Marie Launay

McGill University
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Denis Roy
Start: 2022-01-01
End: 2027-08-31
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Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) in Warming Arctic: Genetics, Adaptation, and Resilience
The Arctic is undergoing rapid warming and faces unprecedented ecological changes threatening its delicate balance. This research focuses on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), a central species in Arctic marine ecosystems. As a crucial prey and energy mediator, Arctic cod's vulnerability to climate change and its conservation requires a comprehensive understanding of its population dynamics. My project has three main objectives: 1. Delineate the circumpolar population genetic structure of Arctic cod. 2. Conduct genome wide association studies identifying genomic regions with environmental and morphological traits. 3. Model the species' future dynamics and predicting its resilience to environmental shifts. Using Whole Genome Resequencing, my study innovatively scans the species entire genome, for an enhanced and highly resolved assessment relative to previous methods. This research not only addresses critical knowledge gaps in Arctic cod ecology but also promises to develop a framework by which other Arctic marine fish species can be assessed for important ecological information essential for their conservation in a rapidly warming Arctic.


Arctic, PopulationGenetic, Arcticcod, GlobalWarming


1- Morphology of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) assessed according to habitat preference and age in the Beaufort Sea
Malizia, Juliano, Marie Launay, Ingrid Marie Bruvold, María Quintela, Torild Johansen, James D. Reist, Andrew R. Majewski, Denis Roy
2023 Arctic Science