Anya Mueller

McGill University
B.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Mélanie Guigueno
Start: 2022-05-02
End: 2023-12-31


The spatial and temporal intraspecific and interspecific variation in two wild passerine eggshell microbiomes and their effects on host fitness
This project is an exploration of the effect of space, time, and nest stage on the eggshell bacteria of yellow warblers and red-wing blackbirds for the 2022 nesting season in Delta Beach, Manitoba. Using 16s rRNA sequencing we will describe the bacterial communities of the eggshells of these two species at one site and compare the communities of yellow warblers between intact and damaged sites. We will then correlate bacterial composition to hatching success.


Microbiome, wild passerine, eggshell microbiota, habitat disturbance, 16s rRNA sequencing , hatching success, incubation, clutch initiation, host