Symposium Prize Winners

Well done to Hélène Dion-Phenix (UQAM), for winning the QCBS prize for her talk “Transfert de microbiote des proies aux prédateurs: cas d’étude du réseau trophique des mésanges bleues corses”.

First place: Joshua Persi (McGill) – “Local adaptation to biotic interactions: a meta-analysis

Second place: Esther Carle-Pruneau (UdeS) – “Déterminants de la dispersion natale chez l’Hirondelle bicolore

First place: Noémie Lafortune (UQAM) – « La répétabilité de la position sociale chez le guppy et ses implications face au parasitisme »

Second place: Alex Arkilanian (McGill) – “A connectivity analysis of the aquatic ecosystems of the Saint Lawrence Lowlands”

Thank you to all for participating!

 Public Vote: Marion Leménager (UdeM)

Participation Prize: Marie-Christine Poisson (UdeS), Warren Cardinal-McTeague (UdeM) and Elizabeth Lawrence (Concordia)

Nature – Anthony Zerafa, ” Suputaujaq “

Puallunnguat | Cotton grass | Eriophorum spp. Arctic wetlands are powdered white in summer with the blooms of the cotton grass (the two common species in Nunavut are E. angustifolium and E. scheuchzeri). One of the regional Inuktitut names for this sedge translates to “what looks like Snow Geese”. The 13th of August, 2016.

At Work – Rebecca McCabe, ” A Beam of Light “

Social Life – Isaac Eckert, ” A Gang You Can Trust “


Workshop (December 18)

A Southern Plan for Quebec?

While the North Plan has been in the news for a few years, voices are rising to demand a South Plan for the biodiversity of Quebec.

In Quebec, biodiversity is highly concentrated in the southern part, where it is ten times higher than in areas further north. On the other hand, the southern territories are under considerable pressure and this has been the case for a long time. The loss of biodiversity is important because of habitat loss as a result of urban development and land drainage, natural resource exploitation, pollution, biological invasions and climate change. Governance of these territories remains a key issue to consider, since weak regulatory frameworks often lead to biodiversity loss.

The pressures affecting biodiversity induce profound changes in the functions and services provided by the ecosystems on which large parts of the economy and, more generally, our well-being depend on. Considering that biodiversity and ecosystems are the basis of any climate change adaptation strategy, Québec should also have a South Plan to guide the changes that are necessary in the way we occupy and manage the territory and the resources within it. 

The purpose of this workshop is to lay the groundwork for a white paper that proposes a roadmap for implementing ecosystem protection measures and maintaining the biodiversity and ecological services that we value.

The recent environmental and climate events highlight the importance of these issues for many actors, and the possibility of reaching a consensus on the actions to be implemented by these actors. This consensual vision gathered in this white paper will be unveiled at the next ACFAS convention.

EDI Workshop (December 19)

Diversity, equity and inclusion: how we can work towards a fairer academic environment

We use biodiversity as an index for environmental health, yet when looking at the different fields in biodiversity science, equity and inclusion are still lacking. In this workshop, we will debate the challenges we need to address to make academia a healthier and fairer environment as it becomes more inclusive to underrepresented groups. All participants are invited to share their thoughts along the workshop, as well as what they expect of the QCBS diversity policy, which is currently being debated by a student committee.

Plenary Speaker

Claire Kremen

Claire Kremen

Conservation biologist, Professor

Dr.Claire Kremen graduated from Stanford University with a B.S. in Biology in 1982, and from Duke University with a PhD in Zoology in 1987. Now she is a biologist and a professor at Berkeley, University of California.

As a conservation biologist, she is dedicated to prevent and reverse the loss of biodiversity, coming up with systems that had great impact on biodiversity protection. With her lab group, she designs the project around specific applied problem, researches and solves them, aiming to draw generalized principles from these applications for better protecting the endangered environment.


Biodiversity and quantitative ecology: the state of play



Université de Montréal

Department of biological science

Recent developments of data analyses in community ecology


Assistant Professor,
Université de Montréal

Département de sciences biologiques

Mistakes will be made: biodiversity scientists
are underprepared for the future of data analysis



Assistant ProfessorQuantative Biodiversity Lab 
Dept of Biology
McGill Universityl

Biodiversity science in the era of big data, big models, and big potential


QCBS Art Exhibition

For its 2019 symposium, the CSBQ will celebrate the artistic fiber of its members by hosting the very first edition of the CSBQ Art Exhibition!

All members, professors, research professionals and students, will be invited to present their work of art in any form * . Paintings, drawings, graphics and sculptures will be accepted, as well as literature, poetry, music, dance and theater. Obviously, the main goal is not to exhibit professional artwork, but rather to create a unique opportunity to showcase the explosive marriage of art and science.

The exhibition will open with a vernissage and it will then be accessible throughout the symposium to relax your brains and stimulate your creativity.

What you need to know
  • Your work doesn’t need to be related to your research/work. Any artist that works in the field of science will see their art impacted by their scientific background, in some way.
  • No need for any artistic training!
  • You need to be able to bring your piece of art by yourself on the morning of December 19th to Concordia.
  • By submitting your piece of art, you agree that the QCBS may use it for promotion on the web.

The success of this first edition depends on your participation: go without moderation!

* Photographic works will be reserved for the traditional photo contest.

Special artist guest and her work

Heart of Fern

Catherine Plante

Catherine Plante


Catherine Plante has an unconventional professional background. Having always been driven by the desire to protect the environment, she obtained her diploma in geography-biology at UQAR and worked in the field of the environment for ten years. She then returned to her first love: visual art, a field in which she had first obtained a college diploma.

These two paths influence her art and make her a committed artist whose favorite subjects are: biodiversity and ecosystems of Quebec. 

An eco-responsible event

No more paper For the 6th consecutive year, we are engaged in making our event eco-responsible. We need your help for this! 

We are not using paper Instead of using paper materials, we have gone digital for the QCBS Symposium. All the information about the symposium program will be on the QCBS 2019 Symposium Sched.  

Use public transportation, if you can We highly encourage you to come to the event using public transportation, instead of using your own car. Using public transit is a major move towards diminishing the carbon footprint of your trips! You may use the following websites to plan your trip to the symposium: Google MapsSociété de transport de Montréal and Agence métropolitaine de transport. If you are not able to use public transportation, think of carpooling! CO2 emissions will be compensated in double: make sure you provide us with the information regarding your trip to the workshop and symposium.  

Waste management Our ultimate final waste target is to be under 5g/person and possibly less with your help. All cutlery and cups present at the event will be compostable. We also have a compost program for all food waste! With this action, we reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and cut emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. During the symposium, be sure to dispose of your garbage in each of the correct bins: recycling, compost and landfill waste. We request you to NOT bring any kind of waste from outside to the event (especially landfill waste, like coffee cups and polystyrene materials). We strongly encourage attendees to bring their own refillable water bottles and coffee mugs to the event.  

Reuse of name badges We reuse all name badges in future years. Please, think of leaving yours when you leave the event.