Plenary talks
- Michael Donoghue: Reconnecting Ecology and Evolution to Understand Biodiversity and Global Change
- Olivier Rukundo: (pdf file)
Le Protocole de Nagoya sur l'accès et le partage des avantages; from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Olivier Rukundo: (pdf file)
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
Panelists’ presentations
Building northern Quebec’s protected areas network
- Colin Scott: Construire un réseau d’aires protégées dans le nord du Québec
- Monica Mulrennan: Aire de conservation Tawich (marine) proposée
- Murray Humphries: Une perspective faunique…
- François Brassard: Striking a Balance Between Protection and Development: The Role of Protected Areas in Northern Québec
Initiatives for biodiversity data integration and access
- Isabelle Aubin: (pdf file)
Le réseautage de bases de données comme outil facilitant la recherche : deux initiatives du Service Canadien des Forêts from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Anne Bruneau: (pdf file)
Canadensys: Mobiliser les données de la biodiversité à travers tout le Canada from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Guillaume Larocque: (pdf file)
Développer des outils pour la découverte et le partage de données sur la biodiversité au Québec from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Frédéric Poisson: (pdf file)
Atlas de la biodiversité du Québec nordique from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
The future of biodiversity in urban areas: from greenbelts to ecological networks
- Oliver Hillel: (pdf file)
The São Paulo Greenbelt Biosphere Reserve from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Faisal Moola: (pdf file)
Recognizing the true value of Ontario’s Greenbelt from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Jérôme Dupras: (pdf file)
Une Ceinture et trame verte pour Montréal: Un projet grandeur nature from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
- Andrew Gonzalez: (pdf file)
Urban landscapes for biodiversity and ecosystem services from QCBS-CSBQ on Vimeo.
Research presentations
Albert, Arnaud: Les graines sont les principaux vecteurs de propagation du roseau commun exotique (Phragmites australis)
Arias, Carlos F.: Sharp genetic discontinuity across a unimodal Heliconius hybrid zone
Babineau, Marielle: Évolution de la biodiversité végétale malgache durant le Tertiaire: systematique et biogéographie de légumineuses menacées d’extinction
Barbhuiya, Atiqur R.: Genetic structure and diversity of Citrus medica in natural and domesticated populations in the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India
Bari, Abdallah: Biodiversity assessment using the FIGS approach for important agronomic/functional traits
Body, Guillaume: L’apport de la technologie GPS au suivi de la dynamique de fusion-fission des groupes : exemple du rut du renne Rangifer tarandus
Bonnell, Tyler: Measuring spatial-temporal home range use in animal-movement data using the Beta-Binomial distribution
Bradie, Johanna: Using import records to estimate the probability of aquarium fish establishment
Byun, Chaeho: The role of functional diversity in invasion resistance of resident plant communities: a large field experiment with common reed
Cameron, Chris: Hemichordate biominerals and the evolution of deuterostome skeletons
Chivers, Corey: Comparing models of human mediated dispersal of freshwater invasives
Courchesne, Geneviève: Déterminants de la végétation des milieux humides aménagés pour la sauvagine dans le Québec méridional
da Silva, Renato Henriques: Linking phylogenetic and niche community states: emergent patterns of community assembly and structure
Edwards, Paul K.: Back-calculation of source populations from recruitment patterns: application for early detection of AIS
Fortin St-Gelais, Nicolas: A new approach to understanding the regulation of zooplankton community structure
Fugère, Vincent: Tester l’Hypothèse du Gradient de Stress avec des détritivores aquatiques: Implications pour les relations biodiversité-fonctionnement de l’écosystème
García, Magdalena: Protected area strategies and indigenous peoples: Exploring dimensions of governance in Chile
Gauthier, Joanna: Effects of deepened thermocline on zooplankton community dynamics
Gendreau, Yanick: La vulnérabilité des espèces aux changements climatiques au Québec
Gomez-Garcia, Paola: Assessing habitat availability and connectivity for the jaguar Panthera onca, in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico
Gotanda, Kiyoko M.: Spatiotemporal variation in guppy colour: exploring a mosaic of adaptation
Granados, Monica: Dissecting intraguild predation: The relative contribution of predation and competition to the maintenance of intraguild prey
Hillel, Oliver: Beginning a dialogue: How can biodiversity education be incorporated into curricula?
Jacob, Aerin L.: How many monkeys does this forest feed? Long-term patterns in forests recovering from different land uses, Kibale National Park, Uganda
Jacobson, Bailey: The effects of density, habitat properties, and traits on habitat selection
Kettenbeil, Peter Scott: Formidable obstacles to protecting biodiversity
Lachapelle, Josianne: The role of diversity and sex during evolutionary rescue
Layton-Cartier, Geneviève: Governance and marine protected areas in Québec
Lessard, Andréanne: Les déterminants du succès reproducteur des mâles Hirondelle bicolore
Liss, Kate: Influence of landscape structure on ecosystem service provision
Luque, Javier: Diversity of frog crabs throughout geologic time: the dawn and dusk of body plan
Maguire, Dorothy: Ecosystem service provision and landscape composition: insect herbivory in fragmented forests
Marleau, Justin: The effects of nutrient co-limitation and stoichiometric imbalances on ecosystem dynamics
Mikkelson, Gregory M.: Why does species evenness cause under-yielding?
