Thibault BOURDIN

Ph.D. candidate

Supervisor: Philippe Constant
Eric Déziel, INRS-IAF
Start: 2018-10-15
End: 2022-08-31


Sink environment : A source of nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units
Nosocomial infections cause 4 to 56% mortality in newborns. Numerous epidemiological studies have highlighted the transmission of opportunistic pathogens (OPs) from the sink to the patient. This problem raises the question: (1) What is the importance of the sink environment in the exposure and the risk of contamination of newborns in NICUs by the POs? (2) Is there a transfer of bacterial communities from the sink environment to the gastrointestinal microbiota of the newborn? (3) How to predict nosocomial infections in NICU? The aim of this project is to demonstrate the importance of sink environment in the transmission of OPs and bacterial communities to newborns, to combat nosocomial infections. For two years, we will follow the rooms and patients admitted to NICU in three Montreal hospitals where new models of sinks limiting the production of bioaerosols once deployed. In more than 3,000 rooms and patient samples, monitoring of three control bacterial species (ie, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Serratia marcescens) will evaluate the performance of the sink models by combining culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. To this end, we have developed a detection and quantification method that will revolutionize high-throughput molecular diagnostics, using the multi-locus genotyping method. In addition to guiding a revision of some standards of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, this study provides the opportunity to develop a predictive model of nosocomial infections in NICU. By integrating the structure of the microbiota of newborns and sinks as well as some epidemiological data, this model will serve as a tool to guide and adapt prevention measures.


infections nosocomiales, unité de soins intensifs en néonatalogie, pathogènes opportunistes, Microbiote, Biologie moléculaire, ADN environnemental