCS, Bennett, PC, Lamarche-Gagnon, G, Burton, N, Pollard, WH, Omelon, CR, Medvigy, DM, Hettich, RL, Pfiffner, SM, Whyte, LG, Onstott, TC
ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

112- Microbes in thawing permafrost: The unknown variable in the climate change equation
Journal Article
Graham, DE, Wallenstein, MD, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Waldrop, MP, Phelps, TJ, Pfiffner, SM, Onstott, TC, Whyte, LG, Rivkina, EM, Gilichinsky, DA, Elias, DA, MacKelprang, R, Verberkmoes, NC, Hettich, RL, Wagner, D, Wullschleger, SD, Jansson, JK
ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

111- The Limits, Capabilities, and Potential for Life Detection with MinION Sequencing in a Paleochannel Mars Analog
Journal Article
Maggiori, C, Stromberg, J, Blanco, Y, Goordial, J, Cloutis, E, García-Villadangos, M, Parro, V, Whyte, L
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

110- Presence of Legionella spp. in cooling towers: the role of microbial diversity, Pseudomonas, and continuous chlorine application
Journal Article
Paranjape, K, Bédard, , Whyte, LG, Ronholm, J, Prévost, M, Faucher, SP
Water Research (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

109- Thiomicrorhabdus streamers and sulfur cycling in perennial hypersaline cold springs in the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Magnuson, E, Mykytczuk, NCS, Pellerin, A, Goordial, J, Twine, SM, Wing, B, Foote, SJ, Fulton, K, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

108- Canadian Journal of Microbiology: Foreword
Journal Article
Foght, J, Greer, CW, Vincent, WF, Whyte, LG
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

107- Metagenome-assembled genome of USCα AHI, a potential high-affinity methanotroph from Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic
Journal Article
Rusley, C, Onstott, TC, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Layton, A, Chauhan, A, Pfiffner, SM, Whyte, LG, Lau, MCY
Microbiology Resource Announcements (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

106- Diversity decoupled from sulfur isotope fractionation in a sulfate-reducing microbial community
Journal Article
Colangelo-Lillis, J, Pelikan, C, Herbold, CW, Altshuler, I, Loy, A, Whyte, LG, Wing, BA
Geobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

105- Biosignature detection by Mars rover equivalent instruments in samples from the CanMars Mars Sample Return Analogue Deployment
Journal Article
Stromberg, JM, Parkinson, A, Morison, M, Cloutis, E, Casson, N, Applin, D, Poitras, J, Marti, AM, Maggiori, C, Cousins, C, Whyte, L, Kruzelecky, R, Das, D, Leveille, R, Berlo, K, Sharma, SK, Acosta-Maeda, T, Daly, M, Lalla, E
Planetary and Space Science (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

104- Species interactions and distinct microbial communities in high Arctic permafrost affected cryosols are associated with the CH4 and CO2 gas fluxes
Journal Article
Altshuler, I, Hamel, J, Turney, S, Magnuson, E, Lévesque, R, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

103- Microbial Activity and Habitability of an Antarctic Dry Valley Water Track
Journal Article
Chan-Yam, K, Goordial, J, Greer, C, Davila, A, McKay, CP, Whyte, LG
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

102- Denitrifiers, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and N2O soil gas flux in high Arctic ice-wedge polygon cryosols
Journal Article
Altshuler, I, Ronholm, J, Layton, A, Onstott, TC, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

101- Planetary Protection and the astrobiological exploration of Mars: Proactive steps in moving forward
Journal Article
Fairén, AG, Schulze-Makuch, D, Whyte, L, Parro, V, Pavlov, A, Gómez-Elvira, J, Azua-Bustos, A, Fink, W, Baker, V
Advances in Space Research (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

100- Culture-dependent bioprospecting of bacterial isolates from the canadian high arctic displaying antibacterial activity
Journal Article
Marcolefas, E, Leung, T, Okshevsky, M, McKay, G, Hignett, E, Hamel, J, Aguirre, G, Blenner-Hassett, O, Boyle, B, Lévesque, RC, Nguyen, D, Gruenheid, S, Whyte, L
Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

