Emma Despland

Professeure agrégée,
Concordia University

Department of Biology
Courriel: emma.despland@concordia.ca
Page web de l'institution


  • Postdoctorat, Université d'Oxford, Canada-UK Millennium Fellow, Zoologie, 2001
  • Doctorat en Philosophy, Université d'Oxford, Zoologie, 1999
  • Maîtrise, Université Laval, Biologie,1992
  • Baccalauréat, Université McGill, Biologie de l'environnement, 1992


Mes recherches se concentrent sur le comportement individuel dans les interactions plantes-insectes, et son rôle dans les processus au niveau de la population. La plupart de mes travaux à date se concentrent sur deux espèces d’insectes : la livrée des forets et le criquet pèlerin.

Étudiants CSBQ

Anne-Sophie Caron

Autre (co-)superviseur: Benoit Lafleur, UQAT
(Début: 2018)
Les interactions trophiques de la livrée des forêts dans les forêts tempérées et boréales du Québec
Lien vers mémoire (pdf)

Noa Davidai

(Début: 2022)
Autre (co-)superviseur membre du CSBQ: Carly Ziter
Dispersal and Survival of Invasive Defoliating Moths

Mahsa Hakimara

(Début: 2020, Fin: 2024)
Patron de l'herbivorie des insectes sur les érables à sucre et noirs dans les forêts tempérées du Québec
Page personnelle

Erfan Bari

(Début: 2024)
The impact of the smoke on the deformation of insect's wings

Anciens étudiants (depuis 2009)

Ennis Darragh

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2010, Fin: 2012)
Does rearing on artificial diet affect spruce budworm's ability to feed on foliage?

Emilie Dion

Postdoctoral fellow
(Début: 2012, Fin: 2013)
Rôle des cires épicuticulaires dans la résistance naturelle de l'épinette blanche

Melanie McClure

(Début: 2007, Fin: 2011)
Variation in forest tent caterpillar social behaviour

Christopher Adlam

(Début: 2006, Fin: 2009)
Phoretic behaviour in Antennoseius mites

Thomas Bourdier

(Début: 2010, Fin: 2012)
spruce budworm behaviour on susceptible and resistant white spruce

Eric Dexheimer

(Début: 2018, Fin: 2021)
Habitat use and oviposition of the European Common Blue in Quebec

Dominic Donkor

(Début: 2016, Fin: 2018)
How spruce budworm metabolize plant host toxins.

Jessica Ethier

(Début: 2008, Fin: 2013)
Polyphenisms in forest tent moths


(Début: 2015, Fin: 2019)
Etude de la prédation par les fourmis de la livrée des forest sur les peupliers faux-trembles pendant le début du printemps.

Brian Mader

(Début: 2008, Fin: 2010)
Inheritance of behaviour in the spruce budworm

Chris Plenzich

(Début: 2013, Fin: 2016)
Effets de la plante hôte sur le comportement collectif des chenilles

Kalyani Rajalingham

(Début: 2010, Fin: 2014)
Behaviour of forest tent caterpillar colonies on hybrid poplar clones

Melissa Ralph

(Début: 2009, Fin: 2012)
Comportement de la livree des forets sur peuplier hybride

Solène Sagne

(Début: 2015, Fin: 2017)
Étude du comportement des larves de tordeuse de l'épinette sur deux espèces hôtes

Zhe Shi

(Début: 2005, Fin: 2007)
Aspen defenses and forest tent caterpillar feeding

Allison Pamela Yataco Marquez

(Début: 2020, Fin: 2021)
Biodiversité des insectes dans les plantations d'épinettes blanches et la forêt boréale

Thèmes de recherche du CSBQ pertinents

Exemples d'espèces étudiées

Malacosoma disstria
Pinus banksiana
Schistocerca gregaria
Choristoneura fumiferana
Spodoptera exigua
Mechanitis menapis
Picea glauca


80- Limited Differences in Insect Herbivory on Young White Spruce Growing in Small Open Plantations and under Natural Canopies in Boreal Mixed Forests
Journal Article
Yataco A P , Noor S , Girona M M , Work T , Despland E ,
2024 Insects (Date Added: 2024-04-04)

79- Limited Differences in Insect Herbivory on Young White Spruce Growing in Small Open Plantations and under Natural Canopies in Boreal Mixed Forests
Journal Article
Yataco A P , Noor S , Girona M M , Work T , Despland E ,
2024 Insects (Date Added: 2024-04-04)

77- Soil Springtail Communities Are Resilient to Forest Tent Caterpillar Defoliation in Quebec Mixed Hardwood Forests
Journal Article
Gagnon Koudji E , Despland E , Caron A , Handa I T ,
2023 Forests (Date Added: 2023-08-09)

