Mi Lin
McGill University
Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Elena Bennett
Asim Biswas, Guelph University
Start: 2015-09-01
End: 2020-06-01
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Ph.D. candidate
Supervisor: Elena Bennett
Asim Biswas, Guelph University
Start: 2015-09-01
End: 2020-06-01
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Spatio-temporal changes of groundwater and its management in the Yellow River basin, ChinaMy PhD project is to explore how groundwater changes with time and space and how human and nature play their roles in this changing process. I used satellite data to detect the groundwater change and adopt focus group discussion to explore the decision-making network of the end-users. I tried to combine natural science method and social science method to show groundwater situations and its implications to society in both quantitative and qualitative way. I hope this work will contribute to a more sustainable use of groundwater resource in every country, which will help to alleviate the current water stress under the threat of growing populations and climate change.
Groundwater, Sustainablity, water management, space-time, anthropological impactsPublications
1- Fractal behavior of soil water storage at multiple depthsJi, Wenjun, Mi Lin, Asim Biswas, Bing C. Si, Henry W. Chau, Hamish P. Cresswell
2016 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics