Eliane Miranda

McGill University
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Kyle Elliott
Start: 2022-09-01


Uses of PIT Tagging in two colonial auk species
As sentinels of the sea, seabirds have long been studied in multiple long-term monitoring projects. However, investigator disturbance while following breeding seabirds may result in lower survival rates and breeding success, leaving lasting negative impacts on the population. The investigator is moreover incapable of producing a strong unbiased estimate of the traits they are observing. PIT (Passive Integrated Transponder) tagging has proved itself a cheap and reliable way to uniquely identify individuals. However, PIT tagging hasn’t been thoroughly explored as a monitoring method for seabirds yet. My objective is to further explore the potentials of PIT tagging as a technology which allows for collecting large amounts of data with limited disturbance.


oiseaux marins, PIT Tag, RFID, études nordiques, seabird, northern studies, rhinoceros auklet, macareux rhinocéros, thick-billed murre, guillemot de Brünnich