Baptiste Nelaton

Université du Québec en Outaouais
Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Katrine Turgeon
Eric Harvey
Start: 2023-01-23
End: 2027-12-14
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Impacts of forest roads and global warming on forest stream connectivity : consequences to aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Forest roads are one of the main potential pressures on the spatial structuring of aquatic communities in a forest context. Climate change could increase the risks to these systems. The combined consequences of climate change and forestry-related activities remain poorly studied, and this project will provide concrete answers as to the mechanisms that manage the ecological continuity and integrity of forest aquatic ecosystems. This study aims to understand how hydrological and structural connectivity, biodiversity and functioning of lotic ecosystems in the temperate forest of the Canadian Shield are affected by forestry activities and climate change. Stream connectivity will be described and quantified to understand how it influences diversity patterns and community structure, and how it finally affects lotic ecosystem functioning.


Connectivité aquatique, Ichtyofaune, Hydromorphologie, Macroinvertébrés aquatiques, Hydrobiologie, Hydroécologie