76- Forest Tent Caterpillar Outbreaks Drive Change in Ant Communities in Boreal Forests
Journal Article
Caron A , Koudji E G , Handa I T , Montoro Girona M , Despland E ,
2023 Forests (Date Added: 2023-07-19)

75- Newly introduced butterfly species’ urban habitat use driven by shorter vegetation and exotic plants
Journal Article
Dexheimer E , Despland E ,
2023 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2023-02-19)

74- Social predation by ants as a mortality source for an arboreal gregarious forest pest
Journal Article
Despland E , Lessard J ,
2022 Basic and Applied Ecology (Date Added: 2022-02-04)

73- Early instar mortality of a forest pest caterpillar: which mortality sources increase during an outbreak crash?
Journal Article
Caron A , Jarry J J , Despland E ,
2021 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2022-01-17)

72- Selection Forces Driving Herding of Herbivorous Insect Larvae
Journal Article
Despland E ,
2021 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2022-01-06)

71- Defensive traits during white spruce (Picea glauca) leaf ontogeny
Journal Article
Lirette A , Despland E ,
2021 Insects (Date Added: 2021-08-07)

70- Improved performance of the eastern spruce budworm on black spruce as warming temperatures disrupt phenological defences
Journal Article
Bellemin‐Noël B , Bourassa S , Despland E , De Grandpré L , Pureswaran D S ,
2021 Global Change Biology (Date Added: 2021-05-14)

69- Competition between a native and introduced pollinator in unmanaged urban meadows
Journal Article
Taggar A K , McGrath E , Despland E ,
2021 Biological Invasions (Date Added: 2021-03-18)

68- Leaf toughness as a mechanism of defence against spruce budworm
Journal Article
2020 Arthropod-Plant Interactions (Date Added: 2021-04-16)

67- Ontogenetic shift from aposematism and gregariousness to crypsis in a Romaleid grasshopper
Journal Article
Despland E ,
2020 PloS one (Date Added: 2020-09-01)

66- Top-down and bottom-up controls on an herbivore on a native and introduced plant in a tropical agricultural landscape
Journal Article
Despland E , Santacruz P G ,
2020 PeerJ (Date Added: 2020-04-30)

65- Life cycle and natural enemies of mechanitis menapis (Lepidoptera: Ithomiini)
Journal Article
Santacruz P G , Despland E , Giraldo C E ,
2019 Revista de Biologia Tropical (Date Added: 2020-01-09)

64- Caterpillars cooperate to overcome plant glandular trichome defenses
Journal Article
Despland E ,
2019 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Date Added: 2019-07-16)

63- Detoxification of host plant phenolic aglycones by the spruce budworm
Journal Article
Donkor D , Mirzahosseini Z , Bede J , Bauce E , Despland E ,
2019 PLoS ONE (Date Added: 2019-06-01)

62- Host-plant mediated effects on group cohesion and mobility in a nomadic gregarious caterpillar
Journal Article
C Plenzich, ED
2018 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2018-04-14)

61- Defining the window of opportunity for feeding initiation by second-instar spruce budworm larvae1
Journal Article
Fuentealba A , Sagne S , Pureswaran D , Bauce ,
2018 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2018-03-13)

60- Effects of phenological synchronization on caterpillar early-instar survival under a changing climate1
Journal Article
Despland E ,
2018 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2018-03-13)

59- How does synchrony with host plant affect the performance of an outbreaking insect defoliator?
Journal Article
Fuentealba A , Pureswaran D , Bauce ,
2017 Oecologia (Date Added: 2017-08-07)

58- Double allomimesis of advancing and retreating individuals maintains cohesion in exploring groups of nomadic caterpillars
Journal Article
Despland E , Gervais D , Morcos L ,
2017 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2017-03-24)

57-Condition dependence in animal colouration: tools for a comparative approach
Journal Article
Ethier, J, Despland, E
2016 PeerJ ( Date Added: 2018-05-11)

56-Dangerous caterpillars
Journal Article
Despland E ,
2016 Entomological Society of Canada ( Date Added: 2018-05-11)

55-Whither the naturalist in the Anthropocene?
Journal Article
Despland, E
2016 EcoTone: news and views on ecological science ( Date Added: 2018-05-11)

54-eButterfly as a teaching tool
Journal Article
Despland, E
2016 eButterfly ( Date Added: 2018-05-11)

53- Do white spruce epicuticular wax monoterpenes follow foliar patterns?
Journal Article
Despland, E, Bourdier, T, Dion, E, Bauce, E
2016 Canadian Journal of Forest Research (Date Added: 2016-08-30)

52- Silk drives aggregation and following in the neotropical caterpillar Mechanitis menapis (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini): Aggregation in Mechanitis menapis
Journal Article
Despland, E, Santacruz Endara, P
2016 Physiological Entomology (Date Added: 2016-08-10)