99- Microbiology and nitrogen cycle in the benthic sediments of a glacial oligotrophic deep andean lake as analog of ancient martian lake-beds
Journal Article
Parro, V, Puente-Sánchez, F, Cabrol, NA, Gallardo-Carreño, I, Moreno-Paz, M, Blanco, Y, García-Villadangos, M, Tambley, C, Tilot, VC, Thompson, C, Smith, E, Sobrón, P, Demergasso, CS, Echeverría-Vega, A, Fernández-Martínez, MA, Whyte, LG, Fairén, AG
Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

98- Characterization of Microbial Communities Hosted in Quartzofeldspathic and Serpentinite Lithologies in Jeffrey Mine, Canada
Journal Article
Ronholm, J, Goordial, J, Sapers, HM, Izawa, MRM, Applin, DM, Pontefract, A, Omelon, CR, Lamarche-Gagnon, G, Cloutis, EA, Whyte, LG
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

97- Conserved genomic and amino acid traits of cold adaptation in subzero-growing Arctic permafrost bacteria
Journal Article
Raymond-Bouchard, I, Goordial, J, Zolotarov, Y, Ronholm, J, Stromvik, M, Bakermans, C, Whyte, LG
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

96- Variability in carbon uptake and (re)cycling in Antarctic cryptoendolithic microbial ecosystems demonstrated through radiocarbon analysis of organic biomarkers
Journal Article
Brady, AL, Goordial, J, Sun, HJ, Whyte, LG, Slater, GF
Geobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

95- Biological characterization of microenvironments in a hypersaline cold spring mars analog
Journal Article
Sapers, HM, Ronholm, J, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Comrey, R, Osinski, GR, Whyte, LG
Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

94- In situ field sequencing and life detection in remote (79°26'N) Canadian high arctic permafrost ice wedge microbial communities
Journal Article
Goordial, J, Altshuler, I, Hindson, K, Chan-Yam, K, Marcolefas, E, Whyte, LG
Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

93- Mechanisms of subzero growth in the cryophile Planococcus halocryophilus determined through proteomic analysis
Journal Article
Raymond-Bouchard, I, Chourey, K, Altshuler, I, Iyer, R, Hettich, RL, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

92- Searching for Life on Mars before It is Too Late
Journal Article
Fairén, AG, Parro, V, Schulze-Makuch, D, Whyte, L
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

91- From transcriptomes to metatranscriptomes: Cold adaptation and active metabolisms of psychrophiles from cold environments
Book Chapter
Raymond-Bouchard, I, Whyte, LG
Psychrophiles: From Biodiversity to Biotechnology: Second Edition (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

90- Microbial life in permafrost
Book Chapter
Altshuler, I, Goordial, J, Whyte, LG
Psychrophiles: From Biodiversity to Biotechnology: Second Edition (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

89- Habitability on Early Mars and the Search for Biosignatures with the ExoMars Rover
Journal Article
Vago, JL, Westall, F, Coates, AJ, Jaumann, R, Korablev, O, Ciarletti, V, Mitrofanov, I, Josset, J-L, De Sanctis, MC, Bibring, J-P, Rull, F, Goesmann, F, Steininger, H, Goetz, W, Brinckerhoff, W, Szopa, C, Raulin, F, Edwards, HGM, Whyte, LG, Fairén, AG, Bridges, J, Hauber, E, Ori, GG, Werner, S, Loizeau, D, Kuzmin, RO, Williams, RME, Flahaut, J, Forget, F, Rodionov, D, Svedhem, H, Sefton-Nash, E, Kminek, G, Lorenzoni, L, Joudrier, L, Mikhailov, V, Zashchirinskiy, A, Alexashkin, S, Calantropio, F, Merlo, A, Poulakis, P, Witasse, O, Bayle, O, Bayón, S, Meierhenrich, U, Carter, J, García-Ruiz, JM, Baglioni, P, Haldemann, A, Ball, AJ, Debus, A, Lindner, R, Haessig, F, Monteiro, D, Trautner, R, Voland, C, Rebeyre, P, Goulty, D, Didot, F, Durrant, S, Zekri, E, Koschny, D, Toni, A, Visentin, G, Zwick, M, Van Winnendael, M, Azkarate, M, Carreau, C
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

88- Comparative activity and functional ecology of permafrost soils and lithic niches in a hyper-arid polar desert
Journal Article
Goordial, J, Davila, A, Greer, CW, Cannam, R, DiRuggiero, J, McKay, CP, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

