The international internships of the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies (FRQNT) aim to foster the international and domestic mobility of master’s and doctoral students whose research activities align with the scientific program of a strategic research cluster such as the QCBS. Mitacs and FRQNT are partnering to fund a research grant program for collaborative projects with universities abroad, the GRA. QCBS students are invited to submit applications to the QCBS which will submit the applications selected.
Competition 2023
- 1 scholarship of $6,000
- Internship of 12 to 24 weeks, outside Canada
- Every strategic cluster can submit 1 candidate with 1 reservist
- Candidates will be chosen by th QCBS Scientific Committee according to the FRQNT criteria and respecting EDI principles
- Students enrolled in a university In Quebec must be Canadian citizen or permanent resident (unfortunately, international students already in Quebec no longer have access to this program)
- Your internship can start up to one year after the date your application is accepted by Mitacs (so your internship could start around January 2024 at most)
Submission of applications to QCBS: contact the QCBS coordinator if you want to submit an application – please submit your application as soon as possible after the announcement made by the FRQNT/QCBS.
- Application to submit for QCBS review:
- an application letter explaining how your research project fits in QCBS research program (4 axis) and how this internship will contribute to your training,
- an updated CV,
- your last transcripts – unofficial documents,
- a support letter from your adviser,
- a letter from your host lab (explaining the internship),
- a budget with all the information justifying your expenses (screen capture, online submission, etc.)
- Your application will be evaluated by a QCBS committee according to FRQNT guidelines according to the following criteria:
- The excellence of the file presented, the research aptitude of the person and the importance of the internship for their research project (60 %);
- The correspondence of the internship project with the scientific program of the QCBS (20 %);
- The potential of the internship project to strengthen QCBS international collaborations (20 %).
- The two selected applications will be submitted to the FRQNT by the QCBS.
For any question or to apply, contact
The deadline to submit your application is Februrary 12, 2023.
Since 2010, some 21 QCBS students were allocated a total of $162,525 for international internships through their QCBS affiliation. QCBS students who received international internships from the QCBS:

Arun dayananda
Internship at Dr Harisingh Gour’s laboratory at Central University, Sagar, India to carry out work on the invasiveness of an endemic snail species in cardamom plantations

Elena Beli
Working at Prof Max Telford’s lab in University College London

Pag-Yendu Yentchare
6 month long internship at the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, in Scotland, to work on the BENELEX project (Benefit-sharing for an equitable transition to the green economy – the role of law).

Fanny Vermendele
Internship at the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences, in Sweden, to work on revealing the mechanisms behind species and ecosystem responses to environmental changes

Marianne Falardeau-Coté
Internship at the Stockholm Resilience Center, in Sweden, to learn innovative scenario planning methods with experts in these technique, as a basis for a future project in the canadian arctic.

Gabriel Pigeon
6 month internship at the Southampton University with Dr Thomas Ezard to evaluate the potential role of evolutionary changes on population dynamics of bighorn sheep.

Paul Abram
Internship with Dr Stefano Colazza at the University of Palermo for 3 months to assess factors mediating decision-making by natural enemies used in biological control.

Shivapraksh Naguru
6 month internship with the University of Agricultural Sciences under the supervision of Sr. Uma Shaanker Ramanan on evolutionary processes and the diversification of tree species in tropical forests as a function of humidity gradients.

Magali Petit
Internship in Dr François Criscuolo’s lab in Strasbourg, france, at the multidisciplinary Hubery Curien Institute, to study the physiological adjustments for winter used by birds residing in cold temperate zones to respond to short term variations in their environment.

Amandine Boniface
6 month internship with prof Loic Bollache at the University of Bourgogne to test how much female guppies influence the behavior of their descendents depending on the parasitic conditions they encountered during their lifetimes.

Charlotte Marchand
Internship with prof. William Hogland at the University of Linnaeus in Sweden to study biodegradation through composting of oil residue, specifically polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Yanick Gendreau
Internship with Dr Nigel Yoccoz at Tromso University to evaluate the vulnerability of arctic tundra species to climate change as part of the Climate ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT) project.

Malie Lessard-Therrien
Internship with Dr. Kjell Bolmgren, coordinator of the Swedish National Phenology Network (SWE-NPN) to explore the link between community structure, environment and evolution, and use this knowledge to understand how subarctic plant communities are responding to climate change

Ria Ghai
Internship with Dr. Tony Goldberg, University Wisconsin, to learn technics in infectious disease ecology and epidemiology inorder to investigates the potential transmission of diseases between non-human primates living within the national park, and humans living adjacent to the national park

Vincent Fugere
Internship with Dr. Dean Jacobsen, working group: Freshwater biological section, University of Copenhagen to learn about aquatic invertebrates and to be able to classify invertebrate species found in poorly known Uganda streams

Antony Merante
Internship with Dr. Martin Kainz, Head of ‘Aquatic Lipid and Ecotoxicology Research Group (LIPTOX), Interuniversity Centre for Aquatic Ecosystem Research, to investigate specific fractions of lipids that could be used as biomarkers for tracer analysis in food webs

Edeline Gagnon
Internships with Dr Colin Hughe at the BioInformatics Institute of the University of Zurich to further her knowledge of phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis and with Dr Gwilym Lewis at Kew Gardens in London to complete her phylogenetic and biogeographic analyses.

Noemie D'Amour
Internship with Dr. Roxane Anderson, researcher at the Environmental Institute of Thurso, to learn how to do multivariate analyses to study plant succession in river-side ecosystems.

Kiyoko Gotanda
Internship with Dr. Darrell at Kemp Macquarie University on the analysis of her spectoradiometer data for guppy color

Youssef Ismail
Training at the United States Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Research Services

Marianne Bachand
Internship with Dr Maco Moretti at the Swiss Federal Research Institute on insect and bird traits database and multi-trophic analysis