51- Spruce budworm feeding and oviposition are stimulated by monoterpenes in white spruce epicuticular waxes
Journal Article
Ennis, D, Despland, E, Chen, F, Forgione, P, Bauce, E
2016 Insect Science (Date Added: 2016-06-14)

50- Exploration costs promote conservative collective foraging in the social caterpillar Malacosoma disstria
Journal Article
Santana, AFK, McClure, M, Ethier, J, Despland, E
2015 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2015-06-17)

49- Is Feeding Behaviour on Foliage Affected by lab-Rearing on Artificial Diet?
Journal Article
Ennis, DE, Mader, BJ, Burnside, K, Bauce, E, Despland, E
2015 Journal of Insect Behavior (Date Added: 2015-03-09)

48- The costs of colour: plasticity of melanin pigmentation in an outbreaking polymorphic forest moth
Journal Article
Ethier, J, Gasse, M, Lake, K, Jones, BC, Evenden, ML, Despland, E
2015 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2015-02-24)

47- Butterflies of the high-altitude Atacama Desert: habitat use and conservation
Journal Article
Despland, E
2014 Evolutionary and Population Genetics (Date Added: 2015-01-12)

46- Rapid behavioural gregarization in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria entails synchronous changes in both activity and attraction to conspecifics
Journal Article
Rogers, SM, Cullen, DA, Anstey, ML, Burrows, M, Despland, E, Dodgson, T, Matheson, T, Ott, SR, Stettin, K, Sword, GA, Simpson, SJ
2014 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2014-05-27)

45- Plasticity of collective behavior in a nomadic early spring folivore
Journal Article
Despland, E
2013 Frontiers in Physiology (Date Added: 2013-07-08)

44- Collective choice of a higher-protein food source by gregarious caterpillars occurs through differences in exploration
Journal Article
McClure, M, Morcos, L, Despland, E
2013 Behavioral Ecology (Date Added: 2013-01-01)

43- Species Richness and Phenology of Butterflies Along an Altitude Gradient in the Desert of Northern Chile
Journal Article
Despland, E, Humire, R, Martín, SS
2012 Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (Date Added: 2012-12-10)

42- Larval experience induces adult aversion to rearing host plants: a novel behaviour contrary to Hopkins' host selection principle
Journal Article
Mader, BJ, Daoust, SP, Cardinal-Aucoin, M, Bauce, E, Despland, E
2012 Ecological Entomology (Date Added: 2012-06-05)

41- Effects of polymorphic melanism and larval diet on life history traits of Malacosoma disstria moths
Journal Article
Ethier, J, Despland, E
2012 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2012-06-05)

40- Defensive responses by a social caterpillar are tailored to different predators and change with larval instar and group size
Journal Article
McClure, M, Despland, E
2011 Naturwissenschaften (Date Added: 2012-06-05)

39- Group leadership depends on energetic state in a nomadic collective foraging caterpillar
Journal Article
McClure, M, Ralph, M, Despland, E
2011 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2012-06-05)

38- Taste receptor activity and feeding behaviour reveal mechanisms of white spruce natural resistance to Eastern spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana
Journal Article
Despland, E, Gundersen, M, Daoust, SP, Mader, BJ, Delvas, N, Albert, PJ, Bauce, E
2011 Physiological Entomology (Date Added: 2012-06-05)

37- Thermal ecology and behaviour of the nomadic social forager Malacosoma disstria
Journal Article
McClure, M, Cannell, E, Despland, E
2011 Physiological Entomology (Date Added: 2012-06-05)

36- Collective foraging patterns of field colonies of Malacosoma disstria caterpillars
Journal Article
McClure, M, Despland, E
2010 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

35- Influence of epicuticular-wax composition on the feeding pattern of a phytophagous insect: Implications for host resistance
Journal Article
Daoust, SP, Mader, BJ, Bauce, E, Despland, E, Dussutour, A, Albert, PJ
2010 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

34- Larval nutrition affects life history traits in a capital breeding mothi
Journal Article
Colasurdo, N, Gélinas, Y, Despland, E
2009 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

33- Nutrient utilization by caterpillars of the generalist beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua
Journal Article
Merkx-Jacques, M, Despland, E, Bede, JC
2008 Physiological Entomology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

32- Influence of dietary nutritional composition on caterpillar salivary enzyme activity
Journal Article
Babic, B, Poisson, A, Darwish, S, Lacasse, J, Merkx-Jacques, M, Despland, E, Bede, JC
2008 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

31- Individual differences influence collective behaviour in social caterpillars
Journal Article
Dussutour, A, Nicolis, SC, Despland, E, Simpson, SJ
2008 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

30- Collective decision-making and behavioral polymorphism in group living organisms
Journal Article
Nicolis, SC, Despland, E, Dussutour, A
2008 Journal of Theoretical Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