87- Viral induced microbial mortality in arctic hypersaline spring sediments
Journal Article
Colangelo-Lillis, J, Wing, BA, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Whyte, LG
Frontiers in Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

86- Atmospheric CH4 oxidation by Arctic permafrost and mineral cryosols as a function of water saturation and temperature
Journal Article
Stackhouse, B, Lau, MCY, Vishnivetskaya, T, Burton, N, Wang, R, Southworth, A, Whyte, L, Onstott, TC
Geobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

85- Nearing the cold-arid limits of microbial life in permafrost of an upper dry valley, Antarctica
Journal Article
Goordial, J, Davila, A, Lacelle, D, Pollard, W, Marinova, MM, Greer, CW, Di Ruggiero, J, McKay, CP, Whyte, LG
ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

84- Low viral predation pressure in cold hypersaline Arctic sediments and limits on lytic replication
Journal Article
Colangelo-Lillis, J, Wing, BA, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology Reports (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

83- Microscopic characterization of the bacterial cell envelope of Planococcus halocryophilus Or1 during subzero growth at −15 °C
Journal Article
Mykytczuk, NCS, Lawrence, JR, Omelon, CR, Southam, G, Whyte, LG
Polar Biology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

82- Actinorhizal alder phytostabilization alters microbial community dynamics in gold mine waste rock from northern Quebec: A greenhouse study
Journal Article
Callender, KL, Roy, S, Khasa, DP, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

81- Cold adaptive traits revealed by comparative genomic analysis of the eurypsychrophile Rhodococcus sp. JG3 isolated from high elevation McMurdo Dry Valley permafrost, Antarctica
Journal Article
Goordial, J, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Zolotarov, Y, de Bethencourt, L, Ronholm, J, Shapiro, N, Woyke, T, Stromvik, M, Greer, CW, Bakermans, C, Whyte, L
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

80- Improved high-quality draft genome sequence of the eurypsychrophile Rhodotorula sp. JG1b, isolated from permafrost in the hyperarid upper-elevation McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Journal Article
Goordial, J, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Riley, R, Ronholm, J, Shapiro, N, Woyke, T, LaButti, KM, Tice, H, Amirebrahimi, M, Grigoriev, IV, Greer, C, Bakermans, C, Whyte, L
Genome Announcements (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

79- Characterization of the microbial community structure and the physicochemical properties of produced water and seawater from the Hibernia oil production platform
Journal Article
Yeung, CW, Lee, K, Cobanli, S, King, T, Bugden, J, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

78- Improved-high-quality draft genome sequence of Rhodococcus sp. JG-3, a eurypsychrophilic Actinobacteria from Antarctic Dry Valley permafrost
Journal Article
Goordial, J, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Ronholm, J, Shapiro, N, Woyke, T, Whyte, L, Bakermans, C
Standards in Genomic Sciences (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

77- Effects of simulated spring thaw of permafrost from mineral cryosol on CO2 emissions and atmospheric CH4 uptake
Journal Article
Stackhouse, BT, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Layton, A, Chauhan, A, Pfiffner, S, Mykytczuk, NC, Sanders, R, Whyte, LG, Hedin, L, Saad, N, Myneni, S, Onstott, TC
Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

76- An active atmospheric methane sink in high Arctic mineral cryosols
Journal Article
Lau, MCY, Stackhouse, BT, Layton, AC, Chauhan, A, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Chourey, K, Ronholm, J, Mykytczuk, NCS, Bennett, PC, Lamarche-Gagnon, G, Burton, N, Pollard, WH, Omelon, CR, Medvigy, DM, Hettich, RL, Pfiffner, SM, Whyte, LG, Onstott, TC
ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

75- Mars methane analogue mission: Mission simulation and rover operations at Jeffrey Mine and Norbestos Mine Quebec, Canada
Journal Article
Qadi, A, Cloutis, E, Samson, C, Whyte, L, Ellery, A, Bell, JF, Berard, G, Boivin, A, Haddad, E, Lavoie, J, Jamroz, W, Kruzelecky, R, Mack, A, Mann, P, Olsen, K, Perrot, M, Popa, D, Rhind, T, Sharma, R, Stromberg, J, Strong, K, Tremblay, A, Wilhelm, R, Wing, B, Wong, B
Advances in Space Research (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

74- Toxic cyanobacterial bloom triggers in missisquoi bay, lake champlain, as determined by next-generation sequencing and quantitative PCR
Journal Article
Fortin, N, Munoz-Ramos, V, Bird, D, Lévesque, B, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Life (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

