Egor Katkov

McGill University
Postdoctoral fellow candidate

Supervisor: Andrew Gonzalez
Melania Cristescu
Fussmann, Gregor (QCBS Member @McGill University)
Start: 2022-10-01
End: 2023-10-01
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L'effet des nutriments sur la stabilité des communautés pélagiques d'eau douce dans les mésocosmes connectés
Egor is studying anthropogenic effects on lake ecosystems using the Large Array of Experimental Ponds (LEAP) at the Gault Nature Reserve. Specifically, his experiment focuses on how nutrient pollution can destabilize phytoplankton and zooplankton communities within meta-ecosystems (multiple connected ecosystems). Through this research, he hopes to help explain how connectivity mediates or exacerbates the destabilizing effect of nutrient pollution. Photo: Alex Tran, Gault Nature Reserve.


phytoplankton, zooplankton, eutrophication, metaecosystem, pelagic ecosystem


1- Intra‐annual variation of phytoplankton community responses to factorial N, P, and CO 2 enrichment in a temperate mesotrophic lake
Katkov, Egor, Étienne Low‐Décarie, Gregor F. Fussmann
2020 Freshwater Biology