The event was held at the New Residence Hall of McGill University on December 11, 12 and 13, 2013.

The 2013 QCBS symposium summary:

Click here to access the complete program

December 11, 2013: a workshop co-organized by OURANOS and the QCBS where we summarized the results of the ECOBIOCC program and discussed future perspectives on “Impacts and adaptation of ecosystems and biodiversity to climate change”.

December 12 and 13, 2013 : the QCBS annual symposium:

  • Sabrina Courant, MDDEFP, presented the new Quebec Government guidelines for Biological Diversity
  • Panels (3)
    • Spontaneous vegetation versus restoration, biodiversity in urban ecosystems organized by Danielle Dagenais, Universite de Montreal
    • The open movement in biodiversity science: tools and data sharing practices organized by Timothee Poisot, UQAR, the QCBS student network representative
    • An observatory of biodiversity for Quebec organized by Andrew Gonzalez, McGill University, Director of the Quebec centre for biodiversity science
  • Presentations on ongoing research by QCBS members and their students
  • Speed talks on new research projects
  • Poster session to exchange ideas
  • A more sustainable event
  • Refund Policy