73- Characterizing the surface-exposed proteome of Planococcus halocryophilus during cryophilic growth
Journal Article
Ronholm, J, Raymond-Bouchard, I, Creskey, M, Cyr, T, Cloutis, EA, Whyte, LG
Extremophiles (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

72- Functional characterization of bacteria isolated from ancient arctic soil exposes diverse resistance mechanisms to modern antibiotics
Journal Article
Perron, GG, Whyte, L, Turnbaugh, PJ, Goordial, J, Hanage, WP, Dantas, G, Desai, MM
PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

71- Evidence of in situ microbial activity and sulphidogenesis in perennially sub-0 °C and hypersaline sediments of a high Arctic permafrost spring
Journal Article
Lamarche-Gagnon, G, Comery, R, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Extremophiles (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

70- Sulfur isotope fractionation during the evolutionary adaptation of a sulfate-reducing bacterium
Journal Article
Pellerin, A, Anderson-Trocmé, L, Whyte, LG, Zane, GM, Wall, JD, Wing, BA
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

69- Microbial life in antarctic permafrost environments
Book Chapter
Goordial, J, Whyte, L
Antarctic Terrestrial Microbiology: Physical and Biological Properties of Antarctic Soils (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

68- Antibacterial activity of antagonistic bacterium Bacillus subtilis DJM-51 against phytopathogenic Clavibacter michiganense subsp. michiganense ATCC 7429 invitro
Journal Article
Jung, WJ, Mabood, F, Souleimanov, A, Whyte, LG, Niederberger, TD, Smith, DL
Microbial Pathogenesis (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

67- Gypsum-hosted endolithic communities of the Lake St. Martin impact structure, Manitoba, Canada: Spectroscopic detectability and implications for Mars
Journal Article
Rhind, T, Ronholm, J, Berg, B, Mann, P, Applin, D, Stromberg, J, Sharma, R, Whyte, LG, Cloutis, EA
International Journal of Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

66- Methanogen community composition and rates of methane consumption in Canadian High Arctic permafrost soils
Journal Article
Allan, J, Ronholm, J, Mykytczuk, NCS, Greer, CW, Onstott, TC, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology Reports (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

65- Spectral features of biogenic calcium carbonates and implications for astrobiology
Journal Article
Berg, BL, Ronholm, J, Applin, DM, Mann, P, Izawa, M, Cloutis, EA, Whyte, LG
International Journal of Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

64- A mineralogical characterization of biogenic calcium carbonates precipitated by heterotrophic bacteria isolated from cryophilic polar regions
Journal Article
Ronholm, J, Schumann, D, Sapers, HM, Izawa, M, Applin, D, Berg, B, Mann, P, Vali, H, Flemming, RL, Cloutis, EA, Whyte, LG
Geobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

63- Metagenomes from thawing low-soil-organic-carbon mineral cryosols and permafrost of the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Chauhan, A, Layton, AC, Vishnivetskaya, TA, Williams, D, Pfiffner, SM, Rekepalli, B, Stackhouse, B, Lau, MCY, Phelps, TJ, Mykytczuk, N, Ronholm, J, Whyte, L, Onstott, TC, Sayler, GS
Genome Announcements (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

62- Commercial DNA extraction kits impact observed microbial community composition in permafrost samples
Journal Article
Vishnivetskaya, TA, Layton, AC, Lau, MCY, Chauhan, A, Cheng, KR, Meyers, AJ, Murphy, JR, Rogers, AW, Saarunya, GS, Williams, DE, Pfiffner, SM, Biggerstaff, JP, Stackhouse, BT, Phelps, TJ, Whyte, L, Sayler, GS, Onstott, TC
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

61- Arctic gypsum endoliths: A biogeochemical characterization of a viable and active microbial community
Journal Article
Ziolkowski, LA, Mykytczuk, NCS, Omelon, CR, Johnson, H, Whyte, LG, Slater, GF
Biogeosciences (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

60- Bacterial growth at -15 °C; molecular insights from the permafrost bacterium Planococcus halocryophilus Or1
Journal Article
Mykytczuk, NCS, Foote, SJ, Omelon, CR, Southam, G, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

59- Microbial competition in polar soils: A review of an understudied but potentially important control on productivity
Journal Article
Bell, TH, Callender, KL, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Biology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