Mitchell, Matthew: Effects of forest patch size and isolation on ecosystem service provision and biodiversity in an agricultural landscape
Moisan-De Serres, Joseph: Effet de bordure et spécificité des pollinisateurs indigènes dans la culture du bleuet nain
Nyboer, Elizabeth: Movement, home range and vulnerability in the commercially fished Nile perch (Lates niloticus) in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda
Osmond, Matthew: Hurry up and adapt before you go extinct
Pachkowski, Melanie: Spring loaded reproduction: effects of body condition and population size on gestation rate in migratory caribou
Pedruski, Michael: Dynamics in competitive metacommunities: Fitness inequality and niche differentiation
Porlier, Mélody: Variation des patrons de plasticité phénotypique et de sélection sur la date de ponte entre populations de mésanges bleues
Reid, Andrea: Predicting peak refugia for mitigating impacts of invasive predatory fish
Roy-Dufresne, Emilie: Projected distribution of the white-footed mouse with climate change: a question of time and space
Sapijanskas, Jurgis: Shedding light on nutritional interactions: litter production by neighbours contributes to overyielding in a tropical tree plantation
Sharpe, Diana: Niche expansion in a surviving endemic fish following invasion of a top predator?
Singha, Lal Bihari: Molecular systematics of Bamboo species in the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India
Taillon, Joëlle: Shifting targets in the tundra: are calving grounds of migratory caribou really protected in Northern Québec?
Thompson, Patrick: Zooplankton biodiversity in the ponds of Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec and the search for spatial insurance in changing environments
Thomson, Ashley M.: Patterns of genetic structure and diversity in eastern North American Betula species based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers: Influence of glacial history and introgression
Velghe, Katherine: Size does matter: Organisms of most similar size show congruent diversity patterns
Wong, Edward: Using localized interaction framework to measure and model ecosystem dynamics
Posters presented
André, Marie-Eve: Impact of landscape structure on the foraging behavior of the King Vulture
Asgary, Adrienne: Testing the City Biodiversity Index (CBI): How to measure connectivity?
Bamforth, Emily L.: Cycling of Vertebrate Alpha Diversity Preceding the Cretaceous Mass Extinction (65 Ma): Evidence from the Latest Cretaceous of Central Canada
Bein, A.M.: Enhanced and constant productivity in impoverished and fluctuating environments
Bergeron, Alexandre: Pteridophyte diversity in urban forests
Choudhury, Baharul: Genetic structure and diversity of traditionally cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) varieties in Northeast India
Cimon-Morin, Jérôme: Development of a Wetlands Conservation Network Approach Based on Ecosystem Services Maintenance
Clark, Courtenay M. From ‘Ocean-bottom’ to ‘Mountain-top’: Inuit Landscape Ethnoecology in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
Daigle, Theodore: Genetic Variance in White-Footed Mice Populations Through Spatial and Temporal Scales
D’Astous, A., M.: Using functional diversity as an indicator of restoration success of cut-over bog
Duclos, Vanessa: Seedlings growth and survival under dense Acanthus pubescens cover in Kibale National Park, Uganda
Dufour-Tremblay, Geneviève: Le mélèze laricin : à l’assaut des montagnes des environs de Kangiqsualujjuaq
Engelhardt, S.C.: Suckling and allosuckling in reindeer, Rangifer tarandus
Fiset, Jessica: Phylogeography of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, and the spread of Lyme disease
Gagnon-Lupien, Noémie: Impact of the invasive Phragmites australis on birds of freshwater marshes of Eastern Canada
Hébert, Issac: The distribution of woodland caribou and moose in relation to forestry operations in Newfoundland’s ‘wolfless’ boreal forest
Larivière, Élise: Diversification de bandes riveraines agricoles à l’aide d’espèces arbustives indigenes
Lauron-Moreau, Aurélien: Molecular phylogeny of Salix (Salicaceae) in order to characterize the origin of native S. eriocephala : a new perspective for biomass production
Les Amis de Meadowbrook: La vision commune de la ceinture verte et bleue du Grand Montréal – The Common Vision for a Green and Blue Belt of Greater Montreal
Leung, Christelle: How many stocks could there be? Spatial organisation of the Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Lake St. Pierre
Lima, Rodrigo: Morphological variation of the red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) in Québec
Low-Décarie, Etienne: Adaptation of microalgae to nutrient fertilization
Marrotte, R.R.: The effect of landscape structure and fragmentation on the distribution of the White-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) in Montérégie, Québec
Mimouni, El-Amine: Biodiversity and structure of cladoceran community in urban ponds
Partington, Kevin: What can we learn from using landscape pattern metrics over large areas? Lessons from Mapping Representative Landscapes of Québec
Plante, Sabrina: Foraging strategy of black howler monkeys: how preferences and spatial knowledge of resources influence movements
Robillard, Audrey: Landscape-mediated competition between Tree swallows and House sparrows in farmscapes
Saucier, Frédérique: Système d’aide à la décision pour intégrer la persistance de la biodiversité à long terme et la représentativité dans le design des réseaux de conservation
Suter, Daniel: Lyme disease and the white-footed mouse in Québec