29- Developmental variation in the forest tent caterpillar: Life history consequences of a threshold size for pupation
Journal Article
Etilé, E, Despland, E
2008 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

28- How do ants and social caterpillars collectively make decisions?
Book Chapter
Dussutour, A, Colasurdo, N, Nicolis, SC, Despland, E
2007 Cognitive decision-making : empirical and foundational issues (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

27- Pros and cons of group living in the forest tent caterpillar: Separating the roles of silk and of grouping
Journal Article
Despland, E, Le Huu, A
2007 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

26- Do food protein and carbohydrate content influence the pattern of feeding and the tendency to explore of forest tent caterpillars?
Journal Article
Colasurdo, N, Dussutour, A, Despland, E
2007 Journal of Insect Physiology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

25- Consistent individual differences in the foraging behaviour of forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria)
Journal Article
Nemiroff, L, Despland, E
2007 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

24- Resource distribution mediates synchronization of physiological rhythms in locust groups.
Journal Article
Despland, E, Simpson, SJ
2006 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

23- From disorder to order in marching locusts
Journal Article
Buhl, J, Sumpter, DJT, Couzin, ID, Hale, JJ, Despland, E, Miller, ER, Simpson, SJ
2006 Science (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

22- Effects of synchronization with host plant phenology occur early in the larval development of a spring folivore
Journal Article
Jones, BC, Despland, E
2006 Canadian Journal of Zoology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

21- Plasticity in forest tent caterpillar collective foraging schedules
Journal Article
Peters, MI, Despland, E
2006 Ethology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

20- How well do specialist feeders regulate nutrient intake? Evidence from a gregarious tree-feeding caterpillar
Journal Article
Despland, E, Noseworthy, M
2006 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

19- How do primary nutrients affect the performance and preference of forest tent caterpillars on trembling aspen?
Journal Article
Noseworthy, MK, Despland, E
2006 Canadian Entomologist (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

18- Diet breadth and anti-predator strategies in desert locusts and other Orthopterans
Journal Article
Despland, E
2005 Journal of Orthoptera Research (Date Added: 2012-08-09)

17- Surviving the change to warning colouration: Density-dependent polyphenism suggests a route for the evolution of aposematism
Journal Article
Despland, E, Simpson, SJ
2005 Chemoecology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

16- Food choices of solitarious and gregarious locusts reflect cryptic and aposematic antipredator strategies
Journal Article
Despland, E, Simpson, SJ
2005 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

15- Social cues and following behavior in the forest tent caterpillar
Journal Article
Colasurdo, N, Despland, E
2005 Journal of Insect Behavior (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

14- Ontogenetic changes in social behaviour in the forest tent caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria
Journal Article
Despland, E, Hamzeh, S
2004 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

13- Locust transformation: From solitarious Dr Jekyll to swarming Mr Hyde
Journal Article
Despland, E
2004 Biologist (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

12- Landscape structure and locust swarming: A satellite's eye view
Journal Article
Despland, E, Rosenberg, J, Simpson, SJ
2004 Ecography (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

11- Mechanosensory-induced behavioural gregarization in the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria
Journal Article
Rogers, SM, Matheson, T, Despland, E, Dodgson, T, Burrows, M, Simpson, SJ
2003 Journal of Experimental Biology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

10- Fractal index captures the role of vegetation clumping in locust swarming
Journal Article
Despland, E
2003 Functional Ecology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

8- Gregarious behavior in desert locusts is evoked by touching their back legs
Journal Article
Simpson, SJ, Despland, E, Hägele, BF, Dodgson, T
2001 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

7- The role of food distribution and nutritional quality in behavioural phase change in the desert locust
Journal Article
Despland, E, Simpson, SJ
2000 Animal Behaviour (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

6- Small-scale vegetation patterns in the parental environment influence the phase state of hatchlings of the desert locust
Journal Article
Despland, E, Simpson, SJ
2000 Physiological Entomology (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

5- Small-scale processes in desert locust swarm formation: How vegetation patterns influence gregarization
Journal Article
Despland, E, Collett, M, Simpson, SJ
2000 Oikos (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

4- Impaired shell gaping and food depletion as mechanisms of asymmetric competition in mussels
Journal Article
Fréchette, M, Despland, E
1999 Ecoscience (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

3- Spatial scales of desert locust gregarization
Journal Article
Collett, M, Despland, E, Simpson, SJ, Krakauer, DC
1998 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (Date Added: 2012-05-03)

2- Climate influences on growth and reproduction of Pinus banksiana (Pinaceae) at the limit of the species distribution in eastern North America
Journal Article
Despland, E, Houle, G
1997 American Journal of Botany (Date Added: 2012-05-03)