58- Life at the poles in the age of global warming: Part 2
Journal Article
Vrionis, HA, Whyte, LG, Miller, RV
Microbe (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

57- Life at the poles in the age of global warming: Part 1
Journal Article
Vrionis, HA, Miller, RV, Whyte, LG
Microbe (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

56- Hydrocarbon-degrading potential of microbial communities from Arctic plants
Journal Article
Ferrera-Rodríguez, O, Greer, CW, Juck, D, Consaul, LL, Martínez-Romero, E, Whyte, LG
Journal of Applied Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

55- Soil bacteria and archaea found in long-term corn (zea mays L.) agroecosystems in Quebec, Canada
Journal Article
Sheibani, S, Yanni, SF, Wilhelm, R, Whalen, JK, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW, Madramootoo, CA
Canadian Journal of Soil Science (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

54- Planococcus halocryophilus sp. nov., an extreme sub-zero species from high arctic permafrost
Journal Article
Mykytczuk, NCS, Wilhelm, RC, Whyte, LG
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

53- Life at the wedge: The activity and diversity of arctic ice wedge microbial communities
Journal Article
Wilhelm, RC, Radtke, KJ, Mykytczuk, NCS, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

52- Microbial diversity and activity in hypersaline high Arctic spring channels
Journal Article
Lay, C-Y, Mykytczuk, NCS, Niederberger, TD, Martineau, C, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Extremophiles (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

51- Analysis of bacterial diversity and metals in produced water, seawater and sediments from an offshore oil and gas production platform
Journal Article
Yeung, CW, Law, BA, Milligan, TG, Lee, K, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Marine Pollution Bulletin (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

50- Identification of nitrogen-incorporating bacteria in petroleum-contaminated arctic soils by using [15N]DNA-based stable isotope probing and pyrosequencing
Journal Article
Bell, TH, Yergeau, E, Martineau, C, Juck, D, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

49- Geomicrobiology and occluded O2-CO2-Ar gas analyses provide evidence of microbial respiration in ancient terrestrial ground ice
Journal Article
Lacelle, D, Radtke, K, Clark, ID, Fisher, D, Lauriol, B, Utting, N, Whyte, LG
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

48- Microbial diversity of active layer and permafrost in an acidic wetland from the Canadian high arctic
Journal Article
Wilhelm, RC, Niederberger, TD, Greer, C, Whyte, LG
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

47- Petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation under seasonal freeze-thaw soil temperature regimes in contaminated soils from a sub-arctic site
Journal Article
Chang, W, Klemm, S, Beaulieu, C, Hawari, J, Whyte, L, Ghoshal, S
Environmental Science and Technology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

46- Extended survival of several organisms and amino acids under simulated martian surface conditions
Journal Article
Johnson, AP, Pratt, LM, Vishnivetskaya, T, Pfiffner, S, Bryan, RA, Dadachova, E, Whyte, L, Radtke, K, Chan, E, Tronick, S, Borgonie, G, Mancinelli, RL, Rothschild, LJ, Rogoff, DA, Horikawa, DD, Onstott, TC
Icarus (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

44- Bioremediation in extremes: Feasibility of scale-up biostimulation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sub-arctic soils during soil freezing
Journal Article
Chang, W, Klemm, S, Whyte, L, Ghoshal, S
GeoCanada Conference (Calgary, Alberta, 5/10-14/2010) Proceedings (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

43- Field performance of alder-Frankia symbionts for the reclamation of oil sands sites
Journal Article
Lefrançois, E, Quoreshi, A, Khasa, D, Fung, M, Whyte, LG, Roy, S, Greer, CW
Applied Soil Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

42- Microbial characterization of a subzero, hypersaline methane seep in the Canadian high arctic
Journal Article
Niederberger, TD, Perreault, NN, Tille, S, Lollar, BS, Lacrampe-Couloume, G, Andersen, D, Greer, CW, Pollard, W, Whyte, LG
ISME Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

41- Stable isotope probing analysis of the diversity and activity of Methanotrophic bacteria in soils from the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Martineau, C, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

40- Microbial community characterization of the Gully: A marine protected area
Journal Article
Yeung, CW, Lee, K, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

