
To enable the business community, municipalities and other organizations to make their contributions to biodiversity conservation, a reflection started in the project Business and Biodiversity Assessment Quebec (PBBAQ) which resulted in the implementation of the Platform for biodiversity QCBS, a group of partners whose mission is to bring together the research community, businesses, municipalities, governments and organizations in Quebec. This initiative under the auspices of the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science is positioned in the broader context of sustainability research by organizations as a basis for sustainable development of our societies.
The 2012 workshop is co-organized with Reseau Environnement which just created its biodiversity section.

Mainstreaming biodiversity and ecological services into organizations’ strategy

The December 12th 2012 workshop, organized by the QCBS Biodiversity Platform in collaboration with Reseau Environnement, is the second edition of an open forum to establish a dialogue on biodiversity issues for organizations. Read more about the program…


Welcome word by Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executif Secretary, Convention on Biological diversity  of the United Nations

Biodiversity science: what we know about biodiversity and an idea of what we do not know!

Andrew Gonzalez, Université McGill, CRC en science de la biodiversité, Directeur du CSBQ

Interactions between organizations and biodiversity: toward the development of a new accounting approach

Michel Trommetter, Laboratoire d’Économie Appliquée de Grenoble est un laboratoire de l’INRA et de l’Université Pierre Mendès France.

Biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Farmers Producers Union (UPA) agri-environmental strategy

Louis Ménard, Coordonnateur de la stratégie agroenvironnementale de l’UPA Direction recherches et politiques

Reconciling conservation and forestry: contributing to the maintenance of private forests in southern Quebec

Mélanie Lelièvre, Directrice générale, Corridor appalachien

Reflections on conservation and forestry in Estrie

Raymond Thibault, Directeur général, Syndicat des producteurs de bois de l’Estrie.

Land use and biodiversity: a duet for Montreal city

Coralie Deny, Directrice générale du Conseil Régional de l’Environnement (CRE) de Montréal

FLORAIDE: a new decision-support system for the identification of weeds

Bertrand Dumont, Fédération Interdisciplinaire de l’Horticulture Ornementale du Québec (FIHOQ)

Claude Lavoie, Directeur de l’École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional, Université Laval, Québec

Geneviève Guay, Florent Joerin, École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional, Université Laval, Québec

Jerzy Błaszczyński,  Roman Słowiński, Institut des sciences informatiques, Université technologique de Poznań, Poznań, Pologne

Biodiversity action plans for a large company: Holcim Canada core study

Luc Robitaille, Corporate Director Environment, Holcim Canada

Présentation of the approach and tools – Business and Biodiversity Assessment Project for Quebec

Jean-Pierre Revéret, École des sciences de la gestion, UQAM, Co titulaire de la Chaire internationale sur le cycle de vie

Philippe Auzel, Ancien Coordonnateur du Centre de la Science de la Biodiversité du Québec

Mathieu Larocque, École des Sciences de la Gestion, Stagiaire MITACS-UQAM

François Durand, Conseiller environnement et développement durable chez Hydro-Québec

Where are we with incorporating BSE in organizations’ strategies for a sustainable future?

Jean-Pierre Revéret, École des sciences de la gestion, UQAM, Co titulaire de la Chaire internationale sur le cycle de vie

Michel Trommetter, INRA/OREE

Coralie Deny, CRE – Montréal

Bertrand Dumont, FIHOQ

Raymond Thibault, Syndicat des producteurs de bois de l’Estrie

Louis Ménard, UPA

Luc Robitaille, Holcim Canada

Our guest speaker: Michel Trommetter, Economist, Research Director at INRA

Michel Trommetter’s research focuses on biodiversity and Business Strategy: The objective is to make companies aware that biodiversity is not just about reducing impacts, and that there is a also a question on how their activites and production depend on biodiversity. Two approaches are possible: adapt existing tools CSR-approach-for example or create new approaches for internal and external accounting for companies.

Michel Trometter is Scientific Chairman of the Working Group “Biodiversity and economy” started in February 2006 and IFB and Orée on the issue “How to integrate biodiversity into strategies of economic actors?”. Thirty companies, large companies, SMEs / SMIs and communities and associations are involved. The first stage of this working group (2006-2008) showed that economic activities are not only a source of impacts but are also largely dependent vis-à-vis biodiversity and ecosystem services derived from ecosystems function. Since 2009, their research focused on developing an approach to Biodiversity Accountability for Organizations, that is to say, a process that will lead to the design of practical tools for taking into account the interdependence between economic actors and biodiversity. Since 2011, the advanced thinking and the growing number of participants leads us to articulate further work into two sub-groups:

– Operations Management Component focuses on how to take into account the interdependence vis-à-vis the level biodiversity strategy and internal management of the company (tracks actions, indicators).

– Accounting Component is concerned with issues of reporting and accounting documents changes to reflect its interdependence vis-à-vis BSE and go beyond a purely financial approach of the performance of the company.