39- A life detection problem in a High Arctic microbial community
Journal Article
Rogers, JD, Perreault, NN, Niederberger, TD, Lichten, C, Whyte, LG, Nadeau, JL
Planetary and Space Science (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

38- Biodegradation of semi- and non-volatile petroleum hydrocarbons in aged, contaminated soils from a sub-Arctic site: Laboratory pilot-scale experiments at site temperatures
Journal Article
Chang, W, Dyen, M, Spagnuolo, L, Simon, P, Whyte, L, Ghoshal, S
Chemosphere (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

37- Virgibacillus arcticus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic, endospore-forming bacterium from permafrost in the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Niederberger, TD, Steven, B, Charvet, S, Barbier, B, Whyte, LG
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

36- Arctic microbial ecosystems and impacts of extreme warming during the International Polar Year
Journal Article
Vincent, WF, Whyte, LG, Lovejoy, C, Greer, CW, Laurion, I, Suttle, CA, Corbeil, J, Mueller, DR
Polar Science (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

35- Extraterrestrial Drilling and Excavation
Book Chapter
Zacny, K, Bar-Cohen, Y, Davis, K, Coste, P, Paulsen, G, Sherrit, S, George, J, Derkowski, B, Gorevan, S, Boucher, D, Guerrero, J, Kubota, T, Thomson, BJ, Stanley, S, Thomas, P, Lan, N, Mckay, C, Onstot, TC, Stoker, C, Glass, B, Wakabayashi, S, Whyte, L, Visentin, G, Re, E, Richter, L, Badescu, M, Bao, X, Fincher, R, Hoshino, T, Magnani, P, Menon, C
Drilling in Extreme Environments: Penetration and Sampling on Earth and other Planets (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

34- Overview of analogue science activities at the McGill Arctic Research Station, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic
Journal Article
Pollard, W, Haltigin, T, Whyte, L, Niederberger, T, Andersen, D, Omelon, C, Nadeau, J, Ecclestone, M, Lebeuf, M
Planetary and Space Science (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

33- Novel sulfur-oxidizing streamers thriving in perennial cold saline springs of the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Niederberger, TD, Perreault, NN, Lawrence, JR, Nadeau, JL, Mielke, RE, Greer, CW, Andersen, DT, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

32- Microbial diversity and activity through a permafrost/ground ice core profile from the Canadian high Arctic
Journal Article
Steven, B, Pollard, WH, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

31- Heterotrophic and autotrophic microbial populations in cold perennial springs of the high arctic
Journal Article
Perreault, NN, Greer, CW, Andersen, DT, Tille, S, Lacrampe-Couloume, G, Lollar, BS, Whyte, LG
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

30- Fluorescence microscopy as a tool for in situ life detection
Journal Article
Nadeau, JL, Perreault, NN, Niederberger, TD, Whyte, LG, Sun, HJ, Leon, R
Astrobiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

29- Tumebacillus permanentifrigoris gen. nov., sp. nov., an aerobic, spore-forming bacterium isolated from Canadian high Arctic permafrost
Journal Article
Steven, B, Chen, MQ, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG, Niederberger, TD
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

28- Development of a SYBR safe™ technique for the sensitive detection of DNA in cesium chloride density gradients for stable isotope probing assays
Journal Article
Martineau, C, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Journal of Microbiological Methods (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

27- Prokaryotic diversity of arctic ice shelf microbial mats
Journal Article
Bottos, EM, Vincent, WF, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

26- Development of a sensitive radiorespiration method for detecting microbial activity at subzero temperatures
Journal Article
Steven, B, Niederberger, TD, Bottos, EM, Dyen, MR, Whyte, LG
Journal of Microbiological Methods (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

25- Characterization of the prokaryotic diversity in cold saline perennial springs of the Canadian high arctic
Journal Article
Perreault, NN, Andersen, DT, Pollard, WH, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

24- Characterization of the microbial diversity in a permafrost sample from the Canadian high Arctic using culture-dependent and culture-independent methods
Journal Article
Steven, B, Briggs, G, McKay, CP, Pollard, WH, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

23- Comparative phylogenetic analysis of microbial communities in pristine and hydrocarbon-contaminated Alpine soils
Journal Article
Labbé, D, Margesin, R, Schinner, F, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

22- Microbial ecology and biodiversity in permafrost
Journal Article
Steven, B, Léveillé, R, Pollard, WH, Whyte, LG
Extremophiles (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

21- Utilization of fluorescent microspheres and a green fluorescent protein-marked strain for assessment of microbiological contamination of permafrost and ground ice core samples from the Canadian High Arctic
Journal Article
Juck, DF, Whissell, G, Steven, B, Pollard, W, McKay, CP, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

20- A survey of indigenous microbial hydrocarbon degradation genes in soils from Antarctica and Brazil
Journal Article
Luz, AP, Pellizari, VH, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

19- Indigenous sediment microbial activity in response to nutrient enrichment and plant growth following a controlled oil spill on a freshwater wetland
Journal Article
Greer, CW, Fortin, N, Roy, R, Whyte, LG, Lee, K
Bioremediation Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

18- Characterization of hydrocarbon-degrading microbial populations in contaminated and pristine Alpine soils
Journal Article
Margesin, R, Labbé, D, Schinner, F, Greer, CW, Whyte, LG
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

17- Gene cloning and characterization of multiple alkane hydroxylase systems in Rhodococcus strains Q15 and NRRL B-16531
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Smits, THM, Labbé, D, Witholt, B, Greer, CW, Van Beilen, JB
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

16- Alkane hydroxylase homologues in Gram-positive strains
Journal Article
Van Beilen, JB, Smits, THM, Whyte, LG, Schorcht, S, Röthlisberger, M, Plaggemeier, T, Engesser, K-H, Witholt, B
Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

15- Prevalence of alkane monooxygenase genes in Arctic and Antarctic hydrocarbon-contaminated and pristine soils
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Schultz, A, Van Beilen, JB, Luz, AP, Pellizari, V, Labbé, D, Greer, CW
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

14- Genomics technologies for environmental science
Journal Article
Greer, CW, Whyte, LG, Lawrence, JR, Masson, L, Brousseau, R
Environmental Science and Technology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

13- Bioremediation treatability assessment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from Eureka, Nunavut
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Goalen, B, Hawari, J, Labbé, D, Greer, CW, Nahir, M
Cold Regions Science and Technology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

12- Selection of Specific Endophytic Bacterial Genotypes by Plants in Response to Soil Contamination
Journal Article
Siciliano, SD, Fortin, N, Mihoc, A, Wisse, G, Labelle, S, Beaumier, D, Ouellette, D, Roy, R, Whyte, LG, Banks, MK, Schwab, P, Lee, K, Greer, CW
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

11- In-situ bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soil in Canada's Arctic territory: A case study at the Whitehorse international airport, Yukon territory
Journal Article
Soloway, DA, Nahir, M, Billowits, ME, Whyte, LG
Polar Record (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

10- Polyphasic microbial community analysis of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from two northern Canadian communities
Journal Article
Juck, D, Charles, T, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
FEMS Microbiology Ecology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

9- Bioremediation assessment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from the high arctic
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Bourbonnière, L, Bellerose, C, Greer, CW
Bioremediation Journal (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

8- Physiological adaptations involved in alkane assimilation at a low temperature by Rhodococcus sp. strain Q15
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Slagman, SJ, Pietrantonio, F, Bourbonnière, L, Koval, SF, Lawrence, JR, Inniss, WE, Greer, CW
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

7- Biodegradation of variable-chain-length alkanes at low temperatures by a psychrotrophic Rhodococcus sp
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Hawari, J, Zhou, E, Bourbonnière, L, Inniss, WE, Greer, CW
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

6- Biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by psychrotrophic Pseudomonas strains possessing both alkane (alk) and naphthalene (nah) catabolic pathways?
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Bourbonnière, L, Greer, CW
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

5- Rapid, direct extraction of DNA from soils for PCR analysis using polyvinylpolypyrrolidone spin columns
Journal Article
Berthelet, M, Whyte, LG, Greer, CW
FEMS Microbiology Letters (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

4- Assessment of the biodegradation potential of psychrotrophic microorganisms
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Greer, CW, Inniss, WE
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

3- Electroporation and its effect on the psychrotrophic bacterium Bacillus psychrophilus
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Inniss, WE
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

2- Transformation of a psychrotrophic bacterium with a plasmid from a mesophile
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Inniss, WE
Current Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

1- Cold shock proteins and cold acclimation proteins in a psychotrophic bacterium
Journal Article
Whyte, LG, Inniss, WE
Canadian Journal of Microbiology (Date Added: 2021-04-19)

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